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Active member
Maybe so. Your point? They do a much better job than any source you’ve posted so far. I know your job is to discredit the media, but you have to be smarter than they are.

It is not my job, they do that so well themselves. My point is that Wikipedia is fake news, the argument is a fallacy to begin with. Typically when people argue over sources like you do here, it all comes down to some genetic fallacy. As for Wikipedia doing a ”much better job than any source you’ve posted” well, they certainly did a better job at calling the Gateway Pundit fake news than any source I ever posted that is true.


Active member
more "Gateway Pundit" references. Politifact, Facebook, Politico, Twitter, Newsguard, and dbpedia ALL rate them as "mostly horseshit" or "entirely bullshit" . the founder was barred permanently from Twitter for pushing fake election news last year. 🤣 "a man is known by the company he keeps" LOL! "Sputnik News" LOL! wholly owned and controlled by those that brought you the war in Ukraine to "defeat Nazism"...yeah, sounds credible...🙄


​​​Nazi sympathizers :gaga:​​​​​​​


Active member
He claims already and now to have no evidence of any Ukrainian military presence in the mother and child hospital. He says he is inquiring and investigating among the Russian military who claimed that.
However, the Russian people totally ignore this attack (which is very curious, if such a glorious action has killed only neo-Nazis, and not pregnant women and babies.

Here is the statement from the Ministry of Defence made earlier this evening:

I will dwell separately on the informational provocation of Kiev regime about alleged “strike” by Russian aircraft on Mariupol hospital No. 3 yesterday.

First of all, I note that the Russian Defence Ministry yesterday established cease-fire for safe evacuation of civilians in the city.

Russian aviation had no missions of hitting targets on the ground in the Mariupol area.

The analysis of the statements of representatives of Kiev nationalist regime and photos from the hospital, leaves no doubt.

The "air strike” that took place is a completely directed provocation to maintain the anti-Russian stir among the Western audience.

We have repeatedly stated earlier that the medical institutions of Mariupol, including Hospital No. 3, stopped their full-time work at the end of February. All staff and patients dispersed by the nationalists.

The hospital building, due to its favorable tactical location close to the city center, was re-equipped into a stronghold of the Azov National Battalion.

This is reported by residents of the city, who moved both to the areas controlled by Kiev and controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic.

Photos of the hospital grounds contain evidence of two separate staged explosions near the hospital. An underground explosion and another of minor power, aimed at the hospital building.

The nature of the external and internal damage to the building can mislead non-professional audience of Europe and the United States. For whom this was made.

But not experts. Comparing to staged explosion of the Ukrainian Nazis, even less power high-explosive aviation bomb would destroy the outer walls of the building.

I emphasize that all these and other war crimes in Mariupol are committed by nationalist locked in the city. We have repeatedly warned that as the ring shrinks, the number of Nazi provocations will increase. There is no way for them to escape.

These are the Nazis of the Azov battalion who had been eliminating the civilian population in Donetsk and Lugansk republics for eight years.



Well-known member
What other explanation for wanting this person to be the next president after the senile demented old hair-sniffing fool goes? If you are Poland and you think the USA will help you after licking the bear, consider who they are putting 'in charge'.


She can't/won't answer the question, and cackles and points to the other guy.

Did she also cackle when she was sending CA growers and dealers to prison?

She didn't answer because the question wasn't directed to her but the Polish president apparently didn't realize that and there was an awkward silence. Jeez man, there was literally nothing there unless you have a serious bias, which it appears that you do.

Nonetheless, that still doesn't answer my question. I voted for Hillary in '16 and for Biden in '20 and will again if Trump or someone who represents that foul representation of actual conservatism gets the GOP nomination. So I ask you again, why does that make me liberal when I've made it clear that I'm against Trump, not for Clinton or Biden, or any politician for that matter. Why is it so hard to understand that concept? A concept played out in '20 when many Ind or Rep voters voted for Biden(Who is Center/Right by his record) and voted for their favorite GOP Sen or Rep down-ballot. Instead, you let that become a propaganda-laced talking point that claimed with no evidence whatsoever that the election was stolen.

Help me understand how you can say in one moment that the MSM has tainted Trump and turned many voters away from him and in the next not understand how millions would vote for anyone who was running against him.


Well-known member
more "Gateway Pundit" references. Politifact, Facebook, Politico, Twitter, Newsguard, and dbpedia ALL rate them as "mostly horseshit" or "entirely bullshit" . the founder was barred permanently from Twitter for pushing fake election news last year. 🤣 "a man is known by the company he keeps" LOL! "Sputnik News" LOL! wholly owned and controlled by those that brought you the war in Ukraine to "defeat Nazism"...yeah, sounds credible...🙄

That's why Trump is revered as such a strong figurehead. The more we point out that we've proved them wrong in a thousand ways, they latch on to the belief that he's up against an entire corrupt world as the lone defender of truth and integrity. It's not just a literal cult, it's taken lock stock and barrel.

That's why the "Deep State" was created. There always needs to be a nebulous, vague enemy. Calling everything "Fake News", and I mean everything, forces your adherents to only look to you or your approved sources for information. Then they make sure to overindulge vague promises, misdirected grievances to share, catchy phrases, merchandise, flags, etc.

It's a simple psyop really. It only worked well now due to a perfect storm of factors. How far it'll go is anyone's guess. Real life doesn't always end in a Hollywood fashion.


Active member
It is not my job, they do that so well themselves. My point is that Wikipedia is fake news, the argument is a fallacy to begin with. Typically when people argue over sources like you do here, it all comes down to some genetic fallacy. As for Wikipedia doing a ”much better job than any source you’ve posted” well, they certainly did a better job at calling the Gateway Pundit fake news than any source I ever posted that is true.

Most of the stuff you post, if not all, is fake news. Don’t know where you get it. Don’t care. You started out with the same old CNN crap one uses when they have nothing intelligent to say. CNN has a lot of commentary. They also do a lot of accurate reporting. Unlike your links to pure commentary and pure bullshit. You should try to educate yourself on the difference. Expand your mind.


...como el Son...
According to several of the military analysts (I suppose as in the rest of the world) who speak on various Spanish television channels, some Ukrainian attacks on Russian armored vehicles that the international media attribute to drones of Turkish origin, would actually be grenade launchers and traditional unguided artillery, combined with the Alakran Mortar System of Spanish origin...(?)

(PS: But the several videos of the Ukrainian army that illustrate this particular article are of maneuvers with the ALAKRAN before the invasion).

In the unequal conflict facing Ukraine and Russia following the invasion of the Russian armed forces ordered by Putin there will be Spanish weaponry on the ground, at least on the side of the former Soviet republic.

This would be the case of the Alakran, a 120/81 mm bivalent mortar system embarked on a 4x4 vehicle from where it is deployed, manufactured by the company Ventura Defense (formerly NTGS, part of the Everis group), based in the Madrid town of Collado Villalba.

The system was sold by the Spanish company to Ukraine, in whose Armed Forces it entered service in 2019 mounted on a BARS-8 armored vehicle of the Ukrainian public defense company Ukroboronservice. The integration of the mortar into the vehicle is being carried out by the state-owned company. It would be a first consignment of at least six units delivered to the airborne assault troops, although for the time being it will not be able to be increased due to Spain's veto on the sale of armament or dual-use material that affects both Ukraine and Russia.

Ukroboronprom - Ukraine Bars-8MMK Alakran120mm Mobile Mortar Systems Firing Tests [1080p].

It can be transported concealed under the tarpaulin of the vehicle. Once arrived at the chosen settlement, the mortar is deployed and driven into the ground by a hydraulic system. When it is desired to leave the site, the vehicle lifts the mortar and picks it up. It is capable of firing two 120 mm mortar shells in 67 seconds, with the ability to deploy to another position before the opposing battery can return fire. The system's base configuration has a crew of three and incorporates up to 60 120 mm mortar charges and associated components. It also has computerized fire control equipment with a flat-screen display.

Мобільна мінометна установка БАРС 8МММК

The Alakran mortar installed on the MMC has a stated maximum range of 7,180 m for its HE grenades. Ukrainian industry has also developed a 120 mm laser-guided mortar grenade that is equipped with a HE fragmentation warhead and slightly increases the range to 7,500 meters.

It has an electronic aiming system and motorized weapon aiming. The control system can be integrated with the Army Command and Control System and the Army GIS system.

Currently, the Spanish Army has also tested and evaluated the Alakran mortar carrier: the "Alfonso XIII" Brigade of the Legion was in charge of using the tool. Other armed forces, such as that of the United Arab Emirates, are also studying its acquisition.

The Alakran's main virtue is its speed: the vehicle is ready to fire in just 35 seconds, needs only 8 seconds to re-aim and requires 25 seconds to retract. In addition, the pneumatic system it integrates allows firing with the piece on the ground: this means that it can leave the settlement in just 30 seconds because it can be picked up on the move, once the base plate is slightly raised from the ground. It also has a very high mobilization capacity: it can be installed on vehicles of 1.5 tons or more without additional reinforcements and can be heli-transported thanks to its light weight. The integrated weather station helps to predict bad weather conditions, and its performance protects against solar radiation, dust and water.

