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from the future

From 11 September to 7 October: The fake ‘War on Terror’ collapses​


For years, the US executed Israel’s regional destabilization program using phantom terrorists as justification for the ‘War on Terror.’ But 7 October 2023 killed Washington’s never-ending war project – with a flip of the switch, US adversaries have now turned the ‘Long War’ on Israel.

moose eater

Well-known member

British Navy Shadows Russian Submarine in English Channel as Four Russian Vessels Enter UK Waters​

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For MANY years the Russians (Soviets at one time) have somewhat frequently sent bombers, sometimes with escorts, across the Bering Sea/North Pacific Ocean toward Alaska's Coast, and the US has scrambled jets from Elmendorf and Eielson Air Bases in response. Oddly enough, sort of cooperating with the Russian/Soviet efforts at what amounts to be testing our air defenses.

And going back through time to the SR71 Blackbird, we did the same sort of stuff, all of it involving one form of intel gathering or another. We probably still do similar, but we don't typically read about it in the press on this side of the Pacific Ocean. It's always better to illuminate the OTHER guy's booboos in any stand-off or cold war.

Just that the stakes are higher now, and if nothing else, the war people are all about saber rattling, like firing a warning shot, without much understanding that sometimes warning shots are misperceived as incoming, and responded to..

I mean, if your neighbor strapped on a couple firearms, and then proceeded to walk back and forth on the sidewalk in front of your home, staring hard and long at your home, how long would it be before some sort of action was taken by the person in the home?

These are the fireworks these assholes on all sides play with.

I was taught as a youngster that if I pulled out a firearm, whether at an animal or another human, that I needed to be prepared to use it, and otherwise, don't draw the thing or point it at anything.

And no, I'm NOT just lambasting the Russians in this. It's ALL too common. The world is being run by the wrong people, and has been for a long time now.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Don't challenge the Military Industrial Complex...

Cody Bloomfield works with and writes for 'Defending Rights & Dissent'.
FBI counterterror officials went in person to Michigan to spy on “Stop Camp Grayling” demonstrators, new documents reveal.

Cody Bloomfield
September 13 2024, 6:00 a.m.


The protest did not go off as planned. In February 2023, government recruiters came to the student union at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, stacking National Security Agency-branded plastic cups and splaying out pamphlets about Navy fringe benefits.

The activists had come to protest the expansion of Camp Grayling, already the largest National Guard training facility in the country. The opposition had arisen a year earlier, when the military had proposed leasing more than 150,000 acres of forest land managed by Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources, doubling the size of the training installation.

The National Guard, though, did not make an appearance at the University of Michigan career fair. The activists proceeded with their plan anyway.

“Want blood on your hands?” read the flyers activists distributed on recruiting tables. “Sign up for a government job.” When the recruiters returned from lunch, two protesters rushed in, dousing the NSA recruiting table and two Navy personnel with fake blood sprayed out of a ketchup container. (The NSA did not respond to a request for comment.) The “Stop Camp Grayling” protesters were subdued, booked, and charged.

“We’ve seen over the years that the FBI opens very aggressive investigations based on a very low criminal predicate in cases against protest groups.”
Everything about the protest had been relatively routine, right down to the arrests, but the local and federal authorities saw something more sinister. According to public records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, the local sheriff’s office in Oakland County, Michigan, documented the incident in a case report as a hate crime against law enforcement. (The sheriff’s office did not respond to a request for comment.)

The FBI recorded the incident as part of a terrorism investigation.

“We’ve seen over the years,” said Michael German, a former FBI agent and fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, “that the FBI opens very aggressive investigations based on a very low criminal predicate in cases against protest groups.”

Over the following months, according to the documents obtained by The Intercept and Defending Rights & Dissent, the FBI’s counterterrorism investigation unlocked additional federal resources, deepened coordination with military intelligence, generated sustained counterterrorism attention on minor acts of vandalism, and ultimately culminated in a six-person boots-on-the-ground operation conducting physical surveillance of the Stop Camp Grayling Week of Action.

“The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) does not participate in civilian law enforcement investigations or surveillance of any group,” said Michigan National Guard public affairs officer David Kennedy, when asked about state police sharing intelligence with the military. “We do occasionally receive law enforcement notification of individuals or groups who are expressing intent to take action or threaten the safety of military members, training events or facilities.”

