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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Have you seen the prices in Japan? China they've been quietly patenting lots of Genetics, recent sat photos reveal MASSIVE grows in China, of course they deny it.


The next $$$$$$ crop - or...would you like fries with that, Sir?

The next $$$$$$ crop - or...would you like fries with that, Sir?

This is from Wikipedia but it seems well-cited so I thought I'd use it.


Get this....

  • In the United States cultivation is illegal. Opium is listed as a Schedule II controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration. In addition, "Opium poppy and poppy straw" are also prohibited.[14] However, this is not typically enforced for poppies grown or sold for ornamental or food purposes.[4] Though the opium poppy is legal for culinary or esthetic reasons, poppies were once grown as a cash crop by farmers in California. The law of poppy cultivation in the United States is somewhat ambiguous.[15] The reason for the ambiguity is because The Opium Poppy Control Act of 1942 (now repealed),[16][17][18] stated that any opium poppy should be declared illegal, even if the farmers were issued a state permit.[19] § 3 of The Opium Poppy Control Act stated:
It shall be unlawful for any person who is not the holder of a license authorizing him to produce the opium poppy, duly issued to him by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to produce the opium poppy, or to permit the production of the opium poppy in or upon any place owned, occupied, used, or controlled by him.
This led to the Poppy Rebellion, and to the Narcotics Bureau arresting anyone planting opium poppies and forcing the destruction of poppy fields of anyone who defied the prohibition of poppy cultivation.[20][21] Though the press of those days favored the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, the state of California supported the farmers who grew opium poppies for their seeds for uses in foods such as poppyseed muffins. Today, this area of law has remained vague and remains somewhat controversial in the United States.[22] The Opium Poppy Control Act of 1942 was repealed on 27 October 1970.[23][24

^^^...sound vaguely familiar...?


How much opium is produced from one opium poppy plant?

Answers. 1 helpful answer below.
by Ruth Amick on November 20th, 2009

  • green_banner.png
    Great Answer

    Professionally Researched.

    Each opium poppy plant produces three to five flower heads on average, but may produce seven or more. Each flower head produces a seed pod which can contain anywhere from 10 to 100mg of opium; the average is 80mg per seed pod.Source:

    Opium Poppy Cultivation
    How to Grow Opium Poppies

    Opium - Poppy Cultivation, Morphine and Heroin Manufacture

>>>>>more:From Flowers to Heroin


refining it...?


oh yeah, you'll need seeds, I think...


from their website:

CHINA WHITES-As a stand alone packet for the first time ever!!!
Papaver somniferum, var. album China White seeds have been the most sought after papaver strain known to man, for the exceptionally large, snow white flower blooms, that look absolutely stunning in the light of a full moon on a clear night, and whose seed pods swell even larger than the flowers!

These are highly desirable, not only for their alkaloid rich latex
, which is illegal to harvest in the USA... Harvesting active alkaloids from the pod's latex is prohibited by law, even where it is legal to grow these plants for their highly attractive flowers, or seeds for cooking or baking, we do not recommend taking chances with both the law, and your health, as these have been highly prized in the Orient for the highest grade opium manufactured in the world, and is primarily used for pharmaceutical use only, under strict scrutiny of the DEA, where permits to grow and harvest them are legally held by those growers!

OK. There ya go. Everything you'll need. Go get em, boys!


BTW....just in case someone does not see this as the bitter sarcastic comment on the evolving state of affairs in OUR canna-biz that it is....well...sorry.....

Comments welcome.


Active member
China white was first used as a heroin term, like black tar, brown etc. Calling a poppy seed China white is an attempt at marketing based on the strength of China white heroin, which was supposedly relatively pure. Papaver Somniferum comes in dozens of colors, probably even hundreds. I've grown poppy's for several years for the ornamental value as well as the pods in case of unrelenting aches and pains.(thought I would make tea of it but haven't yet). There is a variety that is suppose to be stronger but it isn't China white.


Organic lover how was it grown? How would you rate the quality? Bag appeal etc... That would determine is those prices are good? Dispensary? Single units?


The company with the Indian grow is United Cannabis Corporation, whom just partnered with DNA genetics. They bought rights to several hundred strains supposedly. The Kansas company isn't cannabis related just a financier. I personally can't fuck with where I see legal cannabis going therefore I'm planning my exit strategy, I'm happy with the mark I've made.


