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moose eater

Well-known member
If you had read my initial post you would not accuse me of defending mistreatment of civilians. I know the international definition of genocide and tell you what I am not sure myself. I have read a lot of experts in the last few days that claim it to be genocide and some that claim it isn't.

I said before you point your finger at somebody and accuse them of genocide you have to be 100 percent sure because accusations like that wear off.

PIus I do not indulge in at best pubertarian martial "they would lie face down in pools of their own blood" phantasies.

Look at what you and Roms are posting here. People like you on both sides is the problem, you are blinded, deluded haters.

If you have ever faced or whitnessed seriou violence yourself then I would go and seek help if I was you. If not yeah well then you are just some degenerated 1st world kid that spent too much time online.

This conflict is one of the most complex ones on this planet, there is thousands of people spending a lifetime on documenting and analyzing it, and anybody like you and me that is at best an educated bystander and that takes one side or the other pretensing to know who is the bad and who is the good guy and comments it from their sofa is at best a useful idiot.

Look at what Roms is posting, absolutely sick QAnon tin foil Jewish world conspiracy shit, has it ever crossed your mind that it is peiple like this on both sides that are stoking the hate?

Do you think you do any Palestinian family dad a favor by posting this absolute trash online?

I am out of this discussion, no need to discuss with nutcases. Have a good one.
Not a kid at all and have seen plenty of violence.

Sometimes apologists have no idea they're apologists, and sometimes their status as apologists is simply born of their discomfort for or with abrupt confrontation of the ills at hand that deserve confrontation... long ago... But what you've posted here now several times indicates you're an apologist for what is going on... Just as Genghis has numerous times, apparently lacking the self-awareness necessary to see it for what it is.

Hamas would not exist but for Bibi and for the history in Gaza with Israel, especially since the Nakba. There would've been no need for them or vacuum to fill..

As I've already pointed out, your preferred definition of 'genocide' is NOT the working definition used by the World Court. And despite whimsical preferences, their definition is the one that matters
If the karma that Israel has made itself worthy of offends some, then the answer is to insist on the application of penalties to Israel in a meaningful way so as to end that stream of negative karma and related abuses; something currently interfered with hundreds of times by the US, via their unilateral veto authority on the UN Security Council, where double-standards and lessening of the value of brown people/Arabs/and others who stand in the way of empires is relatively common these days.

Bibi, and all of those complicit with him, are guilty of conspiracy to commit serial mass murder and mass murder itself, and deserve a bullet in their heads, short of life imprisonment at The Hague, which unfortunately isn't going to happen any time soon.

And somehow, I sincerely doubt that greeting IDF, Mossad and Bibi, or Blinken and Biden with a good round of Kumbaya in Arabic or Hebrew is going to undo this.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." (John F. Kennedy)

And I don't think he was speaking in parable or metaphor.

Good to see you're carrying your apologist's perspective elsewhere You went softly ballistic when I merely politely informed you earlier that your definition of 'genocide' was not the Int'l Court's working definition. You clearly don't appreciate being told when you're full of shit, even politely, as it was when I did so the first time. Thus, as a former MH guy, I'd say that it's evidence of your psyche and maturation that is in question here. The solution to that would be to maybe not be full of shit as often.

Some of us have way more than an academic or cultural interest in this.
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Well-known member
Haha you are spreading Iranian Hezbollah propaganda

Are you even aware what Hezbollah is?

Are you aware it is you who is calling foegenocide when you speak of Israel as a cancerous tumor?

Would you even find Iran on a world map?

This is 100% Nazi language, man you are so lost, you miserable methface

Sitting there in front of your computer 24/ posting propaganda pictures in a pothead forum. How old are you, 14?

Go get a girlfriend or pop your anti psychotics or both
israel, iran and the west have been bombing lebanon and syria together for decades



Surveillance and interference: Israel’s covert war on the ICC exposed​

Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed​


So Hai

Well-known member
Finally someone took the words right out of my mouth and said it: America is an israeli proxy.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Momentum increases on campuses, including alumni refusing to continue to contribute to campuses that continue to invest in pro-Israeli, pro-war/pro-weapons or war-related companies. The pressure rises for campuses that receive such donations. BDS or suffer the financial consequences.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Biden, again with too little too late and disingenuousness as he fears the loss of his re-election. We shall see. Though his poll numbers are reportedly up a tick or two.




Russia freezes the assets of JP Morgan Chase Bank on its territory​


The FED that is the Central Bank of the United States of’America is in panic!

«Nationalizing the Russian central bank means declaring war on the 20 families who run the world».