Green Scare​

Treating the Stop Camp Grayling protesters as terrorists is the latest episode in a worldwide trend of governments smearing climate and environmental activists as terrorists — an ongoing Green Scare. Misapplication of the terrorism label frequently serves as pretext for invasive surveillance and sustained scrutiny.

The FBI has a long history of fixating on environmental protest movements as terrorism suspects. The focus escalated in the 1990s. Most of the movements are engaged in routine First Amendment-protected activity; a few use minor property damage as a protest tactic.

The FBI maintains federal domestic terrorism categories that include “anti-government violent extremism” and “animal rights/environmental violent extremism.” Under pressure to generate investigations, the FBI has launched probes against environmental groups based on thin evidence of criminal activity — or sometimes no evidence at all.

“Since the FBI created ideological categories, they’re incentivized to open cases in those categories,” German said.

“Since the FBI created ideological categories, they’re incentivized to open cases in those categories.”
Because the counterterrorism division does not collect incident data, he said, there is little accountability for the FBI investigations. “If you can’t see how the FBI divides up its domestic terrorism resources between ideological categories where there are a number of homicides and bombings, versus low-level vandalism and other regular protest activities, then you can’t determine whether the FBI is actually investigating true terrorism versus just targeting groups for investigation because they don’t like their political beliefs,” said German.

According to the FBI’s own definition, domestic terrorism comprises acts dangerous to human life or “intended to influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion.” Yet few of the investigated environmental groups have threatened human life in any meaningful way; not a single homicide can be attributed to the environmental movement. (The FBI did not respond to a request for comment.)

Stop Camp Grayling — like most other movements organized around environmental activism — is not engaged in any type of systematic criminal activity. Movement adherents have never endangered human life. Much of their protest activity involved banner drops, teach-ins, and graffiti on billboards.

Yet the FBI saw fit to share an activist zine with military intelligence, drag in other alphabet agencies, and justify physical surveillance operations — all underpinned by the designation of the movement as worthy of a domestic terrorism investigation.


PFAS Polluters​

In 2022, activists convened to fight the proposed expansion of Camp Grayling, a National Guard base that sprawls across three counties in Michigan. Already the largest National Guard base in the country, Camp Grayling announced plans in 2022 to more than double its size.

As host to an annual joint exercise that draws 6,300 participants, Camp Grayling argued that expansion into protected Department of Natural Resources land would facilitate on-the-ground training while expanding airspace available for fighter jet maneuvers.

When the expansion was proposed, it drew the ire of environmental and anti-militarism activists. An alliance of local residents and activists pointed to Camp Grayling’s dismal environmental record, particularly its use of PFAS “forever chemicals” in fire suppressant foam in the ’70s and ’80s.

PFAS levels in local bodies of water had already caused health warnings, leading a state regulator dealing with PFAS to oppose the Camp Grayling expansion. The expansion would have included sensitive riparian ecosystems, leaving only a razor-thin portage as protection against contamination of two rivers leading to Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.

A vigorous protest movement sprung up in Michigan. The Stop Camp Grayling protesters took their inspiration from “Stop Cop City,” the movement to block a massive police training facility to be built on public forest land at the outskirts of Atlanta.

Stop Camp Grayling came onto the Michigan State Police’s radar during a October 23, 2022, protest at the home of the Department of Natural Resources director, followed by vandalism of several historic police vehicles at the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum.

“Our troopers are frequently called upon to ensure protestors can safely exercise their rights by blocking traffic during marches and protecting protestors participating in lawful activities,” said Shanon Banner, the director of the Michigan State Police’s Communications and Outreach Division.

It wasn’t long before the state police sought help from federal authorities. After the first protest at the DNR director’s house, a senior counterterrorism analyst sought recommendations for an FBI agent to join the case. By the end of the week, an agent from the FBI Detroit field office began gathering intelligence on Stop Camp Grayling protesters.

Some of this intelligence fell squarely within the domain of First Amendment-protected activity. At one point, the FBI agent assigned to the case forwarded a zine to military intelligence headquarters at Camp Grayling. The zine criticized American militarism and detailed the ecological impacts of the proposed expansion.

The University of Michigan recruiting fair protest marked a turning point in the ways authorities — both local and federal — viewed Stop Camp Grayling protests. Within a week of the recruiting fair incident, the national FBI Counterterrorism Division became involved in the case.

