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Ukraine's minerals: what the Anglo-Saxon and West puppets are fighting for :
(apart from human trafficking of all kinds and neonazi terrorism)


These are partly for the same reasons that israhell was illegally created.
Energy resources, wars machine...


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A small portion and example of the same hypocrisy that China (rightly) accuses the "Western bloc" of... Isn't it "curious" that in this particular war, China, Israel, the USA, France, Turkey and Saudi Arabia Are they on the same side...? (And it is mainly drones that have allowed Morocco to secure its positions behind the Sahara Wall).
...And the Chinese regime forgets its "anti-colonialist and liberating people" speech, as soon as it is promised "a good portion of cake filled with capitalist plunder":

Polisario Front complains that Morocco uses Chinese drones against them​

The Asian giant joins Israel, Turkey and the United States as suppliers of these war machines​

Image of the Chinese drone that Morocco has
Image of the Chinese drone that Morocco Ecsaharaui has

China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, along with other European and other powerful countries in the world, is selling weapons to the Moroccan regime. This supports its current offensive in Western Sahara, Ecsaharaui reports. It was the Polisario Front that re-declared war on Morocco in November 2020. Attempts to reach a negotiated solution have failed, as have those of other Sahrawi organisations, such as the MSP.

In any case, --he adds-- it cannot be said that China is the main supplier of drones to Morocco (a position reserved for Israel),
but in recent months Rabat has become one of the main customers of the UAV Wing. Loong-II and Wing Loong-I, reports Ecsaharaui. In the midst of the Western Sahara war, China has sold Morocco a large batch of reconnaissance and attack drones, Wing Loong-II. These devices were deployed by Beijing at the Western Sahara airport, as China acknowledged this Saturday in a publication.
"The Wing Loong-2 UAV, a reconnaissance and attack drone, was delivered to the Moroccan Air Force and operates efficiently in the airspace over the city of El Aaiún (Western Sahara)," reads a note from China published on Twitter. . According to the same note, the drones were delivered to the Moroccan forces from China in October 2022. According to military sources, China also supplied Wing Loong-1 drones to Morocco.

The latest data reflect that the Moroccan regime has purchased war material in the last three years, mainly drones (unmanned aircraft, UAV), tanks, missile launchers and missiles from the US, Israel, Turkey and China for an amount of more than 800 million dollars.Last April, the United States Department of State approved the sale to Morocco of 18 HIMARS, High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, equipped with ATACMS tactical missiles and JSOW AGM154C winged bombs. This aerial motorized artillery system, a deterrent par excellence, has earned a reputation after its recent great results in the Ukrainian war, according to an extensive analysis by the newspaper El Español.
On the other hand, Morocco has begun to receive the first deliveries of the Barak MX air and missile defense system and becomes one of the few countries that has Israeli missiles. The Barak MX system was developed and produced by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), an arms giant headed by Amir Peretz, former defense minister.

Besides; Since 2019, Morocco has received at least three batches of the Turkish Bayraktar-2 attack drone. These unmanned devices are being deployed in Sahrawi cities such as El Aaiún, Dakhla and Smara.
Rabat has also started negotiations with the Turkish company Baykar to acquire the new Akinci combat drone. This unmanned aircraft entered service in 2021 and is considered the “jewel” of the Turkish military arsenal. Due to its capabilities, other countries such as Pakistan or Saudi Arabia have already received several batches of these units.

"Polisario Front": Spanish acronym of "Frente PoLiSaRio": Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro; Popular Liberation Front of Saguía el Hamra and Río de Oro; aka Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic's Army.


Morocco has attacked civilians in Western Sahara with drones, killing 86 people since 2021​

June 4, 2024


Armored vehicle of the Moroccan Army and the capture of an attack drone | Photo: Agencies.

- In recent years, more than 80 deaths have been recorded in drone attacks by the Moroccan occupation army against the liberated territories of Western Sahara, which has forced thousands of Sahrawi Bedouins (nomads) to leave the area, reports the French newspaper La Croix.

