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...como el Son...
The title ”what do we know” would more properly be: ”what do we, NATO propagandists, want you to know and think”. The genocide in Donbass has been documented in more detail with links posted in this thread, and the west - who instigated the coup, provided lethal aid and training to Nazis etc, are in full denial on account of their complicity. Nazi sympathizers can deny all they want.

Nobody denies abuses and crimes (didn't both sides commit them in Donbass?). But the word GENOCIDE is a very very big word.
Remember for example that there is also talk of gypsy genocide in Ukraine, and how the Ukrainian gypsy people themselves claim to fight for Ukraine, while denying discrimination, violence and even hate killings of gypsies in Ukraine: but they qualify that this is far from a real genocide attempt (as if the German Nazis tried). They also recall that this discrimination and violence against gypsies is not exclusive to Ukraine, and occurs to a lesser or even greater extent in other countries.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


...como el Son...
What is known about alleged mass graves in Donbas:

For the first time, Russia officially speaks of mass graves in the Donbas and blames the Ukrainian Army. The information is not new, but contradictory:

Only one day after Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke of a "genocide" in the Donbas region, Russian investigators published a report on "mass graves" of civilians. They are reportedly in the part controlled by pro-Russian separatists, almost all of them in the internationally unrecognized "Lugansk People's Republic" and one in the "Donetsk People's Republic", which is also unrecognized.

The Ukrainian military is blamed. There is talk of "murder and injury of thousands of civilians and Russian-speaking groups", and "premeditated extermination of the inhabitants of the Donbas". Allegedly, the bodies of "at least 295 civilians" were found and exhumed. All were allegedly victims of Ukrainian Army shells in 2014.

The report omits to say, however, that since the outbreak of the conflict in the Donbas both sides have fired and violated the ceasefire, which is recorded in the daily reports of the observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Earlier reports of mass graves:
However, the Russian authorities speak for the first time in the report about mass graves. Until now, they had initiated criminal proceedings for the death of a child and his grandmother in 2021, as a result of alleged Ukrainian gunfire. Six years earlier, they had opened proceedings against former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and others for "shooting at residential areas in Donbas, in which inhabitants are regularly killed".

Reports of mass graves are not new. Already in 2021, pro-Russian separatists in Donbas had spoken of graves, apparently referring to the same ones in the Russian report. At least, the same places are mentioned.

Moreover, in the current report, it is stated that five mass graves were found between August and October 2021. The separatists had reported in early November the exhumation of hundreds of bodies in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

The separatists also blamed Ukrainian servicemen for those deaths, which reportedly occurred in the first months of the conflict, in 2014. The Donetsk separatists reported 47 dead, those in Lugansk, 267.

In February 2022, a few days before the publication of the Russian report, the leader of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" said that, in the separatist-controlled zoma, "130 sites with mass graves or irregular burials of victims of the Ukrainian aggression" had been discovered.

Kiev's version
Already in November 2021, the Ukrainian member of the Trilateral Contact Group for the Peaceful Settlement of the Donbas Conflict, Serhij Harmasch, had drawn attention to the organized nature of the separatists' campaign around mass graves. He wrote on Facebook that work had finally begun to open the graves and identify the remains. He claimed, however, that "it was not the Ukrainian military, but the occupying forces who, in the territory under their control, buried people in mass graves, without determining their identity."

In this context, he cited a news item dated October 8, 2021, from the "Lugansk Information Center", an information source of the separatists. In it, it was mentioned that in July-August 2014, it was decided to bury the dead temporarily in a medical facility in the vicinity of the village of Vidnoje, southeast of Lugansk. Also that village is mentioned in the current Russian report.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


...como el Son...
Ukraine accuses Russia of bombing a mosque full of civilians:

Ukrainian authorities said more than 80 adults and children were sheltering at the site, including Turkish citizens.

A mosque that housed 80 civilians, including Turks, was bombed in Mariupol, in southeastern Ukraine and where thousands of people have been besieged for days, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported this Saturday (03.12.2022).

"The mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his wife Roxolana in Mariupol was bombed by the Russian invaders," the ministry said on Twitter.
"More than 80 adults and children are taking refuge there, including Turkish citizens," it added, without specifying when the shelling occurred. This strategic city, bombarded for days, suffers a devastating siege.
The inhabitants, entrenched in basements, are cut off, without water, gas or electricity and even fight to get food. It is an "almost desperate" situation, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) warned on Friday.


Three Berries

Active member
A little history of the US involvement in Ukraine prior to the current climax.

Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump In 2016 To Stop Putin -- And It Backfired Badly


Six years ago, before Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country, the Ukrainians bet that a Hillary Clinton presidency would offer better protection from Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though he had invaded Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration, whose Russian policies Clinton vowed to continue.

