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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Just Say Grow
It's up to the grower to figure out how to market their products to fetch a higher price to get away from the brokers. Fuck the brokers. To them weed is weed and it's all about the low price so they can make maximum profit.

It's all about the end customer. It's not that difficult to move 30 pound crops over a 10 week period. That's only 3 pounds per week. You'll make double the profit so in reality you only have to move half the crop to get what the broker would have low balled you. The rest is extra.

Like others have said, branding is key to high prices and staying ahead of the game. Clone selection is also key. It's not that difficult. If you can't get repeat business from retail, your product is not good enough. You shouldn't have to work hard to move your product. If your product is right, it moves itself. Find your niche market and figure out how to make your product look better than everyone else's. If your product can't move itself, maybe it's time to give up growing.

quoted for truth...if you gotta be a salesman, than you're doing something wrong.


the red part is all broker talk. green part should say i get to not its up to . wtf is up with all this 3rd person non sense ? the moments where you make decisions you are techinically being a broker and the moments where you watch the plants grow are when your a "grower" anytime your changing anything or buying anything new your being a "broker" and self hate is not cool .

Norcal I'm not sure if I understand you this, it sounds like commiunism/socialism are you saying you don't believe in freemarkets?


Good luck with that nonsense. Upon legalization I'm gonna use the Internet to market my harvest, I will decide what to charge, I will determine if I'm successfull or a failure. If by chance I'm growing the same strain as others (I doubt it) I will set my prices.


Active member
YesForProp, are you on Pgand E? I thought I saw you post about your electrical bill somewhere and it was ridiculously low for a bunch of lights, around a thousand it seemed.

I'm on PGE commercial which is like 18-19 cents a kWh, and pay around 2600-3k a month for running 40kw plus 16tons of cooling. it was my monthly mortgage that was 1000, which is ridiculously cheap considering most people i know are paying more than double that a month for warehouse space. edit: i should add that my bulbs were dimmed last round so only around 30kw total)

PGE residential is absolutely brutal. i have a property that I'm not even growing at that is running 350 a month just for TVs and a space heater or two. my boy is running 5kw worth of lights in veg near oakland and his bill was 1200 last month, he's given up growing flowers and just pumps clones now…..just fucking unreal. they really cracked down on CARE too….i wonder how much longer the electric car discount will apply. PLUS PGE IS RAISING rates soon…FUCK THOSE BASTARDS..


I'm on PGE commercial which is like 18-19 cents a kWh, and pay around 2600-3k a month for running 40kw plus 16tons of cooling. it was my monthly mortgage that was 1000, which is ridiculously cheap considering most people i know are paying more than double that a month for warehouse space. edit: i should add that my bulbs were dimmed last round so only around 30kw total)

PGE residential is absolutely brutal. i have a property that I'm not even growing at that is running 350 a month just for TVs and a space heater or two. my boy is running 5kw worth of lights in veg near oakland and his bill was 1200 last month, he's given up growing flowers and just pumps clones now…..just fucking unreal. they really cracked down on CARE too….i wonder how much longer the electric car discount will apply. PLUS PGE IS RAISING rates soon…FUCK THOSE BASTARDS..

On commercial? I thought it was mid level residential. Time for generators.


Registered Non-Conformist
Please allow me to be the first to suggest we start a whole new subgroup of threads dedicated to Aliendawg's lightbulb thoughts that will no doubt revolutionize this industry..

Cheers, Stasis.


Please allow me to be the first to suggest we start a whole new subgroup of threads dedicated to Aliendawg's lightbulb thoughts that will no doubt revolutionize this industry.. [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=41203&pictureid=997285&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Cheers, Stasis.

I'm not sure where you coming from? My primary purpose in this thread is debunk the dropping prices, by demonstrating that's peeps are in fact getting higher tickets & reminding growers that cost are rising, weather is getting worse, pest & disease is getting worse therefore the cost needs to be passed on. If you find this strange I don't know what to say. This is not Agronomy it's ornamental horticulture huge difference. Also It's not my fault breeders are using outdated methods for breeding. It's not my fault commercial soil producers use the cheapest amendments, sell contaminated soil, it's not my fault growers get ripped off by independent soil makers who can't formulate the soil correctly. It's not my fault practically every nutrient line is formulated correctly & overpriced. What about cloning methods do you even know what a real propagation farm looks like, what methods they use? What about dispensary's do they have a clue how one handles organic materials without contaminating it ? This is basic common practice among the practicing business. I'm not here to share anything but common knowledge. I want the fuking prices where they should be that's it.


