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What is your average Grams Per Watt?

What is your average Grams Per Watt?

  • 0.25 gpw

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • 0.50 gpw

    Votes: 15 16.9%
  • 0.75 gpw

    Votes: 29 32.6%
  • 1 gpw

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • 1.25 gpw

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • 1.50 gpw

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • 1.75 gpw

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 2 gpw

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 2.25 gpw

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 2.50 gpw

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 2.75 gpw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 gpw

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


1 gpw is very achievable in tents in organic water only soil. i was doing 16-20 oz per 600 in 3gal containers before i switched to notill beds. its only gone up from there. i was honest and put .75 based off my last three completed rounds which were sub par for me. if you take the time to look around you can find plenty of guys doing 1gpw in organic dirt. now with the new de and cmh lights, cmh especially, 1gpw is getting smashed left and right
where you at avinash?


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
The most accurate ratio is gpw/yr

I could go over 3gpw but only a maximum of twice a year if that

or...imo, total equivalent kilowatts during both veg and flower over actual yield (modified variation of kilowatts per gram).

I have a 65 dayer that even Stevie Wonder could grow, nice yields but not much bang for the buck (can you spell "mediocre"?). Then I have this rare low yield purple afghan that flies off the shelf at the dispensary.

Yep--nasty complication: Low yield + long veg + long flower = High demand.

BTW I grow in custom grow medium that is structured around organic & biodynamic principles, with a bit of common sense/wisdom that OMRI & NOP have deemed to be "non-organic".


Active member
Yea I'm hyped about the double ended HIDs its most likely where I go from here.Im in love with my vertizontals though I don't know if they will start making non cooled 4 ft parabolics double ended.I just have to maybe consider a different flowering fixture.They say nothing is constant but change right?


Well-known member
Personal best in ten years was 1 3/4 lbs. , that was 18 6ft monsters under 1k, and it was a high yielding strain grown in coco with biobizz grow/ bloom.
Average is 3/4 to 1 1/4 lbs. per 1k.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
i've averaged 350 g under 1x 400 W in soil for the last 3 grows.
but i don't manicure and i count popcorn buds as well (as long as they are potent).


3rd-Eye Jedi
GPW is an indoor metric

beyond the fact that not all light is equal the additional electric costs to ventilate and control climate should be factor in to the GPW equation as well as the factor of time

how gpw in what time period

1.5 gpw in 15 weeks is the same as 1.0 gpw in 10


Active member
I always considered grams per watt as how many watts you flower with and your yield from that,I don't get all this time stuff.If you consider vegtime and how many times a year you flower,how can you get an accurate count?


Yea I'm hyped about the double ended HIDs its most likely where I go from here.Im in love with my vertizontals though I don't know if they will start making non cooled 4 ft parabolics double ended.I just have to maybe consider a different flowering fixture.They say nothing is constant but change right?





Active member
Thank you watts that is exactly the type of fixture I will be getting.I like sun systems,I still have an 800 watt AC combo fixture that I use for veg,its over 10 years old and still going strong


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]beyond the fact that not all light is equal the additional electric costs to ventilate and control climate should be factor in to the GPW equation as well as the factor of time [/FONT]
I never said one couldn't include those metrics... Though the factor of time for this kind of study and type of personal challenge and "game" isn't really a part of it, since a person could be growing and harvesting again, once a year, or once every month. This is why time doesn't matter, it's only an average of the watts you use(d), and the grams you yielded.

And one could include total wattage too, (ie. veg wattage plus your fans and other fixins), but really the metric is a factor of your flowering light power vs final yield... I donno when it's ever been done any other way reallllllly, buuut I guess there are a million and 3 ways to breaks perfectly good working wheels.

Though this may make for a slight variance in numbers depending on what you are using, it's not going to alter the data (the poll) much, nor will it skew the idea of the whole point - in fact, in doing so you are making it so that you must work harder to obtain a higher goal. Overall it doesn't change the average too much, but if you include wattage from veg lights, and fans, of course it will lower your gpw average. IF you do this, you generally lower your GPW average by about .15 on average, which isn't all that much a huge metric. ie a 1500 total watt grow using 1000 watts of power yeilding 450 grams is .45 gpw counting just the flowering power and .3gpw counting total watts. Either is an average you want to work upon increasing going by any metric. Say you got 7000 grams off of a 15000 total watt grow but with 10000 watts of flowering power, that is .46 gpw rounded total, .7 just flowering, now a .24 difference in variance. Getting higher obviously, as you are actually growing and yielding more gpw but also changing the average and fiddling numbers a bit, to me that's a difference of between .5 to .75 gpw really.

Just stick to one or the other. The traditional route, flowering watts, or total watts if you want to make it harder on yourself. But both work for the purposes of the game, for the purposes of science and the poll flower power only is more accurate and will keep everyone on the same scale.

WHY WHY WHY on earth all of you are trying to A. over complicate this, or want to be like, my metric that is exactly the same as this metric is better.. When it's the same lol... is kinda funny.

It's not it should be any of those things anyone says or wants it to be. It's what I said it is purr! Meow!


grams per watt/month to be more precise.

0.5g/w at 8 weeks = 0.7g/w at 11.3 weeks

Also, your cut/strain matters a lot. Seems like lots of folk run the high yielding regs and think they are the bees knees.

Finally, if you use cookie cutter nutes with lots of flushing, thats a big handicap. Getting yield with Big Bud and advanced nutrients with a plug and play system with pristine new materials (no disease present) and the full "recipe" from a book isn't "success" because you can't do it from a basic understanding with basic elements on your own. This is just competition with money, not intrinsic skill/talent/intellect.

Can we add a time limit to this.
G per watt means nothing if it took you 6 months to get there.

Gram per watt per cycle.
Or gram per watt per month makes more sense.


Active member
^^ None of what you just said, makes ANY sense.

Strain has nothing to do with it.

Time has nothing to do with it.

Ferts have nothing to do with it.

It's grams vs watts. That's it! :dance013:

Success IS success, whether you use AN or Epsoma or RAW or whatever. Don't be a hater when nubs can rock it in soil and dirt and you're wasting your days checking ppms. It all works it's how you use it.

I NEVER Ph :tiphat:
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Active member
Cool out Canna,I can definitely understand your frustration at people that take a simple concept and have to muck it up in so many ridiculous ways,and I'm not singling anybody out I think everyone that cant understand something so simple and obvious are equal dorkbaits lol


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Some people measure "grams per watt", others "grams per plant"....and some measure "seeds per plant". It all depends what indicator is MOST important...besides, everyone is different. And a damn good thing that we are ALL different. Hate to be in a world where everyone was the same, same music, same slang, same dank, same food & beer preference.....

For me--it is all about "quality" and "quantity" (in that order)--of course, those things can not be measured using the "grams per watt" yardstick. When it comes to lighting issues, for me the most crucial indicator is "watts per foot"--not "grams per watt", but that's just me.


Active member
I think the only indicator that matters when answering a thread is what the thread is asking,in this case it's grams per watt.Otherwise there is anarchy lol!


Well-known member
Premium user
I've been growing for a long time, since we used to grow in cali National Forests. I've grown indoors in the past at 1gpw with big yielder's. Now a days with my strain choices, mostly kushes, I'm at .56 for the last three.
Strain choice makes a big difference.

indoor past: more than a gram per watt




indoor Present: .56GPW


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Active member
That's a frosty strain indeed!He did stipulate "on your last three harvests" though.I think the majority of us that have some years behind us grow clones so the last three grows shouldn't have too much variance


Well-known member
Premium user
Yeah, all the strains I grow are clone only. Been a few years since I've grown from seed. I rtun a sealed room w/ co2 and de-humindification, HPS DE lights. Everything on controller's. Organic soil....lol no reason to pH. Try as I might .56GPW is pretty standard for me now a days. Again strain choice makes a big difference.

I love to have the strains I grow produce like this, but never going to happen. They don't yield like that. I guess the only reason for the pics is that earlier in this thread there was talk of newb's getting better yields than some of the season grower's. My people could care less about how much I yield and are only interested how potent and tasty the flower's are. So....I shoot for that.


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Active member
Yea growsjoe if I were to average out the last few years .5-.6 would be more accurate than my more recent .7-.8 that I posted.I came across an incredible Paradise seeds Nebula Pheno that wasn't only lemon pledge tasty,it yielded like the big dog on the block.My smallish plants were over six oz. and the bumpin ones were close to eight.Our grows are nearly identical,I ran a sealed room with 1K vertizontals with horties of course and co2,was very lucky to come across this pheno from Paradise,I can't say enough about that vendor!I can't wait to start up again with DE's.


Well-known member
Premium user
Lemon pledge, huh? Sounds tasty. I grew Nebula out before. I can't recall the vender, but I think it was though Nirvana, sort of sounds right anyway. That was mabey...'03. I remember some great smoke and it yielded well too. Wish I would have found one with those kind of terps