Days after the fake blood incident, an Army special agent with the National Joint Terrorism Task Force wrote to an agent at FBI headquarters, according to the public records. “We noted this incident and other related activity have been documented by FBI DE in an open 266 file,” the Army investigator said, referencing a classification reserved for domestic terrorism investigations.

“I Will Be There in Person”​

In April 2023, the acting director of the DNR blocked the no-strings-attached lease of 162,000 acres to Camp Grayling, attributing the decision to an inundation of public concern and opposition from tribal governments. The DNR decided instead to allow limited-use permits on 52,000 acres of public lands.

The movement had scored a victory, but for hard-line Stop Camp Grayling activists and conservation groups, the substitute DNR decision left lingering concerns over the ecological impacts of testing electronic warfare systems in the Michigan forest. The Stop Camp Grayling protesters proceeded with a week of action that included demonstrations, community building, and strategizing about next steps.

The protests, however, were on authorities’ radar well before any demonstrators set foot in the forest. Because the end of the week of action nearly coincided with the August 4 start of Operation Northern Strike, police and military officials were on high alert. Even the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Command, tasked with addressing foreign intelligence entities, was read into FBI operations on the ground.

“I’ll in turn forward their info to military intel and federal LE partners.”
The Department of Homeland Security agent working on the case decided to travel to the area. “I will be working out of Grayling this Friday through the following Friday,” Dan Lorenz, the DHS officer, wrote to an intelligence official in the state police, “so if you need anything or if I need to respond to anything I will be there in person.” (DHS did not respond to a request for comment.)

A Michigan State Police officer instructed his colleagues to collect intelligence on Stop Camp Grayling protesters they encountered. “I’ll in turn forward their info to military intel and federal LE partners,” First Lt. Scott McManus wrote.

Banner, the Michigan State Police spokesperson, said, “The Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC)” — a so-called fusion center for information sharing — “adheres to strict guidelines that prohibit the collection of information based solely on an individual’s or group’s participation in lawful activities. If criminal activities are identified, the MIOC may play a role with relevant local and/or federal partners in an effort to keep our residents safe.”

During the Stop Camp Grayling Week of Action, all eyes were on the protesters. A lawful protest, mostly involving chanting, sparked a flurry of emails. The vandalism of two billboards sent intelligence and law enforcement agencies into conniptions. “This makes the cut,” Lorenz wrote in response to a Michigan State Police write-up of the graffiti. “I will get it into reporting first chance I get.”

Eventually, the FBI decided that watching from afar was no longer sufficient. On July 26, the FBI planned to carry out in-person surveillance against Stop Camp Grayling protesters.

Stop Camp Grayling came onto the Michigan State Police’s radar during a October 23, 2022, protest at the home of the Department of Natural Resources director, followed by vandalism of several historic police vehicles at the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum.

“Our troopers are frequently called upon to ensure protestors can safely exercise their rights by blocking traffic during marches and protecting protestors participating in lawful activities,” said Shanon Banner, the director of the Michigan State Police’s Communications and Outreach Division.

It wasn’t long before the state police sought help from federal authorities. After the first protest at the DNR director’s house, a senior counterterrorism analyst sought recommendations for an FBI agent to join the case. By the end of the week, an agent from the FBI Detroit field office began gathering intelligence on Stop Camp Grayling protesters.

Some of this intelligence fell squarely within the domain of First Amendment-protected activity. At one point, the FBI agent assigned to the case forwarded a zine to military intelligence headquarters at Camp Grayling. The zine criticized American militarism and detailed the ecological impacts of the proposed expansion.

The University of Michigan recruiting fair protest marked a turning point in the ways authorities — both local and federal — viewed Stop Camp Grayling protests. Within a week of the recruiting fair incident, the national FBI Counterterrorism Division became involved in the case.

Days after the fake blood incident, an Army special agent with the National Joint Terrorism Task Force wrote to an agent at FBI headquarters, according to the public records. “We noted this incident and other related activity have been documented by FBI DE in an open 266 file,” the Army investigator said, referencing a classification reserved for domestic terrorism investigations.

“Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that we will need both of you for FISUR” — physical surveillance — “on Friday,” an FBI official with the Joint Terrorism Task Force wrote to two colleagues in the Detroit field office.
Six FBI agents, including two with Portland field office designations, were sent a 13-page operation plan, along with an attached document called “Camp Attendees.docx.” The entire operation plan, beyond confirmation that six FBI agents were involved, is redacted. The Michigan State Police indicated that it withheld a significant portion of documents responsive to The Intercept and Defending Rights & Dissent’s records request, due to claimed exemptions to freedom of information laws.

The section heading in the physical surveillance plan reveal that six officers took part in the physical surveillance, with two more case agents listed. Another line lists a Michigan State Police “Contact for Traffic Stop.”

Below the list, followed by a black redaction that covers most of the page, is another section labeled: “DEADLY FORCE POLICY.”
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So Hai

Well-known member

British Navy Shadows Russian Submarine in English Channel as Four Russian Vessels Enter UK Waters​

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The british navy is a shadow of its former self and the russian K-550 submarine alone could erase that whole country from world.

MOSCOW, May 14. /TASS/. The seaborne Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology has been accepted for service in the Russian Armed Forces, Institute Chief Designer Yury Solomonov told TASS on Tuesday.
Project 955/955A (Borey/Borey-A-class) strategic nuclear-powered submarines are the carriers of Bulava ICBMs.

Currently, Russia’s Northern and Pacific Fleets operate seven strategic subs of this type built by the Sevmash Shipyard in Russia’s northwest. Each submarine carries 16 Bulava ICBMs.

According to open source data, a solid propellant Bulava ICBM has a flight range of over 9,000 km and can carry from six to ten MIRVed (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) warheads with a yield of 100-150 kilotons each. A Bulava has a launch weight of about 37 tons.


moose eater

Well-known member

Posted today in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner.. Just another day...

U.S. jets intercept Russian military aircraft near Alaska​

United States Air Force fighter jets intercepted a pair of Russian military aircraft on Wednesday in international space near Alaska, according to a North American Aerospace Defense Command news release.

The two Russian planes, identified as Tu-142 jets Russia uses for maritime reconnaissance/antisubmarine warfare, remained in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and didn't enter American air space.

According to NORAD, the ADIZ begins where U.S. sovereign airspace ends. While international aircraft travel through the area, they must identify themselves.

"This Russian activity in the Alaska ADIZ occurs regularly and is not seen as a threat," NORAD stated.

NORAD declined to specify how many U.S fighter craft or the type deployed to intercept the Russian jets.
Most often, however, military jets are scrambled from either Eielson Air Force Base or Joint Base Elemandorf-Richardson.

An increasing occurrence

Wednesday's incident isn't the first time Russian military jets have crossed into the ADIZ. However, in recent years, it's grown more frequent.

In July, Russian and Chinese military aircraft flew through the ADIZ in what appeared to be the first-ever aerial joint exercise in the region. Two Tu-95 Bear Bombers and a pair of Chinese H-6 Xi'an bombers participated in what China's Defense Ministry called a test of improved coordination between the two foreign air forces.

Sen. Dan Sullivan called the incident yet another example of escalated "cat-and-mouse games between Russia and American military air forces.

"As the world gets more dangerous, Alaska continues to be on the front lines of authoritarian aggression," Sullivan posted on his social media accounts Thursday.

Sullivan broached the topic with Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven Nordhaus during a U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.

"I'm very proud of all our active services members who continue to do this great power competition to make sure we are always ready and always there," Nordhaus said.

Nordhaus said that KC-135 Stratotankers assigned to the Alaska Air National Guard 168th Wing stationed at Eielson Air Force Base participated in the interception.

Sullivan also referenced a joint Russian-Chinese naval operation that occurred last year in international waters near Alaska as another example of growing concern.

In July, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin noted the increased operations are a growing concern.
“This is a relationship that we have been concerned about throughout — mostly because we’re concerned about China providing support to Russia’s illegal and unnecessary war in Ukraine,” Austin told reporters during a July 25 news conference.


Dan Sullivan is a former officer in the military, I believe he was a Colonel, and he's a partisan-to-the-bone asshat.


from the future
Russia expels six British spies from their embassy in Moscow


par Faouzi Oki

Russia's FSB security service announced on Friday, September 13, 2024 that it had withdrawn the accreditation of six diplomats from the British embassy in Moscow, suspected of’espionage, amid unprecedented tensions between Moscow and the’ Occident due to the war in Ukraine.