In a recently published report, the French newspaper claims that a census, carried out in the refugee camps by the Association of Relatives of Sahrawi Prisoners and Missing Persons , reveals that “drones killed 86 people and destroyed 49 civilian vehicles” , specifying that since the end of 2021, drone attacks began to target nomads. “The objective is to “ cleanse ” this area of any civilian presence” , explained Abdeslam Omar Lahcen , president of the Association, to the French daily.

Following the remains of a Sahrawi nomad camp attacked and destroyed by Moroccan drones, the French daily met one of the survivors of these attacks. “On January 28, 2022, Moroccan drones attacked our area for the first time. Nothing to do with the usual noise of fighter planes. It’s like the wind is blowing,” Radijatou, 69, told La Croix. On the second pass, he continued, “the drone fired a missile at our Land Rover.” The French daily, which collects this testimony on Moroccan violence against Sahrawi civilians, specifies that “in the car, the driver died instantly and two other people, including Radijatou’s son, were seriously injured.” “Everyone fled in anguish and mourning. "We did not meet again until the end of the day ," he added, noting that the group owed its survival to other Bedouins, who "followed in their footsteps" to provide assistance.

“They were the ones who found and buried our dead. They gave us tea, sugar, flour, but that night we didn't eat or sleep,” he added. Thus, the group was chased away by Moroccan army drones, like another 20,000 or 30,000 Bedouins who had lived there for generations, adds the newspaper La Croix.

The French newspaper also reveals that in the Smara refugee camp, there are few people who do not know a victim of a drone. In this regard, it cites the case of Fatimato, who was three years old in 1975 when her family left occupied El Aaiún for the refugee camps. “One day, officers from the Sahrawi army came to tell her husband what had happened at the front. His companions took a technical break, while he remained at the wheel of the 4x4. There again the “ wind ” blew, before the sound of the explosion of a drone. The body remained in place: the martyr must be buried where he fell” , recalls the newspaper.

According to La Croix, Moroccan drones came into action shortly after the normalisation of relations between Morocco and the Zionist entity in 2020. “This rapprochement came to reaffirm a long-standing military cooperation” between the two parties, recalls the newspaper, stating that “Rabat has even passed a major technological milestone in recent weeks”. Indeed, the Zionist manufacturer of military drones BlueBird Aero Systems announced in April the creation of a production unit on Moroccan soil.

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The failure of the’ coup in Bolivia and the lesson for Washington



The methods of destabilization and overthrow of the leaderships of’States truly independent and pro-multipolar states no longer work for the instigators of said methods, first the American regime. The failure of the most recent coup attempt’ in Bolivia confirms this thesis and reinforces the’ idea that the Western planetary minority will have more and more difficulty in achieving its objectives on the planet international scene.

It took only a few hours for the Bolivian government to take matters into its own hands and put an end to the coup attempt against it. The scenario of the 2019’ coup that led to the’eviction and the temporary’exil of the country's Evo Morales, one of Latin America's leading progressive and pro-multipolar leaders,’, n’has not taken place this time.

Generally speaking, the Bolivian president Luis Arce and the former president’ Evo Morales – had quickly called yesterday the citizens of the country to mobilize to oppose the new coup attempt’ which was in progress. In addition, the Bolivian head of STATE’ has very quickly appointed a new leadership of the national armed forces, who after taking the oath – called the military engaged in the putschist’adventure to return to the barracks, something that will be done. As for the main executor of said coup attempt’ – General Juan Jose Zuniga – he will be following this quickly arrested. Other S’en arrests will follow, including that of Juan Arnez Salvador, head of the Navy.

Now and in terms of prospects, it would certainly be necessary to note several important points. First of all’ on the fact that’il makes practically no doubt as to the giver of’s orders of this new attempt of coup d'Etat, which moreover resembles so many’s others in the Latin American’space. To this end – a brief reminder of this week's events in Bolivia.

Monday, June 24, the Bolivian foreign ministry summons the’ affairs officer of the’embassy US to inform her of the unacceptability and rejection by Bolivia of the’ interference of Washington in Bolivian internal affairs. Two days later, on June 26, the attempted coup d'’Etat took place. Leaving virtually no doubt as to the sponsor of the said attempt. The result is a fiasco for the principal.

