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Well-known member
Well that depends on how you define it, doesn’t it? I do not follow the definitions laid out in exoteric doctrine but see it for what it actually is.
In other words you're an ignoramus using words you don't know the definitions of, trying to have big boy conversation with adults.

So Hai

Well-known member
So you're retarded and decided to get offended I called you one.

You aren't the member of a master race, your an inbred.
Why would I be offended by the fact that your mother and father failed to instill in you basic manners? No need to answer as my next action will be placing you on block.


Well-known member
I rely on accepted common universal definitions. When speaking a language, making up one's own simply complicates the process to the point of zero functional exchange of ideas.
Fascists bend the meaning of language to suit their agendas.

If they cannot define their terms, just ridicule them.

Little bitch did what any in open conversation gets called out and does


moose eater

Well-known member
Fascists bend the meaning of language to suit their agendas.

If they cannot define their terms, just ridicule them.
I've certainly seen the US and Trump apply inverted meaning to their objectives and opposition. Pol Pott. Stalin (who was as much an authoritarian tyrant and dictator), etc..

But in all systems I've observed that claimed to serve the People in a 'greater-good-for-society' manner, whether early or evolved Stalinism, or the US... or, name a government, no matter how close to idealism they might have started with their own original platforms and policies, it tends to come full-circle to serving a select group or few who seem to have greater rewards.

20 years ago, the Russian/Soviet oil workers often had greater rewards for their labors, like ours here in Alaska.

The Politburo often enjoyed greater privileges and resources than the peasants and laborers.

It's the 'human factor' in my opinion that leads to a recurrence of these inequities (aka 'corruption of platforms or policies'), almost regardless of what system it takes place in. "My needs or wants are more important than yours." "And I'm the King of shit mountain."

I used to tell people that at least the Gulag folks who were sent to work in Siberia had some form of housing provided, and a bit of cabbage and potatoes. In the US when you piss someone off, get fired, branded a troublemaker, formally or informally blacklisted, etc., your rent still hangs on your neck, as does your food bill in many cases.
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So Hai

Well-known member
I rely on accepted common universal definitions. When speaking a language, making up one's own simply complicates the process to the point of zero functional exchange of ideas.
I disagree. Especially in this case when relying on ’universal’ definitions lead to faulty conclusions such as ”real communism has never been tried”. It is another communist lie, of course. It has been tried plenty and consistently with the same results.

moose eater

Well-known member
I disagree. Especially in this case when relying on ’universal’ definitions lead to faulty conclusions such as ”real communism has never been tried”. It is another communist lie, of course. It has been tried plenty and consistently with the same results.
You believe that Stalin was a 'real' communist?

Look at his policies and who benefitted.

Pure communism doesn't exist anymore than pure capitalism exists.

moose eater

Well-known member
I'll take an intermission from the thoughts and images of rotting children's limbs and bodies in Gaza to enjoy my place of comfort with a full fridge and fairly full freezer, and a tank full of lower sulfur #1 home heating oil, a 72-degree-Fahrenheit living room, and organic Brazil nuts, and smoke part of a really nice doobie of some Original (Arjan's) Greenhouse Seeds Super Lemon Haze.

Besides, my purebred 3-1/2-month-old female German shepherd puppy is about 3 hours away, currently in my daughter's truck, and we're +2 f. instead of the -16 to -21 f. they're calling for. Maybe go out and replace my dead truck battery with the newer one in the living room.

All things that most people in Gaza can only imagine right now. If they can even take time to think of such luxuries.
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So Hai

Well-known member
You believe that Stalin was a 'real' communist?

Look at his policies and who benefitted.

Pure communism doesn't exist anymore than pure capitalism exists.
If not for Stalin there would not have been a jewish state in Palestine today, and hence no ethnic cleansing of palestinians.

moose eater

Well-known member
If not for Stalin there would not have been a jewish state in Palestine today, and hence no ethnic cleansing of palestinians.
I thought we were talking about political affiliations or labels and their definitions.

I can show you hippie socialists who went to Wall St. and profited. Not all things or identities (let alone affiliations) are cast in stone and perpetually static.

The State of Israel was, in part, created by a number of countries, to include the US, who were in a less-than-honestly-identified state of ethnic NIMBY-ism.

