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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

mojave green

rockin in the free world
so how come them northerners don't hone in on mold resistant strains and run them? hell, some pure sativa's might do the trick.


Registered Non-Conformist
Pretty cool how CA prices have pretty much held steady over the years I have been elsewhere. Bodes well for a possible return someday. Older and seemingly wiser.
I'm cool here ("3rd coast,") but the Ocean will always call my name.

Prices steady here. But supply affected by the numerous flooded basements in the area a month or so ago. Many folks had to start over. ID 24-28 .. .. 30 for the best.

I look forward to seeing some good CA sun-grown here. If not, I will go and take a visit


Active member
Im with BYF on the flood being less than years past. All factors add up to less supply and I've heard there has been lots of really big packs being swooped up fast.

agreed….there is ALOT of activity right now…lots of big orders and shit is flying off the shelf. i was hoping to buy up some neighbors crops and its looking like most of them are getting buyers left and right. almost everybody has found their own "whale" buyer.


It's gonna get harder & harder to produce quality MJ! Look @ Ag after reaching massive heights with GMO monoculture it's going down hill fast! Monoculture does not work! The future of farming will include highly educated farmers who work with nature not against nature like current farmers & MJ growers! The worlds entire food system will be retooled sooner than later! Taking this into account it's not looking good for MJ farmers who think growing with pest & disease is normal! (This is not the 90's anymore) Add water shortage (it's not gonna matter if it rains if population continues to grow) you can definitely expect MJ production to go down! Brokers & dispensary's will continue to short ignorant growers causing those growers to eventually go broke leaving brokers with zero relationships! Brokers, dispensary's and hydro stores all have weak skill sets compared to educated growers!!

Backyard Farmer

Active member
It's gonna get harder & harder to produce quality MJ! Look @ Ag after reaching massive heights with GMO monoculture it's going down hill fast! Monoculture does not work! The future of farming will include highly educated farmers who work with nature not against nature like current farmers & MJ growers! The worlds entire food system will be retooled sooner than later! Taking this into account it's not looking good for MJ farmers who think growing with pest & disease is normal! (This is not the 90's anymore) Add water shortage (it's not gonna matter if it rains if population continues to grow) you can definitely expect MJ production to go down! Brokers & dispensary's will continue to short ignorant growers causing those growers to eventually go broke leaving brokers with zero relationships! Brokers, dispensary's and hydro stores all have weak skill sets compared to educated growers!!

they're all Still necessary for the grower though, so it doesn't matter.


Active member
from what i've been seeing, OD prices are dropping quick. cookies that were 15/16 2 weeks ago are 12/13 now.

lots of 1000-1200 good looking packs. nasty barely smells last years trash for 600.

What are people seeing for good indoor AT THE CLUBS in socal these days? I know the bay can be around 2800-3000. Is it mostly just 1 or 2 packs at a time?


One of my neighbors just moved whole crop of OG for 18. If someone is going out at 12/13 for cookies they are getting ultimately screwed over or shit is bunk as can be.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
That's what I was thinking...Some people are trying to pull crazy shit and offer rack pack or 11-13 bull shit, but they're just fucking with you taking your money or you stuffs crap. if you're taking less than 15 you're giving your shit away.


aka "Doc"
If memory serves me well...it is a supply issue that happens every year about this time--and continues through January or so; primarily for two reasons:
1. Increase in the number of outdoor crops (more growers enter the marketplace and as they need to pay bills---their prices drop further...and further).
2. Economics of supply & demand. When supply is greater than demand (which continues until the OD crops are sold--usually by January/February) prices will naturally fall temporarily and then will "normalize" (increase) once demand becomes greater than supply (spring/summer).

That said, a couple of larger producers I know that--instead of competing with outdoor units (lower price) would shut down 2 months a year and "play". They felt by lowering their prices (temporarily) "cheapened" the value of their efforts.

Well...lol, this year they are running full speed (no 2 month vacation) and heard they are crying rather loudly right now. No takers at 28....27....or 26 and another harvest is few weeks away; doubt they want to sit on 2 harvests--as they need the benjamins and "fresh" will not be any "fresher" in a month or two.

I doubt they are the only growers that are thinking the same thing: "better to hold than sell cheap--as prices might increase next month/week".


Well-known member
"Midwest" here...this time of year.. these Cali packs are now flooding our scene at pretty good prices. I'm not broker, but I think they are landing here even at $1500-2200 based on what I'm seeing them sell for.

This is causing the big brokers in the area to only offer us around $2500 for our local indoor (this is in an illegal state!!). Obviously this local indoor is better then the import packs, but it is putting the pressure on. The local stuff MUST smell tip top, because many of these import packs still have a real nice smell to them and are coming in cheaper... that's the bottom line. The ignorant masses seem to like these import "kush" looking buds.

I might have to put the trimpro rotor away.. it reduces the smell just enough to where it's not always wowing people that it is undeniably better. We certainly can't have that.