«As a retaliatory measure to the multiple acts of London, the Russian foreign ministry has ended the accreditation of six employees of the political department of the British embassy in Moscow», the FSB said in a statement, accusing them of having conducted subversive and intelligence activities.

These are documents confirming the’ involvement of London in the’ escalation of the international military-political situation in order to’inflict a strategic defeat to Russia, according to a statement from the department. The Russian Federal Security Service has received evidence of the UK's subversive activity against Russia.

«These documents indicate that’in the United Kingdom, the main unit coordinating the implementation of subversive policies against Russia and in the countries that were formerly part of the’USSS is the Directorate of the’Europe of East and Central’Asia of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was transformed after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine into a special service, the whose main task is to’inflict a strategic defeat to our country», notes the FSB. According to him, these facts cast doubt on the activities of British diplomats sent to Moscow through this Directorate.

Thus, the Russian foreign ministry has ended the accreditation of six employees of the political department of the British’embassy, whose actions have demonstrated’espionage and subversive’activity. The FSB claims to have received documented evidence attesting to London's coordination of an escalation of the international political and military situation.

According to the FSB, the department for’Europe of the’East and’Asia Central within the British Foreign Ministry would be at the head of this coordination and would have as its main task to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. «These facts make it possible to consider the activities of British diplomats sent to Moscow by this department as threatening the security of the Russian Federation», ensures the FSB.

Russian diplomacy spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, however, said that «the Russian foreign ministry was in full solidarity with the FSB in its assessment of the activities of the so-called British diplomats». «The British embassy has far exceeded the limits set by the Vienna Conventions», she told Russian news agencies. And d’add «We would like to stress in particular that Moscow will not tolerate the’activity on Russian territory of undeclared British secret service’s. Our uncompromising position on this issue will be formulated in accordance with the interests of national security».

Note that the Russian public television channel Rossi-24 disseminated images presented as those of the departure from Russia of the six diplomats concerned, also showing their photos and giving their names. According to the channel, the withdrawal of’accreditation to a foreign diplomat in Russia automatically results in his expulsion.
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from the future

American (sionist) cancer and our awareness of the deadly disease​


par Bertrand Hedouin

In the early 1930s, Robert Aron (1898-1975) seems to have understood the unhealthy character of the influence that’ had the United States on France and, more generally, in the world.

A French writer, author of’essais politiques and’ouvrages historiques, he is also a playwright. He was an important figure in the 1930s.

With Antonin Artaud and Roger Vitrac, he founded in 1926 the first and only surrealist theatre Alfred Jarry

Under the pseudonym Max Robun, he is the’author of the play «Gigogne».

With Arnaud Dandieu, former co-disciple of the Condorcet high school in Paris, they undertake a systematic work of philosophical and political research that will result, in the early 1930s, in the publication of three books : «Decadences of the French nation» (1931), «American Cancer» (1931) and «Revolution needed» (1933) (We resume below : Rober Aron, Arnaud Dandieu, «American cancer», L’Age d’Homme, 2008).

Their research is one of the main theoretical bases on which the group is based L’Order new qu’ils joined in 1931. This group is dedicated to ending the «disorder established» of the contemporary world, victim of’a rationalism at all times that would have the consequence of detaching the’man from the real reality. The review «L’Order nouveau» is published from 1933 to 1938.

The work of Aron and Dandieu, in particular «American cancer», are somehow receiving today’ their consecration through the stage, obviously, final, of the minority and dictatorial movement of the «globalists» mixed with the «satanists» (the supermen and other masters of the’universe) which, in all consistency, is can only’lead the destruction of «l’humanity weak» s’il is not braked and failed.

The’man of the XXIst century seems to be caught up in the transhumanism that the superman wants to impose on the world to have absolute power over the’Other. Virtuality is his preferred domain, the domain of nothingness, the domain of nihilistic deconstructionism leading to suicide.

Below, I pick up some quotes from «American cancer».

In 1931, some people in the West were beginning to understand the construction of the «world western» and were little listened to. In 2024, the comments remain as valid, even verified since many times, but still seem lost in this virtuality of’a world in the first place schizophrenic and suicidal.

This «western world» purely material, suffering from the power complex (even better, from anthropological supremacism), wanting to ultimately victorious death, seems to reach the end of its possibilities to lie to the world and, in this context, accelerates «the Catastrophe» which we had already felt some first perfumes during the Second World War with the Nazis.

