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Active member
This is the official line, which you could easily have found yourself:

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases.  The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through development of a bio-risk management culture; international research partnerships; and partner capacity for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures.

But hey, you’re not going to believe that are you.

Got fired from a job once. Had a grudge ever since. Truth doesn’t fit his agenda.


Well-known member
Is it really that easy to believe that he's lost his marbles and that he believed he would capture Ukraine quickly if he knew the Russian Military was really a paper tiger that has been fooling the world into believing it's an Iron Bear? I mean if he lost his marbles as badly as he would have had to in order to make such a serious miscalculation then there should have been lots of evidence of it for quite some time now. You don't go from being a shrewd and cunning dictator able to play 3D chess on the world stage to some crackpot that has no concept of how weak his forces really are, overnight. The only justification anyone has given for him to now be as incompetent as some want to think he is, is just that he's about to turn 70 yet many people get to their 80's and beyond and remain sharp as tacks. In order for him to make such terrible miscalculations he would have to just blindly trust what all those around him say yet all evidence points to him being a very mistrustful and paranoid leader. It seems to me that before he would commit to a course of action that would be devastating to him if he lost he would make sure his forces were everything he thought them to be.

Maybe the nuke threat, maybe the alleged Parkinsons. Dunno, but maybe I really hope you're wrong!😬


Active member
Maybe the nuke threat, maybe the alleged Parkinsons. Dunno, but maybe I really hope you're wrong!😬

To pull his bluff, putin needs us to believe that he’s psychotic. His goal is to destroy and create dependence while reigning superior over the worlds population. Some here would find that preferable. Ask why we’re making putin kill babies. Perhaps they had abusive parents..

Three Berries

Active member
We fund all sorts of things that are in our interests. Just because it's a biolab doesn't mean it's producing weapons. Most do not, unless of course you're listening to the "news" sources you do.

So what is our interest to fund biolabs in Ukraine? Why not fund them at home? And maybe you are listening to those responsible denying things? Do you know for sure?

Three Berries

Active member
This is the official line, which you could easily have found yourself:

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases.  The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through development of a bio-risk management culture; international research partnerships; and partner capacity for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures.

But hey, you’re not going to believe that are you.

I know what the official line is.

Do you believe the US government?

What if Covid-19 came from Ukraine? Would the US government deny that?

Three Berries

Active member
Dentist Viceroys.jpg

Three Berries

Active member
It's the Deep State vs We The People in Ukraine.

Ukraine is calling/begging for anti-aircraft support, no fly zones, and would really like NATO/Israel to help out

NATO said pretty much “nah, sorry we can’t. Rules and sh**”

The US military is being sent to Europe to help with NATO Allies in the name of support for Ukraine but not going into Ukraine. Just on the border

Russia has them surrounded from the East. NATO and American military on the west

Russia has blocked off the port to the Black Sea

Anyone see what I see?


In theory let’s Think about this:

>Q said the military was the only way.
>Q is less than 10 and 3 non military
>Some of those would HAVE to be Bin Salman, Xi, and Putin if youre going to take on the DS
>Some of the biggest parts of the Deep State are cornered in Kiev.
>Black Sea cut off by Russian subs with fancy new super sonic missiles.
>Russia also has the east by legitimate and legal invasion (land rights)
>NATO and US military surround the east under the guise of support for Ukraine.
>This really is existential for them - yet they’re not sending any realistic help except CIA mercenaries 🤡’s
>No anti aircraft support, no no-fly zone, no Migs like they thought.
>Ukraine is Crying for Israel to come mediate/help.
>Israel is being attacked by Iran bombing the US consulate in Iraq where Israel secret ops are allegedly being held (Mossad)
>Russia is threatening to tell the whole world about the genocidal corruption and have all the evidence.
>Trump is saying China is going after Taiwan next but it wouldn’t shock me if while the whole world is watching Ukraine, China is setting up behind the scenes with no media coverage.
>They’re screaming for public support through manipulation of the media as their only realistic hope Bc they appear to be running out of supplies and ammunition.
>Anons are poking holes through every story they put out. The narrative is coming completely undone.

And if they’ll just wait until they’ve spent all their ammunition, been fully exposed , it can all just happen at once like taking candy from a baby.

The whole thing set up without anyone having a clue what’s going on.


Active member
This is the official line, which you could easily have found yourself:

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases.  The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through development of a bio-risk management culture; international research partnerships; and partner capacity for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures.

But hey, you’re not going to believe that are you.
Biological threat reduction by doing gain of function in wuhan and accidentally infecting the entire world. Makes perfect sense.


...como el Son...
Just watch this vid from 2015

Is the man in the video answering my question? Excuse me, but due to my rusty, out of practice, spoken English (my goats don't even speak Spanish), it would be nice if you could transcribe the answer for me:
What does the E.U. have to do with no longer being neutral(no-NATO)?
Finland, for example, has joined the African Union and I haven't heard about it?


Active member
It's the Deep State vs We The People in Ukraine.

Ukraine is calling/begging for anti-aircraft support, no fly zones, and would really like NATO/Israel to help out

NATO said pretty much “nah, sorry we can’t. Rules and sh**”

The US military is being sent to Europe to help with NATO Allies in the name of support for Ukraine but not going into Ukraine. Just on the border

Russia has them surrounded from the East. NATO and American military on the west

Russia has blocked off the port to the Black Sea

Anyone see what I see?


In theory let’s Think about this:

>Q said the military was the only way.
>Q is less than 10 and 3 non military
>Some of those would HAVE to be Bin Salman, Xi, and Putin if youre going to take on the DS
>Some of the biggest parts of the Deep State are cornered in Kiev.
>Black Sea cut off by Russian subs with fancy new super sonic missiles.
>Russia also has the east by legitimate and legal invasion (land rights)
>NATO and US military surround the east under the guise of support for Ukraine.
>This really is existential for them - yet they’re not sending any realistic help except CIA mercenaries 🤡’s
>No anti aircraft support, no no-fly zone, no Migs like they thought.
>Ukraine is Crying for Israel to come mediate/help.
>Israel is being attacked by Iran bombing the US consulate in Iraq where Israel secret ops are allegedly being held (Mossad)
>Russia is threatening to tell the whole world about the genocidal corruption and have all the evidence.
>Trump is saying China is going after Taiwan next but it wouldn’t shock me if while the whole world is watching Ukraine, China is setting up behind the scenes with no media coverage.
>They’re screaming for public support through manipulation of the media as their only realistic hope Bc they appear to be running out of supplies and ammunition.
>Anons are poking holes through every story they put out. The narrative is coming completely undone.

And if they’ll just wait until they’ve spent all their ammunition, been fully exposed , it can all just happen at once like taking candy from a baby.

The whole thing set up without anyone having a clue what’s going on.

Tucker tell you that?

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