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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Registered Non-Conformist
It ain't all titties and getting serviced by naked nubile female trimmers anymore. Maybe for a minute, but the price is high for that now. And not always measured in US Dollars. lol.

(Nor)CA(l) = Anarchy. Competition, Nepotism, as well as BS factors off the charts. It is a shitshow, and pure Darwinism played out graphically. Like swimming through molasses. Not pleasant.


Active member
you want to make some money?
invest in a vocational school in humboldt for adults wanting to enter the regular non cannabis job market.


Active member
trucker school in southern humboldt. youd have a two year waiting list and could charge as much as you wanted as long as it didnt cost more than commuting to sacto or the bay for school


Active member
basically self employment being the predominant situation in this industry is over.
if you havent already funded your big move and have made the chunk already you aint gonna. it is not going to be a situation where every 36 plants has a ceo anymore. it going to be every 36,000 sq feet does. and soon it will be every 36 farms does.
youll be lucky to even get hired if you skill level is based on doling out premixed " cannabis" nutes according to a recipe handed to you and only a vague knowlege of what they are made of.
if youre hoping to get into this as a boutique grower with a couple dozen lights and favorite nutrient line you might as well go home. youd be lucky to even get hired.
this is going to be done to industrial standards of both scale and efficiency. botanicare gh and canna wont be part of this and neither will any grow stores in about 5 years or less.
better read up and hire young horticulturists and agronomists to get your irrelevant ass up to speed before you are tryig to get a job as a budtender.


3rd-Eye Jedi
One thing about pot heads is the hyper projection of what is to come

Where in the cycle do you think we are? how do you think legality will play into these stages on local, country and global markets?

Don't have to answer for the question is rhetorical.

FWIW organic tops from living soil are commanding far mroe than other local indoors of like strains

Most pot out there is still substandard imho (better than 90s beasters, sometimes)


In the development stage, the product goes through testing and a prototype is developed. This is after considerable market research to identify consumer needs and wants. If the product is deemed commercially viable, then the product may be put into mass production and launched.

It is important to remember at this stage expenditure for the company is high. No income is being received as there are zero sales. This is the first stage of the product cycle lifespan.

Introduction is the stage in which a new product is first made available in the market. In the introduction stage, customers are few, competition is less, sales are low, risk is high and profits are low or nil. There are heavy distribution and promotion expenses. This stage is full of risks and uncertainties. prices are also high because(1) costs are high due to low level of output.(2) technological problems in production may not have been solved, and(3) high profit margins are required to support the heavy promotion expenditure. the product at the introduction stage requires high activity in promotion.

If the product is popular with consumers, then sales will start to rise. It may be a rapid growth or a slower one. Rapid growths that fall away just as quick are called 'Fads'. That process is known as Growth.

Advertising is often still heavy at this point.

Once the product is well established and consumers are satisfied, then the product is widely accepted and growth slows down. Before long, however, a successful product in this phase will come under pressure from competitors. The producer will have to start spending again in order to defend the product's market position or introduce extension strategies.

It may only be in the Maturity stage where companies will receive a return on their original expenditure and investment due to potentially high start up and development costs.

Saturation: At the very end of the Maturity stage, and where there is no further growth possible, saturation occurs. This is also referred to as Saturation Point. This is when little or no advertising is needed and sales are levelling off.this is the period of stability. during this period, the sales of the product reaches the peak. there is a steady demand for the product and no possibility for growth. However, at this stage other competitors also become popular and capture the market.

Sooner or later sales fall due to changes in consumer tastes or new choices available from competitor's products.

Again, extension strategies may be open to the company to keep the product alive. The product can be declined if there is no proper growth and the later stage which has been discussed above.


Its different talking about consumer level vs wholesale. Retail/Consumer weed prices have not changed much so i dont think that market will decline for a while. Wholesale marlet had been going down steadily for a decade now in cali but it was ridiculously inflated before ($4-6k lbs)

I think the new trend will be $800-1000 AAA outdoor/greenhouse lbs dominating the market. Indoor growers will have to be the best of the best in order to stay afloat and their prices will drop well below 2k. Eventually retail prices everywhere will go down as more stores open.


Active member
Not even AAA. The average recreational user can't handle that level of potency nor do they care for the price. Most people are happy drinking budweiser and smoking regs. I watched pot barons last night, and they claimed that medibles account for half their sales.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Not even AAA. The average recreational user can't handle that level of potency nor do they care for the price. Most people are happy drinking budweiser and smoking regs. I watched pot barons last night, and they claimed that medibles account for half their sales.

that show fucking pisses me off to no end....


