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...como el Son...
A Surprising Explanation Of Russia's Invasion From A Former Top-Level CIA Official


MSNBC piece describes a war that could have easily been avoided:

The fact that the NATO status question was not put on the table as Putin signaled that he was serious about an invasion — so plainly that the U.S. government was spelling it out with day-by-day updates — was an error, and potentially a catastrophic one. It may sound cruel to suggest that Ukraine could be barred, either temporarily or permanently, from entering a military alliance it wants to be in. But what’s more cruel is that Ukrainians might be paying with their lives for the United States’ reckless flirtation with Ukraine as a future NATO member without ever committing to its defense.

Very interesting article. But I do not agree at all with the following paragraph, which I quote; anything could happen since that time (including that Russia will concentrate more on being an economic superpower, and not only military):

"Aleem points to a much more complex and nuanced reality, reminding the public of what should be obvious to any student of history - that the top diplomats and US officials who oversaw post-Soviet negotiations with Russia over Europe's security order in the 1990's knew full well that if NATO ever got expanded up to Russia's borders, it would be suicide"


Well-known member
I don't think The Great Awakening thread (for example) would have so many views and be trending if people weren't opening the links. In these crazy times, people are hungry for the truth.

in these times, you are no longer the harmless entertainment you once were; now you are an apologist for Russia as they try to beat down a neighbor. i never clicked on your links before, either, to be honest though...


Well-known member
Very interesting article. But I do not agree at all with the following paragraph, which I quote; anything could happen since that time (including that Russia will concentrate more on being an economic superpower, and not only military):

"Aleem points to a much more complex and nuanced reality, reminding the public of what should be obvious to any student of history - that the top diplomats and US officials who oversaw post-Soviet negotiations with Russia over Europe's security order in the 1990's knew full well that if NATO ever got expanded up to Russia's borders, it would be suicide"

NATO has been "up to Russia's borders" for quite a while now. why is Ukraine such a danger to Russia? is it that they have their feelings hurt because none of the people living around them hold no sweet memories of Soviet domination/suppression? nah, COULDN'T be it...Russia, an economic superpower? lol... not in Putins life-time, nor quite a while afterward the way things are going.

Three Berries

Active member
Very interesting article. But I do not agree at all with the following paragraph, which I quote; anything could happen since that time (including that Russia will concentrate more on being an economic superpower, and not only military):

"Aleem points to a much more complex and nuanced reality, reminding the public of what should be obvious to any student of history - that the top diplomats and US officials who oversaw post-Soviet negotiations with Russia over Europe's security order in the 1990's knew full well that if NATO ever got expanded up to Russia's borders, it would be suicide"

But isn't that what is happening?


...como el Son...
But isn't that what is happening?

Yes, but it is a pure coincidence.
Let's be serious : really someone made that prophecy (or kept it, if it was previous) in Yelsin's time, when it seemed that Russia was going to become a transcontinental McDonals ?!!!?


Well-known member
Why do you hate the truth? Aren't you concerned that people will know that you are willfully dishonest? Just admit that you have no idea what is going on (rather than lying about what people are posting. Luckily, I know that most people DO open the links I post! :smoker:

I did open the link, just in case you're curious. Also, how would you know?


Well-known member

I decided to post this short video clip again. Since members such as Butterfly Effect, JKD, and Chi13 are being openly dishonest about it. Does this look like a staged climate change protest (as some members would have you believe)?

Maybe it is my fault for asking folks to explain this video. It just goes to show the extent of the dishonesty of some people (invariably, they support the Neo-Nazi side of any modern conflict).

I don't know why it should surprise me that you can't tell that this video is very obviously doctored. You can't even see the mouth of the guy speaking to see if the audio is dubbed in, which it most certainly is.

I'll say this, it's gonna be hella fun watching your side utterly fail and collapse. It's only a matter of time😆


...como el Son...
Hempy was wrong (Well done JKD)


Naaahh... I was wrong just before this war, when I was of the opinion that Putin was going for the Donbass and the South Ukrainian coast, but I didn't think he would attack the rest of the country so hard.
Yours is not wrong: it's more like me illustrating my opinions with Eurodisney promotional videos....

La falsedad tiene alas y vuela, y la verdad la sigue arrastrándose, de modo que cuando las gentes se dan cuenta del engaño ya es demasiado tarde"

"Falsehood has wings and flies, and truth follows it crawling, so that when people realize the deception it is already too late."


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.


Well-known member
Here is a link so that you can also sign against the gringo blockade of Cuba.
The people of Cuba will be infinitely grateful for such an unimportant collaboration:


i don't think the US is "blockading" Cuba. but i agree with the sentiment behind the statement. the US needs to allow travel and trade between the two countries. i cannot come up with a downside, really. you don't foster a desire for freedom or democracy (and is that really what we are trying to do?) by cutting off trade with the guy next door. i'd like to travel to Cuba myself...