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Diary White Rhino & Friends. Fall 2021 Grow.


Well-known member
I found this,..
It should help with guesstimating your math.
(Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate)

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Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20211218-132157_DuckDuckGo.jpg Views:	0 Size:	96.3 KB ID:	18018434


Well-known member
Your grafts are so cool. Am loving this. Love the history that plants have too - bagseed seems to play a central role in most peoples weed experience 🤣. These things go deep. Not just a product, but a living line, passed hand to hand, grown with love, since the first ancestor threw some of those aromatic herbs on a fire and got the giggles.

Also thinking how apt "chimera" is as a word for a grafted plant.

noun. An organism, organ, or part consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering.

The living history is so rich - it's also pretty wild to jump back into a 20+ year old project.

The Chimera of myth is often depicted in a way that makes the grafting connection, um, transparent.

This bronze from Arezzo (~400BCE) is a great example:



Active member
The living history is so rich - it's also pretty wild to jump back into a 20+ year old project.

The Chimera of myth is often depicted in a way that makes the grafting connection, um, transparent.
Nice! Yes, those mythological origins are also spot on :)

My monsters are mostly doing OK today - the SQxA > SQxA graft (4th from the left) is wilting a bit, but I suspect it will bounce back. The Purple Bud (third in from the left)... yeah... that was a botched job. I dont think it will make it. so it goes! Will wait another few days and try again if it fails.


Have upped the nutes slightly (up to 2ml/litre each A+B) and a small addition of Epsom salts. 1100ppm, pH 5.5. Gave them all a good watering today. Runoff from the newer plants was 750ppm, pH 7.1

2ml of nitric pH down takes a 4.5litre demijohn of tapwater down to very close to 5.8.


Cuttings are getting to that "are they gonna root or are they gonna die?" stage. Lets see.


Active member
Transplanted MJ2, MJ4, and MW 1, 2 & 3 into 5 litre pots (coco/perlite). VG posted recently about a trick for sexing a group of seedlings from the same batch - once they have been vegging for a little while - line them up by height. The smallest are likely to be the females. So, thought I'd give that a go, and get some of these ready for flower as the AK auto project seed plants will be done in a few weeks at most. Those 5 also happened to be most of the healthiest looking ones. All had good strong root-growth - some starting to get rootbound. Can Fit 8 x 5 (or 5.5) litre pots comfortably in flower currently. The "males" will go into flower tomorrow as they are in their 1.5 litre pots. Thinking about taking a cut off each before I do this, and keep one plant as backup host for a graft from each.

Just found a forgotten vacuum sealed baggie of Johaar x Nitro Lemon Haze from last year. Sigh. I'd forgotten how much l like the smell of that stuff. Somewhere between lemon sherbet and lemon floor cleaner, and a smooth smoke. Lovely happy high with a meditative calm to it. Definitely on the list for next grow.


Active member
Grafts seem to be taking, apart from the Purple Bud, which I dont think will make it. Made a couple more grafts last night - White Rhino grafted onto MMxWR #3, and vice versa. Nice to have a bit more breathing space in veg after the suspected males put into flower. C6 cuttings showing roots - that was the first one I took cuts from, hopefully the rest will follow.








Active member
I made S1s from an excellent NL2 x Chem D bx mom I found in seeds by Chimera. The rootstock and three scions are different examples of that S1. I also put on an old Durban Poison x mystery bagseed cross I made around '99!

So this one is a current grow, zif? How's it doing? Exciting to pick up a line after such a long time...


Active member
Nope. But I've used humic & fulvic acids before, and a little seemed to go a long way, to me.

I think I kind of cooked some stuff with it, but that was a while ago. Now I wonder what the solubility is, and if it is prone to build up in the media. Might be worth looking into, if someone doesn't chime in. It is some kinda complex carbon stuff.

It did seem to have a good effect on the early applications, but then....

I was using this stuff called "Roots2"

When using unfamiliar supplements, start at the recommended low range first.


Active member
Nope. But I've used humic & fulvic acids before, and a little seemed to go a long way, to me.

I think I kind of cooked some stuff with it, but that was a while ago. Now I wonder what the solubility is, and if it is prone to build up in the media. Might be worth looking into, if someone doesn't chime in. It is some kinda complex carbon stuff.

It did seem to have a good effect on the early applications, but then....

I was using this stuff called "Roots2"

When using unfamiliar supplements, start at the recommended low range first.

Thanks 44. The manufacturers recommend using it for one week on, one week off - which supports your hunch about build-up. I'm not going to crack the seal on it just yet, but when I do give it a go I will definitely be using the lowest dose. 👍


Well-known member
So this one is a current grow, zif? How's it doing? Exciting to pick up a line after such a long time...

Yeah - I’m wrapping up a mature S1 and watching the chimera kick into high gear. The DP hybrid scion is looking fast, much like the mom. So far, so good!


Active member
Grafts seem to be taking, apart from the Purple Bud, which I dont think will make it. Made a couple more grafts last night - White Rhino grafted onto MMxWR #3, and vice versa. Nice to have a bit more breathing space in veg after the suspected males put into flower. C6 cuttings showing roots - that was the first one I took cuts from, hopefully the rest will follow.

this is really impressive, I hope the grafting progresses


Active member
this is really impressive, I hope the grafting progresses

Thanks! Am excited about the grafting too.. I pop a lot of seeds and dont have much space, so being able to back up/consolidate like this is awesome. Looks like the Purple Bud might make it - but the White Rhino I did a couple days ago is wilting. Still... thats a pretty good success rate so far. I've had to do a bit of pruning on the SQxAs to keep the grafts from getting swamped by other new growth, but they are taking. The earliest ones I did (inc the Green Gelato I did 10 days ago) are taking over as primary growth points and putting on leaves rapidly. Seems like a faster, easier process all in all than cloning.