As’indicates Pierre Arnaud, Lecturer at’University Paris-Nanterre-X, «war, high finance, the misdeeds of colonization, racism, the negation of’homme as’individual, the cult of profit, work and unemployment, all the themes addressed in this book are today’ of a poignant news».

Let us leave the floor to Aron and Dandieu.


«The cancer of the modern world originated far from the mass graves of war, in a well-sheltered terrain, better even than’on often believes».

«American cancer is not only a physical or economic decay, it’is an aberration of the spiritual. His kingdom, of course, is not’ of this world: it is of the artificial and closed world of misconceptions and abstract concepts (..)».

«The American cancer, to define it still only by its apparent modes, it’is the supremacy of the’industry and the bank over the whole life of the’ epoch. This’ is the hegemony of rational mechanisms on concrete and sentimental realities, deep springs of the true progress of the’homme. L’american spirit, cancer and hijacking of the GENUINE SPIRIT’, this is the disease we claim to diagnose».

«(..) l’New State (..) was not an ordinary State, born of soil and custom, but a transcendent State born of’a theoretical will, a demonstration State, rigorous and artificial».

«From the individual plane, let's move to the collective plane : instead of’a threatened individual, let's talk about’a sick era : to consciousness, let's substitute civilization (..). The world is today’ prey to an instability, to an anxiety that singularly recall the pangs of the cancerous. Human duty is difficult to fulfill as in the troubled times of’agonia and’on does not count all the people of sense and honest who, living on a crazy planet, resign themselves or, worse still, betray themselves».

«The current crisis is not only a social, national or economic crisis: it is a crisis of conscience, therefore a universal crisis».

«L’american imperialism based on economic and mystical, is the direct heir to the European colonial tradition».

«(...) the deeply morbid nature of the gigantic scaffolding (...)».

«(..) c’is that this is not only a regime crisis, but a deeper crisis of civilization or consciousness ; crisis of consciousness of the Greek-Christian world that affects both moral consciousness and psychological consciousness».

«(..) a more or less conscious collapse of everything that makes the dignity and necessity of the’homme – lucidity, aggressiveness, honor».

«(..) On this modern world, so proud, so self-assured, that’on claims so conquering and so strong, a real fatality weighs».

«(..) the decisive phenomenon is neither of economic’, nor even of financial’: it is, by an intrusion that none of our specialists could in law foresee, of purely psychological’: it is the loss of confidence in the entire system, not only of production, but of life and thought, which is that of the so-called new countries. It constitutes a reaction, the first, of the concrete against the abstract’, of the spontaneous forces of life against all the mechanisms of rationalization».

«The banking magic was playing to the full : it was enough formulas, games of’account, of’financial agreements to increase the credits. The circle of banking was closing, thus shielding any external avatar from this fake prosperity».

«In this sense, more accurate and precise than’on would be first tempted to believe, society and even modern society as a whole, appears as very close to’an assembly of quakers in a state of trance : quakerism, moreover,’, with its cheap mysticism and sterile philanthropy, is not’ in the United States the form of neurotic sentimentality that best suits this civilization of bankers and «rationalizers» ?»

«Quakers are listeners, that is’that is to say in the most literal and physical sense of the word, «aspenurs». They tremble with’a tremor which does not’ as the great fears fertilize its source in external and real dangers, but with’ a tremor of spoils or’epileptic, which carry in themselves the morbid cause of their agitation. L’modern man (..) more and more does not seem to the’aise qu’in a vast council of aspenurs».

«If L’on analyzes indeed the malaise of our time, that other’, lyrical or novelists, have expressed without defining it, we see that’il consists essentially of a break of contact of’humanity with the world».

«(..) we did not’ were able to prevent us, in front of the’effarement of the spirits and the ruin of all consciousness, to throw a’alarm cry and to carry a diagnosis».

«(..) it is necessary, proceeding by the’example, to quickly show some cases where banking necessities have for solutions human crises and threats of war».

«From banking preponderance to unemployment, then from unemployment to ruin and war, this is the inevitable march of current determinism. Determinism stemming from the’America, but in which the’Europe in turn is caught. Drama that makes the subject of this book. A gruesome dance of nations led by the United States. No n’y can be exception».

