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...como el Son...
i don't think the US is "blockading" Cuba. but i agree with the sentiment behind the statement. the US needs to allow travel and trade between the two countries. i cannot come up with a downside, really. you don't foster a desire for freedom or democracy (and is that really what we are trying to do?) by cutting off trade with the guy next door. i'd like to travel to Cuba myself...

The translator equated "blockade" with the U.S. "embargo" against Cuba.
The embargo also involves sanctions against third countries in trade with Cuba.


Well-known member
Q told him. Q tells him EVERYTHING...Stempy can probably get you on the mailing list...

While also telling me that Q is a made-up thing by the MSM. Or was that volcanna? It gets hard to keep track these days!

If I started spouting Q nonsense the wife would divorce me in short order!


...como el Son...
Coincidence? Maybe.......

In other words, they did not predict the fall of the Berlin Wall. They did not predict the drift of their Wahhabi ally into al-Qaeda. They did not predict 9/11 even if it was "telegraphed" to them. They did not predict the decomposition of Iraq after the last invasion and war and the creation of ISIS/DAESH. They did not predict the Battle of Najaf, neither with Iraqi nor Spanish intelligence warnings combined. They did not predict the defeat in Afghanistan.
...But this Ukrainian War, they were ruminating it since the end of Gorbachev's time, of course...


Well-known member
Naaahh... I was wrong just before this war, when I was of the opinion that Putin was going for the Donbass and the South Ukrainian coast, but I didn't think he would attack the rest of the country so hard.
Yours is not wrong: it's more like me illustrating my opinions with Eurodisney promotional videos....

La falsedad tiene alas y vuela, y la verdad la sigue arrastrándose, de modo que cuando las gentes se dan cuenta del engaño ya es demasiado tarde"

"Falsehood has wings and flies, and truth follows it crawling, so that when people realize the deception it is already too late."


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

very sad but also very true indeed! a lot of people enjoy being lied to I guess


Well-known member

Biden and son are Stone cold crooked

97% of elected representatives in US politics are stone cold crooked. the US government is for sale to the capitalist ruling classes, multinational corporations, and foreign governments (israel, russia, china, saudi, etc).

focusing just on biden, ukraine, bidens son and democrats would be looking at this issue with blinders on.

Three Berries

Active member
In other words, they did not predict the fall of the Berlin Wall. They did not predict the drift of their Wahhabi ally into al-Qaeda. They did not predict 9/11 even if it was "telegraphed" to them. They did not predict the decomposition of Iraq after the last invasion and war and the creation of ISIS/DAESH. They did not predict the Battle of Najaf, neither with Iraqi nor Spanish intelligence warnings combined. They did not predict the defeat in Afghanistan.
...But this Ukrainian War, they were ruminating it since the end of Gorbachev's time, of course...

Well I don't know about that. The Ukraine conflict has been building up for centuries. Just the Deep State and Soros got involved way back then. What do you think the US CI A does?


...como el Son...
Well, now that it seems that Biden has taken a logical step (and that I applaud, with conditions, as I do not know the "fine print") with Venezuela (and a fellow forum member tells us that also with Iran) on the oil issue, I see the need for the EU to take its measures with gas as well. Remind countries from Germany to the Baltics or the East ones (whose dependence on Russian gas ranges from 65 to 100%), that under my feet, runs a gas pipeline that comes loaded with gas from Algeria (and may reach as far as Nigeria). If, as the EU is beginning to suggest to France, the rest of the EU could be connected to this pipeline, the problem would be greatly eased.
For that, countries such as Germany, but especially France, should dare to bear the wrath that this may provoke in Morocco king,
helping Algeria to produce and distribute all the gas it could and its internal problems and with Morocco, both make it difficult.
If not, it will be mainly the USA (and secondly Spain, since it has most of the regasification plants in Europe (while Germany still has none) and it will be where the American ships will arrive to land) who will benefit from the disappearance of Russian gas from the EU market.


