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Well-known member
I guess someone had to step up and take h.h.'s place as the smuggest poster in this section since he stopped


Well-known member
This is and will be my random insertion into this thread. Take it for what it is worth, ok?

In the days prior to the widespread use of the interwebz..

There was a gas station around the corner from my house back in my old 'hood. It had been taken over by new owners and renovated into a really nice place (for a gas station). It was a Shell and renamed Gas USA. When I would visit the place there were always Middle-Eastern looking dudes working there. They all spoke English; many had thick accents.

As time went by and my visits began to multiply we began to engage in conversation. Of the 8 guys that worked there 1 was born in the US, 1 was born in Egypt, and the other 6 were born in Palestine.

One of the first questions they asked of me was if I was Jewish (No). One of the Pali fellows leaned close to me and whispered "Thats good". I asked what difference would it make since my money is green. He explained that everybody here hated Jews except the Egyptian because he was Coptic and they didn't like him because of it but he was their cousin so they had to tolerate his presence.

I was unknowledgeable about the situation in the Middle East. So, I asked for their perspective. I was told about how the Israelis oppressed the Arabs and how this was fomenting hatred. Then one of the dudes steps up from the back and takes off his T-shirt.. There tattooed on his left chest was a huge swastika surrounded the words "Death to all the Jews" .. This dude's bulging eyes and gritting grinding teeth made me uneasy. He lurched towards me .. "If you were a Jew I'd kill you where you stand.. you're lucky". It took 3 guys to pull him back away from me. The US born guy steps up and apologized.. "He's straight out of Gaza .. you need to be there to understand where his head's at".


Well-known member
This is and will be my random insertion into this thread. Take it for what it is worth, ok?

In the days prior to the widespread use of the interwebz..

There was a gas station around the corner from my house back in my old 'hood. It had been taken over by new owners and renovated into a really nice place (for a gas station). It was a Shell and renamed Gas USA. When I would visit the place there were always Middle-Eastern looking dudes working there. They all spoke English; many had thick accents.

As time went by and my visits began to multiply we began to engage in conversation. Of the 8 guys that worked there 1 was born in the US, 1 was born in Egypt, and the other 6 were born in Palestine.

One of the first questions they asked of me was if I was Jewish (No). One of the Pali fellows leaned close to me and whispered "Thats good". I asked what difference would it make since my money is green. He explained that everybody here hated Jews except the Egyptian because he was Coptic and they didn't like him because of it but he was their cousin so they had to tolerate his presence.

I was unknowledgeable about the situation in the Middle East. So, I asked for their perspective. I was told about how the Israelis oppressed the Arabs and how this was fomenting hatred. Then one of the dudes steps up from the back and takes off his T-shirt.. There tattooed on his left chest was a huge swastika surrounded the words "Death to all the Jews" .. This dude's bulging eyes and gritting grinding teeth made me uneasy. He lurched towards me .. "If you were a Jew I'd kill you where you stand.. you're lucky". It took 3 guys to pull him back away from me. The US born guy steps up and apologized.. "He's straight out of Gaza .. you need to be there to understand where his head's at".
bullshit . throughout history the jews and arabs have lived side by side. history shows you this . the moors allowed the jews every right the muslim had and protected them . zionism is the cause of the problems . muslims don't tatoo themselves . only converts that have been tatooed already , or muslims that have sinned. haram .the biggest threat to judaism is zionism . please don't label all jews as israeils or zionist


Well-known member
bullshit . throughout history the jews and arabs have lived side by side. history shows you this . the moors allowed the jews every right the muslim had and protected them . zionism is the cause of the problems . muslims don't tatoo themselves . only converts that have been tatooed already , or muslims that have sinned. haram .the biggest threat to judaism is zionism . please don't label all jews as israeils or zionist
Dont you call me a liar you ignorant POS!!

moose eater

Well-known member
and NO ONE is forced to read/post in those, either. :dunno::shucks: but folks keep whining...
Some of them I attend on principle. Some I attend to due to masochism driven by dopamine..

The same self-defeating/self-destructive urges that had me getting out of bed at 4 or 5 in the morning in 1983, after praying to go to sleep while twitching like an aspen leaf in the mountain breeze, so I could get up in 2 hours for school and work, only to get out of bed again and do another line instead.

It's kinda' like that.

Moths, flames, cocaine, dopamine loops, chasms in awareness of others' trials, tribulations, or fights, etc., etc.
Recreational self-abuse, pretty much all of it.

Probably why I never needed to be a jogger.

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