C6 cutting rooted and potted on.

Also repotted the C6 in flower (previously in a 1 litre pot with perlite), into a 3 litre pot with coco/perlite. Nice roots - really sturdy and dense. Was nervous about repotting when in flower, but I will be going away for a couple of days and it will die if I leave it that long as it is. Perlite has been great as a way to rescue sick plants when the compost mix was bad, but it drains so fast and doesnt hold much water. Also repotted Blueberry #7 (into 3 litre pot w coco/perlite).


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking great in there ... interested in the grafting. ive done a few trees but never got around to grafting cannabis, always wanted to give it a go. One thing i would say though is that sometime graft unions (the bit where it is stuck on) can fail for no particular reason months or years later, so if it a truly precious plant then i would graft it to two separate branches for proper 'backing up'

VG :tiphat:


Active member
looking great in there ... interested in the grafting. ive done a few trees but never got around to grafting cannabis, always wanted to give it a go. One thing i would say though is that sometime graft unions (the bit where it is stuck on) can fail for no particular reason months or years later, so if it a truly precious plant then i would graft it to two separate branches for proper 'backing up'

VG :tiphat:

Thanks VG! :smoker: The tissue I'm working with here is younger and softer and faster growing than the branches one might use for grafting with fruit trees, so I'm hoping that the join will be seamless.... but dont worry, I'm aiming to have everything special backed up multiple times.

WR scion on the MMWR3 has failed... but all the others are taking off (inc the Purple Bud that I thought wouldnt make it).

Repotted all perlite plants into coco/perlite mix. Where I had to root prune a bit, I likewise pruned down the top part. Should be easier now if I need to go away for a night or two... Moved the BSG x Johaar (now in coco/perlite) into flower.


Active member
Grafted a scion of Blueberry 10 onto Blueberry 7, a scion of Blueberry 7 onto White Rhino, and a scion of White Rhino onto SQxA#2. Very efficient use of plants - taking a branch top off one, grafting on another scion from a different plant, and then using the removed branch to make a new scion to add to another plant, etc. Circle of love 😍


Medical Mass x WR F2s (suspected females) kept in veg and moved up into 5 litre pots seem to have weathered their transplant - some warped lower leaves I think are them complaining about the root disturbance. All 3 have good chunky form, tho still a little yellow compared to their room mates. 🤔 MW3 is smaller due to having lost a node to a failed graft attempt. I've got MW3 backed up as a graft on the WR, still need to back up MW1 and MW2 before they go into flower. Interesting to compare the MM x Johaar F1s - same mum (or rather grandma in the case of the MMWR F2s), but strongly take after their Johaar side in terms of height and leaf shape, particularly with the growing tops.




Getting busy in both veg and flower spaces now. Purple Bud & BSG x A#3 cuttings rooted and potted on. May need to reconsider the arrangement and might end up reverting to using the larger space for flower once I've got everything backed up on multi-graft plants.



Active member
Things are looking good. :good:

I'm seeing a lot more green and a lot less yellow now.

Cheers PC 🤓 It brings me joy!

Moved MMxJohaar #4, and the repotted Purple Bud seed plant into flower (PB is backed up with both clone and graft, MMJ4 not - so I'll either be collecting some pollen and ditching it if male, or enjoying a bit of test bud from this one - plenty more of the MMxJ F1 seeds). Here's whats left in veg:


Just want to get the MW1, MW2 & MW4 backed up now before those go to flower too. SQA1 could take a few more scions, as could the WR or BB7.

Finally emerging from the Merrineum haze (that time of the year when you dont know what day it is) and aiming to get the waterbutt installed today.


Active member
Graft list
  • BB07 > BB10; GG
  • GG > BSGxJ; BB07
  • MM > MW1; MW2
  • SQA1 > SQA2; BSGA3; BSGA2; MM
  • SQA2 > MM; GG; PB; WR; SQA1
  • WR > MW3; BB07; MW4
Trying to keep tabs on these is going to be complicated. Will need better tags as the joints heal and the tape falls off.

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Active member
MJ1 and MW5 (went into flower on 21st Dec), definitely showing female. MJ5 showing male flowers - removed. Swapped out for MJ2 (so no Medical Mass x Johaar F1s left in veg space now).

Yesterday's grafts looking healthy so far.


Well-known member
looking great in there ... interested in the grafting. ive done a few trees but never got around to grafting cannabis, always wanted to give it a go. One thing i would say though is that sometime graft unions (the bit where it is stuck on) can fail for no particular reason months or years later, so if it a truly precious plant then i would graft it to two separate branches for proper 'backing up'

VG :tiphat:

It's easier in Cannabis than in fruit trees... at least, you know if it's worked much sooner!

I have had grafts seem to take, but then stall completely. In contrast with hardwoods that might grow for some time before an incompatible union fails, these scions don't die, but they also just don't grow. Usually, I think it's just a bad / infected graft rather than strict incompatibility. Around 1% have acted this way over a couple of hundred grafts.

At this point, I would be very surprised to see a delayed failure develop. At least, any more often than random branches might die on a non-grafted plant.

Backups, though, are still crucial - especially if you're good at finding new ways to lose plants like I am. :bigeye: