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What is your average Grams Per Watt?

What is your average Grams Per Watt?

  • 0.25 gpw

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • 0.50 gpw

    Votes: 15 16.9%
  • 0.75 gpw

    Votes: 29 32.6%
  • 1 gpw

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • 1.25 gpw

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • 1.50 gpw

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • 1.75 gpw

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 2 gpw

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 2.25 gpw

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 2.50 gpw

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 2.75 gpw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 gpw

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
30 ounces of sellable bud and around 1 1/2 ounces of larf. Strain is G-13. 12, 9 liter pot of coir per 4x4. 25 day veg from rooted cuttings.
Or 28 ounces off 10, 9 liter pots per 4x4 with a 20 day veg. Strain is Blue Mango.


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I usually work my strains for a couple of years so I get a understanding of what they like and dislike.
Right now I pull 1 to 1 1/2 lbs. every month in my 4x8 perpetual running just 750 watts of DE HPS.


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Well-known member
I'm polling, FOR SCIENCE! What is your average yield in grams per watts of light you are using for your last three (3) harvests?


No one is judging you, no one is trying to be the best.. This isn't a contest, this is just a poll about your actual results, so please give your ACTUAL results for the poll. The whole point is useless if you lie and you are not tricking anyone, you are only hurting yourself trust me I am mad do not screw with the methods ;)

No one's asking for proof you only did .25gpw last grow, or that you get 2gpw. Obv. just round up or down or whatever is closest for your last 3 grows.

Maybe this'll be fun! Meow!
🍿 Nice thread brother well done !

Makes me wonder if tech and yields have increased in the more recent years
0.8 gpw id guess is the average on the dankest non commercial strains
maybe 1.5 - 2.0 on the commercial strains ?


Well-known member
with enough veg time i get 4 oz for a plant (C99) in 2.5 gal of dirt. four of these in a 2' x 2' x 4' cab surrounding two stacked vertical 250w HPS. = 0.9 gpw


Well-known member
Thats pretty damn good considering a small square foot area (y) thanks for sharing... did you vote on page one? How long veg time you thinking as a minimum ? 30 daysish ?
90 days a run is feasible for most id think the steady veg/flower is optimal space willing for two rooms


Well-known member
i have a C99 and a White Widow idling in the veg cab - same size but with one horizontal 250w MH - for 5 months while i wait for the 4 in flower to finish - at least 2 more weeks. it is sometimes so hit or miss getting clones to root i do a bunch and end up with 9 in veg. been trying seeds recently for the first time since i started in 2005. been aiming for a perpetual harvest of one plant every 4 weeks - should handle long flowering sativas - but it never works out. 10 in a row is the best i've done so far before i lose the momentum with clones not rooting or seeds not sprouting.

i just prove i can do the same thing and get different results - so much for einstein's definition of insanity.

also, adding the second vertical HPS made all the difference -> dense tight buds.


Active member
🍿 Nice thread brother well done !
View attachment 18842876

Makes me wonder if tech and yields have increased in the more recent years
0.8 gpw id guess is the average on the dankest non commercial strains
maybe 1.5 - 2.0 on the commercial strains ?
Isnt that some PERFECT data?

Can I get a PhD on that data?

That is some motherfucking Nature journal quality data right there, right??


Yes I know for a FACT yields have increased with "new" methods, really standardization within the commercial industry being that growing plants is a science not bro science .... BUT --->

THEY ALSO LIE. These commercial grow ops ALL lie about what they yield. It is a practice among farm that they will report what they yield BEFORE trimming, with all the sugar trim on, and claim that based on that metric that is their grams yielded per watt --->

OR, what growers are REALLY using now, is grams per square foot. The amounts wind up being the same, but it is a more universally accepted metric for what you are yielding per grow .

HA.. But again, they are adding in sugar trim on their numbers when they claim X grams per watt or X grams per sq foot ------------> and thats CHEATING!

I've heard this is "acceptable" among the industry to claim when you are quoting numbers, say for business purposes or what not. And thats BULLSHIT. Its CHEATING. ---> Dirty bastards claiming 2+gpw or 70, 80, 90++ grams per sq foot when that is PRE trimmed weed.

ONLY trimmed dried useable, smokeable nug that goes in the bag goes into this number. Thats it. Sugar trim is trim.

Imagine lying to your investors or business partners that you can yield say 70 grams per sq foot or 1.5 grams per watt and thats WITH sugar trim on -------> not only is that happening industry wide it is considered "acceptable".

Its like measuring your dick starting from the end of your butthole and include all the taint. We used to call this the "Lavoy" method of measuring your dick btw if anyone was wondering.

The next new thing is and will be side and underneath the canopy lighting for increased buds under the canopy and reduced larf. Already studies have shown this to be of benefit to yield. It will increase cost, so IS it worth it money wise commercially has yet to be seen.