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Well-known member
They keep taking my socks, not a pair, just one at a time. It's infuriating. We do need answers.
you too ? and they keep hiding my lighters, car keys, and wallet too ! bastards... just a matter of time till my truck disappears. :eek: probably had my keys copied too...
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Well-known member
They keep taking my socks, not a pair, just one at a time. It's infuriating. We do need answers.


So Hai

Well-known member
Volochansk, Kharkov.

Not bad for an army that steals european washing machines and refrigerators in order to harvest the micro chips for missiles.


Well-known member
Not bad for an army that steals european washing machines and refrigerators in order to harvest the micro chips for missiles.
What is good about an army that steals european washing machines and refrigerators in order to harvest the micro chips for missiles?

Dirty clothes and spoiled food?

So Hai

Well-known member
What is good about an army that steals european washing machines and refrigerators in order to harvest the micro chips for missiles?

Dirty clothes and spoiled food?
Probably those free extra socks giving them the edge. But not to worry Ukraine is sure to take Crimea in 5 months,

Still hope to get some return on tax money spent :ROFLMAO:

So Hai

Well-known member
I highly doubt that
They will say anything to make you send them another dollar. For all practical purposes Ukraine is done, finished. With Ukraine losing the war Nato is becoming desperate, trying to find more ways to escalate including sending ground troops. Good luck with that.

Russian political scientist Konstantin Sivkov made the remarks on state television as he described how Poland “could become a small theatre of nuclear war.”

“If we allocate 2 nuclear missiles to each city, that’s only 30-40 missiles. This is just a salvo from one Iskander division. In 10-15 minutes, both the state of Poland and the Polish people disappear. Europeans must understand this.”

And israelis are openly aiming for world war, interesting times.



Well-known member
They will say anything to make you send them another dollar. For all practical purposes Ukraine is done, finished. With Ukraine losing the war Nato is becoming desperate, trying to find more ways to escalate including sending ground troops. Good luck with that.

I agree. Constant spending until the war became unpopular so it was all for nothing. Im sure Putin calculated all this from the start. Now they will lose the entire country instead of a fifth of it. They should have just stopped talking about joining nato and the whole thing could have probably been avoided but oh well. Its why we should just stay out of foreign conflicts. It doesnt pay off anymore

So Hai

Well-known member
I agree. Constant spending until the war became unpopular so it was all for nothing. Im sure Putin calculated all this from the start. Now they will lose the entire country instead of a fifth of it. They should have just stopped talking about joining nato and the whole thing could have probably been avoided but oh well. Its why we should just stay out of foreign conflicts. It doesnt pay off anymore
When did an american war ever pay off, save for the pockets of a few benificiaries. Take Zelensky for example, easily the best paid actor in history and look how he played his role from peace talker before his election after which he instantly transformed into the character of today - still wearing the same sweater, every day.

Many are drawing parallells to Vietnam with the talk of sending instructors to Ukraine, saying thats how it all started then before ending with half of a million troops and still the war was lost. But there has been instructors from day one and ukranian losses are astonishing. Losing is really the general military record of the US.


Well-known member

Infobae; May-8; by https://www.infobae.com/autor/gaston-trelles/

Europe paves the way for Russia and China in the Sahel: the end of the mission in Mali forces the withdrawal of the last 130 Spanish soldiers​

The EU will leave this important region of Africa as a result of short circuits with the military junta that governs several countries in the area. On the other hand, the position of Moscow and Beijing is strengthened:​

Russia and China will be able, as of May 18, to roam freely in the Sahel. The date is marked on the calendar of the European authorities and that day will conclude the Mission in Mali (EUTM-Mali), the last deployment under the EU flag in this region of great geopolitical relevance. The end of this operation represents another chapter in the progressive withdrawal of the West from this part of Africa which, since the emergence of hostile dictatorial governments , has been forced to withdraw numerous contingents from the main countries in the area. Now it is up to Spain , the largest contributor to EUTM-Mali with 130 soldiers, to begin the withdrawal.