The mortar carrier is also equipped with a sophisticated system of advanced electronics: it can operate both inside and outside the vehicle thanks to its software, which incorporates its own fire management mechanism that displays its location and that of the assigned targets. Finally, its high firing capacity is also remarkable: it allows a load of 52 120 millimeter grenades, being able to fire 12 shots in the first minute and 4 in sustained fire.

Dimensions:- Folded: it does not protrude from the vehicle profile. It can be transported concealed under the tarpaulin - Unfolded: The mortar's dimensions

Weight:- Without mortar tube: 100 Kg- With 81 mm mortar: 150 Kg- With 120 mm mortar: 300 Kg

Crew:- 2 persons: Driver/gunner and loader

Actions on the vehicle:- The system is a module that is integrated in a light 4x4 pick-up vehicle without the need to reinforce or modify it - It does not penalize the vehicle in transport due to its low weight. The vehicle can also be used to transport the ammunition - It does not penalize the vehicle when firing since it fires on the ground and not on an on-board elastic support. The vehicle does not receive any impulse when firing - The module can be quickly disassembled to use the vehicle for other missions.

Accuracy:- Direction: 2 thousandths- Elevation: 2 thousandths

Stability in aiming and firing:- Since it fires on the ground, the stability of the aiming elements is maintained- The servants are fixed to the ground and the vehicle can be quickly disassembled for use in other missions.


Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
Indeed, there must be a reason for something...for everything....
When someone cracks open your head, there are compelling physical reasons that support it: the product of the mass of the blunt weapon multiplied by the acceleration with which the aggressor drops it, exceeds the physical resistance of the cranial bone structure, managing to break even the most intimate atomic bonds of the bone in the area....

That's fair but sounds a little scary :covereyes:


...como el Son...
Exclusive | Nikolai Leonov, former KGB vice-president, breaks his silence: from Putin's corrupt ways to Cold War espionage:

Nikolai Leonov's exclusive interview, in full.

Nikolai Leonov was number two in the intelligence agency and police of the USSR.

Espionage, corruption, sabotage? Leonov portrays Vladimir Putin's way of acting:

Nikolai Leonov was a former deputy chairman of the KGB, the Soviet Union's intelligence agency between 1954 and 1991. 'Everything is true' has now broadcasted the exclusive interview to the number two of the USSR State Security Committee made since his retirement in Russia and where he uncovered the corrupt ways of Vladimir Putin. An interview that has been kept in a drawer for four years until now.

Leonov recounts that he joined the KGB in 1958 as a result of his friendship with the main leaders of the Cuban revolution. "The Kremlin did not expect such a spectacular triumph. They did not know who Fidel Castro was, Che Guevara.... They had no control or intelligence at all. They remembered me and called me to serve as a translator in Soviet-Cuban relations," he explained.

But although he was a translator in the beginning, Nikolai Leonov became the vice president of the intelligence agency, thus having access to all KGB information. "From '74 to '84, for almost eleven years I had the fullness of information from the entire diplomatic corps. I had an impression of everybody. As a management we were lucky to formulate analyses and forecasts very close to the truth (...) The lies were blatant," he pointed out.
How Putin came to power, according to Leonov
Vladimir Putin became president of the Russian government in 2000, when Boris Yelstin appointed him as his successor. Then came the elections and the acting president became head of state in a rise that 'Everything is True' analyzed with the documentary 'Putin's Witnesses'.

But how did a barely successful mayor of St. Petersburg rise in four years to become president of Russia? The key, according to Leonov, was the assignments Putin was given and successfully carried out to 'eliminate' enemies of the Russian elite.

For example, the trap Putin allegedly set for Yuri Skuratov, the prosecutor general and opponent who accused Yelstin's closest entourage of corruption; or the bribes to avoid the impeachment of the president. By doing so, Putin would have won Yelstin's approval. "He was a candidate who offered you total security. Suddenly he was not elected, he was elected," Leonov explained. Likewise, the former KGB vice president also portrayed the Russian oligarchs.

The foul play of the spy agencies:
On the other hand, Leonov tells in the interview some historical events of which we would not know the whole truth. This is the example, according to him, of Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who allegedly assassinated John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, on November 22, 1963. However, Nikolai Leonov relates in the interview that "the man was ill and unable to hold a gun." He does not hesitate to describe him as "a scapegoat".

On the other hand, the spy agencies of the United States and the USSR during the Cold War (the CIA and the KGB) would not have been as opposed as it seemed. They would have even reached pacts and understandings.





Active member
Most of the stuff you post, if not all, is fake news. Don’t know where you get it. Don’t care. You started out with the same old CNN crap one uses when they have nothing intelligent to say. CNN has a lot of commentary. They also do a lot of accurate reporting. Unlike your links to pure commentary and pure bullshit. You should try to educate yourself on the difference. Expand your mind.

CNN is fake news, and I don’t care if you call whatever I post fake news, bullshit or whatever. If anything then bullshit is your standard one-worder to any post, meaning you suck and contribute nothing but shit in threads. I haven’t seen you post anything of relevance, ever, and now here you are telling me to ”expand my mind” by watching US corporate propaganda by CNN. No doubt that is one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest thing I have heared in my life.


...como el Son...
Has the time come to retake the Midcat, the great Spanish gas pipeline that would "flood" Europe with gas?

Moncloa celebrates that attention is now focused on energy interconnections, something that Spain has been insisting on for a long time but that countries like France did not see as a priority
CREATED03-10-2022 | 9:31 P.M.LAST UPDATE03-11-2022 | 08:19AM

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a real international earthquake. The decision of the United States and the United Kingdom to ban imports of Russian gas has left the European Union in an uncomfortable situation, which would like to follow the path of the veto, but its energy dependence on Moscow is still too great, especially some countries such as Germany.
Related news
In a debate on the energy situation during the summit of EU Heads of State and Government in Versailles (France), Von der Leyen has detailed that he is considering setting up a special working group to design a supply plan for next winter in a coordinated operation between Member States as well as to draw up a policy proposal for gas storage at European level.
In addition, Von der Leyen has pointed out that in May the European Commission will present its proposal for the RePower EU plan to end the EU's dependence on Russian fossil fuels by 2027.

By the end of 2022, the Community Executive has set itself the goal of diversifying the gas supply in such a way that 60,000 million cubic meters come from other gas suppliers through gas pipelines or methane tankers , another additional 10,000 million cubic meters will be replaced by hydrogen and 17,000 million cubic meters from European biomethane production, as reported by Von der Leyen.
The Brussels roadmap also includes a legislative proposal, which the European Commission intends to present in April, to establish that community gas reserves must be at 90% of their capacity by October 1 of each year. A proposal that will involve coordination and control of supply levels under the principle of solidarity between Member States.
It should be noted that Spain is not affected to a great extent in this European dependency . Our country could even play an interesting role if the crisis progresses due to the lack of solutions in the conflict, making Spain a major player in gas in Europe thanks to the Midcat project.

In this regard, Sánchez recalled that Spain considers it essential to promote interconnections, which have not had the collaboration of France up to now, although he recognizes that this is not a solution that will solve the problems immediately. But yes in the medium and long term.
Sánchez said that "it is unacceptable that the Iberian Peninsula is an energy island" , especially when he assured that it could be contributing to Europe having less dependence on Russia due to Spain's regasification capacity and renewable energy production capacity together with to Portugal.
“Those interconnections have to be made. It is time for us to start them up”, reiterated the President of the Government, who defended making the interconnections of the gas pipeline compatible with those of renewable energies such as green hydrogen.
After assuring that Spain and Portugal are firmly committed to them, he made it clear that the infrastructures for their viability should be financed by the EU.

What is the Midcat project:
This macro-infrastructure would allow the gas coming from Algeria and stored in Spain to be taken to other countries of the European Union . Thus, this project would greatly help the energy dependence that the continent has on Russia and that in these weeks is becoming a problem that has already caused relevant decisions.
The project was a challenge full of intentions on the part of the EU. This tried to unite Catalonia with France thanks to a conduit of dimensions greater than the current ones that crossed the Pyrenees thanks to the great capacity of our country to store gas.
Spain currently has six plants dedicated to converting gas from its liquid state so that it can be used as an energy source. Together with another plant in Portugal, the number rises to seven on the peninsula, which greatly exceeds the three in France, for example.

At this point, gas shortages may be a reality if the conflict continues, something that has caused many to demand that the project, which has been on hold for years, be resumed. Different regulatory and economic problems have prevented the progress of the project, which in recent days has received messages such as that from the president of Fomento del Trabajo, Josep Sánchez Llibre.

Why isn't the Midcat built?:
Although the project has received around 500 million euros since its inception, since 2018 it has been stopped due to a series of problems. The first is due to the lack of profitability because its construction could take around 10 years, something that would cause distant income for the promoters.
In addition, both Spain and France have decided not to continue the corresponding regulations . For various reasons, it has not been possible to find common points that would close the agreement, a fact that has greatly hindered its progress.