...como el Son...
The Spanish option in the Russian gas problem.

Partner in charge of Management Consulting and the Energy and Natural Resources sector at KPMG in Spain:

The current events in Ukraine are highlighting the fragile position of the European Union in the supply of one of its critical energy sources: natural gas. The Kremlin's thinly disguised threats on gas supplies to Europe are leading European leaders to consider the need to reduce dependence on Russian gas. The EU currently imports around 65% of its consumption of this raw material, with Russia being by far its largest supplier, providing the equivalent of 25% of demand. Diversifying the EU's gas supply sources involves a combination of three basic options: increasing domestic production, increasing imports by pipeline from other regions or boosting liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an alternative source of supply.

The fracking option
Increasing gas production in Europe would require the development of unconventional sources along the lines of what the United States has carried out with great success: the famous "fracking". This is a relatively cheap alternative (its production cost in Europe could be around half the price of imports) and has significant socio-economic benefits for the producing regions (the USA has already created more than 2 million jobs linked to hydraulic fracturing). However, this technology faces strong resistance in Europe, linked to concerns about potential environmental impacts (contamination of aquifers, seismic activity), higher population density and a legal structure in which landowners do not hold the mining rights (and therefore do not directly benefit from the wealth generated). This makes it difficult to rely on unconventional gas as a significant source of supply in the short to medium term in the old continent.

More pipelines?
Diversifying imports by pipeline does not seem a very promising option either. Europe's current main alternative suppliers to Russia are Norway and Algeria (covering around 20% and 10% of European demand respectively). The former has been increasing its exports to Europe but seems to be reaching its maximum production potential. Algeria, despite its large reserves, has been unable to increase its gas production over the last eight years, weighed down by its internal problems, while its consumption has grown rapidly, leading to a steady decline in exports (down 25% since 2005). As for the construction of pipelines to new regions, after the difficulties of the ill-fated Nabucco (originally conceived to bring gas from Iraq) only minor projects such as Shah Deniz in Azerbaijan seem likely to succeed.

The LNG complement
In this context, a mixed supply model combining large pipelines with significant LNG import capacity by sea can have important advantages: pipeline supply provides access to low-cost gas, while LNG regasification plants allow alternative supply from multiple producing regions and greater bargaining power. This was the model chosen by Spain more than a decade ago to avoid excessive dependence on Algerian gas, and it has proven its effectiveness and flexibility. Today Spain, in addition to being connected to North Africa by two gas pipelines, has the largest network of LNG regasification plants in Europe and the fourth largest in the world (after Japan, the USA and Korea), reinforced by a very significant storage capacity.

A possible role for Spain
In fact, Spain could be a key player in the constitution of a back-up mechanism for gas supply in Europe that would allow for less dependence and greater negotiating capacity with Russia. The surplus gas contracted for regasification plants in our country (the result of falling demand and the growth of renewable energies) is currently re-exported to other regions of the world at a good price, but it could serve as a source of gas for the European Union.


Spain can provide the EU with 40% of Russian gas for the future, according to an internal Foreign Affairs report It was prepared after the annexation of Crimea and its figures are still valid if Sánchez promotes the new gas pipeline and Macron accepts it


...como el Son...
Poland will deliver its MiG-29 fighters to the US at the German base in Rammstein, in case the Washington government wants to deliver them to Ukraine later...


...como el Son...
The EU has just rejected the Spanish proposal to eliminate the artificiality that exists in the EU on the linking of gas prices to electricity prices, which would have greatly reduced the cost of electricity for domestic and industrial consumers, but would have spoiled the clear intention of the European electricity company magnates to replace the Russian oligarchs in the rankings of profits and wealth grabbing.



...como el Son...
The forceful message of the presenter of the "political humor" program on Spain's 6 TV, "El Intermedio", about the reception of refugees: "Is a Syrian or African refugee less than a Ukrainian?"