«Nothing however allowed to assume that’Germany was going in two years to become the European citadel of the «Scientific Management» in l’american».

«Which chorus or voice will have the power to determine, in France as in Germany, the awareness of the real enemy ?».

«(..) the French government s’is engaged in the American’orbit, and gravitates there with a fundamental misunderstanding of psychology yankee, of which he grasps only the letter. (..) The French grouch bravely advances on the way of the cross of prosperity, with confidence in his guide that can not tire neither fatigue nor contradiction between orders received».

«But this is not the worst ’: what threatens us the most are the abstract and material residues of progress of the last two centuries; it’ is the industrialist system with Cartesian pretension, the policy of production with philanthropic pretension. C’is all this inhuman and implacable determinism that is about to break the very springs of all human progress».

«Thus, the Federal Reserve System (Bank of International Regulations, the BIS – NdT), trust american credit, has for true object, more or less conscious, to sterilize the’or and to free from its material links the psychological power of credit.This one depends more than’banking».

«Built on an American model, actually placed under American control, it is for the United States a formidable instrument of’hegemony. That this hegemony does not S’exercise flags deployed, troops on the march or under the massive weight of the’or – but that’elle triumphs the rationalism yankee and its religion of the credit – makes it perhaps less blatant, without making it less formidable».

«Once the Standard Gold Exchange incorporated into the world system of’exchange, there is no more way to modify the design or regime of credit than’en taking up the question of its basis. In other words, it is only a revolutionary solution. Credit formulas are magical and religious».

«All’America is there, country of the nugget and the crossed-out check: the check from the nugget, and considered as a remedy or a way to’organize the spontaneous speculative madness, that’generates the mirage of the deposits. If American finance is rushing wildly throughout its history towards a systematic organization of speculation, it’ is that’elle has speculation in the blood, in a blood perpetually agitated by the fever of’or. Speculation of the current type of Yankees is a fundamentally American fact : c’is perhaps their only heritage, the only contribution that’s have made to world civilization».

«Thus, everything goes from’a same blind momentum, industrial prosperity, speculative inflation. But of the two couriers harnessed to the American chariot, and which S’ entrain each other, the’industrie is the subverge: as it is easier to speculate than to produce, the religion of success and prosperity will necessarily engender more speculators than producers».

«L’Europe, c’is for bankers (americans) the last chance to develop their system, to realize their masterpiece. We understand that’s s’y cramponnent».

«Thus, it’is constrained and forced that’America takes refuge in the sphere of credit and that’elle imposes it on the’ancien continent. It’is unintentionally positively and generally despite it that’elle drags the world into the’irrespirable sphere of its abstract prosperity».

«Seeking to eliminate by statistics or by the’influence its individual characteristics, wanting to let dissolve in a tablecloth of confidence and official good humor his personal resistances, wanting in a word to make credit net place, rid of any psychological surprise, in the street as in the’alcove, in the press as by the bank, by the’enseignement, by organized leisure, by the code or by the novel by the worldly discipline or by the industrial constraint, the same collective words of’order attack his independence, the same obsessions pursue him, no longer born of his organism like the phantasms of the past, but imposed from the outside’ with great reinforcement of’s, speeches or’ articles of dailies».

«American cancer is now inoperable by material means because’il has become primarily a cancer of the spiritual».

«C’is therefore in the spiritual’order that the’on must seek the remedy. For the’humanity of’hui today, a clear dilemma arises: we consecrate the triumph of the myth of production, the religion of credit and consequently accept the worst enslavement of the’homme – or, by a deep revolution, release its psychic faculties invaded by the’abstraction and which are currently undergoing self-denial, necessary consequence of American cancer».

«From this point of view, even after its failure, it marked the culmination of American cancer, which puts the abstract’ above the concrete, the political and especially economic’man above the living’individual, and which proceeds from’a hypocrisy of’a new genre by substituting for the’imperialism by the’authority, the’imperialism by suggestion. Colonialism is no longer called colonialism but rationalization».

«We do not subject with impunity the conscience of’a epoch to inhuman, industrial or financial necessities. When they are exerted in the’individual, the destructive mechanisms have a convenient way out, death. It is not’en the same for societies;’humanity cannot die or commit suicide. But it can go through crises, where all its moral values and spiritual values will be flouted and shaken».