The coordination between Ukrainian and Democratic officials can be traced back at least to January 2014. It was then when top Obama diplomats – many of whom now hold top posts in the Biden administration – began engineering regime change in Kiev, eventually installing a Ukrainian leader they could control.

On Jan. 27, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt phoned Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at her home in Washington to discuss picking opposition leaders to check the power of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, whom they believed was too cozy with Putin. “We’ve got to do something to make it stick together,” Pyatt said of a planned coalition government, adding that they needed “somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing.”

Nuland responded that Biden’s security adviser Jake Sullivan had just told her that the vice president – who was acting as Obama’s point man in Ukraine – would give his blessing to the deal. “Biden’s willing,” she said. But they agreed they had to “move fast” and bypass the European Union. “Fuck the EU,” Nuland told the ambassador, according to a leaked transcript of their call.


Active member
The Russians have been found to stage cadavers for these types of photos:


If it is real, it shows us a killed mother & child, a genuine tragedy. But who? Where? By whom?

Without verification it gives us nothing.

A nod to Montuno. Good information.

There are autrocities in war. Used as propaganda by imbeciles trying to use shame to cover their own support of mass murderers. Fake empathy to cover their lies. Desperation for importance.


Well-known member
Montuno;n -Ukraine accuses Russia of bombing a mosque full of civilians. Ukrainian authorities said more than 80 adults and children were sheltering at the site said:
isn't Russia already having "problems" with Muslims in some areas? this is SURE to make things "better" there, lol... "I know what will make them happy! let's bomb their church while they are hiding from our missiles..." fucking BRILLIANT...😒


Active member
A little history of the US involvement in Ukraine prior to the current climax.

Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump In 2016 To Stop Putin -- And It Backfired Badly


Six years ago, before Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country, the Ukrainians bet that a Hillary Clinton presidency would offer better protection from Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though he had invaded Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration, whose Russian policies Clinton vowed to continue.

The coordination between Ukrainian and Democratic officials can be traced back at least to January 2014. It was then when top Obama diplomats – many of whom now hold top posts in the Biden administration – began engineering regime change in Kiev, eventually installing a Ukrainian leader they could control.

On Jan. 27, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt phoned Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at her home in Washington to discuss picking opposition leaders to check the power of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, whom they believed was too cozy with Putin. “We’ve got to do something to make it stick together,” Pyatt said of a planned coalition government, adding that they needed “somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing.”

Nuland responded that Biden’s security adviser Jake Sullivan had just told her that the vice president – who was acting as Obama’s point man in Ukraine – would give his blessing to the deal. “Biden’s willing,” she said. But they agreed they had to “move fast” and bypass the European Union. “Fuck the EU,” Nuland told the ambassador, according to a leaked transcript of their call.



See the world through a puff of smoke
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Three Berries

Active member
Whatever the hell that means. Sounds like babbling.

Somehow saying negative things about Obama is racist I guess. It is predicted he will try and run to Kenya for political asylum when the hammer comes down. And his entire term and those afterward are illegitimate and will be negated. No hidden boogieman.

What doesn't make sense is bringing racist into it. Seems like tilting at windmills.....


Well-known member
Somehow saying negative things about Obama is racist I guess. It is predicted he will try and run to Kenya for political asylum when the hammer comes down. And his entire term and those afterward are illegitimate and will be negated. No hidden boogieman.

What doesn't make sense is bringing racist into it. Seems like tilting at windmills.....

Predicted?? By whom? What hammer? The one Q keeps predicting will happen when they bring down the worldwide DemoRat pedophile ring??


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Foriegners are going to the Ukraine to fight against Russia. LOL, this is their reception:


A large Hotel in Chernigov called Hotel Ukraine was hit last night and leveled by Russia.

It was housing 100s of Foreign fighters.

They gone....Didn't even make it to the battlefield.

As for the arms...

Putin is getting tired of western weapons pouring in through Poland. The poles better watch out.

I predict Ukraine's new eastern border will be the river, and they will have to move the capital of what remains west. They will never get back the seashore near Crimea back either. Nice job zelinzky and joe.


Well-known member
Foriegners are going to the Ukraine to fight against Russia. LOL, this is their reception:


A large Hotel in Chernigov called Hotel Ukraine was hit last night and leveled by Russia.

It was housing 100s of Foreign fighters.

They gone....Didn't even make it to the battlefield.

As for the arms...

Putin is getting tired of western weapons pouring in through Poland. The poles better watch out.

I predict Ukraine's new eastern border will be the river, and they will have to move the capital of what remains west. They will never get back the seashore near Crimea back either. Nice job zelinzky and joe.

Was that before or after Russia lost their third general?

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