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Central Africans call for immediate withdrawal of SMP Bancroft​


Protests are mounting against the presence of American paramilitary forces from’a private security company called Bancroft Global Development in the Central African Republic. Since the announcement of the presence of this SMP in the country, Central Africans have denounced it at press conferences, round tables and demonstrations.

moose eater

Well-known member
And having actions occur NEAR al shifa hospital is not on par with the now proven to be bogus allegations of Hamas' operations being BASED out of al shifa hospital. Far cry between the 2.

And at this point, Israel's claims of Hamas' body count of Israeli civilians from 10/7 have been thoroughly cast into doubt, as have allegations of Hamas being responsible for weaponized rape, Hamas hiding in tunnels beneath al shifa hospital, the water ducts built by Israel beneath al shifa hospital being Hamas tunnels, and dozens upon dozens of other BS propaganda claims by Bibi and his collective Zionist goons being propaganda to cover up Bibi's and the IDF's real agenda and criminal actions. Yet some continue to point to Israels already disproved propaganda claims as though they're facts. Why would that be?
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- Ya - moose eater I'm pretty tough - but still flesh - just need fixing - and that is possible - got my open heart surgery booked for 15th April - finally - after over a year of worrying about it -

right or left or somewhere in between - every one should be allowed to have their say - 'cos I'm a firm believer in free speech - and civil discourse - everyone needs to take it easy - and stay cool - even in a difficult situation - cannabis always helps do that methinks - so lets all take a big virtual toke together - and realize that we have little to no power in this world - to change it in any way politically - those who control the money - control the vast majority of the media - and so the minds of the masses - and they have their own agenda's - which rarely if ever correspond to the common good - sadly -

moose eater

Well-known member
- Ya - moose eater I'm pretty tough - but still flesh - just need fixing - and that is possible - got my open heart surgery booked for 15th April - finally - after over a year of worrying about it -

right or left or somewhere in between - every one should be allowed to have their say - 'cos I'm a firm believer in free speech - and civil discourse - everyone needs to take it easy - and stay cool - even in a difficult situation - cannabis always helps do that methinks - so lets all take a big virtual toke together - and realize that we have little to no power in this world - to change it in any way politically - those who control the money - control the vast majority of the media - and so the minds of the masses - and they have their own agenda's - which rarely if ever correspond to the common good - sadly -
I'm not sure that calmness is the prescription when things like what's going on in Gaza are occurring. And I will always believe that millions of people have the capacity to 'steer' the decision making of a handful of skilled Oligarchy liars lacking in spinal fortitude.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword (or dirty bomb, or...)."


Well-known member
Hamas' body count of Israeli civilians from 10/7 have been thoroughly cast into doubt
nah man. RPG's and AK's and crude homemade bombs definitely did this. Definitely not indiscriminate IDF Apache helicopter fire (that the US gave them) lol. it's not like we know that they admitted to tank shelling a residential area where jews lived or anything either. there's definitely nothing called the Hannibal Protocol that the IDF uses.




Well-known member

moose eater

Well-known member
- Ya - moose eater I'm pretty tough - but still flesh - just need fixing - and that is possible - got my open heart surgery booked for 15th April - finally - after over a year of worrying about it -

right or left or somewhere in between - every one should be allowed to have their say - 'cos I'm a firm believer in free speech - and civil discourse - everyone needs to take it easy - and stay cool - even in a difficult situation - cannabis always helps do that methinks - so lets all take a big virtual toke together - and realize that we have little to no power in this world - to change it in any way politically - those who control the money - control the vast majority of the media - and so the minds of the masses - and they have their own agenda's - which rarely if ever correspond to the common good - sadly -
I've got a steroid epidural for the lower spine next Tuesday and radiation for a tumor on my right hip, with a major object on the urethra at the very base of my bladder (mostly a godawful large scar tissue clump, courtesy of the Seattle Doc, but with a notable glowing appendage on the PET scan), near the source of troubles where the bastards nearly killed me almost 3 years ago, though that specific object is in a location for which it's too dangerous for any form of biopsy. So we'll watch what it does after we radiate the tumor in a lymph gland on the right hip, and see how long it takes the related numbers to drop, and whether they bounce back up again or not.

No one's getting out of here alive, and at this point I have serious doubts about after-life locations with beautiful women with angel wings and halos, glowing clouds, or harp music, so we ought to give it all we've got, as it's likely our only shot.

Hope your heart surgery goes well.