Finally, the Midcat has the big problem of being an energy that does not have the backing of European funds . In the line marked against climate change by the EU, these infrastructures are displaced by others such as renewables and cause these projects to stagnate or die.
There are also environmental reasons involved, both in Spain itself and internationally. Thus, the environmental organization rejected the resumption of projects such as the El Musel regasification plant in Gijón, or investment in new gas infrastructures, such as MidCat, which would pass through the Pyrenees connecting France with Spain.

In any case, in Moncloa they celebrate that attention is now focused on the importance of energy interconnections, something that Spain has been insisting on for a long time but that countries such as France did not see as a priority, which explains why MidCat was not have materialized.

The third vice president, Teresa Ribera, warned this Tuesday that in order to undertake the expansion of Medgaz and its connection with France through MidCat, the important thing is that it does not end in a "dead end". Thus, she warned that this would take five or six years and it is essential that there is an adequate connection on the other side of the border.
Likewise, the Government maintains that if the plan goes ahead, it must be done with a view to the future and that the pipelines serve not only to transport gas, but also mixed natural gas, renewable gas, biomethane and even renewable hydrogen.

On the other hand, Ribera has maintained this Wednesday that since what is being talked about now is also about solidarity in the energy sphere and helping the countries of central and northern Europe, more exposed due to their dependence on Russia, then the Government considers that it should not be "neither the taxpayer nor the consumer of Spanish gas" who pays the bill for materializing the interconnection.



...como el Son...
What do we know about the rocket launcher in this video in the hands of the Azov Battalion? They are not those sent by the Spanish Government to Ukraine:

"Ukrainian soldiers proudly carry the KRPG [anti-tank rocket launchers] sent by the Spanish government [...] Images have also emerged where several instructors show the Azov Battalion how to handle this type of weapon," says a Telecinco news video broadcast on 8 March. March [ 7:02-7:31 ] and that has gone viral as if the images showed rocket launchers sent by the Government of Spain in the hands of the Azov Battalion, part of the state National Guard of Ukraine and described as neo- Nazi by Congress from the United States . In fact, the rocket launchers shown in the images that Azov has received are Swedish-made in collaboration with the United Kingdom.They are neither of Spanish manufacture nor have they been sent by the Government of Spain .
The Azov Battalion shows NATO weapons but not the one "sent by the Spanish Government"

'Ukrainian soldiers have already received the weapons sent by NATO and are receiving training in their use', shows the graphs of Informativos Telecinco and they recount two different cases of arrivals of weapons to Ukrainian troops, which some people are assuming to be of the same shipment.
Although the weapons that appear at the beginning of the video with Ukrainian soldiers without Azov markings are the C90 anti-tank tanks from the Spanish company Instalaza, which the Spanish Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, stated on March 7 had already arrived in Ukraine , the The rocket launcher that appears later in the images with the Azov Battalion is actually an NLAW or MBT LAW produced by the Swedish company Saab in cooperation with the United Kingdom .




The images of the Azov Battalion with an NLAW broadcast by Informativos Telecinco were broadcast by NEXTA on March 8 with the text “ A shipment of NLAW grenade launchers and instructors from NATO countries arrived in Kharkov/​ Kharkiv. The Azov regiment was the first to learn about the new armament .”


In addition, the full broadcast of Informativos Telecinco states that “with more and more frequency we see Ukrainian troops with weapons from NATO countries. [...] Images have also emerged where several instructors show the Azov Battalion how to handle this type of weapon”. The audio of the news does not state that the Azov Battalion has weapons sent by the Spanish Government but by NATO countries , without indicating the origin.
You can compare the two weapons in the visualization below.

In Maldita.es we are telling you in this compilation all the hoaxes and misinformation that we have denied about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and in this article you can read what tools we are using to verify the misinformation. If you detect any more, you can send them to us through our WhatsApp chatbot at +34 644 22 93 19 . Additionally, fact-checkers from around the world have come together to create a global, collaborative database, #UkraineFacts , to fight disinformation about Russia's attack on Ukraine. On the map, you can see in which countries each disinformation has been detected and access the denials.



...como el Son...
89 hoaxes and misinformation about Russia's attack on Ukraine :

PublishedWednesday, March 9, 2022


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[COLOR=rgba(55,65,81,var(--tw-text-opacity))]OWN PRODUCTION MATERIAL[/COLOR]

Since the Russian attack on Ukraine began in the early hours of February 24, dozens of videos and images allegedly linked to the invasion have been broadcast on networks, however many of them are not current or have been recorded in the Eastern European country. We have already denied 89. Remember that in crisis situations and when in doubt, it is better not to share .
[COLOR=rgba(0,0,0,var(--tw-text-opacity))]Get cursed, get cursed
Disinformation is a weapon, but it is in your hands to help us stop it. Maldita.es is here to help you fight against lies: help us in this battle with your knowledge, with your superpowers or collaborate financially and become an ambassador of Maldita.es.

In #UkraineFacts you can see in which countries each disinformation has been detected and access the denials of the different verification organizations that have investigated it.
By the International
Fact-checking Network Signatories

Developed by Maldita.es

█Min : █Max :
This map shows in which countries members of the International Fact-checking Network have identified and debunked disinformation about the invasion of Ukraine.
The █ countries in red shades show the amount of disinformation identified and refuted by the national fact-checkers of each country.
Clicking on a disinformation card will mark █ in blue the countries through which that disinformation has circulated. In addition, you will be able to access different denials in the language of the country through which it circulated.
Clicking on a country will show the disinformation that has been identified and denied in that country and you will be able to access the denials in your own language.
If you want to embed this map in your website you can do it through this link

Related denials

Next, we compile the hoaxes and misinformation that we have denied in Maldita.es about the Russian invasion of Ukraine:
No, this video does not show Ukraine shooting down a Russian fighter jet: it is Libya in 2011


Coinciding with the Russian attack on Ukrainian territory that began in the early hours of February 24 , a video is shared on social networks in which a plane is seen crashing after being shot down. The recording is spread claiming that it is a "Russian fighter plane shot down by the Ukrainian air defense", but it is a hoax.

No, this video in which a "corpse" is seen moving has nothing to do with Ukraine: it was a protest in Austria against climate policies


"Filmed in Poland during the covid. Filmed to present it as in Ukraine now," says the text included in a video in which a reporter is seen speaking to the camera while behind there are several body bags and a living person moves in one . But it is a hoax : the video is from an Austrian news program covering a protest in Vienna against climate policies on February 4, 2022.

What do we know about the rocket launcher in this video in the hands of the Azov Battalion? They are not those sent by the Spanish Government to Ukraine


"Ukrainian soldiers proudly carry the KRPG [anti-tank rocket launchers] sent by the Spanish government [...] Images have also emerged where several instructors show the Azov Battalion how to handle this type of weapon," says a Telecinco news video broadcast on 8 March. March [ 7:02-7:31 ] and that has gone viral as if the images showed rocket launchers sent by the Government of Spain in the hands of the Azov Battalion, part of the state National Guard of Ukraine and described as neo- Nazi by Congress from the United States . In fact, the rocket launchers shown in the images that Azov has received are Swedish-made in collaboration with the United Kingdom. They are neither of Spanish manufacture nor have they been sent by the Government of Spain .

No, this video of "Ukrainian civilians" throwing Molotov cocktails at armored personnel carriers is not current: it was recorded in 2014


"Early today in Kiev, Ukrainian civilians defended their barricades with Molotov cocktails against advancing Russian tanks." With this text circulates a video in which it is seen how a group of people throw Molotov cocktails at some tanks as they advance. It is spread as if it were current, related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24, but it is a hoax . It's from protests in Kyiv/Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in 2014 .

No, this video of an explosion is not related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine nor is it current: it is Beirut, Lebanon in 2020


Coinciding with the Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory , a video of an explosion is broadcast on social networks like Facebook . The recording is shared as if it were current and is linked to the crisis situation that Ukraine is experiencing, but it is a hoax .
The scene shown in the video occurred in 2020 , when an explosion occurred in the port of Beirut (Lebanon).

No, this military convoy seen in Reus and Alcover (Tarragona) and in Binéfar (Huesca) is not heading towards Ukraine: it is going towards Zaragoza and Spain does not include tanks among the material sent to Ukraine


Through social networks, images and videos of the Reus and Alcover stations (Tarragona) are shared in which a train can be seen transporting a convoy of tanks and combat vehicles. Some affirmations in networks assure that "today a convoy of war tanks left for Ukraine from Spain, Tarragona" and on TikTok these videos are shared with hashtags such as "war", "ukraine", "preparing" and "third world war". But it is a hoax that this convoy is heading towards Ukraine.
According to the Army of the Land to Maldita.es , the mobilized units belong to the General Command of Ceuta that have traveled by sea from Ceuta to the port of Tarragona and, later, by land to Zaragoza to carry out a national exercise there in a training center. In addition, among the offensive military material sent to Ukraine , according to Defense Minister Margarita Robles, there are no tanks or combat vehicles.

