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So Hai

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Strategic provocation and the October 7th attack​

Extensive, detailed foreknowledge and escalating inflammatory actions prior to October 7th suggest Israel provoked Al-Aqsa Flood as a pretext for ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza​

"In this post I argue that Israel intentionally provoked and facilitated the Hamas attack on October 7th, 2023 to create a pretext for its ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza. Israeli officials knowingly pushed Hamas toward violence with a series of inflammatory actions and statements while the IDF amassed a mountain of detailed, concrete intelligence that Hamas was planning a major cross-border multisite massacre and hostage-taking operation. The IDF left the Gaza border unusually vulnerable and allowed an enormous festival to take place undefended in an area of maximal danger despite multiple warnings from inside and outside the security apparatus. During the attack, a large and indeterminate number of Israelis were killed by the IDF under official orders to prevent the kidnapping of hostages no matter the cost (the Hannibal directive). Almost immediately, Israeli officials fabricated a series of allegations of grotesque atrocities supposedly committed by Hamas, including systematic mass rape and targeted mass beheadings and burnings of infants. Since then, the events (real and fake) of October 7th have served as public justifications for the actions Israel has taken to achieve its long-standing goal: the elimination of the Palestinian people. Below I lay out the evidence for all of those statements (and more), followed by a timeline with articles and quotes demonstrating detailed Israeli foreknowledge of the attack."

Interactive timeline:

moose eater

Well-known member
Empires come and empires go. Karma's a bitch. And eventually nearly every entity that gets too big for their britches falls or stumbles. It's the same story throughout history, yet megalomaniacs, nationalists, and ethnocentricists seem a bit challenged on the uptake of it all regarding the eventual costs for their greed and limited vision and absence of wisdom, as though their memories and reading skills are eclipsed by their egos, collective or otherwise. Typically leading to their own proverbial or literal funerals.

Generational stupidity.

"So be it".


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What amazes me is the people capable of seeing crimes committed with the mentality and morality of the Late Middle Ages or the immediately following Modern Age... but excusing or not wanting to see or even justify, the same crimes committed right now, for the authoritarian Imperialism of the current Russian, Chinese, Iranian governments...
right you are - especially Russia - mind boggling

moose eater

Well-known member
The new way to fight a war

Good folks and they have collaborations all over the world, literally.

Their investments in social change are often long-term investments; bringing arts, dance, and music to poor second and third-world nations, to people who have promise but few to no resources. A positive outlet.

A good project for sure, and I've listened to their various productions for a LONG time now, even have friends in the Yukon Territory who've participated in 'dubbing in remotely' to take part in some limited recordings.

But for the places stacking up tens of thousands of bodies and enduring the crimes of the powerful untouchables and the too-long unprosecuted, they don't offer the immediate miracles or needs being provided for, other than to surround oneself with music as an antidote by way of beauty in music and dance, as a balance to the sociopathic war criminals who need, desperately, to be put in the ground forever.... or locked in cages for life at The Hague.

But the concept certainly offers some hope. And music, like food, allows for the meeting of cultures in a positive way.

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moose eater

Well-known member
There's a fellow in this beautiful Buddy Guy recording playing lead guitar in the woods, with the words, 'Arm the Homeless' written boldly in red on his guitar. A sentiment I've at times been able to get behind.

The young woman with the ukelele in Chicago, Sarah Marie Young, singing background vocals, and when she cuts loose, I often cry hearing her. Simply beautiful. And the various choir music, too. Such as the Chicago Children's Choir, emphasizing for me (and hopefully others) who the witnesses are to all of this bullshit.

For those of us who lived through the race riots and cities burning in the mid-and-later 60s when Blacks and other minorities simply wanted equality and the same liberties others enjoyed, the sky in that direction glowing in the night. Another of our 'domestic wars' as a process of suppressing others not chosen to be among THE chosen, with the Nat'l Guard in Detroit and elsewhere in jeeps with concertina wire on them and .50 cal. mounted on pintles, carrying M1 Garands with live ammunition, in city streets as an answer to those just demands.

We've been doing this shit to others for a long time, and sometimes to our own.

