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Well-known member
Almost everything can be distilled to a binary equation. Decision making all comes down to yes or no.

Logic is hard.

Almost everything? Hardly.

Decision-making most certainly does not all come down to yes or no. That's your problem right there, you firmly believe that to be the case.

Logic isn't hard at all but trying to apply discrete patterns to human thought and decision-making is not only difficult but foolhardy.

Enjoy your narrow view of the world and everything around you. You and everyone else who thinks in this manner are the aberrations and you're all in for a rude awakening. You can blame it on the globalists, the deep state, soros or whatever the cult tells you but it's still coming and you'll all be left behind. See, that's the way the real world works. It involves compromise, gray areas, some things we don't like to sacrifice for the greater good, so we can actually still exist as a society. A human society, not some crack-brained quasi-libertarian view of how you think things should be. That's called childhood and whether you recognize it or not the rest of society will put you and your ilk down to save itself.

Three Berries

Active member
Almost everything? Hardly.

Decision-making most certainly does not all come down to yes or no. That's your problem right there, you firmly believe that to be the case.

Logic isn't hard at all but trying to apply discrete patterns to human thought and decision-making is not only difficult but foolhardy.

Enjoy your narrow view of the world and everything around you. You and everyone else who thinks in this manner are the aberrations and you're all in for a rude awakening. You can blame it on the globalists, the deep state, soros or whatever the cult tells you but it's still coming and you'll all be left behind. See, that's the way the real world works. It involves compromise, gray areas, some things we don't like to sacrifice for the greater good, so we can actually still exist as a society. A human society, not some crack-brained quasi-libertarian view of how you think things should be. That's called childhood and whether you recognize it or not the rest of society will put you and your ilk down to save itself.

In the end it all comes down to yes or no.......


See the world through a puff of smoke
Russian yogurt with Ukrainian yogurt, when you buy one, you get one free.The CCCP knows how to support the two countries.


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Well-known member
Iirc Trump tried to ban tiktok because it was Chinese spyware. But I dunno using a platform for teens doing dance challenges to spread pro war propaganda is pretty funny.


Perhaps trying to balance out all that pro-Russia propaganda on social media.

Whether it makes any difference remains to be seen. Anyone getting their information via algorithm driven social media and search engines is unlikely to escape their echo chamber anyway.
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Three Berries

Active member
In your world only

Ha everything in every ones life is run off binary + and - ion exchange. Filip flops from one to the other. The most basic of all logic. Yes or No. Even compromises are done with yes or no decision in the end.

And, Or, Not are more logic but it all comes down to yes or no.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I just saw putin porn. An attack on the Ukrainians because their leader has less money banked than our fearless ruskie rascal.

Oh yus -- its all about the wicked and sinful divergences of the wicked and sinful - sex and drugs and rock and roll - and the lavicious spread of the Victorian peep show from the get-go I'd say Vicar - <doffs his hat - and leaves swiftly>

Power and money make Dictators - because I've met alot of them who dont have money - and so they are not made men - kinda sad Dictators - who usually end up talking to a wall - while a few others go on to turn lands into 'The Curst Earth'

Oh yus -- its all about the wicked and sinful divergences of the wicked and sinful - sex and drugs and rock and roll - and the lavicious spread of the Victorian peep show from the get-go I'd say Vicar - <doffs his hat - and leaves swiftly>

As some great sage once said (dont ask me the details) money leads to power - and power has.the power over whether we live or die

Power and money make Dictators - because I've met alot of them who dont have money - and so they are not made men - kinda sad Dictators - who usually end up talking to a wall - while a few others go on to turn lands into 'The Curst Earth'


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