No, this video of a car with a white flag and the "Santísimo" is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2015 and it is a funeral


“The Blessed Sacrament walks the streets and highways of Ukraine. The white flag of the car indicating that the Lord is going on a mission of Peace”. With texts like this, a video is circulating on social networks like Facebook and Twitter .
In the video you can see a gray car with a white flag and a red van in front driving on a highway. To the sides, hundreds of people leaning on the ground with only one knee, with both or standing.
But it is a hoax that the video is current . Doing a reverse search of the images we found that the video has been circulating since at least 2015 . The different publications indicate that it is a Ukrainian soldier who was killed in a confrontation with Russian troops. In a larger version of the video, you can also see a crowd of people accompanying a coffin with the Ukrainian flag on the coffin.

No, Putin does not threaten Mexico in this video for condemning the attack on Ukraine: the subtitles are false


A video has gone viral in which Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, allegedly threatens the Government of Mexico for condemning the invasion of Ukraine. However, it is a hoax : the Spanish subtitles of the video are false .

No, this video does not show real images of a bombing of Ukraine by Russia: it is a video game


Coinciding with the military offensive by Russia to Ukraine that began in the early hours of February 24, a video of an alleged bombing in Ukrainian territory has gone viral on social networks. The recording is shared with messages such as "it is not a movie or a video game, they are real images of the bombing of Ukraine by Russia" (sic).
It's a hoax . The images correspond to the video game War Thunder and can be seen in a video uploaded to YouTube in December 2021.

No, this video of "Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their wives to go defend Ukraine" is not current: it is a scene from a 2017 documentary about the Donbas war


"Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their wives to go defend Ukraine." With this label, a video is circulating on TikTok in which two men dressed in military uniform appear saying goodbye to two women, stating that they are two Ukrainian soldiers who are saying goodbye to their partners to go defend their country in the war that Russia It started on February 24 .
But it is a hoax that this video is current . This is a scene from the 2017 Ukrainian documentary “ The War of Chimerasabout a volunteer who goes to the war in Donbas .

No, this military convoy is not heading to Ukraine from Santander: it is going to Norway and Spain does not include tanks among the material sent to Ukraine


"Spain begins mobilization of tanks and troops to Ukraine to face invading Russian forces" (sic). With this message, a video is shared in which a convoy of tanks and combat vehicles can be seen moving along a Spanish highway. The video includes the caption “via Santander heading to Ukraine, brave Spain”, but it is a hoax that the convoy is heading towards Ukraine.
According to the Army to Maldita.es, the units belong to the Guadarrama XII Brigade that will embark from the port of Santander to Norway to carry out maneuvers in an annual NATO exercise. In addition, among the offensive military material sent to Ukraine , according to Defense Minister Margarita Robles, there are no tanks or combat vehicles.

No, this video of soldiers shooting in a trench with the Nazi flag is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2017


“This is happening in Donetsk. Ukrainian soldiers defending a trench with the Nazi flag waving. Remember friends, with fascism there is no dialogue, it is fought and Fisted hand crushes ". With this message , a video is broadcast in which a military man is seen entrenched and shooting while he waves a flag with the Nazi symbol.
The recording has begun to spread this March 1, after the Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory , but it is a hoax that it is current. The video has been circulating since at least 2017.

No, este mensaje haciendo un llamamiento para acoger a "niños/niñas ucranianos" no es del Gobierno de Aragón


Nos estáis preguntando a través de nuestro chatbot de WhatsApp (+34 644 22 93 19) por una cadena que está circulando afirmando que “desde el Gobierno de Aragon se ha habilitado el teléfono 976(...) para todas aquellas familias que se ofrezcan a acoger niños/niñas ucranianos” (sic) y pide que se difunda.
Although the telephone number exists and coincides with that of the Subdirectorate for Child Protection and Guardianship of the Government of Aragon , from the government itself they affirm that it is a hoax that they have made that call so that families can take in refugee minors from Ukraine, as they have explained from their Twitter profile on March 3.

Misinformation about the photo of a pregnant woman in the explosion of a children's hospital in Mariupol (Ukraine)
On March 9, 2022, images were released of a Mariupol hospital and several injured people, in the Ukrainian Donetsk oblast, damaged by an explosion. In several of the images, an injured pregnant woman is seen who, according to what some contents affirm, is a model who "is not even pregnant", according to the photos uploaded to her Instagram account. But in another tagged photo, uploaded on January 24, she does appear pregnant . In addition, facial recognition software claims that she is the injured person, although Maldita.es cannot independently confirm that they are the same person.

Missinformation without evidence that the pregnant woman in the bombing of a children's hospital in Mariupol (Ukraine) is a Ukrainian military


This March 9, images of a pregnant woman injured after the bombing of a maternal and child hospital in Mariupol (Ukraine) have been released. A montage that has been shared on social networks suggests that the woman is a Ukrainian military . However, there is no proof of this .

No, this message asking for families interested in hosting children from Ukraine is not from the Association of Children of Ukraine-Castellón (Aniukcas)


"If you know of families interested in welcoming children from Ukraine, when the situation allows humanitarian aid to enter, you can contact the Association of Ukrainian Children of Castellón (Aniukcas), I provide you with the e-mail: [email protected] " . That is the text of the chain that has not stopped moving around WhatsApp in recent days and about which you have asked us dozens of times through our chatbot ( +34 644 22 93 19 ).
It is a hoax : the association assures that they are circulating messages in their name that are false and that, for the moment, they can only "plan the evacuation of girls and boys who already have their foster family for the summer program". They also state that "right now there is no official information on the receptions in Spain".

No, this photo of a fire near Chernobyl is not current or related to the conflict in Russia and Ukraine: it is from a fire that occurred in April 2020


"ALERT!!! CROSSFIRE generates fires near Chernobyl, the sarcophagus of the nuclear power plant is in danger" (sic). With this text, a photo is shared in which we see a part of the restricted zone in Chernobyl (Ukraine) after the nuclear power plant accident in 1986 and a fire in the background. It is spread as if it were current, after the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and as if the fire had been generated by a "crossfire" between the two countries, but it is a hoax . The photo is from April 2020.

The disinformation without evidence that the Chinese Ministry of Defense says that they "are ready to support Russia" in case the US and NATO "want to intervene militarily"


It is circulating that " Chinese National Defense Ministry spokesman Tan Kefei said that at any time, anywhere they are ready to support Russia in case the US and NATO want to intervene militarily" (sic) . There is no evidence that Kefei made any such statements. The message circulates with the same text in Twitter accounts that are not from the media and is shared without a link to any news or a video of the alleged statements. In addition, there is no trace of that intervention in the media or through official channels.

No, the man dressed as a samurai in this photo is not the Japanese ambassador in Kiev, Ukraine.


"The Japanese ambassador to Ukraine stayed in Kiev ." This message is being shared on Facebook posts along with a photo of a man dressed as a samurai with the coat of arms of Ukraine behind him. Supposedly, he is the Japanese ambassador who asked for "his great-grandfather's samurai sword and traditional armor" to be sent from Tokyo to protect Ukraine after Russia's invasion began on February 24 . But it is a hoax , the one that appears in the photo, in reality, is the Ukrainian ambassador in Japan.

No, this video of a rally where Ukrainian flags wave while the country's anthem plays is not recorded in 2014: it is from February 23, 2022


A video of a rally is circulating in which we can see how Ukrainian flags wave while the country's anthem plays. The video has been published by El Mundo stating that they are Ukrainians who have gathered "to sing the national anthem in Donetsk", but some users on social networks say that it is a video from 2014 that they have passed off as current. It's a hoax that it's a video from 2014 . It was recorded in the city of Kramatorsk on February 23, 2022 .

No, the 'CNN' has not published a tweet stating that "intelligence agencies around the world have seen the American actor Steven Seagal among the Russian special forces"


“Las agencias de inteligencia de todo el mundo han visto al actor estadounidense Steven Seagal entre las fuerzas especiales rusas posicionadas en las afueras del aeródromo de Gostomel, cerca de Kiev (...)”. Esta es la traducción de una captura de un supuesto tuit en inglés de la CNN que se está haciendo viral por redes sociales como Twitter y Facebook.
Pero es un bulo que la CNN haya publicado ese tuit. No hay rastro del mismo en su perfil de Twitter y tampoco se encuentra archivado. Además, siempre se mueven las mismas capturas, o bien con los mismos “me gusta” y veces compartido, o bien sin mostrar esos datos.

No, esta imagen de una mujer vestida con uniforme militar no es la mujer del presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, ni es actual: es de agosto de 2021


“Dicen que la mujer del presidente de Ucrania se va a ir a la guerra”. Con mensajes como este se difunde una imagen de una mujer vestida con uniforme militar. Según afirman quienes comparten la fotografía en redes como Twitter, la mujer que aparece en ella es la esposa del presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski.
Es un bulo. La mujer que aparece en la fotografía no es Olena Zelenska, la esposa de Zelenski, ni la imagen es actual. Se tomó en agosto de 2021 durante el ensayo del desfile militar del día de la Independencia de Ucrania.