Nord Stream: the Russian prosecutor's office has sent new requests to Washington, Berlin and Paris​



The spokesman of the Russian prosecutor's office stressed that the United States, Germany, and, france and Cyprus were signatories to the International Convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings in 1997 and the International Convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism in 1999.

The Parquet sent to additional requests to the United States, Germany, France and Cyprus regarding terrorist acts committed against the interests of Russia and its citizens, including, including explosions of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines. This was reported by the official representative of the Russian Prosecutor's Office, Andrei Ivanov.

"The Russian Prosecutor's Office has sent additional requests to the competent authorities of the United States, Germany, France and Cyprus in relation to terrorist acts and related offences, including, committed in the territory of Russia against the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, and, including the act of international terrorism consisting of the destruction of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines" said Andrei Ivanov.

The Russian institution noted that, "despite the available evidence, the competent authorities of the United States, cyprus and France have not investigated the circumstances of the financing and other forms of support for the commission of these acts of terrorism, and the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany are evading their international obligations."

At the same time, the representative of the Prosecutor's Office stressed that these countries were signatories to the Convention international for the suppression of the terrorist bombings of 1997 and the Convention international for the suppression of the financing of terrorism of 1999.

As such, "they are obliged to take measures to investigate acts of terrorism" and "to provide maximum assistance in the investigation of such unlawful acts" the Russian institution said.

In these additional requests, "the attention of the competent authorities of those States is drawn to the need to take measures to fulfil their international obligations in the fight against terrorist activities and their financing, to conduct investigations into illegal activities and bring those responsible to justice".

Press service of the Russian Prosecutor's Office announced on 3 April the institution had considered the requests of the Russian deputies concerning the investigation into the possible involvement of foreign persons and structures in the organization and financing of certain terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the explosions of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. Following the examination of the documents, the corresponding applications were sent to the competent authorities of the United States, Germany, France and Cyprus.

The Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline explosions, which were not yet operational, took place on September 26, 2022. Western media reported that the explosion roman Chervinsky, the former commander of a unit of the Ukrainian special operations forces, had coordinated. In February 2024, Sweden and Denmark stopped their investigations. Germany continues to investigate. China has called for an investigation under the auspices of the UN.

Information obtained from open sources



The Pentagon believes Russia has placed a mysterious weapon in orbit


Recently, the United States accused Russia of having sent an unknown weapon into’space that would be aligned with the position of a government satellite. According to American officials, this object, placed in low Earth orbit, would be an anti-satellite weapon.

Russia – United States : the satellite of discord

If the rivalry between the United States and Russia in’space does not date from’hier, the first S’are worried quite often about the maneuvers of the second. Recently, several sites and other channels such as ABC News, the BBC and Futurism have reported accusations from the Pentagon. On May 16, 2024, Russia launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome an unknown object that would be able to’attack other satellites, in other words, an anti-satellite weapon. Now, the’ object in question, called Cosmos 2576, is in the same orbit as’a satellite of the American government, namely the low terrestrial’.

« Obviously, this’ is something we will continue to monitor. We can say that we have the responsibility to’be ready to protect and defend the space domain and to provide continuous and uninterrupted support to the joint and combined force. And we will continue to balance the need to protect our interests in’space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment« , said Major General Patrick S. Ryder, spokesman for the Pentagon.

No proof for the moment’

Il faut savoir que ce projet de satellite avait déjà été dénoncé par la Force spatiale des États-Unis (USSF) en novembre 2023. Le sergent-major chef Ron Lerch avait évoqué de possibles collisions volontaires entre satellites provoquées par des « pays rivaux » à l’aide de « véhicules tueurs cinétiques« . Début 2024, des responsables de la Défense des États-Unis affirmaient également que la Russie travaillait à l’élaboration d’une arme spatiale nucléaire.

Whether these statements are accurate or not, such weapons would contradict the’space Treaty of 1967. The latter stipulates that’no country shall deploy nuclear weapons or any other kind of’arm mass destruction in outer space’.

On the Russian side, officials such as deputy foreign minister Sergei Riabkov kicked in the sidelines. L’interested said in particular not to want to respond to the accusations of the United States and that the russian space program was going as planned, with new satellites that have different roles to play. If the vice-minister also mentioned devices aimed at strengthening the Russian defence capacity, he also claimed that’il was not a’a novelty in itself.


Estimated approach time of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile towards the capitals of the countries supplying arms to Ukraine :

🇨🇦 Ottawa – 850 seconds

🇩🇪 Berlin - 106 seconds

🇬🇧 Londres – 202 seconds

🇺🇸 Washington – 995 seconds

🇫🇷 Paris - 200 seconds

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