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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Again I think the evidence has demonstrated that prices have come off the bottom! Furthermore; water issues, pest & disease, compliance checks etc... Make it far more difficult than the past to pull off large scale!


Active member
Well, mainly because the stuff makes a huge difference in finished quality. The amount that is used is the equivalent of about $8 per light per cycle even buying the smaller bottles, I imagine that it would cost significantly less when purchased by the 100's of gallons.

I would think in order to fully replicate it's results you would need to have it analyzed and reproduced exactly. which would carry a significant cost and also take time. I'm all for this route if it is in fact cost effective over a given period of time. I know that one of the main things in the final is triacontanol, but beyond that I don't have much of a clue.

it's used @ 3.8ml/gal for 14 days so each light would use 266ml per run assuming you're feeding 5gal per light per day(which in my experience is more than necessary). so yeah looking at 70gal for one run @ 1000kw @ a retail price of around $100/gal...definitely enough to be using something produced in house if possible...but if it in house production is not feasible I personally wouldn't hesitate to spend the 7k on the stuff...but it's just a product that I swear by. also fwiw I wouldn't consider one product accounting for 75% of overhead unless that product is power.

I'll end with this- try it and get back to me ;)
fair enough.
i am ignorant to this product.
i wasnt talking about this product accounting for 75%.
i was saying that formulating in house would save you 75% of your total nutrient costs.
and youre right if something makes that much of a difference it culdnt hurt to use it if its costing
8 bucks per light per round, it was more of a general argument.
i know youre killin it and i wont argue with your results.
try it huh?
well i may look into it to see what the fuss is about. maybe ill have my lab analyze it? i dont know what that would cost. if its in the msds sheet itll say it or it will say propriety ingredient.
now you got me curious. haha
see how this works.lol


Active member
Again I think the evidence has demonstrated that prices have come off the bottom! Furthermore; water issues, pest & disease, compliance checks etc... Make it far more difficult than the past to pull off large scale!

LOL, your syntax is all Sarah Palin, you better watch out I think i saw Katie Couric around the corner!


Just Say Grow
I'd be all ears if you got the stuff analyzed. It's funny because the first person that recommended the stuff to me back in 09 tried to give me a bottle and I turned it down even after he said all the same stuff about it as I do now(makes the trichs glassy and seems to make the glands swell and elongate, make's the trichs more oily, seems to make lower stuff more dense, and makes calyx's swell to larger than without. mainly enhances quality with the side benefit of a slight bump in yield) I gave it a go about a year later after finding it at my local grow shop and have used it ever since minus the few runs that I thought I could achieve the same results without it(results were close but the final takes them over the top)...after trail and error I don't think twice about using the stuff now....I've told all of my buddies on here about it although I don't know if anyone ever pulled the plug and gave it a whirl. all of my local bro's that run my mix/setup use it...one of em even got fist sized nugs from the forum cut(seriously, I had a pic on my phone for while but that phone was lost...I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes...no co2, no pgr's, it was crazy...he's also had pineapple sized blue dream nugs)

I see what you were implying about the 75% thing now...I can agree to the benefits of making an in-house solution, but I'd need to see all of the data to really figure out the cost effectiveness over a given time period...something I'd be completely open to. for me the benefit to cost ratio is in the positive even at a retail price, so same benefits at a fraction of the cost is a no brainer.


Registered Non-Conformist
I find it silly how "name conscious" people are about strains, especially here in the Midwest. But "Pop Culture" is like that. Limited in scope. Lowest Common Denominator. "Jordache bud."

We must remember here, MOST Cannabis users are not at a level of sophistication to even recognize varieties or even flavors. Growing differences can account for extreme differences between buds of the same variety anyways.

Still hoping for a Boutique market. Not into complicating my life with thousands of lights or too many people. Pure Static on the life I am always creating for myself. But, good on Ya if you are into it. Someone has to do it.

