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Well-known member
I love you. I would rather die than hate you.
follow the 10 commandments as your duty and spread love and peace . stop stealing land and murdering folk. that would be a positive change that mlk or whomever else you misquote , would most likely respect


Well-known member
you love a guy that says common neo nazi stuff like the jews run america but get angry at twitter posts?
there is nothing ' neo nazi ' about saying america is a state controlled by israel . this is facts you have posted many many times . and no i don't get angry at twitter posts , i don't even read them cannavore .

you are full of shit .

your mate was calling for ' retribution' against these people, and i found that disgusting .

you don't create peace by taking an eye for eye .


Well-known member
twitter never was a reliable source of information. But im sure you knew that
it goes both ways. most of the people i post are in the media or academia at some level or another, or theyre accounts posting or reposting raw video from the boots on the ground. israel bars ALL outside media from going in and finding out what's going on (probably because they're raping kids and prisoners and doing insane war crimes) so all we have are the Palestinian journalists and volunteers on the ground the relay the information, otherwise you have nothing but to parrot the IDF's lies.

9 times out of 10 the people who say shit like the jews/israel control the US are doing so from a not so good place (neo nazi level talking point).

Without the US, Israel wouldn't exist. It's used as an important strategic proxy into the middle east. The petro dollar plays a huge role as the US/Israel want to cut off Russian/Iranian/Chinese pipelines into EU and be the sole provider for example.


Well-known member
you love a guy that says common neo nazi stuff like the jews run america but get angry at twitter posts?
i love you too.
the difference is that I don't have any doubt that mister shiva82 is my enemy.
i get angry w you for posting (what is to me) obvious nazi shit, just like you get angry at others for posting (what is to you) obvious nazi shit.


Well-known member
9 times out of 10 the people who say shit like the jews/israel control the US are doing so from a not so good place (neo nazi level talking point).

Is it your opinion that the 1 time out of 10 when people say shit like the jews/israel control the US, but it comes from a good place, is that Hamas?

Because I have some sad news for you: When Hamas invokes such ideas (more generally: Jewish or Zionist conspiracy theories), they are literally repeating a Nazi (OG nazi, not neo nazi) talking point.

Full text and commentary of the booklet Islam und Judentum.
Compare with (for example) Hamas charter (esp. Article 7 of the charter compared to last two paragraphs of the booklet).


Last 2 graphs of Nazi pamphlet Islam and Judaism (translated from Croatian to English)
That idea has been even better expressed by words of Muhammad: "It will never be possible for you to see a Muslim and a Jew together without secret intention in the [heart of the] Jew to destroy the Muslim."[16] Abu Huraira passed to us the following hadith:

Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims completely destroy the Jews, and when every tree with a Jew hidden behind will say to the Muslim, "There is a Jew behind me, kill him!" Only the gharqad tree, which is a small bush with many thorns growing around Jerusalem, will not participate in it because it is a Jewish tree! [Bukhari-Muslim VIII, p. 188].

Last 2 lines of Article Seven of the Hamas Charter
Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).
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Well-known member
there is nothing ' neo nazi ' about saying america is a state controlled by israel .
except like 100+ years of history to say otherwise lol

this is facts you have posted many many times .
not once have i said that

and no i don't get angry at twitter posts , i don't even read them cannavore .
was talking about genghis
you are full of shit .
everybody poops
your mate was calling for ' retribution' against these people, and i found that disgusting .
whos my mate
you don't create peace by taking an eye for eye .
im not interested in making peace with fascists. they get purged from society as they always have.


Well-known member
Is it your opinion that the 1 time out of 10 when people say shit like the jews/israel control the US, but it comes from a good place, is that Hamas?

Because I have some sad news for you: When Hamas invokes such ideas (more generally: Jewish or Zionist conspiracy theories), they are literally repeating a Nazi (OG nazi, not neo nazi) talking point.

Full text and commentary of the booklet Islam und Judentum.
Compare with (for example) Hamas charter (esp. Article 7 of the charter compared to last two paragraphs of the booklet).

View attachment 19049341

Last 2 graphs of Nazi pamphlet Islam and Judaism (translated from Croatian to English)

Last 2 lines of Article Seven of the Hamas Charter
the 1 out of 10 are the normies who fall down the rabbit hole


Well-known member
You guys are not going to like this.

Well i like it. What Israels doing is outrageous and unforgivable but those guys are a bunch of cockroaches. Only looking out for themselves and hoarding all the food too.

I hope the good people of Palestine wake up and realize the truth


Well-known member
except like 100+ years of history to say otherwise lol

not once have i said that

was talking about genghis

everybody poops

whos my mate

im not interested in making peace with fascists. they get purged from society as they always have.
you are the fascist, the shit stirrer, the agent provocateur , the misguided

i have no interest in anything you say .

have a good day