No, este vídeo que supuestamente muestra “soldados ucranianos caídos en combate a las afueras de Kiev” no es actual: circula desde al menos 2015


“Soldados ucranianos caídos en combate a las afueras de Kiev, hasta el momento el gobierno de Ucrania ha confirmado más de 170 soldados muertos en combate”. Con este texto está circulando un vídeo en Twitter que ya cuenta con más de 2.000 "me gusta”.
Supuestamente, las personas que aparecen en el vídeo serían “soldados ucranianos” que habrían “muerto en combate” el pasado 24 de febrero después de que Rusia lanzara una ofensiva militar en varios puntos de Ucrania.
Pero es un bulo. Si hacemos una búsqueda de las imágenes que aparecen en el vídeo, encontramos que circula desde, al menos, 2015 y que se comparte como si hubiese sido grabado en septiembre de 2014. Según los textos, fue grabado en en la República Popular de Lugansk (Ucrania), aunque esto no ha podido ser verificado por Maldita.es de forma independiente.

No, este vídeo no es un caza ruso derribado por un avión ucraniano: es de un simulador


A Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 fighter shoots down a Russian Ork Su-35 VKS fighter, several viral contents claim, in which a video of the mid-air explosion of a military plane allegedly caused by another fighter also appears. But it is a hoax : Eagle Dynamics, the company that created the Digital Combat Simulator air combat simulator, has told Maldita.es that it is a simulation using its software. The official Facebook account of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Defense Forces and the Twitter account of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry have shared this hoax.

No, this video does not show "the moment when a Russian missile hits the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine": it is a flare


The Twitter account of the program 'Al Rojo Vivo' of the LaSexta television channel tweeted a video on March 4 that allegedly shows "the moment in which a Russian missile hits the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine."
Although the local authorities reported a fire after the bombing at the Zaporizhia plant , the images that have been shared do not show the fall of a missile.
It's a hoax. The bright object seen in the video has the characteristics of a flare or an illuminating projectile , as defense experts have indicated to Maldita.es , but not of a missile. In addition, international media, such as Reuters or The Guardian , have reported that what we see in the video is a flare. Likewise, Rafael Mariano Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , stated that it was Russian " projectiles " that caused the fire.

No, this photo of two men with fake guns is not from after the Russian invasion of Ukraine


"It's good that the media is conveniently there to cover this, and tell the world that they're shooting flattened, rectangular bullets from fake guns. With fake news, nothing is real, it's all staged." This is one of the messages with which a capture of a transmission of the American chain Fox News has been spread in which two men are seen carrying two apparently false weapons as if they were Ukrainian civilians after the Russian invasion and that it is being used to affirm that the Ukraine conflict is false. It's a hoax : the photo was taken before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and is a civilian training.

Misinformation without evidence about this photo of civilians trying to flee from Irpin (Ukraine)


Content circulating on social networks in which it is said that members of the Azov Battalion (of the National Guard of Ukraine and described as neo-Nazi by the United States Congress ), are holding Ukrainian civilians and preventing them from being evacuated in this photo in the that a bunch of people appear under a bombed-out bridge and some soldiers in military clothes at the front of the crowd.
There is no evidence that the photo shows civilians being held. They are civilians who are fleeing the town of Irpin and who are being "helped" by the Ukrainian military, according to the Associated Press ( AP ), and the photo shown in the tweets was taken by a Spanish photojournalist on March 5. The destroyed bridge under which people are crowding is located about 25 kilometers from Kyiv/Kiev, the country's capital. That March 5, the city was bombed and that was the main escape route . There is no evidence that these soldiers are from the Azov Battalion or that they were holding the population at that point.

No, This 'Time' Magazine Cover With Putin Turned Into Hitler Isn't Real


An image of an alleged cover of 'Time' magazine with a photo of Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, mixed with a photo of Adolf Hitler and with the headline "The return of history" is going viral as authentic. It is not a real cover.

No, this CNN tweet reporting that an American activist has been killed in Russia's attacks on Ukraine is not real


"We are sad to announce that there has been the first American casualty of the Ukraine crisis . Thoughts and prayers with the family of activist Bernie Gores , who died this morning after a mine planted by Russian-backed separatists exploded." This is confirmed by an alleged tweet from the US network CNN in Ukraine on February 23. But it is a hoax , it is a false tweet and the photo is not of an activist but of a youtuber.

No, this is not actors simulating the war that Russia has started against Ukraine: it is a video of a military-historical festival held in Russia


“Look at the doll in the back, it's a mannequin! The lies of the media and nationalisms are exposed! This was broadcast on TV” (sic) or “These are CRISIS ACTORS, who are hired to stage situations in false war conflicts or false flag attacks”. With these messages, a video is being broadcast on social networks such as Twitter, Telegram or TikTok in which several people can be seen as if they were fleeing, a tank in the distance and even at one point a supposed doll can be seen (as if were a person) that jumps into the air.
With this video, many of the users who share it assure that the war initiated by Russia against Ukraine is nothing more than a staging carried out by actors , thereby denying that there is an invasion in Ukraine.
But it is a hoax that these images are of a montage of actors hired to stage situations "in false wars or false flag attacks," as the contents say. It is a military-historical festival that takes place every year in Russia dedicated to the soldiers of the Second Shock Army . Specifically, we can see that the images in this video are from the 2021 edition.

No, this father is not saying goodbye to his daughter to "fight against Russia": it was recorded in Donetsk, that population was evacuated to Russia and the video is prior to the Russian aggression against Ukraine


Following the Russian aggression against Ukraine that began on February 24, the video in which a father says goodbye crying to his daughter, who is evacuated on a bus, has gone viral and has been published in numerous media outlets, as if he were going to fight. against Russia." But it is a hoax : the video is recorded in a city of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk recognized by Russia and the Government of that area evacuated the civilian population to Russia.

No, this video of a meeting between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers is not current: it was recorded in 2014


Más de 4.000 veces se ha compartido en TikTok un vídeo que cuenta con casi 90.000 "me gusta" y muestra un encuentro entre “soldados rusos y ucranianos”. La grabación se comparte en otras redes sociales como Twitter tras la invasión iniciada por Rusia hacia territorio ucraniano como si fuera actual y acompañado de mensajes como “paz”, pero es un bulo que tenga relación con la reciente ofensiva militar lanzada por Rusia.
El vídeo data del año 2014 cuando militares ucranianos se acercaron a la base aérea de la ciudad de Belbek, en Crimea, cuando se encontraba custodiada por soldados rusos.

No, esta foto en la que el presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, aparece sujetando una camiseta con la esvástica nazi no es real: es un montaje


After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a photo is circulating on social networks in which we see the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, supposedly holding a shirt with the Nazi symbol. But it is a hoax : the photo is a montage.

No, this video of a girl confronting a soldier is not current or related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine: it happened in 2012 and is a Palestinian girl


After the recent Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory , a video is broadcast showing a girl confronting a soldier. The recording is shared with the following message: "A Ukrainian girl yells at a Russian soldier to return to her country."
It's a hoax . The video was recorded in 2012 and is about a confrontation between a Palestinian girl and an Israeli soldier.

No, neither 'La Vanguardia' nor Pedro Sánchez have said that the Government of Spain will train young people between the ages of 18 and 25 in the event of war


"The Spanish government will shortly call young Spaniards between the ages of 18 and 25 to train them in case of war. Statements by President Pedro Sánchez together with the defense minister" (sic). This is the message of a tweet that is shared on networks like TikTok as if they were real statements by the President of the Government published by La Vanguardia , but it is a hoax .

No, this video is not a "montage" made in Ukraine during the invasion of Russia: it was recorded in Birmingham (UK) and has been circulating since at least 2013


A video is moving on networks that supposedly shows how the Ukrainians record a "montage" of people running because of an "alleged bombing" by Russia. It is spread with messages such as "Putin should be thanked for ending the virus. Now we only talk about war and terror, making montages for garbage TV." It's a hoax : the images go back to at least 2013 and were recorded in Birmingham (UK) during the filming of the movie Kaleidoscope Man (also known as Invasion Planet Earth).

No, this video of an alleged "Russian attack on the Ukrainian defense" is not current: it dates back to at least 2018


A video of an alleged "Russian attack on Ukrainian defense (sic.)" has gone viral on networks such as Twitter or TikTok, as if it were part of the current invasion initiated by Russia on February 24. It's a hoax : the video has been broadcast since at least 2018.

No, this video is not of a paratrooper "invading Ukraine" during the current Russian attack: it has been circulating since at least 2015


Más de dos millones de 'me gusta' tiene un vídeo publicado este 24 de febrero en TikTok que se mueve como si fuera de un paracaidista ruso "invadiendo Ucrania" durante el actual ataque de Rusia. Se difunde con comentarios como "viendo la tercera Guerra Mundial por TikTok", pero es un bulo: la grabación se difunde desde al menos 2015.

No, esta foto de una niña herida no es del conflicto en Ucrania: es de Palestina en 2021


“Ukraine is trending because of the images that the war against Russia is leaving. People and children injured by the detonations and people sleeping in the subway ”, states a tweet along with two images, one of them of an injured girl rescued by a person, who carries her in her arms. But it is a hoax : the photo was taken in Gaza (Palestine) in 2021.

