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Active member
That’s a lot of bulo!

lol At trusting fact checking sites. The most important tool it seems would be a reverse image search.


Well-known member
No doubt that is one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest thing I have heared in my life.

turn on Fox news, read Q posts, go to Breitbart or Sputnik news, or read the "Great Awakening" thread and you'll see much worse. lol...you have lived an extraordinarily sheltered life.


Active member
The dumbest thing I’ve ever heard is sending Kamala to Europe to smooth out a world war. Hahahahahahhahahahah. Sounds like it worked.


Well-known member
The dumbest thing I’ve ever heard is sending Kamala to Europe to smooth out a world war. Hahahahahahhahahahah. Sounds like it worked.

Someone asked trump about Ukraine...

His response was "windmills don't work"

I don't know. He sounded pretty dumb.


Well-known member
That’s a lot of bulo!

lol At trusting fact checking sites. The most important tool it seems would be a reverse image search.

Reverse image search is only one tool, is easy to use and quickly rules out many fakes. There are more complicated techniques for more complicated fakes.

lol at trusting posters who reject fact checking & verification.


...como el Son...
What do we know about alleged secret laboratories in the Ukraine and that this is the reason for the Russian invasion? *

PublishedFriday, March 4, 2022



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[COLOR=rgba(55,65,81,var(--tw-text-opacity))]GOOGLE SEARCH[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(55,65,81,var(--tw-text-opacity))]NEWSPAPER / VIDEO LIBRARY[/COLOR]

" One of Putin's objectives when entering Ukraine is to destroy biological weapons laboratories," Rafapal says on his Telegram channel, which we have already warned you about on Maldita.es .
Both countries signed a treaty in 2005, the US Department of Defense Biological Threat Reduction Program . This consists, according to the United States Embassy in Kyiv/Kiev, in "consolidating and protecting pathogens and toxins of interest for security in the facilities of the Ukrainian government", among other functions. According to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) , these laboratories belong to the Ukrainian government and are governed by the laws of that country.
We also found messages similar to Rafapal's on social networks: “Putin's real reason in Ukraine is that he destroyed 7 of the 11 US secret bio-laboratories. Putin wants to free the Ukrainians from those laboratories and that is why he is the number 1 enemy of the Rothschilds. The Central Bank of Ukraine belongs to the Rothschilds” (sic), says one of the tweets that is accompanied by a map of these supposed “bio-laboratories”.
The Rothschild family is a dynasty of Jewish origin that "goes back to the end of the 18th century, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild started a business in Frankfurt and sent his five children to different financial centers in Europe, such as Vienna, Paris and London", as explains the BBC in this article , and that it has exerted a great influence on European politics and economy since the end of the 18th century, especially in the banking sector . But the Central Bank of Ukraine (National Bank) is a government institution.
As we have already told you in Maldita.es , Vladimir Putin announced on February 24 , in a televised statement that the bombings would begin that same day and justified them in defense of the citizens of the "abuses and genocide" that he attributed to the Kiev government for eight years in the Donbas region, something for which it has not presented evidence. In this statement he does not mention that the justification for the invasion of Ukraine is due to these laboratories, as indicated by the contents that circulate. We tell you what we know:

This is not the first time similar claims have been made.
A biological weapon, as The Conversation explains in this article , is “any living thing, virus, or any of its toxic products used for the purpose of killing, incapacitating, or causing injury to humans, animals, or plants.”
It is not the first time that content circulates claiming that Ukraine has laboratories in which it develops biological weapons. On April 22, 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the United States Embassy in Ukraine issued a statement titled “US-Ukraine Partnership to Reduce Biological Threats.” In it they indicated that “disinformation was circulating in some circles in Ukraine that reflects Russian disinformation regarding the strong partnership between the US and Ukraine to reduce biological threats ”, so, it indicates, they decided to explain what it was about collaboration between these two countries.
“In Ukraine, the US Department of Defense Biological Threat Reduction Program . works with the Ukrainian government to consolidate and protect pathogens and toxins of security concern in Ukrainian government facilities, while enabling peaceful research and vaccine development. We are also working with our Ukrainian partners to ensure that Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose a threat to security or stability.
They also indicated that the objective is "to counteract the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental or natural) of the most dangerous infectious diseases in the world."
The agreement was signed between the two countries in August 2005, explains Andy Weber, former undersecretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs of the United States, to the verification medium PolitiFact , a member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). ) , as well as Maldita.es.
In this video from the United States Embassy in Kyiv/Kiev they affirm that the mentioned program is active in 27 countries and that due to the difficulty “of sometimes communicating the work they do in the laboratories”, misinformation ends up emerging in this regard, accusing them of create biological weapons.

The laboratories are not from the United States, according to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)
Weber explains to AFP , also a member of the IFCN, that “the US Department of Defense ' has never had a biological laboratory in Ukraine '”.
Along the same lines, in May 2020, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) indicated on Facebook that there were no "foreign biological laboratories in Ukraine" and that "cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in the fight against terrorism biological takes place exclusively within the framework of Ukrainian legislation and in the interests of Ukraine”.
"Since 1993 there is an agreement to assist our State to eliminate strategic nuclear weapons and prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction ," they added. They also indicated, as we have explained, that the treaty was signed in 2005 and mentioned that within its framework “several state laboratories located in Odessa, Kharkiv/Kharkov, Lviv, Kyiv/Kiev, Vinnytsia, Kherson, Dnipropetrovs (these repair work has been carried out, equipment has been updated, etc.)”.
Finally, they pointed out that "the SBU constantly monitors real and potential threats."