Cheers, Stasis... Trip D


Active member
I'm a CO resident, and I watched the little series "Pot Barons of Colorado". It was interesting, but typical. Greedy "marketing-type" people trying to come in and cash in, with zero product knowledge. One of the more annoying personalities on that show mentioned that they do NOT grow their own, and need to rely on supplies on the wholesale market. I think that the wholesale (to the dispensary, legal) price was something like $2800/lb for "OK" product, which seems about right from what I have heard from others, both in and out of the legal industry.

I have to say that after having my red card for a few years, I am really pissed at all of the medical dispensaries that sold out to rec, and all of the sudden the lines are huge, there is no privacy, and they can be "sold out" of MEDICAL Banana Kush, but somehow have pounds of Banana Kush on the "rec side" of the store... for $60+ per 1/8th.

That was basically my last straw, as I saw medical shop after medical shop go either part or fully rec. MOST dispensaries stopped trimming by hand, some started pre-packing their products in vac bags or vials, stopped growing their own, and many have rec businesses that are several times the size of their medical "areas". There are still a few good ones out there, and I just had some great dispensary product, but that trip to a good dispensary was honestly just to go get a few clones (and when I got there, the County had decided that it was not legal to sell clones there), and it took me over two hours, round trip.

So let me get this straight. As a medical patient, I sign over my plants to a dispensary to "grow for me", and then I get to PURCHASE them back at prices as high as $20/gram? And then, if I wanted other parts of the plant (bubble hash, edibles, etc), I also get to pay for that, to the tune of $25 for 100mg (total) cookies or $20/g bubble, which is made from MY plant's waste products? Of course, now it's all blasted anyway, because they can blast all sorts of crap into, well, crappy BHO.

And then I started growing my own medicine, and that's the way that I like it. I can use a lot of the plant, it's fun, and it's orders of magnitude cheaper (and better) than from a dispensary. Substitute dispensary prices for the amount of quality product that I can legally grow and, wow, where does that dispensary money go? With all of the BHO, edibles, and bubble that they sell from the trim (and the buds), my six plants are somehow "worth" $10,000+ in dispensary funny money. My entire grow setup for those plants, the electricity, nutes, timers, etc didn't even cost $2,000, and it's pretty respectable for a small CO grow.

I'd like to see something like "hacker space" for grows in CO. A group of people can make a "community garden" and then share the work/investment/rewards, co-op style. It would also allow people to grow in commercial spaces that are rated for high amps, have consistent power, good and safe environmental controls, etc. Just like I can rent a "cage" of server space in a large, climate-controlled, secure datacenter, I should be able to rent a "cage" of 4k watts, a few hundred gallons of water, and a secure and climate controlled growing area to do with as I please, and I'll pay a *reasonable* price for it.



Registered Non-Conformist
"Good for you. And do you often see THIS..?" --- My ready reply to the ubiquitous lowball statement of late. "I USUALLY pay $____ for a ____."

I have NO sympathy for the Broker who has no clue of the challenges, costs, and commitment involved in Growing top-notch indoor meds. This year, I look forward to getting back under the sun (where I am happiest)... Finally.

Harvest Moon - cool post.. Sounds crappy, and Illinois looks even more greed-based down the road, if they ever get out of their own way.


Active member
Stasis when i see that statement of i usually pay this for this, i tell them go get it then cuz that aint this. I grew it so i set my price. Cash talks but im also not running a 10k grow so i cant sell myself short. I know all of yall feel my pain lol


CO prices for mid grade to high grade are going in one direction that's up! Unless Indian reservations manage to ship it into CO! CO is capable of growing enough quality to supply it's own peeps(small market vs tourist) but due too climate change its not gonna be a pleasant place to live next 25 years much less an environment where you wanna grow MJ! If you look @ the record low temps in Ft. Collins that should be an indicator where things are heading!!


B4 anyone starts taking shots @ the climate; I was the guy warning everyone about Broads & Russets 5 years ago everyone laughed,, as a result I deleted my account! Now I'm back! Who's laughing now?? Guess what it's only gonna get worse!!