No, this video is not from the campaign of Volodímir Zelenski, president of Ukraine: it is a scene from a series in which he was the protagonist


"The election campaign of Zelenski, the president of Ukraine". With this message, a video has been released in which Volodímir Zelenski, president of Ukraine, is seen shooting dozens of people in a room. It's a hoax : it's a scene from the series Servant of the People 2 in which he participated as a main actor in 2017, almost two years before he was appointed president of Ukraine.

No, the images of a Russian tank with the flag of the Soviet Union are not "a montage": they are real


One of the images that has spread the most since Russia began the invasion of Ukraine on February 24 is that of a Russian tank on which a Soviet Union flag flies. It is being said that this image is false, but it is not: the photo is real and, in fact, there are other photos and videos of that same tank.

No, this video of riot police refusing to "go against their people" in Ukraine is not current: it is from 2014


"Police in Odessa [Ukraine] refuse to go against their people," states a viral tweet that shares a video of riot police breaking formation and abandoning their shields. It moves as occurred in 2022 during the conflict in Ukraine. But it's a hoax : the video is from 2014.

No, this photo of a Russian flag being placed on a public building in Ukraine is not current: it is from 2014


A photo is circulating in which a person on a ladder is placing a Russian flag on a public building in Ukraine. It is shared as if the image were current , coinciding with the bombing that Russia has carried out in several places in Ukraine at dawn on February 24.
It's a hoax . The photo is taken in Ukraine, but it is from March 1, 2014.

No, this video is not of the destruction of Russian military equipment by the Ukrainian Army: it was recorded in 2020 in Syria


"Video of destruction of Russian military equipment by [the drone] Bayraktar TB2", states a viral tweet in Ukrainian that shares a video recorded from the air in which the bombing of a military convoy is seen as if it had been done by the Ukrainian Army . But it is a hoax: the video was recorded in Syria in the year 2020 . They have reversed the video and now it moves as it happened in Ukraine in February 2022.

No, these photos of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, in a military uniform are not current: they have been circulating since at least 2021


Two photos of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenski, are circulating, dressed in a military uniform, vest and helmet, as if they were current with messages that affirm that he is "in his uniform and first in the line of combat defending his nation". It is a hoax that the images are from now , after the start of the conflict in Russia and Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The photos circulate, at least, since 2021 .

No, this photo of two children greeting some Ukrainian soldiers is not current: it has been circulating for years


The photo of two children who are greeting soldiers from a road in military vehicles with the Ukrainian flag is being spread. It is shared now, after the start of the conflict in Russia and Ukraine, as if it were current, but it is a hoax . The photo has been circulating for years .

What do we know about the woman injured in Ukraine who is accused of working for the Ministry of Defense?


"The bloodied woman who appears on the front pages of all the newspapers turns out to be an employee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", affirm several viral contents that unite three different photos saying that the same person appears in them: a wounded woman with bandages on the head, another with a rifle in his hand and another group with several people in military uniforms. The Russian Embassy in Spain shared the same images stating that "a woman very similar" to the wounded one was "an employee of the Ukrainian special unit of internal organs" . We tell you what we know .

No, these photos of a "bloody baby" and "an executed citizen" are not current: they are old and the one of the girl was taken in Syria


"A bloodied baby, a citizen executed by a Russian Soldier Murderer. Let's not forget these scenes when we execute Putin." It is the text with which two images of a girl with blood on her face and a man with the Ukrainian flag move while he is being gunned down by another who wears the Russian flag on his uniform. They move coinciding with Russia's attack on Ukraine that began on February 24, but it is a hoax that they are current: the one about the Ukrainian soldier has been circulating since at least 2018, while the one about the girl was taken in Syria and is also spread from al minus 2018.

No, this photograph of people praying in Ukraine is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2019


"Christians in Ukraine praying outdoors, in the snow, asking the Lord to free them from war" (sic). With this message, an image of people kneeling in a snowy square is spread. The photograph has gone viral after Russia's bombing of Ukraine , but it is a hoax.
The image is not current, but has been shared since at least 2019 .

The video of Vladimir Putin where his hand supposedly passes through a microphone: the images with the highest quality show that the microphone does not disappear


Está circulando un vídeo del presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, en el que aparece en una mesa con varias personas alrededor. Se está difundiendo que las imágenes estarían grabadas en un croma (el fondo verde que se coloca para recrear escenas añadidas posteriormente de manera digital) porque, supuestamente, en el momento en que pasa la mano por detrás de uno de los micrófonos de la mesa, este desaparece. Pero como os hemos contado, si nos fijamos en el mismo momento en vídeos con más calidad, podemos comprobar que no se produce ese efecto y que el micrófono se ve delante de la mano.

No, este vídeo no muestra a paracaidistas rusos aterrizando en Ucrania durante el conflicto actual: circula, al menos, desde 2016 vinculado a la ciudad rusa de Rostov


A video circulates on social networks in which you can see a sky full of paratroopers and dozens of soldiers on the ground. According to those who share the recording , the scene corresponds to the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine and they are "Russian military paratroopers landing in Ukraine", specifically, in the city of Kharkov.
It's a hoax. The video has been circulating since at least 2016 and is linked to a landing in the Russian city of Rostov.

No, this video of an explosion is not from the bombing of Ukraine: it has been circulating since 2015 related to an explosion in China


"Shortly before four in the morning that missile bombardment of Ukraine began" is the message with which some images of an explosion have been introduced in the Antena 3 news program on February 24 [minute 4:20] . But it is a hoax : it is a recording that has been circulating since August 2015 linked to an explosion in Tianjin, China.

No, this video of an explosion is not from a Russian attack on Ukraine: it was recorded in Beirut (Lebanon) in 2020


The video of an explosion is broadcast with messages suggesting that it is an attack by Russia on Ukraine or that it has been recorded in Kiev , the capital of the Ukrainian country. It's a hoax . The video corresponds to the explosion that occurred in the port of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, in 2020 .

Disinformation claiming that "North Korea just sent troops to Ukraine in support of Russia"


"North Korea has just sent troops to Ukraine in support of Russia," says a capture of a tweet in Portuguese that has been going viral in recent hours. According to this tweet, posted alongside a photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the latter has just sent troops to Ukraine to support Russia after that country's bombing of Ukraine. During the early hours of this February 24.
But there is no evidence that North Korea has just sent troops to Ukraine in support of Russia as of February 24 at 1:00 p.m. If we do a search we can see that neither the media nor the correspondents and journalists in Ukraine who are reporting on the conflict have echoed it. On the other hand, the account that has spread the tweet has already been deleted.

No, this photo is not from the current Russian bombardment of Ukraine: it has been circulating since at least 2021 related to Gaza (Palestine)


After Russia's bombing of Ukraine during the early hours of this February 24 in various parts of the country, an image that supposedly shows one of those bombings has gone viral. It is a hoax : the image circulates since 2021 related to an attack in Gaza (Palestine).

No, these bombing images are not related to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: they are photos taken in Gaza (Palestine) in 2018 and 2021


Two images of alleged bombings that would have occurred during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that began on February 24 are being disseminated. It's a hoax . Both photographs are old, they were taken in 2018 and 2021 , respectively. They correspond to bombings in Gaza (Palestine) due to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict .

No, this video of an explosion is not from a Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24: it has been circulating, at least, since the end of January


"The sky lights up as the Russian attack continues " or " Mariupol explosions ". With messages like these, a video is broadcast that supposedly corresponds to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that began at dawn on February 24 at various points . However, it is a hoax . The video circulates, at least, since January 29, 2022 .

No, this video is not current or from Ukraine: it is from a rehearsal of a military parade recorded in Russia in May 2020


“LAST MINUTE | This is how Ukraine wakes up after the start of the attack by Russian troops. The Russian military air force flies over Ukraine. With this text , a video moves on Twitter assuring that it has been recorded after the beginning of Russia 's bombing of Ukraine at dawn on February 24 in various parts of the country.
But it is a hoax . The video can be found on YouTube with the title: “ Parade rehearsal 05/04/2020. Air part. Plane flight over Tushino ” (a city north of Moscow). As explained by the BBC , that day there was a rehearsal in Moscow on the occasion of the Victory parade that is held every May 9, although due to the coronavirus pandemic that year's military parade was postponed to June .

No, this video of a missile launch is not recorded in Ukraine and is not related to the current situation: it was recorded in May 2021 and is from the conflict between Palestine and Israel


"URGENT - UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR: Vladimir Putin is killing children, the elderly and pregnant women." This is how the message begins with which a video of a missile launch is being shared , as if it were related to the current situation that Ukraine is experiencing after Russia bombed some of its cities on the night of February 23, 2022. But it is a bull The video is from May 2021, when Hamas launched missiles at several Israeli cities .

