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Well-known member
LOL ....... what sins would they be trying to cover up, you talking about Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine and how that came to be or is the grift more extensive???? :whistling:

Such an American egocentric view of the world.

How is this any different than the retards who think Covid was released on purpose to stop Trump from winning reelection.

mojave green

rockin in the free world


Well-known member
the US has a long standing history of financing fascist movements usually as a way to prop up capitalism and defeat leftism in those specific countries. we do it in eastern europe, the middle east, south america, and probably domestically in the US.


Well-known member
EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’.

A deleted web article recovered by The National Pulse reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine.

The news comes on the same day that Biden regime apparatchik Victoria Nuland told the U.S. Senate that the American government is concerned about biological research facilities falling into Russian hands as a result of the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.


Your post highlights why I'm able to make money grifting you people. It's just too easy now.


Well-known member
Such an American egocentric view of the world.

How is this any different than the retards who think Covid was released on purpose to stop Trump from winning reelection.

Well, we do have 6% of the world's population. Therefore, based on my flawless math, we rule in everything🤣

Three Berries

Active member
LOL ....... what sins would they be trying to cover up, you talking about Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine and how that came to be or is the grift more extensive???? :whistling:

Hunter and his family. Many US politicians and their families. Schiff, Pelosi, Kerry, Romney are the more prominent ones. Billions of US aid went to the Ukraine and it got syphoned off by just about all involved. Then there is the internal Ukraine corruption nd money laundering, again involving US politians. But that is just money. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Human trafficking of children is the worst.

Three Berries

Active member
Can't wait to see republican fundraising totals going forward

It's funny you mention that as the RINO GOP has the same side as the Libs.

You know Hollywood is there big time right now filming and 'documenting'. And the Ukrainians begging for your donations. I even saw one Congress Critter trying to get a 'Donate your AR-15' drive going to send to the moms and pops and kids over there.

But the DEMS got to be getting desperate for money.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Just curious why you think that anyone who hates trump is a commie liberal?

What other explanation for wanting this person to be the next president after the senile demented old hair-sniffing fool goes? If you are Poland and you think the USA will help you after licking the bear, consider who they are putting 'in charge'.


She can't/won't answer the question, and cackles and points to the other guy.

Did she also cackle when she was sending CA growers and dealers to prison?


See the world through a puff of smoke
Old USSR, you say?

How much longer until putin nationalizes the means of production?

Or, do you expect China to buy up Russia at rock bottom prices?


Da old USSR, because also in that time their leaders had already one leg in their grave.Great Leader Andropov was for 15 months Great Leader of the USSR before he dropped dead.

Just before this war began, Putin & Xin Jinping made a deal agreement for 30 years for oil & gas which will be paid in Euros.