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Well-known member
NovaRussia is ready



And when the Russian jewish diaspora from Israel will go back to nova home soon come the middle east will be cleaned thoroughly by BRICS+ with one only Palestinian state. Bye bye perfidious Albion ^^
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Well-known member
I may come to accept this is a situation that has no solution, and the most likely outcome is Israel will assume Gaza and the world will stand by and watch, with some speaking out but ultimately not stopping the outcome.

Israel will never apologize for its past actions or give back stolen land.

Hamas will never recognize Israel or end their call for the death of all Israelis.

The US complicit in war crimes with Israel, while the same time profiteering from war mongering, all while being held captive by Jewish bank control will never stand against Israel officially.

Israel will continue to attempt with some success to manipulate the narrative and perception of this war, saying that they are strictly going after Hamas which unfortunately has a lot of collateral damage, they get to have their cake and eat it too.

While it is understandable why Palestine/Hamas undertook the Oct 7 attack, perhaps despite it exposing more of the truth, is going to ultimately cause the utter destruction of Gaza and the Palestinian population there.

While standing up to your bully is righteous, it doesn't always work out. I think that is how this story will end. Native Americans seem to have been dealt a similar blow, and while their situation is not quite a blockade, if they continued to fight the US govt. through physical means, they would likely not exist in any form at all.

This is our human condition as we are still selfish and ignorant and cannot live together in peace.

And for those that say the US should be taking a stand against Israel, that would potentially be the equivalent of an Afghani speaking out against the Taliban. Israel has a lot of power in the financial world, the US is too coward and also too guilty of a history of combined crimes with Israel to say boo to them, so it is a pipe dream to believe the US would act any differently given these circumstances. Furthermore, there are no options politically as Trump (Bibi Fan Club) is just as bad as Biden in this regard, not to mention the rest of Congress and the House.

As for the people of Israel, the children growing up there had no choice in the matter, in that way they are innocent but of course will be indoctrinated. Same as the children of Gaza, no choice and also live in a really difficult situation.

This requires global mediation to uncover and express the underlying truth(s) of the matter. The Arab world needs to come to terms with their hatred of the West and the underlying ambitions of Iran. The West needs to stop meddling in the affairs of all the smaller nations financially and otherwise.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Relative to what? It designates someone who causes something to happen, that something being the ethnic cleansing of palestinians by bolshevik-zionist jews who, by their own words, are aggressors.

Relative to what time people refer to the instigation being instigated.

What happened on October 7th? Did Israel attack its own under color of Hamas?

Instigators gonna instigate.


ICMag Donor
I may come to accept this is a situation that has no solution, and the most likely outcome is Israel will assume Gaza and the world will stand by and watch, with some speaking out but ultimately not stopping the outcome.
There was a news story tonight that Israel was going to do some sort of accommodation and provisions for 1.4 million citizens in Gaza. If this is true, it would be a huge U-turn for Israel.

So Hai

Well-known member
Go on YouTube - and search Biden Zionist - sleepy Joe will tell you all about it - if he can keep up with the teleprompter that is -
Here is a good interview with Ahmed Rami.

Radio Islam is a great information resource.

So Hai

Well-known member
Relative to what time people refer to the instigation being instigated.

What happened on October 7th? Did Israel attack its own under color of Hamas?

Instigators gonna instigate.
First your question as to happened october 7 is relative to what happened on wednesday that same week, which in turn is relative to what happened in Basel Switzerland 1897 etc. I am sure you can give a detailed explanation of the events and how they pertain to this ”instigation by instigators”, unless ignoramus et ignorabimus.

And to your second question,

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So Hai

Well-known member
"With two carrier strike groups in the Gulf, we're sending clear messages to friends and adversaries alike. We'll keep the sea lanes open. [. . .] We'll stand with others to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and dominating this region[.]"
United States Vice President Dick Cheney, as quoted by Graham Bowley, "On Carrier in Gulf, Cheney Issues Warning to Iran", The New York Times (11 May 2007); and Tom Raum, "Cheney Warns Iran Sea Lanes Must Be Open", The Associated Press (11 May 2007).

A few years later…


Well-known member

I find it deeply entertaining that after having moved on from the SPQR larpers and other overt white nationalists you're now on to pushing agitprop from a (presumably) white girl from Iowa who writes under the pseudonym Khalissee, which is (I think) Dothraki for "white saviour."

Can't you find a single Palestine advocate who isn't a hard core Blood and Soil type?

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Well-known member
boy you love reaching lmfao..

just gonna casually keep doing ad hominem without addressing the substance which is 100% accurate in that post?

and if by "find", you mean shows up on my for you page then yeah man you caught me red handed!!!

your "presumably" white girl from iowa has their location set to London (and no not London, Iowa) and there's a good chance this person is muslim lol.

also who cares if shes white, jewish, arab, chinese, etc.

"Khaleesi is a feminine given name derived from the Dothraki title meaning queen that was used for the fictional character Daenerys Targaryen in American author George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire books and in Game of Thrones, the television series based upon the novels."

lol "white savior"

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