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
For those of us who lived through the race riots and cities burning in the mid-and-later 60s
Us wretched boomers. I hear ya man...just sayin, the glory of music, all art n' nature/science in our hearts is the cure to this shit. The Haudenosaunee knew this. Why can't we?

moose eater

Well-known member
@moose eater - what I was really sayin is this should be the new way to fight a war.
If only sociopaths and bloodthirsty lunatics had more normal brain and central nervous systems, then they might be as swayed by beauty as others. But....

While music can soothe the savage beast, as well as multi-cultural dining and sharing doing much the same, I suspect they have little effect on the likes of Bibi Netanyahu or Idi Amin.

moose eater

Well-known member
Us wretched boomers. I hear ya man...just sayin, the glory of music, all art n' nature/science in our hearts is the cure to this shit. The Haudenosaunee knew this. Why can't we?
Some Boomers turned into Archie Bunker (too many), while others try to maintain the Dream, despite weathering under cynicism, age, and various sorts of losses. Hunting knives turned to butter knives by the grinding wheel of life that dulls senses and dreams.

It's the same dynamics over time; identifying the ills that need addressed, painting the path to the rarely attainable or impossible/non-existent Nirvana, making enough headway to lend hope, and then often crumbling through cooptation, age and weariness, or redirection/misdirection. Slowly losing the dream for too many.

Why some of these youngsters lend so much hope.

We're all pushing the stones of generations of human bullshit uphill in hopes it comes out different or better; familial, social, political, or whatever..

And then there's the more limited, but eternal supply of rabid dogs that simply need to be put down...

A poem from 10th grade English and Literature I shared with a memer privately the other day. I ate a lot of acid in that class. It was the last class of the day..

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moose eater

Well-known member
Case from January appealed re. Biden and others being complicit in genocide.

Interesting, considering the irony of the arguments, which, to some degree, presents a case of immunity for a US President who is clearly in violation of US and International law.

Doesn't that sound a just a little bit familiar?



Well-known member
right you are - especially Russia - mind boggling
Of course, if it is the same as Orwell's 1984, people like Roms or my almost neighbor Carlos X Blanco do not realize that Eurasia (Putin's autocratic Russia) and East Asia (the Chinese dictatorship) are not intended to free people from the chains of Oceania (the "western bloc" led by the USA), unless it is to be able to put their own on them.
And be careful, I already warn you: as in 1984, the blocs policy changes and in fact has changed historically (remember that during part of the Cold War, there was a certain "union of objectives" between the USA and China VS the USSR), and In the future, maybe and who knows, Russia and the United States will seek to support each other to prevent China from "eating them."
The "proles" of Oceania do not have one enemy in our block, and two allies in the "opponents", but we have three enemies.

And I think it is not necessary to share my "socialist-Marxist-Eurocommunist-humanist-and a little bit Trotskyist" point of view to agree with the above.
I believe that we must support and fight to perfect our very imperfect democracies, instead of resorting to the siren songs of authoritarianism (with its "magic wands" to solve very complex problems almost at once). And within democracy, discuss between our different models and visions of the State, society and the economy. Democracy is a utopian construction that we will never achieve in its entirety (as are the Marxist ones, or the Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious ones), but for which it is worth fighting to perfect and enlarge it, in the same way that a mathematical sequence approaches to a limit.
The less democracy, the more demagoguery there will be; and from populist demagoguery to authoritarianism, there is one step: thus the Russian democratic dream has ended, and it is the goal shared by Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, Duterte...
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Well-known member
Of course, if it is the same as Orwell's 1984, people like Roms or my almost neighbor Carlos X Blanco do not realize that Eurasia (Putin's autocratic Russia) and East Asia (the Chinese dictatorship) are not intended to free people from the chains of Oceania (the "western bloc" led by the USA), unless it is to be able to put their own on them.
And be careful, I already warn you: as in 1984, the blocs policy changes and in fact has changed historically (remember that during part of the Cold War, there was a certain "union of objectives" between the USA and China VS the USSR), and In the future, maybe and who knows, Russia and the United States will seek to support each other to prevent China from "eating them."
The "proles" of Oceania do not have one enemy in our block, and two allies in the "opponents", but we have three enemies.