Several very real experiences have led me to have less faith in modern medicine than I once might've.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm not sure that calmness is the prescription when things like what's going on in Gaza are occurring. And I will always believe that millions of people have the capacity to 'steer' the decision making of a handful of skilled Oligarchy liars lacking in spinal fortitude.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword (or dirty bomb, or...)."
Well - good luck with that mate - seems to me like its already too late - and all I can do is sympathize and criticize - but at least I can do that - we can't save the innocent millions who have been murdered - nor murder the murderers - even if we wanted to - they just have too much power and money - and personal security - and if you ever do knock one down - another takes his place immediately - just like whack-a-mole - and then you become the target - neither the weak nor the meek shall inherit the earth - and I'm a bit of both right now -

moose eater

Well-known member
nah man. RPG's and AK's and crude homemade bombs definitely did this. Definitely not indiscriminate IDF Apache helicopter fire (that the US gave them) lol. it's not like we know that they admitted to tank shelling a residential area where jews lived or anything either. there's definitely nothing called the Hannibal Protocol that the IDF uses.


I sometimes wish I had .50 cents for every lie published by Israel, and another .50 cents for every time a talking head in the US parroted the BS... or those who hear Biden or Blinken say it, including on these boards, presumably knowing better, but parroting the nonsense spin anyway.

My retirement funds would be a lot closer to real.

moose eater

Well-known member
Well - good luck with that mate - seems to me like its already too late - and all I can do is sympathize and criticize - but at least I can do that - we can't save the innocent millions who have been murdered - nor murder the murderers - even if we wanted to - they just have too much power and money - and personal security - and if you ever do knock one down - another takes his place immediately - just like whack-a-mole - and then you become the target - neither the weak nor the meek shall inherit the earth - and I'm a bit of both right now -
"Anybody can be touched..."

If I've observed anything about most white-collar criminals, it's that when the real costs to their quality of existence are high, they're pretty much -all- (mostly) pussies. There's no caviar, chamber maids, housekeepers, or gold toilets in a prison cell, cremation urn, or coffin. And the cocaine in the prisons is pretty much sub-standard as well, per my understanding.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I've got a steroid epidural for the lower spine next Tuesday and radiation for a tumor on my right hip, with a major object on the urethra near the source of troubles where the bastards nearly killed me almost 3 years ago, though that specific object is in a location for which it's too dangerous for any form of biopsy. So we'll watch what it does after we radiate the tumor in a lymph gland on the right hip, and see how long it takes the related numbers to drop, and whether they bounce back up again.

No one's getting out of here alive, and at this point I have serious doubts about after-life locations with beautiful women with angel wings, glowing clouds, and harp music, so we ought to give it all we have got, as it's likely our only shot.

Hope your heart surgery goes well.

Several very real experiences have led me to have less faith in modern medicine than I once might've.
You have my sympathies mate - whilst I'm going thru my own medical emergencies - at the same time as trying to be a good Father and Husband - and Admin of this site - so I gotta be juggling with the good - whilst fending off the evils - softly-softly but fairly -

- A righteous man - is a militant man - for sure - but when I'm feeling down - time to circle the wagons - and protect the women and children - for they are the future - if there is a future to be had -

I guess that several very real experiences have led me to have less faith in humankind these days -

moose eater

Well-known member
You have my sympathies mate - whilst I'm going thru my own medical emergencies - at the same time as trying to be a good Father and Husband - and Admin of this site - so I gotta be juggling with the good - whilst fending off the evils - softly-softly but fairly -

- A righteous man - is a militant man - for sure - but when I'm feeling down - time to circle the wagons - and protect the women and children - for they are the future - if there is a future to be had -

I guess that several very real experiences have led me to have less faith in humankind these days -
My 3 children are all grown now, and in the adult age range, at least chronologically.

They're repairing their various relationships with me (and to a lesser degree, their mother) at their own paces, with variable abilities and insights toward being more self-aware, and -that- is not always chronological in rank of birth order.

One of few criteria that has kept me in check through the years has included a caveat in my life insurance, which will be a chunk of my wife's retirement, along with our paid-for home, property and other possessions.

That caveat states unequivocally that if I die while in the commission of a felony, they'll (the life insurance source) pay nothing.

I've told more than a couple of grand asshats in this life that they ought to write a 'thank you' letter to those same underwriters, as that caveat is the primary reason that several of them are still breathing today. :)

But even with that constraint, there are times I still carefully weigh the consequences and ponder the balance. I mean, it's only money, right? :)
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