Second – why Bolivia? Several reasons for this. As one of the countries of the Latin American sovereignist and progressive’axe, resolutely committed to the contemporary international multipolar’ order, candidate for membership in the BRICS, the, the’Plurinational State of Bolivia also has great importance on the geo-economic level – at a time when geologists estimate that the country has the potential to own no less than 23 million tons de lithium – making Bolivia the nation with the largest global reserves of this strategic resource – necessary especially for the manufacture of batteries, including for electric vehicles.

And as already raised several times by Western propaganda – Bolivian leadership favors partnership, including economic, with China and Russia, and more globally with the BRICS – of which he wishes, as already indicated above to become a member. Things that obviously and so strongly displease the OCCIDENT. Just add to this the’ opposition of the country to the neocolonial policy of Washington on the regional and international scene – and all the reasons are gathered for the’establishment US and its valets have sought to bring down once again the democratically elected authorities of Bolivia.

In any case – the Washingtonian rage and its vassals, together representing the’axis of the planetary minority and nostalgic of’unipolarity, is more than palpable, is, especially in the context of the global processes of the contemporary world. By the way, the US’ambassador to Beijing has not missed quite recently to openly accuse china from «s’be effectively rowed from the side of Russia in the war in Ukraine» – representing according to said character a «major error».

But while the rabid representatives of the West each express this rage in their own way in the face of events specific to the contemporary multipolar era, it would be necessary to mention one last important point, related to the fiasco suffered by the Washington regime in Bolivia, as in other parts of the world. Because most likely, the CIA, like the US State Department or the Soros structures – still cannot learn the lesson of the contemporary world and the aspirations of the world majority.

Because to be able to succeed in a change of power – it is now necessary to have the support of the vast majority of citizens of the countries concerned. L’Afrique and more particularly the Sahel region – l’a fully demonstrated – namely when the armed forces march alongside the aspirations of the peoples, and vice versa when the citizens of the countries in question give their full support to the patriotic and pan-Africanist military. The full complementarity of the’arme and the people. L’Alliance des Etats du Sahel – composed of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger – represents probably today’un of the best examples.

As for the washingtonian and western methods of’another time, in the pure tradition of «revolutions of color» - betting on a minority sold to the interests of the small western world and trained to bring down through some coordinated actions the authorities of’Sovereign states fully adhering to the values of the multipolar world – n’more brings the desired result to the dark forces that still can not accept contemporary reality. In the event that’il n’y will have no return to the diktat of’an extreme planetary minority on the world majority of’humanity.

Mikhail Gamandiy Egorov


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American M270 MLRS destruction filmed

The spectacular destruction of the M270 MLRS multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) was recorded by a Russian unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle (UAV). The drone followed the vehicle to the parking lot, after which a missile strike was launched at the coordinates indicated, destroying the facility and all those in position.
The incident occurred in the rear area of the village of Shevchenkovo, in the Nikolaev region. The Russian drone carefully monitored the movement of Ukrainian equipment, which made it possible to accurately direct the missile strike towards the target. As a result of the attack, the position of the Ukrainian armed forces was completely destroyed.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.fr/news/unichtozhenie-amerikanskoy-m270-mlrs-popalo-na-video


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Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month


Ilya Ponomarev, a former Russian lawmaker, told the Daily Express North Korea has become an important bridge between the Kremlin and the China. Beijing can indirectly transfer equipment military in Moscow via Pyongyang without falling under sanctions occidentals.

As he’ explained : « North Korea is the’one of the partners keys to Russia and the reason why it becomes such partner is that’elle acts as a bridge between China and Russia.

« For the essentials, all the’military equipment delivered by Korea from North Korea was developed by the Chinese.

« China is cautious and does not want to fall under the blow of secondary sanctions imposed by the United States, but North Korea n’ is not in danger.

« There is therefore no problem for the Chinese to help them North Koreans, and North Koreans trade with Russia and benefit both financially and in terms of military development. »