All good though, just further thinning the herd of growers out here. I feel bad for some of my friends that don't have years of experience. Their local isnt top notch and I think some of them are holding bud in a state where this has never really been a problem. I feel for them. They are invested in gear, electricity, time, risk, and are struggling to get paid.

Things still go for 3k - 3.6k, but not in volume.. but just one at a time or so here and there. If you want to liquidate your entire indoor crop you're going to see the big brokers who are the same guys handling all the cali at super cheap prices. You've got to be willing to walk, at least in the circle I know they are the only ones who have the cash to drop on 15lb or so of good indoor while hundreds if not thousands of cali packs hit their shelves.

Times are a changing. I guess it's who you know. I like being a grower and leaving that end of things to a broker. I guess I might have to start developing more relationships with smaller buyers in order to retain reasonable prices. I understand a broker has a job to do, but letting my local indoor go in an illegal state for sub 3k is bullshit and leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Any advice is greatly appreciated from anyone who might be in the same shoes. I just don't know enough of these 32 lb buyers.. or heck even some regular QP guys. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, unloading all my work at $2500 (and fighting/ having to walk to keep it there). Having to continue to scale up in an illegal state in order to keep the cash flowing could lead to big legal troubles should something go down.


Well-known member
All the vendors around my area are super whack. Without even showing motherfuckers 800 is the highest they'll go, because its outdoor. I'm light depping next year and all my shit is getting tagged as indoor because fuck this going broke breaking my back working my ass off all year shit. My shit aint garbage either, they wouldn't know they don't look they just lowball and I don't bother. Maybe with so many more vendors up north you guys can haggle a bit more, the dudes down here are jokes.
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Active member
"Midwest" here...this time of year.. these Cali packs are now flooding our scene at pretty good prices. I'm not broker, but I think they are landing here even at $1800-2200 based on what I'm seeing them sell for.

This is causing the big brokers in the area to only offer us around $2500 for our local indoor (this is in an illegal state!!). Obviously this local indoor is better then the import packs, but it is putting the pressure on. The local stuff MUST smell tip top, because many of these import packs still have a real nice smell to them and are coming in cheaper... that's the bottom line. The ignorant masses seem to like these import "kush" looking buds.

I might have to put the trimpro rotor away.. it reduces the smell just enough to where it's not always wowing people that it is undeniably better. We certainly can't have that.

All good though, just further thinning the herd of growers out here. I feel bad for some of my friends that don't have years of experience. Their local isnt top notch and I think some of them are holding bud in a state where this has never really been a problem. I feel for them. They are invested in gear, electricity, time, risk, and are struggling to get paid.

Things still go for 3k - 3.6k, but not in volume.. but just one at a time or so here and there. If you want to liquidate your entire indoor crop you're going to see the big brokers who are the same guys handling all the cali at super cheap prices. You've got to be willing to walk, at least in the circle I know they are the only ones who have the cash to drop on 15lb or so of good indoor while hundreds if not thousands of cali packs hit their shelves.

Times are a changing. I guess it's who you know. I like being a grower and leaving that end of things to a broker. I guess I might have to start developing more relationships with smaller buyers in order to retain reasonable prices. I understand a broker has a job to do, but letting my local indoor go in an illegal state for sub 3k is bullshit and leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Any advice is greatly appreciated from anyone who might be in the same shoes. I just don't know enough of these 32 lb buyers.. or heck even some regular QP guys. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, unloading all my work at $2500 (and fighting/ having to walk to keep it there). Having to continue to scale up in an illegal state in order to keep the cash flowing could lead to big legal troubles should something go down.

It doesn't matter that your state is illegal when you have the most lenient punishment in the nation for cannabis related offenses. My street guy sends a lot of his product down your way. He doesn't move as much as he used to because the market just isn't as strong as it used to be. I was just one person bringing him 2-3lbs a week. I was getting units for 2-2.4k and flipping them for 3.2-4k. Anyway short of the long you're welcome for saturating your market.

Personally the fewer people I have to deal with the better. If someone wants to buy 5-10 units I'll probably let them go for 2.6 each b/c that's where the market is now. If its top notch OG then you can hold steady at 3-3.2, but it has to be AAA. Grow more and work on improving quality. Get a bonsai hero to speed things up with the rough trim and maintain a hand trimmed look.


I'm still getting 16 for my BD and 18 for OG in once a week 5 packs to my regulars..a little slow but it coincides nicely with my trips down the mountain to enjoy some city culture. Recently I was offered 15 for OGs and BDs in 20+ packs _with_ a two week front time....It's what most of my neighbors are doing.... I would've put a 20 pack in there but I heard the guy is a couple weeks late on payments and everyone is still all over him.. Giving thanks that I have a nice basement...this is the first year that I'm storing the bulk away for the spring....two more weeks of hash making and I'm laying on a beach in Hawaii...and that's where I'm hoping to pick up my new crew to work the greenhouse...:) Alooooohaaa!


Well-known member
Personally the fewer people I have to deal with the better. If someone wants to buy 5-10 units I'll probably let them go for 2.6 each b/c that's where the market is now. If its top notch OG then you can hold steady at 3-3.2, but it has to be AAA. Grow more and work on improving quality. Get a bonsai hero to speed things up with the rough trim and maintain a hand trimmed look.