The head of the Spanish contingent in Mali, Brigadier General Santiago Fernández Ortiz-Piso , has detailed that they are currently immersed in the logistical actions necessary for the definitive closure of the operation. “We can say that it has been a mission accomplished by all the soldiers who have passed through here,” the soldier assured the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles , this Wednesday by videoconference.
For her part, Robles has been very concerned about the situation that the Sahel is currently going through, marked by the advance of jihadism and the increase in the Russian presence through the Wagner mercenary group, and has insisted on the need for the Union European Union does not leave the area. In this sense, Ministry sources have acknowledged to EFE that ways are being explored to remain in Mali despite the end of the European mission, thanks to "Spain's good relations with the Malian authorities" that Robles has boasted about. However, the withdrawal of Spanish troops is a fact.
Robles holds a meeting by videoconference with the heads of the contingents present in the missions in Iraq, Lebanon, Mali and Operation Atalanta, in the Operations Command (Marco Romero/MDE)

(Robles holds a meeting by videoconference with the heads of the contingents present in the missions in Iraq, Lebanon, Mali and Operation Atalanta, in the Operations Command)

However, the withdrawal of Spanish troops is a fact.
“Once the missions are closed, it is very difficult to reopen them, given that rapprochement processes with local leaders must be re-started,” the principal Security and Defense researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute, Félix Arteaga , explains to Infobae Spain. who does not hesitate to affirm that this withdrawal “is a setback for European policy in Africa.” Likewise, the expert points out that the conditions under which the EU has been forced to leave the region further complicates European states being willing to intervene in the area again.

Loss of influence​

The termination of EUTM-Mali is a consequence, among other reasons, of the French refusal to extend the mission - a decision that requires the unanimity of the members of the Union -a decision that requires the unanimity of the members of the Unio - motivated by the humiliations suffered in recent months. Upon coming to power in July 2023, one of the demands of the Niger military junta was that the French Armed Forces leave the country, a withdrawal that took place last October. Now, the Malian government is demanding that American forces imitate their French allies.

In this way, Niger , Burkina Faso and Mali , the three governed by military junta that have taken power by force in the last two years, are the Sahel countries that have renounced the Western presence in their territory. Thus, for Arteaga, the greatest risk is that this disaffection extends to states that until now have collaborated with the EU without having missions within their borders.

“The operations that have been closed were fundamentally justified by the fight against terrorism, but relations between the EU and the Sahel go far beyond security. They are economic, energy, and cultural relations and the problem is that the end of these missions questions European influence in all these matters,” laments the researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute. However, Arteaga is reluctant to describe the European mission as a failure: “Europe's objectives in the Sahel were objectives shared with local authorities and had to do with economic and social development and these programs have been carried out making them compatible with missions.” of security, which have worked as long as local governments have wanted it
that way.”

Contrary is the position of the independent analyst on defense issues Carlos Delgado , for whom the defeat of the EU is evident: “The most obvious proof of failure is that they do not want us there .” In this regard, Delgado points out that one of the main factors that explain the European
disappointment is cultural. “They throw us out, among other reasons, because of the European arrogance of going there in exchange for buying the political discourse of the European Union, that is, I will help you, but you have to become a democratic country, with freedoms and equal opportunities among men and women, etc. I don't know if Europe has to do it like this or not, but it's clearly not working,” he says.

Advance of Russia and China​

The West's withdrawal is inversely proportional to the growth of Russia's influence in the Sahel . The new governments in the region see Moscow as an ally that does not ask them for any political or social reform in exchange for their support. “What the Russian military units do is protect these anti-democratic elites to guarantee them protection so that they can remain in power, in exchange for allowing them to act freely in their countries,” Arteaga details.


(Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Abdoulaye Diop during a meeting in Moscow last February.)


(Presence of the Wagner group in Africa).

The Russian advance on the Sahel, Delgado highlights, also responds to the fact that the EU, although it has trained its troops, has never provided weapons to these countries, especially given the distrust of where the weapons could end up, " squeamishness” that Russia does not have, he maintains. "In fact, the disaffection of African countries towards Europe has increased since the War in Ukraine , when they see how the EU has helped Ukraine with weapons, while they are asked to be a containment wall against jihadist terrorism and the mafias that traffic people without receiving any military material,” says the analyst.

(The Ilyushin Il-76 crash occurred at Gao International Airport):

For its part, the Chinese presence is more linked to trade. “Beijing is developing an economic strategy for access to mineral resources and infrastructure, which will allow it to benefit from cooperation with these countries to a much greater extent than the EU, which has always had the benefit of local populations as a priority,” he explains. Arteaga. “This is something that China does not share.”