What rights? How did DNA patent their strains? United Cannibus Corp gonna throw $$$ around? how's that gonna work? I wouldn't fuck with that humboldt community you can't just ram shit down people's throat without consequences! Who do you think controls local politicians, police etc... This isn't CO this is Cali I don't they understand what that means! This isn't casino gambling.


Registered Non-Conformist
Fark DNA. Don't even get me started. Larcenous POS's without Peer. Caught red-handed. Made their getaway. Other than that they are fine gentlemen, whom I would not hesitate to allow out on a date with Your dog. Peace, the love goes deep, A....:ban:


Active member
its funny how legalization is really simply just legal to purchase. growing will become more illegal and theyll be less of us, and not to mention we'll have to be bigger thus easier to find in order to be profitable in the least.
thats quite a scenario to imagine. you are no longer a needle in a hay stack and your grow is actually what they are looking for. none of that big fish stuff.theyll only be big fish that get paid no one else will be making a living at or pursued by leo. the state will actually be out in force to protect its tax revenue. lil closet grows wont get busted but they wont pay the mortgage anymore either. that would be hobbyist and no one will pay attention including the market in most cases.

the niche market myth.

how many times have you heard folks tell you that theyll be pursuing that "niche farmers market" clientele. first off, people arent going to seek out unregulated black market enough to ensure sales as long as its available at the store relatively reasonably priced and with adequate (not necessarily top notch) herb. you figure over 99% of folks that smoke couldnt tell the difference between nice and epic or mediocre and just plain garbage. thats a rare bird that isnt a grower that knows that much about strains and what they like dont like etc unless the live in a disp state and are just totally obsessed.
we are the ones who really know quality and the customers follow expected tastes but the subtleties are lost on most folks. they arent going to turn their nose up at the out door og that turned out ok despite the electric trimmer and the random seeds here and there. especially if its priced like it was farmed mechanically like oranges or barley straw but have the bag appeal of an ok mid level growers herb from ten years ago.
i bet farmers get really good at minimizing the quality impact that the combine and bud trimming mill has on the herb.
if people crave something a little more hard hitting theyll reach for a dab.

you could figure out a way to push up efficiency and maintain a respectable terpine profile and finish. they could treat it like something between corn and fresh cut flowers. its not like we couldnt design some method that is careful with the certain quality killing short cuts so as to mimic mediocre or decent enough outdoor. ive seen peoples shit for years, the bar isnt as high for the american market as people on here would have you believe. you dont need teflon curved scissors and brown glass jars with those stupid ass humidity buttons to achieve quality, nor does it even do much to achieve it.

its about plant health nutrition and careful controlled drying. not exactly insurmountable to a agricultural research and development team with major money and a team of farm equipment greenhouse and processing facility engineers.
perfect growing parameters in a green house with perfect plant nutrition maintained by folks with tissue sample labs and agronomists in house is pretty easy to imagine.

most growers spend hundreds of dollars each grow on not understanding basic salt formulation and plant nutrition. those bottled hydro nutes are pennies on the dollar built with salts from a feed store. they arent hard to formulate either, and if they were formulated for any other crop they cost very little more than they do raw.

cannabis farmers arent paid for their know how so much as their willingness to live this lifestyle and weather the risk. grow skills come later, if at all. most just know a recipe that works and couldnt tell you the slightest thing about the ingredients or how to tweak them for a desired effect with a specific single salt.
so at the point it becomes legal your job is gone unless you know how to farm. like actually farm not measure off a canna label and pay them to do the thinking.

i scoff at the idea that a team of agricultural engineers and with good genetics cant design a scaled out system that will surpass your average outdoor growers crop in terms of quality. all parameters in perfect enough harmony and a watchful eye on designing the harvest and curing youre going to see a very cheap product to produce at respectable quality compared to the average outdoor grower right now.

the lowest price profitable will be a lot lower with such low overhead and cheap labor. the market will hit saturation and those low prices will be met in a race to sell product. youll either lose your shirt and go home counting your losses or barely eek by and weather the slump only to get ready for the next tough round of industry musical chairs. how many rounds til you lose your seat?