The presenter starts "El Intermedio" with a forceful reflection on the war in Ukraine and the reception of Ukrainians. He wonders why the European Union has mobilized in such a "dignified and correct" way in this case, but then we see "scenes of brutality with the immigrants who jump the Melilla fence.":

"Is a Syrian, Afghan or African refugee less of a refugee than one from Ukraine? Do the bombs in Aleppo kill less than in Kiev?" It is the forceful reflection with which El Gran Wyoming has started the El Intermedio program this Monday. The presenter wonders "why on the Eastern border of the European Union we put all the necessary means to welcome millions of people in a dignified and correct manner and on the southern border, at the gate of our country, we continue to see scenes of brutality to repel the immigrants who jump the Melilla fence?" Thus, he recalled that in previous crises, European governments "opted for more complicated and less humane methods" than now. "They organized summits to decide distribution quotas and made pacts with third countries to prevent their arrival on European soil."



Well-known member
ICMag Donor

I decided to post this short video clip again. Since members such as Butterfly Effect, JKD, and Chi13 are being openly dishonest about it. Does this look like a staged climate change protest (as some members would have you believe)?

Maybe it is my fault for asking folks to explain this video. It just goes to show the extent of the dishonesty of some people (invariably, they support the Neo-Nazi side of any modern conflict).

I am not opening that, but what am I being dishonest about? I am openly on the other side of politics than Fascism and Nazism.
Many of your views are to me quite pro-fascist. The line in the sand I drew in your thread was your disgusting holocaust denial posts, for example. That was when you crossed the line from being amusing idiot to being an outright fuckwit. It would be great if you learned some history, and what the various terms like Fascist and Nazi actually mean.

(I think you are sadly mistaken if you think people open most of your links. I might read a cut and paste but that's about it).
Last edited:


...como el Son...
The satirical program "El Intermedio" (6 TV), shows the images with which Macron "is changing French politics" with "liberté, egalité and overacting". The Elysée has released several images showing the desperation of the French president during the negotiations with Putin:

descarga (7).jpeg

​The Presidency of the French Republic has released photos of Emmanuel Macron during the negotiations with the Kremlin showing his desperation. Some images that, for Dani Mateo, "are changing French politics." "Thanks to him, the motto of the French Republic is going to become liberté, egalité and sobreacté", the El Intermedio collaborator pointed out. In the video that accompanies these lines, Dani Mateo analyzes all the photographs and explains the meaning of each of them.



...como el Son...
Connection from the capital of Ukraine:

Mikel Ayestaran describes the mood in Kiev in the face of the Russian invasion: "If they see your Spanish passport, they say: '¡NO PASARÁN!'

With the Russian troops getting closer, the spirit of the Kievites continues unabated, according to Mikel Ayestaran from the Ukrainian capital: "The spirit they have is commendable," he says.

Mikel Ayestaran connects with El Intermedio from Kiev, while the Russian troops are getting closer and closer and "are already on the perimeter" of the Ukrainian capital, turned into "the city of darkness" because of the Moscow attacks.

The journalist explains that Ukrainian citizens have barely "had 12 days to prepare for war" and "have taken crash courses to deal with the Russian army."
Thus most of those who protect the city are militiamen and volunteers, but not regular soldiers, while it is a veteran of the army of the former Soviet Union who guards "the first defense post" of Kiev.
In addition, Ayestaran describes a "direct attack" on one of the corridors through which the civilians tried to flee, "deliberately" and killing four members of the same family.

In spite of everything, the reporter indicates that the spirit of the Kievites is "what is best": when passing through the checkpoints, he says, "if they see your Spanish passport, they raise their arms and say ' ¡No pasarán!".
"The spirit they have is commendable," says Ayestaran, whose full account you can hear in the video.

Ayestaran explains how he manages to sleep in Kiev : The corresponsal from Kiev affirms that in the city he hears explosions and "Ukrainian artillery firing to keep Russian troops away" and explains how he manages to sleep in this video from El Intermedio: "It was the city of light and now it is the city of darkness"...
