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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
And I agree... which is exactly why i've continued with my broker as the price has fallen from 32, 31, 30, 28 and now 25. I do appreciate being able to dump to one person. I'm not trying to sound greedy. It is discerning however to see these wholesale prices fall all while knowing nothing has changed on the retail end. Maybe there is more to it, but it just seems like the brokers are just making more and more..or "dealers" I should say. The brokers may still be making their few points.. but somebody is making more because smokers are paying the same.

As lenient you may claim it to be... I still have a few friends sitting for 4-5 years because they decided to scale up and got popped with fed charges. I also know several basement growers who got merely a slap on the wrist and some probation. Why and where the feds get involved.. it's hard for me to say.

I'm not necessarily looking to branch out because of greed. I'll take the 25 @ bulk, but I do not want to back myself in a corner dealing with only one guy and need to develop some new relationships to maintain some sense of negotiation power and the ability to walk. I mean.. at 25 I'm being asked if I can come down, but I'm walking before I even hear that figure - I just aint doing it right now... Again, it's who ya know. Unfortunately who I know also has me dealing with these lower prices earlier then many others in my area.

I snagged up a bonsai hero this last run. It'll take some getting used to. It works excellent on a few varieties which only need carved up a bit.. others, it's not even worth getting them out. That's my goal right now.. narrow down some genetics worth running that are easy to trim//dry/unload without the use of the trimpro rotor.. even if it's just for the lowers. I don't think quality is really it. It's just merely a negotiation tactic when your broker can pull out a duffel of pretty decent smelling and looking cali and tell you how cheap he's getting it.

Here's the latest that left at 2500 after some back and forth, which left me a bit worried. I need to know that I have an outlet prior to building/growing/harvest as I continue to expand and invest. I don't anything wrong with it and it smells like fruity candy. I'm certain this would warrant attention in any market.. even the legal ones.

Never the less. I love growing bud and will continue to do so until it's just not financially possible to produce indoors under lights.

..just wanted to add my insight into this wholesale prices are plummeting thread. Perhaps it may give the west coast guys some new insight on what things are doing over here. I do know many are not going west anymore. They are refusing to.. and are getting it landed here at those prices (15-22) due to the competitiveness in the west. Acquisition risk is adverted from the local brokers here and they are playing with larger volumes for less.

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I wouldn't let that go for less than 5@35, or 4-42 for a single.

Maybe let your guy have a small loyalty discount, but if he wants to be a dick and hang some leverage over your head, keep at the prices, or find him his cheap cali, but don't let your primo go. Once his customers stop coming because his quality has gone down, he'll be back. If he knows what he's doin, he wouldn't be letting that stuff go for less than 340-360 a zip or 1300 for a qp. Well grown, unvacced, local, fragrant flowers will always fetch the premium. Give him the low quality the west coasters don't want, if that's his style.

The way I look at it, yea, I'll move these vacced cali OD for cheap and play that game, but if people want quality, you're gonna have to pay, and when I lower my prices, I also lower my fellow local grower's prices.

If custy wants lower prices, write to respective legislators and have them legalize, and come out to the protests. Why do I need to be the one doing that AND growing your herb. because 'merica.


Active member
So far this year's cali has been looking kind of lame, though, but maybe we'll see. Or maybe just get out there and start peddling your stuff for 300 a zip. people will shit over those prices, and it just takes a little bit more people skills to nab yourself 48 a lb or more!


Active member
One of my neighbors just moved whole crop of OG for 18. If someone is going out at 12/13 for cookies they are getting ultimately screwed over or shit is bunk as can be.

word, if dudes are selling cookies for 12/13 they are either dumb and dont have connections, or its not as loud as it should be.

i see stuff going for 12-13 but its always bland and nothing special. im selling some of our own stuff for that price locally because they were the bland phenos of seeds i popped, ones that just didnt get the right terpene or look to it.

but everything else im getting 15 solid for in CA no need to ship or smuggle. il take 15 locally all day...even though it still pains me to only make 1350 a unit when just a few years back they would be going for 2-25 locally. DAMNIT!


New member
All the vendors around my area are super whack. Without even showing motherfuckers 800 is the highest they'll go, because its outdoor. I'm light depping next year and all my shit is getting tagged as indoor because fuck this going broke breaking my back working my ass off all year shit. My shit aint garbage either, they wouldn't know they don't look they just lowball and I don't bother. Maybe with so many more vendors up north you guys can haggle a bit more, the dudes down here are jokes.

It's because of people like you that programs like clean green certified are actually necessary lol. Unless the outdoor is triple A like in Hawaii, it isn't worth over a thousand a pack period.

I'm glad that a bunch of people I know will refuse to even buy sungrown stuff from dispensaries unless it's clean green which keeps people like you honest at least haha.

Anywho, back to the subject at hand. Noticed the prices have dropped in the past few weeks in the northern sierra's. The same people trying 15 for their stuff are now calling back people begging for 12 now. Imagine how it's going to be in January haha!