And I agree... which is exactly why i've continued with my broker as the price has fallen from 32, 31, 30, 28 and now 25. I do appreciate being able to dump to one person. I'm not trying to sound greedy. It is discerning however to see these wholesale prices fall all while knowing nothing has changed on the retail end. Maybe there is more to it, but it just seems like the brokers are just making more and more..or "dealers" I should say. The brokers may still be making their few points.. but somebody is making more because smokers are paying the same.

As lenient you may claim it to be... I still have a few friends sitting for 4-5 years because they decided to scale up and got popped with fed charges. I also know several basement growers who got merely a slap on the wrist and some probation. Why and where the feds get involved.. it's hard for me to say.

I'm not necessarily looking to branch out because of greed. I'll take the 25 @ bulk, but I do not want to back myself in a corner dealing with only one guy and need to develop some new relationships to maintain some sense of negotiation power and the ability to walk. I mean.. at 25 I'm being asked if I can come down, but I'm walking before I even hear that figure - I just aint doing it right now... Again, it's who ya know. Unfortunately who I know also has me dealing with these lower prices earlier then many others in my area.

I snagged up a bonsai hero this last run. It'll take some getting used to. It works excellent on a few varieties which only need carved up a bit.. others, it's not even worth getting them out. That's my goal right now.. narrow down some genetics worth running that are easy to trim//dry/unload without the use of the trimpro rotor.. even if it's just for the lowers. I don't think quality is really it. It's just merely a negotiation tactic when your broker can pull out a duffel of pretty decent smelling and looking cali and tell you how cheap he's getting it.

Here's the latest that left at 2500 after some back and forth, which left me a bit worried. I need to know that I have an outlet prior to building/growing/harvest as I continue to expand and invest. I don't anything wrong with it and it smells like fruity candy. I'm certain this would warrant attention in any market.. even the legal ones.

Never the less. I love growing bud and will continue to do so until it's just not financially possible to produce indoors under lights.

..just wanted to add my insight into this wholesale prices are plummeting thread. Perhaps it may give the west coast guys some new insight on what things are doing over here. I do know many are not going west anymore. They are refusing to.. and are getting it landed here at those prices (15-22) due to the competitiveness in the west. Acquisition risk is adverted from the local brokers here and they are playing with larger volumes for less.



Active member
And I agree... which is exactly why i've continued with my broker as the price has fallen from 32, 31, 30, 28 and now 25. I do appreciate being able to dump to one person. I'm not trying to sound greedy. It is discerning however to see these wholesale prices fall all while knowing nothing has changed on the retail end. Maybe there is more to it, but it just seems like the brokers are just making more and more..or "dealers" I should say. The brokers may still be making their few points.. but somebody is making more because smokers are paying the same.

As lenient you may claim it to be... I still have a few friends sitting for 4-5 years because they decided to scale up and got popped with fed charges. I also know several basement growers who got merely a slap on the wrist and some probation. Why and where the feds get involved.. it's hard for me to say.

I'm not necessarily looking to branch out because of greed. I'll take the 25 @ bulk, but I do not want to back myself in a corner dealing with only one guy and need to develop some new relationships to maintain some sense of negotiation power and the ability to walk. I mean.. at 25 I'm being asked if I can come down, but I'm walking before I even hear that figure. Again, it's who ya know. Unfortunately who I know also has me dealing with these lower prices earlier then many others in my area.

I snagged up a bonsai hero this last run. It'll take some getting used to. It works excellent on a few varieties which only need carved up a bit.. others, it's not even worth getting them out. That's my goal right now.. narrow down some genetics worth running that are easy to trim//dry/unload without the use of the trimpro rotor.. even if it's just for the lowers. I don't think quality is really it. It's just merely a negotiation tactic when your broker can pull out a duffel of pretty decent smelling and looking cali and tell you how cheap he's getting it.

Here's the latest that left at 2500 after some back and forth, which left me a bit worried. I need to know that I have an outlet prior to building/growing/harvest as I continue to expand and invest. I don't anything wrong with it and it smells like fruity candy. I'm certain this would warrant attention in any market.. even the legal ones.

Never the less. I love growing bud and will continue to do so until it's just not financially possible to produce indoors under lights.

..just wanted to add my insight into this wholesale prices are plummeting thread. Perhaps it may give the west coast guys some new insight on what things are doing over here. I do know many are not going west anymore. They are refusing to.. and are getting it landed here at those prices (15-22) due to the competitiveness in the west. Acquisition risk is adverted from the local brokers here and they are playing with larger volumes for less.

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The bud looks good man. You're right, the price decrease is more about the broker making money, but honestly that's fine with me. I know from experience what a hassle it can be. If you want them to sell your stuff and not the other stuff you just have to play ball. Distinguish yourself from the competition. Come up to Michigan and get your buds lab tested. 25% gets me 3.2 all day.

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