And I think it is not necessary to share my "socialist-Marxist-Eurocommunist-humanist-and a little bit Trotskyist" point of view to agree with the above.
I believe that we must support and fight to perfect our very imperfect democracies, instead of resorting to the siren songs of authoritarianism (with its "magic wands" to solve very complex problems almost at once). And within democracy, discuss between our different models and visions of the State, society and the economy. Democracy is a utopian construction that we will never achieve in its entirety (as are the Marxist ones, or the Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious ones), but for which it is worth fighting to perfect and enlarge it, in the same way that a mathematical sequence approaches to a limit.
The less democracy, the more demagoguery there will be; and from populist demagoguery to authoritarianism, there is one step: thus the Russian democratic dream has ended, and it is the goal shared by Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, Duterte...


Well-known member
Of course, if it is the same as Orwell's 1984, people like Roms or my almost neighbor Carlos X Blanco do not realize that Eurasia (Putin's autocratic Russia) and East Asia (the Chinese dictatorship) are not intended to free people from the chains of Oceania (the "western bloc" led by the USA), unless it is to be able to put their own on them.
And be careful, I already warn you: as in 1984, the blocs policy changes and in fact has changed historically (remember that during part of the Cold War, there was a certain "union of objectives" between the USA and China VS the USSR), and In the future, maybe and who knows, Russia and the United States will seek to support each other to prevent China from "eating them."
The "proles" of Oceania do not have one enemy in our block, and two allies in the "opponents", but we have three enemies.

And I think it is not necessary to share my "socialist-Marxist-Eurocommunist-humanist-and a little bit Trotskyist" point of view to agree with the above.
I believe that we must support and fight to perfect our very imperfect democracies, instead of resorting to the siren songs of authoritarianism (with its "magic wands" to solve very complex problems almost at once). And within democracy, discuss between our different models and visions of the State, society and the economy. Democracy is a utopian construction that we will never achieve in its entirety (as are the Marxist ones, or the Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious ones), but for which it is worth fighting to perfect and enlarge it, in the same way that a mathematical sequence approaches to a limit.
The less democracy, the more demagoguery there will be; and from populist demagoguery to authoritarianism, there is one step: thus the Russian democratic dream has ended, and it is the goal shared by Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, Duterte...
The three blocks in contention, both in the Orwellian 1984 and in our reality, have realized that it is absurd (both because it is extremely costly and difficult, and because it is counterproductive) to aspire to "total victory": without an external enemy, There is no one to blame for all the problems and evils necessary for the Elite of each bloc (the single Parties of each bloc, in 1984) to remain in power and be able to enjoy the benefits of, "to a greater or lesser extent ", exploitation over the rest of the majority of the population.

The less democracy there is in each bloc, the easier it is to manipulate the people, and the people have even fewer opportunities to realize this dynamic and rebel against it.

We already have China almost fully fulfilling the Orwellian nightmare: different thinking is self-censored by the individual himself, ever since the tanks turned the mass protesting in Tiananmen into minced meat. And the system of points for good citizenship with the support of a control and monitoring of the individual never seen before, with rewards or ridicule and punishments publicly advertised as from the Orwellian telescreen.
Putin is getting closer to that same goal: the difference with China (and its only Party that can remain in power over generations) is that its autocracy is too personalistic: we will see if it manages to tie its succession in a structure heritable, and upon his death become the new founding Tsar, the new Lenin, in short, the Big Brother of his block. And then we have the USA and its satellites, and Trump aspiring as much to be like the Russian government as the Russian aspires to be like the Chinese.

That does not mean that only Trump and not other political currents in the US aspire to this. But Trump's strategy and model is more difficult to combat so that he does not come to power, and much more difficult if he does. It is very easy to move "democratically" from a "demagogic democracy" to authoritatism: it is enough to win "by any means" a popular vote through which any legal framework that prevents someone from proclaiming themselves president for life can be changed, or prohibit any ideology that that someone don't like it under the accusation of being unpatriotic...
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Well-known member
either this lady is a really bad actor and this is a setup, or she's having her brain broken in real time.... i still can't decide lol...
