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What Defines A Hot Man?



as a matter of fact... this is the Women's Forum "talk about it"... :chin: I think we need a whole thread dedicated to Johnny Depp... 'cause what woman don't talk about him.... :D


ICMag Donor
closetking said:
These thoughts of security go for men as well,
"If you wanna stay happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife, and from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you." lyrics are a little crude for a song written in the '60's, can't remember who sung it niether, but the point is understood.
But as i've "matured" I've learned it works for men and woman.

I'm pretty sure Jimmy Soul sang that song back in the 60's....it does have catchy lyrics, I remember laughing the first time I heard it :joint:


Active member
i'll just quietly lurk around keeping thoughts of a double-standard going on here to myself.....maybe the bare-chested man balances out the zillions of pics out there of bare-chested women.....not that it's not attractive or anything......hmmmmm...-gp


well i must say the women's forum here never fails to catch my eye...i actually got a piercing below the belt so to speak at the behest of this girl (a stripper go figure) 6 years ago...the hole won't close so i'm kind of stuck with it but it definitely works as conversation material ha... i've never had any complaints :wink:... dg those guys ur posting seem to be lacking a little bit in the tat department for ur taste, n'est pas?
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Active member
Well, I am a guy, and I can tell you that you need to be self confident when it comes to attract women.

I love to be in a good shape, and was a big ass bodybuilder back then, but massive muscels don´t fit me.

So I decided to reduce pumping iron drastically and prefer swimming, biking and hiking instead.

I don´t have a sixpack anymore ( sigh...)

I am definitely a little too fat, and don´t like the way I look at all, even tough people around call me "a beautiful man" and other stuff like that.

But when I´m in a really good mood, and aware of my qualities, girls/women seem to be very attracted...

When I´m feeling bad, and my self confidence is down on the ground, it´s very hard to get in contact...

Just a few thoughts out of a wickedly stoned mind,



Active member
Only according the added picture...

Only according the added picture...

pieceofmyheart said:

Being easy on the eyes does not hurt............

But I think Honesty defines a hot man. Just honesty.

I personally don´t shave the hairs on my breast, - shaved the bush surrounding Mr. Billy once before and I liked it, but at the moment I´m not into a haircut at all.

I like the picture tough.

Not that overtrained,- still looking pretty normal.



Active member
Triple H? That figures. Yeah, ill eat some steroids and pump iron for a decade, and ill be that hot, too. But by then, the girl id be after would be married. HA!

Im complaining because im single. Whatever.


Cannabrex Formulator
A lady once told me a hot guy is defined by the size of his nutsack.....


hee hee hee
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my avatar is my closest resemblece ...

with out sacificing security .......

ladies its been my pleasure .....

puffn and a passn the bong ....... from deep in the swamp

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ruger 500
well ladies let me paint you a mental picture for just a moment ,i lavish my wife with love ,and that includes sex the way she wants it and when and viseversa,i see here as my equal and then some as she does thinks i cant ,such as give me my wonder ful children,second she is speritual and as an aquarious this is much needed on my behalf ,she doesnt ask for much which makes me sstrive to give more .....this is why she choose me and not someone else to be here life long mate


ICMag Donor
want...you sound like a great guy!...your wife is lucky to have you and vise versa....you have to keep working at a marriage, it doesnt just happen, it sounds like you do just that, good job! :D


ruger 500
thanks ms bubba i have had the fortune of knowing my wife for 15 years now ,we meet through friends one week on a blind date the next week we went out on our own ,the folowing week i proposed and she accepted ,four weeks later we were married ,now dont get me wrong i spent a lot of time with her letting her see my soul befori asked her ,so she could she me from the inside out ,no games ,just opened my heart and life to her ,she seen this and relized i washonest and trustworthy and i gained a mate