No, this photograph of a young woman carrying a gun on a bus is not current or related to the military crisis between Russia and Ukraine


Coinciding with the recent offensive launched by Russia in Ukraine , an image of a young woman, supposedly Ukrainian, on a bus carrying a weapon is disseminated on networks. The photograph is shared with messages such as "Ukrainian women are ready to accompany their compatriots to defend their homeland against the Russian invasion" (sic).
It is a hoax that the image is current and is related to the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It is also not true that the photograph was taken in the Ukraine. The young woman in the image is a Russian model named Ekaterina Gladkij who shared the photo on the Russian social network VK in March 2020 .

No, this video is not from "Russia at war with Ukraine": it is a simulation of a video game


After the bombing of some areas of Ukraine on February 24, a video is circulating that supposedly shows "Russia at war with Ukraine." The recording shows how a plane bombs some buildings, but it is a hoax : it is a simulation of the video game Arma 3 and not a real video of what happened in the last few hours in Ukraine.

No, this photo of a plane on fire in the air is not current or related to the situation in Ukraine: it has been circulating for years related to an accident in 1993


The photo of a plane on fire in the air, supposedly shot down by a missile shot, is being shared as if it were current, after the Russian bombardment in several places in Ukraine in the early hours of February 24, 2022 . It's a hoax . The photo has been circulating for years linked to an accident between two Russian planes in 1993 .

No, this woman was not the victim of a gas explosion that occurred in a building in 2018: she was injured at the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022


“VICTIM OF RUSSIAN BOMBING IN 2022 WITH THE SAME CLOTHES AND BANDAGE AS IN 2018 😂😂😂 This woman was the victim of a gas explosion that occurred in a building in Ukraine in 2018, not a bomb dropped today by the Russians”, states a content on Telegram. But it is a hoax: the woman was injured on February 24, 2022 in Ukraine .

No, this video is not of a Russian attack on Ukraine: it is of explosions in an industrial zone in Tianjin (China) in 2015


"URGENT "hell on earth, Russia-Ukraine conflict". With this message a video is being shared on social networks such as Twitter stating that it is a video recorded during the Russian bombing of Ukraine in the early hours of this February 24 in various parts of the country.
But it is a hoax . The images were recorded in 2015 during explosions that took place in Tianjin , a port city in northeastern China and that left more than 50 dead, according to media such as the BBC or The Guardian .

No, the video of Putin announcing a bombing against Ukraine was not recorded on Monday, February 21, it is from Thursday 24*


In the early hours of February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a bombing of Ukraine in several areas of the country . After the message, rumors have begun to circulate on Twitter that the video would be recorded on the afternoon of Monday the 21st because the Russian president's suit coincided with that of the announcement he made that day where he recognized the separatist regions of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent . But it is a hoax , the video was not recorded three days before.

No, this video is not of "Russian warplanes" shooting civilians in Ukraine: it was recorded in Turkey in 2016


"Let the whole world know that Russian warplanes are shooting at innocent civilians in Ukraine." With this message, a video is broadcast in which we see people running down the street while being shot from the air. It is shared as if it were related to the current situation in Ukraine after Russia bombed several points in this country in the early hours of February 24, 2022 . It's a hoax. The video is recorded in Turkey in 2016.

No, this recording warning that the war between Russia and NATO is imminent and of the danger of a nuclear attack is not from the 'BBC': it is a fictional video that has been circulating since at least 2018


A video has gone viral in which the British public television and radio service, BBC , allegedly warned of an imminent war between Russia and NATO and the danger of a nuclear air attack.
It's a hoax. The video does not belong to the BBC but is a fictional representation by an Irish company , as the network itself indicated in 2018, when it denied that it was an original broadcast of its own.

No, this video does not show a Russian military invasion of a town in Ukraine: it was recorded in 2019 in Aleppo (Syria)


More than 27,000 views have a TikTok video in which soldiers are seen in a military operation. As you can read in the caption of the video, the images supposedly correspond to a Russian invasion of a town in Ukraine.
It's a hoax. The recording was shared by Russia Today (RT) in 2019 and, as they claimed at the time, it was a "training" by Russian instructors to Syrian army forces in the city of Aleppo.

No, this video is not of a gas explosion in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk in 2018: it was recorded in Ukraine on February 24, 2022


Journalist Justin Yau tweeted a video on Thursday showing a damaged apartment block along with the following text: “An apartment complex in is devastated by shelling, south of Chuguyev [Ukraine]. Incalculable number of victims”. In response, several people have tried to discredit this as Russian bombing in Ukraine, claiming that it is actually a 2018 gas explosion in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk . It's a hoax: it was recorded in Ukraine on the same day that Russia began to bomb the country .

No, Biden does not claim in this video that the US would attack Russia for invading Ukraine: the subtitles are false


A video with subtitles of a press conference by Joe Biden, president of the United States, in which he allegedly confirmed that President Putin had decided to invade Ukraine, is going viral. The video has been circulating since at least February 21 , the date on which you first sent it to our WhatsApp chatbot (+34 644 229 319) . That is to say, it moves from before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began in the early hours of this February 24 .
Supuestamente, Biden dijo que EEUU atacaría a Rusia antes de que este país pudiera de hacerle "daño" a los estadounidenses que se encuentran en Ucrania. Pero es un bulo, los subtítulos en español son falsos.

¿Qué sabemos de la cadena que circula asegurando que están buscando una familia de acogida para tres hermanos ucranianos de 17, 14 y 8 años que "se han quedado huérfanos"?


“Hola a todos, Estamos buscando una familia de acogida para tres hermanos ucranianos que se han quedado huérfanos. 17,14 y 8 años. Dos chicas y un chico. Por favor difundirlo por si podemos ayudarles. Elena 670 (...) Igor 650 (...)” (sic). Con este texto se está viralizando una cadena de WhatsApp por la que nos habéis preguntado a través de nuestro chatbot ( +34 644 22 93 19).
Maldita.es se ha puesto en contacto con ambas personas pero a fecha de publicación de este artículo sólo Igor ha respondido. Asegura que ya han encontrado una familia.

El bulo de que la CNN ha dado por muerto al mismo periodista en Afganistán y ahora en el ataque de Rusia a Ucrania


"La misma persona que fue 'ejecutada' por los talibanes en Afganistán es también la primera víctima estadounidense en la 'crisis de Ucrania'. ¿Ves cómo funciona? CNN es el enemigo del pueblo. ¿Por qué mentir?". Esto afirma un contenido en inglés que circula por Facebook junto a dos supuestos tuits de la cadena estadounidense CNN en los que se anuncia que Bernie Gores, un supuesto "activista" o "periodista", ha fallecido en distintos conflictos. Pero es un bulo.

¿Qué sabemos sobre el vídeo en el que un tanque pasa por encima de un coche en Ucrania?


It is one of the videos that have moved the most in recent days: a tank is moving at full speed when, in the Obolon district (Kyiv/Kiev), it suddenly runs over a car that was going in the opposite direction. These are images that have been broadcast by the media around the world, which claim that it was a Russian tank. Other versions indicate that it was actually a Ukrainian tank that lost control before the collision. We tell you what we know .

What do we know about the "ghost of Kiev", the alleged Ukrainian pilot who allegedly shot down several Russian planes?


Images and videos are being spread in which we supposedly see the alleged Ukrainian pilot who would have shot down six Russian planes on the first day of Russia's attack on Ukraine , which they have called the " ghost of Kiev ", but of which there is no evidence of its existence.
The Security Service of Ukraine has published an image in which the pilot supposedly appears, but it is not current . It was published in 2019 by the country's Ministry of Defense , when it reported that its tactical aviation brigade was testing new helmets. So the image was not shared with any reference to the alleged ghost of Kiev.
Other photos have also gone viral in which we supposedly see the pilot's face, but who actually appears is the Argentine lawyer Pablo Abdón Torres . And a video, which we have already talked about in Maldita.es , supposedly shows how the ghost of Kiev shoots down a Russian plane. But it's a hoax: the video is from a simulator .

What do we know about the map that supposedly shows "NATO bases" in the world? From the organization they assure that it does not represent their bases


A map is circulating on social networks in which we see points with the logo of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) indicated at different points on the countries of the northern half of the Earth. It spreads with comments claiming that they are "NATO bases" that are supposed to be surrounding Russia.
From NATO they assure Maldita.es that this map does not represent their bases around the world . The points that appear on it do not correspond to those that indicate the presence of the organization in different countries on the maps of the NATO website, although at Maldita.es we have not been able to independently verify if there are more bases in other places. whose location is not public.

What do we know about whether the Polish and Ukrainian military and police are preventing black people from crossing the border?


Since the beginning of Russia's attack on Ukraine, thousands of people have fled to neighboring countries. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Gradi , as of February 28, more than 280,000 people had fled to Poland. This March 2, the Government of Poland raised this figure to more than 450,000 people.
With these large movements of people, videos have been shared of the situation at the borders and of messages and testimonies from people who claim that non-Ukrainians are being discriminated against at the border crossing between Ukraine and Poland, content that has been shared, in many cases with the hashtag #africansinukraine.
Some journalists on the ground say that non-Ukrainians are being allowed to enter Poland. Some of them, like the journalists Pablo González or Nicolas Castellano , or the chef Jose Andrés, have shared stories of Nigerian or Cameroonian people on their social networks. Others recount the difficulties they are having in crossing through the testimonies of non-Ukrainians. In addition, the Chancellery of the Polish Prime Minister has branded as "disinformation" the messages that say that it is not being allowed to cross the border by nationality or ethnicity. We tell you what we know.