3rd-Eye Jedi
People will only be custy noobs for so long, eventually they will learn to discriminate.

Funny, the "ballers" flashing stacks don't tell the world how they spend their money on colt 45, all of a sudden they become awfully discriminating.

Humans are amazingly adaptable like that, customers too. Sometimes a lil education goes a long way. Also in this regard growing can be like cooking, brewing or other endeavors where quality in small batches most often outshines quality on a mass scale.

Make it legal and force the price to 75 an oz for the best mass production you got,
I don't need more than myself to make good money at those price points.

It might make me a bit busier but I don't think I would still consider it work, aka working corporate environment.


Active member
People will only be custy noobs for so long, eventually they will learn to discriminate.

Funny, the "ballers" flashing stacks don't tell the world how they spend their money on colt 45, all of a sudden they become awfully discriminating.

Humans are amazingly adaptable like that, customers too. Sometimes a lil education goes a long way. Also in this regard growing can be like cooking, brewing or other endeavors where quality in small batches most often outshines quality on a mass scale.

Make it legal and force the price to 75 an oz for the best mass production you got,
I don't need more than myself to make good money at those price points.

It might make me a bit busier but I don't think I would still consider it work, aka working corporate environment.

Right... that's why microbreweries dominate the beer market... cannabis infusions will dominate the new cannabis market. AAA won't matter when you plan to run all the plant material through an extractor. Of course there will be TLO craft pot, but it will never be the bread winner.


Well-known member
One thing is for certain, everything that the government (local or otherwise) touches moves at a snails pace with all of their red tape & bureaucracy.

While I don't necessarily disagree with the posts here, I don't believe the sky is falling just yet.

For now, it looks like taxes will remain high so the black market will continue to reign in many places. Quality will always be important to those who really care, and as stated education and the continuance of new smokers becoming more knowledgeable of the product will sustain demand for a better quality product then what will be mass produced via 1000+ lighters.

Who knows.. just watching and speculating from the outside looking in. Many of us still nowhere near medical so it'll still be a while in my opinion before mom and pop start panicking. I do agree that most folks need to focus on saving their money and legitimizing their income streams. The fear mongering around here doesn't help.. it's not like pot growers are only capable of growing pot. Why some get enjoyment out of predicting the future & telling people they're fucked is beyond me.

Large scale climate controlled light dep green houses + the evolution of the concentrate markets definitely does have me questioning what the future of all this may look like. Ultimately once it is federally DE-scheduled I do believe we'll see it treated much like a regular commodity with standard agricultural practices. How long that'll take..It's anybody's guess.

In my opinion.. we've got much bigger issues on the horizon with our economies, mass unemployment and currency/debt situations.


Active member
that show fucking pisses me off to no end....

I thought the lady who makes the organic medibles was particularly annoying, like when she screamed like a little girl over the "purple kush". Lol I got the impression these people haven't been in the industry for that long.


Well-known member
Med-Man via his brother seems to be the only ones on that show who know what they are doing. (just going on what I've witnessed via the show). Their grow facility looks pretty official and it seems like the skinny brother has some prior experience growing.

They seem to be the only one that were dry trimming so I'm sure their product is superior to the others featured.

All of it is kind of annoying and almost makes me want no part in the future of this industry. Income stream concerns aside just watching that show makes me want go back to the days of hobby growing for personal consumption. Seems like a ton of red tape to operate above the law. 15k application fees + 400k in assets to just apply for a license? That's insane. I was under the impression that dispensaries had to grow 70% of their product in house. Seems like that blonde chick didn't have her own production setup and was just retailing. Is that just certain counties or something?

Did anyone see the early episode where the cigar smoking/ unbuttoned shirt tool was trying to get med-man to lock in a future contract on his fan leaves? Amazing.. These fools have no idea where this industry came from...the risk, the work, & all the ups and downs many of us have endured throughout prohibition... Everyone just trying to cash in on the green rush.


Modern Agronomy is failing subsidized farming is actually killing us! If you look @ what's going on in AG worldwide it's hard to argue that Monoculture is a net gain! Global food shortages are on the rise, some scientist conclude the pest & disease issue alone will render all farmland unusable by 2035, that's if the cold temps & water drilling don't destroy it first! Global Ag needs to be retooled it's a monumental task due to demand of cheap food! Governments understand cheap food = ability to brainwash the commons! The truth is food is expensive to create we have our values screwed up! Furthermore adding MJ & Hemp to the environment only complicates the problem!