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Well-known member
it still happened though. I don't know why you call it bullshit

Illegal tunnel under New York City synagogue destabilized nearby buildings, officials say​


ps. my post from "dick strocher" was in The Speakers Corner's Funny Pictures Thread with the wording lol
Right. It is a thing that happened.

But whether posted here or in the Funny Pictures Thread, the framing of that thing that happened was one chosen by White Nationalist/neo-Nazi/Groyper types.

The reasons I bothered to object when Cannavore shared it back then were a) it was from an obvious White Nationalist account and b) although it concerned people and events far from any actual war, it was posted here in the thread about War. The thing that connected those people and those events to anything relevant to this discussion is that they are Jewish, which makes the premise (by definition) antisemitic. Cannavore thought it was funny, though.


Well-known member
Right. It is a thing that happened.

But whether posted here or in the Funny Pictures Thread, the framing of that thing that happened was one chosen by White Nationalist/neo-Nazi/Groyper types.

The reasons I bothered to object when Cannavore shared it back then were a) it was from an obvious White Nationalist account and b) although it concerned people and events far from any actual war, it was posted here in the thread about War. The thing that connected those people and those events to anything relevant to this discussion is that they are Jewish, which makes the premise (by definition) antisemitic. Cannavore thought it was funny, though.

did you ever tell us how you feel about the Israeli soldiers beating people who were unable to defend themselves because their hands were up and carrying a casket? and clearly weren't a threat?

or about the journalist that was shot and killed and the person recovering her body also shot at?

those are very relevant


Well-known member
did you ever tell us how you feel about the Israeli soldiers beating people who were unable to defend themselves because their hands were up and carrying a casket? and clearly weren't a threat?

or about the journalist that was shot and killed and the person recovering her body also shot at?

those are very relevant

no I never did. since you ask:
the people who did those things ought to face criminal prosecution in courts of law. US (and UN, for that matter) ought to pressure Israel to make this so.


Well-known member
Right. It is a thing that happened.

But whether posted here or in the Funny Pictures Thread, the framing of that thing that happened was one chosen by White Nationalist/neo-Nazi/Groyper types.

The reasons I bothered to object when Cannavore shared it back then were a) it was from an obvious White Nationalist account and b) although it concerned people and events far from any actual war, it was posted here in the thread about War. The thing that connected those people and those events to anything relevant to this discussion is that they are Jewish, which makes the premise (by definition) antisemitic. Cannavore thought it was funny, though.
seed of shem = semite . you get is confused often .


Well-known member
people who are not seed of shem, who call themselves jewish , when that is debatable , breaking every commandment , and murdering seeds of shem each day, actual real semites . the palestinians . is by definition anti semitic . yet in ghneghis and deltas backwards world , the aggressors are the victims and plastic semites

So Hai

Well-known member

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."

-- Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969

Idi Amin on his relations with Golda Meir and Moshe Dayan.

They never expected him to have a good brain and heart.


Well-known member
Right. It is a thing that happened.

But whether posted here or in the Funny Pictures Thread, the framing of that thing that happened was one chosen by White Nationalist/neo-Nazi/Groyper types.

The reasons I bothered to object when Cannavore shared it back then were a) it was from an obvious White Nationalist account and b) although it concerned people and events far from any actual war, it was posted here in the thread about War. The thing that connected those people and those events to anything relevant to this discussion is that they are Jewish, which makes the premise (by definition) antisemitic. Cannavore thought it was funny, though.
lol dude you're chasing ghosts here. i post shit out of topic all the time.

i thought that account was an andrew tate muslim fanboy account? how is it both a white nationalist account and an andrew tate account?

So Hai

Well-known member
people who are not seed of shem, who call themselves jewish , when that is debatable , breaking every commandment , and murdering seeds of shem each day, actual real semites . the palestinians . is by definition anti semitic . yet in ghneghis and deltas backwards world , the aggressors are the victims and plastic semites
I don’t think that you checked the jew dictionary on that one lol.


Well-known member
New fascist propaganda NPC update just dropped;

Saying occupation is blood libel lolol

Using the phrase blood libel is a bit much, though there is plenty of blood involved and the claim itself is libelous. So perhaps there are greater injustices more deserving of getting one's panties in a twist over than this particular poor choice of words. Certainly you can understand how having a little patience with others regarding poor choices and accusations of antisemitism shows grace and goodwill. Yes?

There’s also a misguided — and, I hope, relatively small — segment of Palestine solidarity activists who take the mirror image of this position. They’re rightly horrified by the denial of democratic rights to the Palestinians, and especially by the mass starvation and indiscriminate bombing in Gaza, where the Israeli military has displaced at least 85 percent of the population from their homes since October. This anger leads them to indulge in ugly rhetoric about how the entire population of seven million or so Israeli Jews, the great majority of whom were born in the country, are “settlers” and “colonizers.” I’ve seen social media posts, for example, where pictures of stereotypically “white”-looking Israeli Jews with European-sounding surnames are used to mock the idea that Israelis are “indigenous to the Middle East.”

