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Well-known member
It´s the end of an era in europe. It´s a shame that Putin lies to the whole world and the whole world knows it.
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Well-known member
Thanks Buzzmobile, it must be a good reason for it. Rightwingers storm the Capitol or the Russians invade another country, I don´t go under that level. 😉

(But in the german subforum I am often)

St. Phatty

Active member
It´s the end of an era in europe. It´s a shame that Putin lies to the whole world and the whole world knows it. It reminds me of the crisis before WW2 in Czecheslovakia as the Germans take their "german part", the Sudetenland and nobody was helping the czechs. It´s good, that the Germans stopped Northstream 2 and there shall be much more sanctions. The whole stupid lies and not learning from history makes me sick. There is always a solution and I have no fear, if the Russians stopped the delivering of gas, where I am heating with, for this winter the tanks are full and the next winter is a year ago.

PS My Granddad was falling in January 1943 in the Luhansk "Peoples Republic" region.

Long live the Ukraine!

Putin is a Total Saint - and quite Honest - in comparison to American Leaders.

Given that people like Biden & Trump are mere figure-heads, the residual American government actually runs the country.

i.e. the part of the government that is not voted out every 4 years.


Active member
do you even read your own posts? i have never, and will never, claim that we are "the good guys" or that "our govt would never lie". WW2 started (basically) just as soon as WW1 ended, with Hitler & others outraged because of the surrender. you think Hitler would admit staging an attack on his own outpost? LOL! you do an even better job of discrediting your rants than i do. keep up the good work...
He did not stage an attack on Gleiwitz, zero evidence. This propaganda that you believe to be real is backed only by an uncorroborated statement from a prisoner. A prisoner that no one was allowed to cross examine at the clown court in Nürnberg. Furthermore, the method by which allies extracted the ”confessions” they wanted from germans at Nürnberg was torture. This story of yours is about as real as the lampshades, the soap and the death showers spurting magic gas.


Well-known member
Mex, nice to see you here ;-) No problem with the gas, we take it from the Netherlands. West frisia is looking like the Grand Canyon than.


I remember trumps bromance with putin when he was in office. Dev someone trump would look up to.

images (33).jpeg



Well-known member
He did not stage an attack on Gleiwitz, zero evidence. This propaganda that you believe to be real is backed only by an uncorroborated statement from a prisoner. A prisoner that no one was allowed to cross examine at the clown court in Nürnberg. Furthermore, the method by which allies extracted the ”confessions” they wanted from germans at Nürnberg was torture. This story of yours is about as real as the lampshades, the soap and the death showers spurting magic gas.

never said he did, was replying to your assertion. blahblahblah. i guess all of those bodies piled up in the pictures (many taken during the war by Germans, VERY methodical. documented EVERYTHING) were all "crisis actors", like the ones used in mass shootings here. got any rock-solid evidence of torture RE military trials after WW2 ? "magic gas" LOL!


Well-known member
Mex, nice to see you here ;-) No problem with the gas, we take it from the Netherlands. West frisia is looking like the Grand Canyon than.

been reading up on that. does the North Sea oil field generate as much natural gas as the oil fields here in the Gulf of Mexico & Texas/Oklahoma/Dakotas?


Well-known member
Putin is a Total Saint - and quite Honest - in comparison to American Leaders.

SURE, he is. less than a week ago, he said he was sending troops back to their bases. couple of days later, he invades Ukraine (AGAIN) because some folks there speak Russian but don't want to move to Russia. what a guy! 🤣


See the world through a puff of smoke
Mex, nice to see you here ;-) No problem with the gas, we take it from the Netherlands. West frisia is looking like the Grand Canyon than.

Herzlich wilkommen Herman.People in Groningen arent very happy that the gas is flowing again, although there is still enough, but more chance on earthquakes.Europe can't without Russian gas.When Putin shuts down his gas supply, gas prices will rise sky high with everything which is connected with it.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Fuck knows where this is going. I saw Putin al over the media yesterday. He seems very emotional with unrealistic ideology. Maybe someone in his circle will stop him. I doubt it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Did I say that Germany did not invade Poland? No. I said that the Gleiwitz ”false flag” story was made up by the victors, meaning Germany was within its right to answer attacks on border stations from polish regular and irregular forces with a declaration of war.

Only problem with that position is the other attacks on border stations were actually also false flag operations conducted by the SS (or as you put it Polish Irregular Forces). These false flag operations (which included the Gleiwitz incident) known as Operation Himmler, were conducted at several points along the Germany Poland Border to create the pretext Hitler used to invade Poland. It is all well documented historical fact.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Right, because americans are good guys and your government would never lie to the public about matters concerning the justification of war. If Germany had actually staged the attack against their border station in Gleiwitz as their raison d’etre of war against Poland, you would at the least expect Hitler to mention it in the declaration of war. Instead he spoke of numerous polish border violations and escalating attacks in the days leading up to the invasion. It’s a hoax.

Again all those "border violations" were part of an SS False Flag Operation known as Operation Himmler and it included Gleiwitz, When he declared war he didn't name any one particular incident but rather refered to them collectively as Polish refusal to peaceful Settlement. Later that same day at his Reichstag Speech he described the "border violations" this way:

"I have also tried to solve the problem of Danzig, the Corridor, etc., by proposing a peaceful discussion... In my talks with Polish statesmen I discussed the ideas which you recognize from my last speech to the Reichstag... there is nothing more modest or loyal than these proposals... These proposals have been refused. Not only were they answered first with mobilization, but with increased terror and pressure against our German compatriots... Poland was not prepared to settle the Corridor question in a reasonable way... I made one more final effort to accept a proposal for mediation... For two whole days I sat with my Government and waited to see whether it was convenient for the Polish Government to send a plenipotentiary or not... Deputies, if the German Government and its Leader patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from the political stage. But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice... These proposals for mediation have failed..."

Again no singling out of individual incidents just a collective description of hostilities. According to your logic both his declaration of war and this speech should have had him naming or at least detailing each individual incident.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This business with Ukraine is all straight out of Hitler's playbook it's essentially a replay of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938. In fact just prior to that occupation Germany and Russia entered into a secret pact where after Hitler conquered all of Czechoslovakia he would give 2/3rds of it to Russia in exchange for them not interfering with the invasion. Look it up, Czechoslovakian citizens who were of German origin who were sympathizers to the Nazi movement tried to separate their region from the rest of Czechoslovakia by issuing demands that Hitler instructed them to make that would be intolerable to the Czechoslovakian Government and when they refused the demands violent protests broke out and when the Czechoslovakian Police tried to shut down those protests that created the Pretext for Hitler to come in to protect these Germans being so badly treated. Sound familiar? Of course Hitler didn't stop at just those regions, he went on the occupy greater regions beyond where those German/Czechoslovakians lived until eventually he had all of Czechoslovakia. So watch what happens, Putin already took Crimea using similar justification and know he's working on these two new regions and in the speech he gave the other day he has already laid the ground work to take more Ukrainian territory beyond those regions as "Ancient Russian lands" once he gets those he won't stop there he'll take all of Ukraine and after that he'll move on all the territories that broke away and became independent countries when the USSR fell. It's a well known fact that letting the USSR dissolve the way it did was the worst mistake Russia ever made and he's been desirous ever since of re-establishing the USSR to it's former glory. Of course for that to happen will mean a third World War with NATO because several of those former Soviet territories are now NATO members. So hopefully he'll never achieve his goal and the world will stop him before it ever happens but that's the direction this is all heading.