Experts have accused Russia of spreading disinformation “about US biological weapons”
Not only the Embassy of the United States in Ukraine has ruled on these contents that circulate. In February of this year, before Russia launched the war against Ukraine, the academic journal Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , devoted to issues related to the survival and development of mankind in the face of threats from nuclear weapons and weapons of destruction Among other threats, he devoted an article to “Russian media misinformation about US biological weapons ” as Russian troops massed near Ukraine.
In the publication they explained that "the Soviet Union maintained a massive biological weapons program and part of the role of laboratories linked to the US is to guard the surplus supplies ."
The co-director of King's College London, which researches biological threats, biosecurity and biological risk management, has shared a thread on Twitter in which she compiles articles and explains that the content now circulating "has echoes of previous disinformation campaigns".
Now, if one of these buildings is damaged, what risks would there be? The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists magazine published an article in February of this year warning of the risk that it could pose if Russia finally decided to invade Ukraine. Robert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program pointed out that although “the pathogens that the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program laboratories work with are generally kept frozen, so that they cannot replicate and become infectious, the risk that pathogens represent would increase if a building lost power and was damaged.”
"If the ventilation system is damaged, or the building itself is damaged, these room temperature pathogens can escape from the facility and be potentially infectious in the region around the facility," it added.

*This article has been changed from “Disinformation without evidence” to “What do we know” according to our methodology.

In Maldita.es we are telling you in this compilation all the hoaxes and misinformation that we have denied about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and in this article you can read what tools we are using to verify the misinformation. If you detect any more, you can send them to us through our WhatsApp chatbot at +34 644 22 93 19 . Additionally, fact-checkers from around the world have come together to create a global, collaborative database, #UkraineFacts , to fight disinformation about Russia's attack on Ukraine. On the map, you can see in which countries each disinformation has been detected and access the denials.



Well-known member
The best sign that Putin is doing the right thing. He should hypersonic missile their next meeting.


Kancelled by klaus.

you guys use the best sources.

"A recent study published by The German Marshall Fund of the United States found that The Gateway Pundit was the leading single source of misinformation shared by verified accounts on Twitter in 2020. In 2019, Wikipedia deprecated The Gateway Pundit, removing its qualifications to serve as a source of legitimate information.

The Gateway Pundit has previously been criticized for spreading misinformation, including falsely identifying the perpetrators of mass shootings, promoting conspiracy theories about school shooting events, made false claims about voter fraud and election tampering."

"a Russian propaganda Twitter network aimed at American audiences consistently spreads links to Breitbart and other right-wing or conspiracy theory websites that boost President Trump and bash Democrats.

The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign focused on U.S. voters.

On Thursday, the most popular domains mentioned by the network in the previous 48 hours, according to the tracker, included True Pundit, the Russian government-controlled television network RT, the Gateway Pundit, Fox News, Russian government news agency Sputnik News and Breitbart.

The network’s main role is to amplify messages deemed to benefit the Kremlin, but that doesn’t mean the websites' authors share the same goals, said Laura Rosenberger, director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which created the monitoring project for the fund.

“Just being shared by Kremlin information operations does not mean they are part of the Kremlin’s disinformation operations,” Rosenberger said. “It just means something on these sites, or a lot of things on these sites, is either advancing a message the Kremlin is trying to push or that it is trying to discredit.”"


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
CNN is fake news, and I don’t care if you call whatever I post fake news, bullshit or whatever. If anything then bullshit is your standard one-worder to any post, meaning you suck and contribute nothing but shit in threads. I haven’t seen you post anything of relevance, ever, and now here you are telling me to ”expand my mind” by watching US corporate propaganda by CNN. No doubt that is one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest thing I have heared in my life.

have you listened to yourself? it's all the most illogical batshit crazy thinly veiled racist crap

Three Berries

Active member
FWIW CNN has new owners. I hear there is quite a purge coming and they are actually going back to reporting the news. I'm sure the Left will yell Russia or Ultraright or something.


Active member
She didn't answer because the question wasn't directed to her but the Polish president apparently didn't realize that and there was an awkward silence. Jeez man, there was literally nothing there unless you have a serious bias, which it appears that you do.

Nonetheless, that still doesn't answer my question. I voted for Hillary in '16 and for Biden in '20 and will again if Trump or someone who represents that foul representation of actual conservatism gets the GOP nomination. So I ask you again, why does that make me liberal when I've made it clear that I'm against Trump, not for Clinton or Biden, or any politician for that matter. Why is it so hard to understand that concept? A concept played out in '20 when many Ind or Rep voters voted for Biden(Who is Center/Right by his record) and voted for their favorite GOP Sen or Rep down-ballot. Instead, you let that become a propaganda-laced talking point that claimed with no evidence whatsoever that the election was stolen.

Help me understand how you can say in one moment that the MSM has tainted Trump and turned many voters away from him and in the next not understand how millions would vote for anyone who was running against him.

She didn't answer cuz she's a brainless cackling kunt...she should neck herself...


Active member
CNN is fake news, and I don’t care if you call whatever I post fake news, bullshit or whatever. If anything then bullshit is your standard one-worder to any post, meaning you suck and contribute nothing but shit in threads. I haven’t seen you post anything of relevance, ever, and now here you are telling me to ”expand my mind” by watching US corporate propaganda by CNN. No doubt that is one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest thing I have heared in my life.

If you’d quit spreading bullshit, I’d stop calling it bullshit. As it is, there isn’t a lot to say about bullshit so I keep it short and simple for your understanding.


Well-known member
She didn't answer cuz she's a brainless cackling kunt...she should neck herself...

A brainless multimillionaire and long term political elite. I’m no fan of the Clinton’s, but how’s your life turning out?


Well-known member
FWIW CNN has new owners. I hear there is quite a purge coming and they are actually going back to reporting the news. I'm sure the Left will yell Russia or Ultraright or something.


And who might that new owner be?

You forgot to mention that the "old" owners retain 71%

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