The implication happens to be wrong. On at least some estimates, Ashkenazi Jews, whose ancestors once lived in Northern or Eastern Europe, make up less than a third of Israel’s Jewish population. They’re greatly outnumbered by Israeli Jews whose ancestors lived in various Middle Eastern countries during the same time period and who often had to flee from those countries in the twentieth century. But this kind of rhetoric isn’t just wrong because it’s based on a shaky understanding of the facts. It’s deeply wrong in principle.

The great German socialist thinker August Bebel famously said that antisemitism is “the socialism of fools,” since antisemites tend to scapegoat cabals of “Jewish bankers” for the problems of an entire economic system. To tweak Bebel’s observation a bit, this kind of rhetoric about all Israelis being “settlers” whose presence in their country is illegitimate represents the anti-Zionism of fools. Zionism should be rejected because ethnostates are wrong in principle. No nation-state should be a state “of” a specific ethnic or religious subset of its residents, and the most just solution would be a single secular democratic state with equal rights for everyone.

People who insist that Palestinians are “indigenous” and Israelis are not, and who think this is what makes the struggle for Palestinian rights legitimate, are embracing the logic of reactionaries like Tenney and Shapiro while reversing the implication. The problem with the Right’s claim that Israel is justified in denying basic rights to millions of people because of historical Jewish claims to “Judea and Samaria” is not that the right-wingers are misidentifying who counts as “truly” indigenous. The wildly reactionary premise is that this is even a relevant question.

The Iroquois Confederacy probably came together somewhere between five hundred and nine hundred years ago, depending on which estimates you believe. The tribes that made it up were already there before that, and presumably before they were there, other groups lived in the same area. Humans have lived there for about ten thousand years. It was wrong to displace the Iroquois, and if their ancestors displaced some earlier group, that was wrong too. Whatever injustices fill the history books, though, everyone except for outright racists and fascists takes it for granted that everyone who lives there now should have equal rights now, regardless of any ethnic group’s “historical claims.” The exact same principle should apply to Israel/Palestine.

Even someone as rabidly right-wing as Tenney would presumably grant that everyone in her district should have democratic rights, regardless of whether their ancestors lived in the Iroquois Confederacy or their great-great-grandparents came to New York from Ireland in the 1800s or they’re first-generation immigrants who take their citizenship test last week. And anyone who can acknowledge that should also recognize that no one in Israel/Palestine should be denied rights based on their ancestors having lived in the wrong place — whether “wrong” ancestry means not being descended from ancient Judeans and Samarians or not having great-great-grandparents who lived in Palestine before the formation of the state of Israel.

The problem with Zionism is that it’s obscene for anyone’s status or rights in the area where they live to depend on their ethnicity or religion or where their ancestors lived. Zionism should be rejected not because we think Palestinians have a better claim than Israeli Jews to a blood-and-soil connection to the land, but on the basis of the universalist principles that have always formed the rock-solid normative basis of the socialist movement and, before that, were proclaimed by the French Revolutionaries in 1789.

Those principles say that everyone is entitled to the same package of rights, just for being a human being. Socialists think that package includes the right to have your material needs met and the right to have a say in the economic decisions that touch your life. But even liberals believe in a set of universal rights that are clearly inconsistent with displacing anyone from their homes or denying anyone a democratic say in the political institutions that govern them because they come from the “wrong” ethnic background.

Many actually existing liberals are woefully inconsistent in their application of these principles, especially when it comes to Israel/Palestine. But the principles themselves are correct, and sticking to them is the only way out of interminable and deadly land feuds.


Ben Burgis is a Jacobin columnist, an adjunct philosophy professor at Rutgers University, and the host of the YouTube show and podcast Give Them An Argument. He’s the author of several books, most recently Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters.



Well-known member

Dr Foster makes a good point.
If you are calling for the release of the hostages, but only the Israeli hostages, not the Palestinian hostages, you are contributing to the dehumanization of the Palestinian people. #BringThemHome

Human rights are universal, and aren't specific to any group of people because of claims of special privilege because of ancestry.

Diala Ayesh deserves the same due process and access to courts, incl habeas corpus that is every person's right.

If you are calling for the release of the hostages, but only the Palestinian hostages, not the Israeli hostages, you are contributing to the dehumanization of the Israeli people.


Well-known member

Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas)

“Al-Qassam Brigades target 5 Zionist vehicles with Al-Yassin 105 shells in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
“Al-Qassam Brigades target two Zionist vehicles with Al-Yassin 105 shells in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
“Al-Qassam fighters targeted a group of soldiers with a TBG shell, causing them to fall between dead and wounded, in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.”

Al-Quds Brigades (Palestinian Islamic Jihad)
“We bombed a gathering of enemy Zionist soldiers west of Netzarim, north of the Central Governorate with 107mm rockets.
“We targeted with tandem and RPG shells two Zionist military vehicles in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Medical Complex.
“Our fighters clashed with a Zionist force using machine guns in the vicinity of the Al-Shifa Complex. They confirmed that members of the force were killed and wounded.”