"Sure, we liked the Jews enough to rescue them..(once political pressures rose from those on the sidelines) ... but we don't want them in -our- country.." The US ranked HUGE on that list. Yet, we weren't Stalinists, socialists, or communists. Hell, we're not even good capitalists. We practice crony capitalism at the very minimum. An Oligarchy. Which is what most governments morph to.


Well-known member
I disagree. Especially in this case when relying on ’universal’ definitions lead to faulty conclusions such as ”real communism has never been tried”. It is another communist lie, of course. It has been tried plenty and consistently with the same results.
Like stomping Hitler and spooking western elites who started 2 world wars and a 3rd world war called the "Cold war"? To maintain their empire/colonies?

Some people can read history without the American jingoist propaganda tainting our view of history. Communism was incredibly successful, so much that it was turned into a Boogeyman by Christian fascists like in Germany but stateside. Atheist communists won the war against fascism for it to be absorbed into the American empire post world war two thanks to Operation paperclip and various other acquisitioning stealth programs like "operation gladio".

When you say communism has the same results, You mean the Vietnamese who defended themselves against the American and French empire? Or the proud cubans who did so and still do so despite American sanctions and economic embargo?

You really are a closeted fascist or too stupid to read history.

You a fan of Jordan Peterson?

moose eater

Well-known member

Like stomping Hitler and spooking western elites who started 2 world wars and a 3rd world war called the "Cold war"? To maintain their empire/colonies?

You mean the Vietnamese who defended themselves against the American and French empire? Or the proud cubans who did so and still do so despite American sanctions and economic embargo?

You really are a closeted fascist or too stupid to read history.

You a fan of Jordan Peterson?
The North Vietnamese weren't looking to subscribe to communism. as you're likely aware. They (Ho Chi Minh) even approached the US earlier on re. supporting them in their struggles to cast off French colonialism, but due to politics with the French, we declined.

We (the US), in essence, helped to set them in motion in the direction of China, et al. searching out who would supply them with weapons, diplomacy, etc., for their efforts.

Had the US helped them to cast off French Colonialism, the discussions with China might've never taken place.


Well-known member
a good example of a former proxy leader, who is a marxist ,globalist , communist and zionist would be Lev Bronstein

Cute but still incorrect. Trotsky is famously incapable of being an optimist despite his utopian leanings, he hated the Jewish communities that formed in the USSR because he was a hater of Stalin. I'm Jewish, I have relatives who still live in Russia as we speak working to maintain shit as the war rages. Jews were not purged, many assimilated and many still even kept their faith.

Trotsky was a pessimist about capitalist Zionism(what we have now) because he saw it as reactionary. He was correct to forsee this as the Germans wanted something very similar and he spoke as much about it in the mid to late thirties. So Trotsky knew what American/British Zionism was, and he was a communist first and foremost, not a Zionist.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I thought we were talking about political affiliations or labels and their definitions.

I can show you hippie socialists who went to Wall St. and profited. Not all things or identities (let alone affiliations) are cast in stone and perpetually static.

The State of Israel was, in part, created by a number of countries, to include the US, who were in a less-than-honestly-identified state of ethnic NIMBY-ism.

"Sure, we liked the Jews enough to rescue them..(once political pressures rose from those on the sidelines) ... but we don't want them in -our- country.." The US ranked HUGE on that list. Yet, we weren't Stalinists, socialists, or communists. Hell, we're not even good capitalists. We practice crony capitalism at the very minimum. An Oligarchy. Which is what most governments morph to.
texas should have been israel - eh?


Well-known member
not gonna happen, and you know it...that's a RobfromTX level attempt at humor. :rolleyes:



Well-known member
cause it's hysterical
Of what relevance are these events in NY to discussion of the war in Ukraine or in Gaza?

Who the in the phrenological phuck is this supposed to be, and why should anyone regard anything they say about Jews as being good faith?

moose eater

Well-known member
Mmmmm -- cabbage - mashed potatoes and elk
For peasant food, well-made borscht isn't bad at all.

Down at the Tazlina River (old mining camp refurbished into a lodge and cafe years ago) there was a Russian menu, and MAN, they made some awesome borscht.

Granted, I doubt the Siberian gulag residents had -quite- the same list of ingredients, but spuds and cabbage were meant for each other.
texas should have been israel - eh?
Well... there's some amount of desert there, and they'd have been welcomed for at least 40 years.

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