No, this image of César Carballo as an "expert in geostrategy" is not real: it is a meme


Coinciding with the recent escalation of military tension between Russia and Ukraine , an image has begun to spread in which the doctor César Carballo appears supposedly making some statements about the aforementioned conflict. "Putin is taking a lot of risks if he wants to invade Ukraine," Carballo reportedly said.
It's a hoax. The image is a meme that is shared as real and in the original statement, this assistant doctor from the Emergency Service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid was stating that he had confined himself due to his daughter's positive for COVID-19. In fact, it is not the first time that César Carballo memes have been shared in which this doctor is presented as an expert in all kinds of issues unrelated to COVID-19.

No, this video of Putin threatening Spain is not real: the subtitles are false and its author has described it as humorous


"Let's see this goes for all of Spain, including Pedro Sánchez, do you really think you can defend Ukraine? Being one of the countries that has managed to collect the most fools" [sic]. This is the supposed translation of a video of Putin that is circulating on TikTok and WhatsApp, going viral as real with messages like "Putin threatens Spain." It's a hoax - the subtitles are fake and it's an excerpt from a longer TikTok video that was labeled "humor" by its author.

No, this tweet about Putin is not from the president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón: it is a false tweet


Coinciding with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a screenshot of a tweet purportedly from the president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, is circulating, in which he says that "it does not seem appropriate to have communist people like Putin as a reference."
But it is a hoax that it is a tweet from Barbón. It is not published on his profile nor is there a trace of archived versions on the web and the screenshot that circulates is always the same. Also, while your account is verified (it has the blue tick that Twitter offers to those accounts), in the screenshot it appears unverified, without that blue tick. From the press department of the Presidency of the Principality they affirm to Maldita.es that "the tweet is clearly false".

Snake Island and the alleged sacrifice of the Ukrainian military: a misinformation story


The story of 13 Ukrainian soldiers who guarded the Snake Island and who died "heroically" and "without surrendering" , according to the president of Ukraine, has gone viral. Several media outlets later released a recording of what would be his last moments before the Russians bombed the island. Now, according to local media citing the Ukrainian army, they would be alive but Russia would be holding them prisoner . We tell you the story of misinformation on the Island of Serpents .

What do we know about the video of the explosion next to an administrative building in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov?


A video from a security camera shows the exterior of a building and car traffic. And we see an explosion. The timestamp says that it was recorded on March 1, 2022 at 8:01 (Ukrainian time). Some contents say that the projectile seen in the video has hit the building, others that it has destroyed it.
We explain how we know that the explosion is in Kharkiv , the second most populous city in Ukraine , next to a government building and what more data we have about what happened. As of March 1, Kharkov is controlled by the Ukrainian Government . It is located less than 40 kilometers from Russia and is considered the capital of Russophone Ukraine .

What do we know about the alleged increase in radiation in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant?


This February 24, Russian forces have taken control of the old Chernobyl nuclear power plant , located in Ukraine. As a result of this event, warnings have begun to circulate that the radiation levels in the area have altered .
The State Inspectorate for Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine has reported, on February 25, that gamma radiation levels have increased in the area . The Ministry of the Interior has indicated that, for the moment, this increase "is not critical" for Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. Meanwhile, the Russian state agency RT has indicated that " the background radiation is normal, according to the military ." We tell you what we know about it here .

Disinformation without evidence that President Zelensky has fled Ukraine (as of March 1, 2022)


Numerous contents and rumors without evidence affirm that the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, would have fled the country after the aggression of Russia, whose troops are already in the Ukrainian capital. These claims have been going on since February 24. But as of March 1, there is no evidence that Zelensky has fled Ukraine.
It is not stated to which place outside the Ukraine Zelensky has fled, or when or how. In short, no proof is provided that he fled in the face of the Russian advance in Ukraine and specifically in Kiev. In addition, on the afternoon of March 1, several international media interviewed him in Kiev, according to reports.

No, this tweet by Santiago Abascal quoting Vladimir Putin is not "fake": it is real, but he has deleted it


The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, published a tweet in November 2015 quoting this phrase attributed to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin: "We will go looking for you at the end of the world and, there, we will kill you." In the publication, Abascal linked to an article in La Gaceta in which those same statements were collected. According to this website, Putin was addressing those responsible for the explosion of a Russian passenger plane that occurred that same year when it was flying over Egypt.
Coinciding with the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, screenshots of that publication by the leader of Vox are being spread, despite the fact that there are users who assure that it is "a false tweet that pretends to be Abascal." It's a hoax : it's a real tweet, although it has been deleted. You can see an archived version here .

What do we know about Puigdemont's vote in mid-February on the European Commission's proposal to give financial support to Ukraine?


On February 16, the European Parliament approved a “macro-financial assistance” program to provide Ukraine with a total of 1.2 billion euros distributed in the form of loans. This is a proposal introduced by the European Commission on February 1 after talks with this country, three weeks before the Russian attack on Ukraine began. The approval on February 16 was a week before the bombing began.
Various messages are circulating commenting on the position that Carles Puigdemont, former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia and MEP, had on this matter. Some claim that he voted against it , others that he abstained , and others that he voted in favor . In reality, Puigdemont voted in favor of processing the initiative through the urgent procedure and abstained from voting on its content. We tell you what we know about the votes related to this initiative and Puigdemont's vote in each case.

What do we know about the statements of the mayor of Kiev stating that they cannot evacuate civilians because "all exits are blocked"?


On February 27, the mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko , offered an interview to the Associated Press ( AP ) news agency in which, according to the article, when asked if it was still possible to evacuate civilians in the capital of Ukraine responded: “We can't do that because all the exits are blocked. Right now we are surrounded . " Hours later, the mayor denied having said so, but AP has published an audio of the interview where he specifies it .

No, Pablo Echenique has not tweeted that Putin's "mission" in Ukraine is to "impose order" and that the "civilian Ukrainian victims are insignificant collateral damage": it is a set-up


Coinciding with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the capture of an alleged tweet by the spokesman for the United We Can parliamentary group, Pablo Echenique, is circulating, in which he would have written that "the people of Ukraine have to understand" that "the mission (sic) of President Putin" is to "impose order". And he adds that "the Ukrainian civilian victims (sic) are minor collateral damage." It is a hoax that it is a tweet from Echenique .
There is no trace of the alleged tweet in his account , nor are there reactions from other users that indicate that it has been published and then deleted. In addition, the screenshot that circulates is always the same (although in some cases they have added a text below it that is not part of the tweet) and in it you cannot see the number of interactions that the message would have or the date on which it supposedly I would have posted it. From the press team of the United We Can parliamentary group they affirm to Maldita.es that "her 3-year-old cousin uses photoshop better . "


No, this video of a Ukrainian tank fleeing and being attacked by the population is not current: it is from 2014

After Russia's recent attack on Ukrainian territory, a video is circulating on social networks in which people from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv/Kharkov are allegedly seen throwing stones at a Ukrainian tank and how it flees.
The video is real, but it is a hoax that it is current . It is from 2014 and is recorded in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol . That year there were clashes in this city between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian groups .
In this other article we are also collecting images and videos about Russia's attack on Ukraine that are current .

No, this money has not been found in a bunker of Ukrainian nationalists


A video is circulating on social networks in which some boxes with the logo of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) appear , which appear to be full of wads of bills. It is said about this video that the "Chechen guard" has found them in a bunker of "Ukrainian nationalists" in the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
It's a hoax. The video is not current and has been on the internet since at least 2018 . The Red Cross issued a statement that year about these images in which it denied any relationship with money and denounced an "illegitimate use" of the organization's emblem. The UN Security Council also released a report in 2017 showing similar boxes linked to the missing fortune of Gaddafi , Libya's former dictator.

No, Putin has not issued "a warning to those who created the coronavirus" nor has he accused world leaders of wanting to reduce the population in this video: it is a false translation


A video of Vladimir Putin, in which he allegedly accuses "world leaders" of wanting to reduce the population , is going viral without stopping. It also goes viral as if it were "a warning from the Russian president to those who created the coronavirus ." However, it is a false translation : in the speech he did not refer to the coronavirus or address the "leaders of the world".

What do we know about alleged secret laboratories in the Ukraine and that this is the reason for the Russian invasion? *


" One of Putin's objectives when entering Ukraine is to destroy biological weapons laboratories," Rafapal says on his Telegram channel, which we have already warned you about on Maldita.es .
Both countries signed a treaty in 2005, the US Department of Defense Biological Threat Reduction Program . This consists, according to the United States Embassy in Kyiv/Kiev, in "consolidating and protecting pathogens and toxins of interest for security in the facilities of the Ukrainian government", among other functions. According to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) , these laboratories belong to the Ukrainian government and are governed by the laws of that country. We tell you what we know .


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