I guess you guys only have one more year of doing this before it gets legalized within the state so good luck trying to get as much as possible before it's gone.

It just doesn't seem worth spending all those man hours over the course of a season to get that little... Hawaii you can sell exteriors for 26-36 a pack and you can literally grow year round with three seasons. If you barely profit 1k a pack but are putting in over 40 hours a week on it (time is money), it really doesn't come out to much lol.


Active member
If people didn't see this coming they where blind ! A lot of indoor growers are seting on aaa indoor becouse Cali outs have come across to the east coast . One thing this will do is weed out :biggrin: people who aren't on there a game . If your a indoor guy and you can't hit 2-3 lb per 1000 your ass is grass :biggrin: . It's hard becouse we. Cheer on you guys and your big outdoor grows but in the back of are minds we know it will slap us in the face at the same time when it leaves the west coast . It has made me rethink thinks my self . Like running April till dec. and shut down the rest of the time . This is a game and we are all on the same chess board ! Some will win and some will die ....


Some really funny replies in here. 2500 for ins in non med state, wow, someone's getting their ass handed to them. My friends back home are paying 3 for cali outs in a competitive market with lots of bulk asian indoor around.

Some people get seen a comin from a mile away, that's when you get offers for 800, they don't respect you whatsoever and actually consider you a chump or completely desperate. If you can't clear 100 bucks an ounce wholesale you should just quit now cause you know that ounce going for at least 250-350 on the end user.

That's why you'll never see me grow from seed for a merch crop either, yea they may slightly out perform some clones, but at the expense of having mixed packs, less desirable phenos, and possibly more left overs that go into the hash pile. Monocrop for the win and never worry about that, take the whole lot its all the same.


It's because of people like you that programs like clean green certified are actually necessary lol. Unless the outdoor is triple A like in Hawaii, it isn't worth over a thousand a pack period.

I'm glad that a bunch of people I know will refuse to even buy sungrown stuff from dispensaries unless it's clean green which keeps people like you honest at least haha.

Anywho, back to the subject at hand. Noticed the prices have dropped in the past few weeks in the northern sierra's. The same people trying 15 for their stuff are now calling back people begging for 12 now. Imagine how it's going to be in January haha!

I guess you guys only have one more year of doing this before it gets legalized within the state so good luck trying to get as much as possible before it's gone.

It just doesn't seem worth spending all those man hours over the course of a season to get that little... Hawaii you can sell exteriors for 26-36 a pack and you can literally grow year round with three seasons. If you barely profit 1k a pack but are putting in over 40 hours a week on it (time is money), it really doesn't come out to much lol.

Troll much? Hahaha. Sounds like you are jealous.


That's why you'll never see me grow from seed for a merch crop either, yea they may slightly out perform some clones, but at the expense of having mixed packs, less desirable phenos, and possibly more left overs that go into the hash pile. Monocrop for the win and never worry about that, take the whole lot its all the same.
I know a lot of guys who agree with this. Funny thing, they are always buying/looking for good weed to smoke . Bunch of blue dream or even OG gets boring real fast.


Well-known member
Some really funny replies in here. 2500 for ins in non med state, wow, someone's getting their ass handed to them. My friends back home are paying 3 for cali outs in a competitive market with lots of bulk asian indoor around.

I'm not saying this is the norm by any means, just an early indicator as to where it's going.

I still know great local growers who get 3.6-4 out of their work, but they seem to be QPing it out at 1k per QP. I'm unsure of how long this takes them to move 10 packs or so. I wish I knew enough of those guys to unload my harvests to.

Much of the Cali outs I'm seeing are going for a strict 28 to the foot soldiers. They are to be then sold at 3 to the "dealers", who then disperse it around. The broker's team is held to a 2 point profit in an attempt to keep the packs flowing quickly.
Maybe it's me but it seems the term vender and pack are being misused. Tough to take people seriously.

Also if you can only get 800 for good outdoor just quit or make oil with it. When you can make more money making oil from an untrimmed pound then that should set your bottom price right there. We might all be happy to get 800 in 4 years but there are at least 2 more years in the mid teens for Cali outdoor and will only mean the price of oil has dropped as well which will probably happen.


Little Hill, I found a lost pound (2013 outdoor) it's brown how do you think it would turn out if I made shatter with it? What's it worth? What about bubble hash?


Active member
their herb was covered in PM...check the news story they have a bunch of garden pics and one plant has super thick PM patches on the nugs lol...

and it was all machine trimmed and looked like shit from the pics from the news article...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore


It's smells good! It's brown/purple due to cool temps it's the similar/same color as the day it was harvested! It looks outdoor since everything I have looks indoor I'd rather make hash with it?


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
That's a really good deal turn it all into wax and you just doubled up on investment. 1000lbs sold for 600k you could turn that into 150 - 200lbs wax sell for 6k a unit all day. A marijuana auction wow what a beautiful thing go Washington!