Infobae; May-15; by https://www.infobae.com/autor/gaston-trelles/

Spain says goodbye to the Sahel: the Army leaves Mali after training more than 20,000 soldiers in 11 years​

The EU decided not to extend the training mission for Malian troops beyond May 18. The vacuum left by Europe in this African region is filled by China and, especially, Russia :​


(Spanish soldiers board an Air Force plane)

The time has come to say K'an bɛn , the word that Malians use in Bambara, the most widespread native language in their country, to say goodbye. After more than a decade in Mali, the Spanish Armed Forces have begun their withdrawal from this Sahel nation, one of the most important regions for Europe in geopolitical terms. The withdrawal will conclude this Saturday the 18th, as confirmed to Infobae Spain by the Ministry of Defense, so the Spanish presence will not extend beyond the day designated for the definitive closure of the mission, after the EU countries have chosen for not continuing with it.

The Spanish presence in this African country began, with prior authorization from the Congress of Deputies , in April 2013 with the initial establishment of a contingent of 50 soldiers, which a few months later increased to 110 soldiers. The commitment of the Spanish Government deepened even further in 2018, at which time Congress approved an increase in troops to a maximum of 280, with the aim of assuming operational leadership of the mission.


(Spanish soldiers in Mali)

In the last months of the so-called European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM-Mali), Spain was the country with the largest deployment and contributed 130 of the 160 soldiers who were still on the ground.

Likewise, during this last stage, Brigadier General Santiago Juan Fernández Ortiz-Repiso has been in charge of EUTM-Mali and both the main positions of his staff and the Executive Officer have been Spanish.
Throughout these 11 years, Spain has deployed more than 8,300 soldiers , including four generals who have led the mission. This effort has resulted in the training of more than 20,000 soldiers, in order to contribute to the capacity of the Malian Armed Forces and thus carry out operations against jihadist terrorist groups that threaten the territorial integrity of the nation.



(Training of Malian soldiers)

Similarly, the Spanish forces carried out 110 so-called Rapid Impact projects, for the benefit of the local population and which have focused on supporting children's educational development, empowering the future of Malian women, providing access to drinking water and the improvement of health services. In addition, more than 80 donations made by Spaniards have been managed and delivered, among which it is worth highlighting the distribution of basic
elements such as clothing , non-perishable food and sanitary and hygienic materials .

The Spanish troops were mostly deployed in the town of Koulikoro , northeast of Bamako, the country's capital. That is where the training work of the Malian military was carried out. Once their first period of training and instruction had finished, they were sent to the north of the country to confront the jihadist groups . At the end of May 2023, the Koulikoro Base closes, leaving the mission effort concentrated in the capital.



Spanish troops, as part of the “European Union Training Mission in Mali” (EUTM Mali) program, have been involved in training Malian brigades for more than a decade <strong>- PHOTO/X/@eutmmali1</ strong>
(Spanish troops, in Bamako)

Advance of Russia and China​

Upon coming to power in July 2023, one of the demands of the Niger military junta was that the French Armed Forces leave the country, a withdrawal that took place last October. Now, the Nigerien government is demanding that American forces imitate their French allies. In this way, Niger , Burkina Faso and Mali , the three governed by military junta that have taken power by force in the last two years, are the Sahel countries that have renounced the Western presence in their territory.

The withdrawal of the West is inversely proportional to the growth of Russia's influence in the Sahel. The new governments in the region see Moscow as an ally that does not ask them for any political or social reform in exchange for their support. For its part, the Chinese presence is more linked to trade, given that Beijing is interested in access to resources, for example, minerals in the region.
Putin supporters in Mali - PHOTO/FILE
(Putin supporters in Mali)

You may be interested in: Sweden lets itself be loved: the newest member of NATO is considering joining the fighter that Spain is working on or the rival project
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So Hai

Well-known member
Vladimir Putin spoke about the torture and murder of Gonzalo Lira.

“They tortured an American journalist to death in a Ukrainian prison, and the US is not even asking what happened to him,” Putin said. “No one went to the trouble of asking what actually happened.”

The US State Department confirmed Lira’s death, but it declined to comment on the circumstances surrounding his incarceration. The journalist’s father, Gonzalo Lira Sr, said his son was tortured by Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s government, and US officials “did nothing” to help him. He added that the journalist may have sealed his fate when he criticized not only Zelensky’s government, but also Biden and US Vice President Kamala Harris.