Active member
i dont say this to be gloomy its just the reality and the sooner we face the better off we will be when we plan our near future and finances, i hate the idea of the lovely folks i know losing their land in norcal and the single moms i know supporting thier families with a grow and having time to spend with them. fuck corporate farms.
this is a real transition and its going to make peoples heads spin who rely on it for money but arent reading the writing.
its going to change faster and faster every month from here on out. the industry will be unrecognizable in five years and the market will be largely inaccessible to most growers within three. ill bet pot brownies to peanuts on my forcast. i wonder which will be worth more when it unfolds.


so at the point it becomes legal your job is gone unless you know how to farm. like actually farm not measure off a label and pay others to do the thinking.
I'm more optimistic than that. Even if big money gets involved they will still want their operations staffed by people who have experience growing cannabis. Small growers will make less money than they do now, and instead of running their own grow and choosing their hours they will be working a big grow with predetermined hours/salary.. However the money they make will be legal money, and they will never worry about helicopters or jackboys

complications may arise though, if grows/jobs are outsourced to other countries. But there will be a huge rise in California in service-industry businesses/jobs related to cannabis, i.e. retail, food and beverage, tourism, etc.

Unforeseen markets might spring up. perfume, candles, and soap scented with real cannabis terpenes, perhaps??

Also there is the huge industry that is hemp.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
instead of running their own grow and choosing their hours they will be working an industrial grow with set hours/salary

That would suck the life out of me....

TRH Seeds

A wise man once told me: 'The tsunami is coming, ride the wave or go over the falls'


instead of running their own grow and choosing their hours they will be working an industrial grow with set hours/salary

That would suck the life out of me....

yah you can always be the little guy and try to make a living but the majority go the path of least resistance, which is usually the least liberating.


Active member
that kind of attitude doesn't help anyone, you should try to be more optimistic. Even if big money gets involved they will still want their operations staffed by knowledgeable people who have experience growing cannabis. Small growers will make less money than they do now, and instead of running their own grow and choosing their hours they will be working a big grow with predetermined hours/salary.. However the money they make will be legal money, and they will never worry about helicopters or jackboys

i think 3 years IS optimistic to be honest. i dont think your rebuttal is so much about optimism as it is about gratitude and acceptance.
saying well be working for some large grow outfit and making hourly wages or barely middleclass salaries is an acceptable outcome of a life dedicated to a entrepreneurial career is good enough is kind of pessimistic if you ask me.
you speak of jackers and helicopters, how many of you stomached huge financial risks in that hostile of an environment with the hopes you could make as much as the manager at kinkos? when we dont have a job anymore and our only skills are based on knowing how to use unaffordable plant food and doesnt fill the gap that only a real horticulturist can fill, why would someone hire you? because you have done the mindless work of trellising pot plants and know about how to time it and do it reasonably well. all that shit could be taught to a team of entry level healthy strong people over the course of doing it and sadly at like 10-12 bucks an hour in alot of scenarios. what couldnt be taught quickly could be attended to by a higher trained peon with a few new hires to follow his or her lead.
i mean do you realize how many of us are going to be looking for work all at once? theyll have their pick of the brightest growers at low wages and the rest of us will be competing for manual labor type positions that frankly we are not likely as good at as a 18-45 year old life long manual farm laborers that will get hired and taught to grow by talented grow managers like yourself. im sure you are good at it and im sure you could train a team to implement what you learned under your instruction.
thats like 400 jobs for every 200 ,000 growers looking to replace thier income in the legal ,market.
its actually a pretty grimm scenario.

if i wanted to work for a corporate boss for an hourly wage i wouldve never stumbled upon growing herb. i was a homeless rambler when i made the transistion to growing, it was my desire for freedom and to subvert wage slavery that led me to herb growing. prior to that i was a pretty foot lose happy pennyless gardener/squatter. i imagine at some point i may be again but ill try to hold onto the investment as long as its fun. when i put on a clean shirt and clock in ill likely decide that a paycheck isnt worth the price of my freedom.


Active member
8 years ago I could make 500k a year with 10 lights. Now it takes 20 lights on the east coast. Still plenty of money to be made if you have the drive. Time to start really saving for the end though. I figure I got at least 5 years left. You west coast guys probably need 40 lights to make 500k a year.


If every MJ grower in Cali votes no it won't legalize in 16!!! The real professionals could give a shit if it legalizes any time soon, 1st in market advantage & branding will zero impact on their success or failure! Furthermore; don't forget it's the stoners & misinformed businessmen who are pushing for legalization. Not the pros!!


Active member
im pro legalization but i wish folks would have held out for better laws to be written. its basically a move to control who grows it and who doesnt to extract the grotesquely above production cost profits that are just sitting there in our hands waiting to be snatched. if its too be legal it should free and unfettered. the same thing would happen ultimately but we would have more players ad less corporate fucks simulteanously growig and lobbying for stiffer mj penalties for those in the black market.

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