«Against the American spirit’, this cancer of the modern world, it n’is today that’a remedy. To escape from the’englouissement of which the materialistic and banking determinisms threaten us, it’ is above all the myth of production that’ must be attacked and destroyed: it’ is above all a spiritual revolution that’it is our duty to arouse».

«If rational constructions, in their banking, social or industrial form, did not’ have any contact with the real facts, nothing would prevent them from continuing until’infinity and without danger their simplistic operations. But the critical point for them is that where, willy-nilly, they connect to reality where, amazed to see concrete sanctions to their immaterial orgies, they see individuals suffer, crowds are’ameute as a result of their disinterested or abstract games. The capitalist and banking system is thus based on a mystification whose eminently fraudulent character it is dangerous to FORGET: it claims to rule the world while’il actually draws its laws from its own exercise. Homicide by recklessness or real unconsciousnesshe quickly becomes a prisoner and victim of his own game, or rather of his crazy claim to impose the rules of his game on external realities».

«L’magical affirmation, the bluff of prosperity, l’a prevailed over the material conditions of prosperity. O, prosperity, that crises are prepared in your name».

«Victim now of its own creation and the monstrous development that’elle has taken, it no longer’agit today, despite what one makes believe in the American opinion’ as well as’ to the European opinion, that’in virtue of’a negative principle, and not at all for or against someone’ or something positive. As in any human tragedy, the drama here is essentially inner. Far from the impulses by which’America directs the macabre dance of nations being voluntary movements, they are but the desperate efforts of’a great sick body to escape a rodent evil and who sometimes turns to the world to seek a remedy, sometimes throws himself into solitude to find a rest. Pain lost, and the gestures of the patient become more and more abrupt? At the same time, without color of solidarity, withoutcontagion soon wins over other states. This global solidarity, whose ears we are rebated, is hardly that’a solidarity of feverish, leproseries, cabanons».

«Janus bifron, she (America) exhibits according to circumstances her peaceful mask or her warrior mask: and often, both at the same time. Contradiction ? From the European point of view, perhaps, because some in Europe are not yet resigned to considering war or peace from a purely economic point of view; but for sure, not from the American point of view. By means of peace or war, it is always a question of saving the standard of life of the AMERICAN’ and the American’, that is to say not only their well-being, but their moral spring. War or peace ? Pure question of’opportunism».

«What’is this to say, if not, once again, that technicians (banks, insurers, financiers of all types) mean as larrons in fair, and that’in the fair their combinations are perfect ? But to be locked up in a hut or a purse, in a closed place, between regulars of the same system, it’is undoubtedly to deny the outside world with its agricultural crises or its psychological crises, it is not however’ annul it, and any remedy to a system, which does not leave this system, is basically that’ a game of’autrich, putting its head under its wing. Theoretically, it is perfect: practically even, it can temporarily equalize trust, and ward off short attacks of’angoisse. But, that’a great fear is triggered, or that the game of harvests’impervisible accumulates exceptionally the shortages or plethores,the vice of the system will erupt, all the more violently’il will be more perfected. Back to jump better, it’is jump even higher. The most perfect system is always the most dangerous, s’il rests on a false» basis.

«It will not be’astonished that this charity, well ordered S’il in barrel, begins by spreading its largesse on the social organizations, which contribute the most to form or deform the’opinion. Singular philanthropy, whose main purpose does not seem to be so much to relieve suffering as to keep minds in a reassuring conformism».

The financial world, only mechanical, superhuman, thereby inhumane, finance and l’Asset Management who wants to rule the world is a world inhabited above all by conscious and unconscious assassins, a world of the purely ancient, totally artificial and lying’ephemeral, devoid of any understanding of the Earth beyond the maniacal figure.

In the last remark, in front of the latest tragic developments on the international scene, we are constantly rehashing the blow of «the’clock» that would dangerously approach 12:00, a kind of end of the world in the eschatological delusions of Rome. We n’y can do nothing! Whatever’on does!

From now on, we know inevitably the tribes of barbarians who, for at least two centuries, have been creating, financing and developing these wars. These tribes want to kill us again and again.

How can we continue to support these criminals?

The disease is totally covering us.
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from the future
I’ve received a lot of serious threats from powerful Jews saying if I don’t stop posting about Israel and the Talmud, I’ll be jailed or killed. My answer is fuck you. There is a war going on between good and evil. You will be tested

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