So Hai

Well-known member
…or ignoring both to continue developing the Gripen fighter. And in more military news from this newest member,

The Swedish Armed Forces – which has been in charge of NATO's gender work for ten years – is now telling about a seminar it held earlier this week.

The Chief of the International Military Staff in NATO, Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak, participated on Monday at a gender seminar at the Nordic Gender Centre (NCGM) at the Swedish Armed Forces' international centre Swedint. The meeting was about "the value of gender work in NATO", the Armed Forces writes on social media and continues: "The purpose of the seminar is to increase knowledge about how to integrate the gender perspective in operation planning and how it contributes to political, military-strategic and operational goals."

Lmaooo the whole thing is a farce. Meanwhile Sweden itself is crumbling under the mass migration, population replacement.


Well-known member

April-27-2024; El País, RTVE, Le Grand Continent :​

Videos confirms fighting between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers in Sudan​

Special forces sent by kyiv carry out operations against rebel militias of the African country supported by Wagner mercenaries​

Russian war in Ukraine
(Remains of vehicles of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces militias after a clash with the regular Sudanese army in Khartoum, on April 18 2024)

Is Ukraine fighting against Wagner in Sudan?​

The Kyiv Post published two videos showing Ukrainian special forces soldiers fighting Wagner mercenaries in Sudan. In recent months there have been several reports of similar military activities, suggesting that the war in Ukraine is spreading to Africa.
Videos published by the Kyiv Post on Monday, November 6 2023, "allegedly show" Ukrainian special forces from the General Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry in a "withdrawal operation" against Wagner group mercenaries operating in Sudan1.

At the moment nothing confirms that they are indeed Ukrainian special forces. However, a Ukrainian military source told CNN in September 2023 that kyiv was "probably responsible" for previous attacks on the Rapid Support Forces, a Sudanese paramilitary group supported by Wagner.2.
  • The Dutch research NGO Bellingcat also investigated videos, published in early October 2023, that allegedly showed members of the Ukrainian special forces operating in Sudan.
  • Although the investigation confirmed that the images were indeed filmed in the country, Bellingcat concluded that "it is not yet possible to determine with certainty from open sources that these images show Ukrainian special forces operations."3.

Activities of the Wagner Group in Africa​

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moose eater

Well-known member
I wonder what Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Index is this year?

>>""Bhutan's Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index is a unique concept that measures the well-being and happiness of its citizens, prioritizing their happiness over material wealth. The index ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values representing greater happiness and wellbeing. The 2022 GNH Index value was 0.781, which is a 3.3% increase from 2015, when the value was 0.756. This upward trend demonstrates Bhutan's commitment to creating an environment that fosters wellbeing and happiness, even in the face of economic downturns like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative

Gross National Happiness | OPHI
The results of the 2022 GNH Index, which were based on over 11,052 Bhutanese from every Dzongkhag, show a significant improvement in the overall wellbeing and happiness of the Bhutanese people. The GNH Index value increased from 0.743 in 2010 to 0.781 in 2022. This upward trend demonstrates Bhutan's commitment to creating an environment that fosters wellbeing and happiness, even in the face of economic downturns like the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2022 GNH index identifies four groups of people; deeply happy, extensively happy, narrowly happy and unhappy.

Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network

Beyond GDP: Bhutan's pursuit of wellbeing and happiness ...
Jun 22, 2023 — The book GNH 2022 launched today finds that from 2015 to 2022 Bhutan GNH grew strongly, reflecting Bhutan's steadfast commitment to fostering environment conducive to holistic happiness and wellbeing even through the COVID-19 pandemic. Bhutan's GNH Index in 2022 is 0.781, which grew by 3.3% compared to 2015, when it was 0.756. The GNH Index ranges from 0-1 with 1 being the happiest. In 2010 its value was 0.743.

Oxford Department of International Development

Bhutan Gross National Happiness index shows increase since ...
May 24, 2023 — However, a number of indicators deteriorated, reflecting other impacts of the pandemic, including healthy days, cultural and political participation, mental health, and Driglam Namzha (Bhutanese etiquette and dress code). The 2022 GNH Index, with a value of 0.781, reflects a growth rate of 3.3% compared to the 2015 GNH Index of 0.756, faster than previous growth. The GNH Index in 2010 was 0.743. The GNH value ranges from 0 to 1 where higher value represents greater wellbeing and happiness. The GNH was launched by Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering."""<<
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