Active member
Good luck with that nonsense. Upon legalization I'm gonna use the Internet to market my harvest, I will decide what to charge, I will determine if I'm successfull or a failure. If by chance I'm growing the same strain as others (I doubt it) I will set my prices.

if only the world were that simple and people will line right up. you and everyone else. why would people do that? i mean seriously. not trying to be snarky for no reason.
theres just a whole bunch of assumptions that arent very logical in your business plan. first off thats what people that are savvy are doing NOW. if you wait til its legal that market will be so flooded by folks like yourself and everyone else on here and everywhere. youll be over crowded by all the other folks that lost access to the market when they couldnt get in the distribution networks that bring herbs to consumers in the very convenient and diverse market place known as the store.
you realy think people are going to go online try to figure out who to trust and buy herb they cant see or smell at whatever price you deem fit raather than look at a display case full of liscensed growers wears that are tested for potency and cleanliness at the lowest they can sell it and stay solvent.
if that can work it will be so flooded with out of work growers youd be a needle in a haystack waiting to be noticed.
until they shut you down and put you in prison for trying to grow after its legal and you arent a producer.
if your plan is to maximize on pay out you have to consider that marketing and dealing with customers, their inane questions and packing up and going to the post office, managing payments and running it through accounts PLUS growing herb will be an expensive task unless you clone yourself.
i think your peachy "ive got it all figured out with my amazing plan, you all are just not being creative" attitude is laughable.
you have made several posts about not being able to use the worlds most user friendly computer interface of all times. the ipad.
my 4 year old can use those damn things.
now you are going to stand out on the web doing internet sales and marketing to an ever increasingly more fickle and and over served client base.
im not following your business plan here.
but it sounds like you have it all figured out.


if only the world were that simple and people will line right up. you and everyone else. why would people do that? i mean seriously. not trying to be snarky for no reason.
theres just a whole bunch of assumptions that arent very logical in your business plan. first off thats what people that are savvy are doing NOW. if you wait til its legal that market will be so flooded by folks like yourself and everyone else on here and everywhere. youll be over crowded by all the other folks that lost access to the market when they couldnt get in the distribution networks that bring herbs to consumers in the very convenient and diverse market place known as the store.
you realy think people are going to go online try to figure out who to trust and buy herb they cant see or smell at whatever price you deem fit raather than look at a display case full of liscensed growers wears that are tested for potency and cleanliness at the lowest they can sell it and stay solvent.
if that can work it will be so flooded with out of work growers youd be a needle in a haystack waiting to be noticed.
until they shut you down and put you in prison for trying to grow after its legal and you arent a producer.
if your plan is to maximize on pay out you have to consider that marketing and dealing with customers, their inane questions and packing up and going to the post office, managing payments and running it through accounts PLUS growing herb will be an expensive task unless you clone yourself.
i think your peachy "ive got it all figured out with my amazing plan, you all are just not being creative" attitude is laughable.
you have made several posts about not being able to use the worlds most user friendly computer interface of all times. the ipad.
my 4 year old can use those damn things.
now you are going to stand out on the web doing internet sales and marketing to an ever increasingly more fickle and and over served client base.
im not following your business plan here.
but it sounds like you have it all figured out.

It was a response to what I thought was a rip on free markets. I would never put my business plan on the net. My iPad cuts its connection in & out while I'm writing plus no key board.


its just how text works ..should never use a country for a widget or yourself for one. same as if you were talking about another person who does not post on this forum lol. you might as well have said 711 & am pm. the same logic and concepts apply to any two party's .

WTF I have no clue what you mean? I think I belong in the old timers section. Please for heavens sake Raise your prices!


internet is the samething as usps .

usps is the same thing as the dmv.

growers get forced to be brokers everygrow.

trim scene way might not be as bad as i thought at first. cause its like why pretend. same problem happens with music you give the person 100k and there music changes cause of how they think its the last time and you think its the first time or vice versa .

WTF? I'm definately lost, I'm going to the old farts section. Later!


Active member
internet is the samething as usps .

usps is the same thing as the dmv.

growers get forced to be brokers everygrow.

trim scene way might not be as bad as i thought at first. cause its like why pretend. same problem happens with music you give the person 100k and there music changes cause of how they think its the last time and you think its the first time or vice versa .

you're almost to 50


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Please Allendawg go to the old timers sections and stop spamming good threads with your thought processes that are not based on experience just observations.
Ruining good threads smh


One last thing, keep in mind the hydro store where many sell their bud thru they are on this site, the dispensary where you sell your bud also on this site. The % of them is far greater than the % of growers in Cali on this site, I would bet most growers in Cali don't use the net vs most vendors do.