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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yep. And ofcourse you're never taught growing up in america that the nazi party.....was in fact..... a socialist regime

Because we have to be taught how to read first.

Have you always lived in Texas? We get a skewed view of you here but if you vouch for their schooling I assume you would never lie...

Did they fail to teach you anything about Hitler's rise to power?

The Night Of the Long Knives is a good place to not start.

The only thing Hitler liked about the socialist movement was united workers.

The first thing he did was abolish unions.

It'd be great to see people study history instead of parrot the crap they've been fed.


Well-known member
Because we have to be taught how to read first.

Have you always lived in Texas? We get a skewed view of you here but if you vouch for their schooling I assume you would never lie...

Did they fail to teach you anything about Hitler's rise to power?

The Night Of the Long Knives is a good place to not start.

The only thing Hitler liked about the socialist movement was united workers.

The first thing he did was abolish unions.

It'd be great to see people study history instead of parrot the crap they've been fed.

Sometimes i forget you and armedoldhater are the only true fact checkers on the forums. You can be a socialist and despise unions. duh


Active member
so what are these "roots" shared amongst zionism and marxism or communism? i'm failing to find any.
The Labour Zionists who dominated at the time of Israel creation where definitely linked to the USSR and therefore socialism and communism, is a kibbutz that much different than a Soviet work farm? Granted ones volunteered and the other not.
It was only when Stalin took support away from Israel that they changed to capitalism but that still coexisted with a socialist Labour party.
The Italian Communist Emilio Sereni was a Zionist and his brother Enzo who was both a socialist and Zionist set up the Givat Brenner Kibbutz.


Active member
hell, there isn't even a left wing in israel lol so how is zionism also marxist lol. the entire country is just various flavors of right wing.... right, further right, and ultra right.
I don't think the left going is unique to Israel, the world bar South America has no Socialist movements. The left in Israel was the preserve of the European elite and the socialism in Israel was not born from working class people and any socio economic struggle but was transferred with Zionist idealism. Hence the ideology did not manifest out of circumstance but preceeded it.


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Kim Jong-un: "I ordered our army to accelerate preparations for war against the United States"

This was reported by Reuters, citing the DPRK state agency KCNA.


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Russian Kh-101 cruise missiles have been equipped with the ability to fire infrared decoys

In addition, the upgraded Kh-101 missiles can be equipped with electronic warfare (EW) systems in the G/X/Ku bands, designed to suppress the receiving trajectories of active radar homing heads used in anti-aircraft missiles such as “Aster-30” and IRIS-T SLM.



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Nebenzya : « The worst news » awaits Kiev and its western customers

At a meeting of the UN Security Council, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation, Vasily Nebenzya, announced the failure of Ukraine's military plans, portending unfavorable news for the Kiev regime and its Western protectors in the near future. He says Ukraine's military efforts have been a total failure and warns of possible negative consequences, despite the possible approval of additional military and financial assistance programmes by the United States and the European Union. According to him, this will only delay the inevitable collapse of the Zelensky regime.

"Today's reality is that Ukraine does not have and will no longer have the necessary resources not only to make a turning point, but at least to maintain the situation on the military contact line. There's only one conclusion. And for our enemies, it's disappointing. The military plans of the Kiev regime have experienced a total fiasco, so expect the worst news for you and your Ukrainian proxies in the very near future, - said Nebenzya.

However, in response to the statement by the permanent representative, the United States announced that it would continue to support Ukraine.

Nebenzya stressed that attempts to resolve the Ukrainian crisis by military means have proven to be wrong and ineffective, and that a military victory over Russia was an unattainable goal. He also underlined Russia's task of preventing the destruction of the Ukrainian people by the Kiev regime, stressing that the Russian military operation is not aimed at the Ukrainian civilian population, but the Kiev regime.

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Iraqi resistance targets US’ occupation forces south of Hassakeh​



Baghdad-SANA/Iraqi resistance yesterday targeted US’ occupation forces in the Chaddadi area south of Hassakeh with a salvo of missiles that directly hit its targets.
In a statement, the resistance said : « In the continuity of our fight against the’ occupation, and in response to the massacres of the Zionist entity against the Palestinians, the, our fighters targeted the base of Chaddadi in Syria with a salvo of missiles that directly hit its targets ».




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South Africa has just appealed to the International Court of Justice against the State of Israel « Israel s’s surrendered, engages in and risks continuing to engage in genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza ».



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By Markku Siira

The news from the battlefields of Ukraine is always bad for the kyiv regime. Despite previous attempts to deny the facts, the West is slowly beginning to accept that the much-publicized counter-offensive ended in disaster. Ukraine does not publish figures on its military losses, but according to independent estimates it lost up to 100,000 troops in its failed offensive.

When the general state of degradation of the Ukrainian army is revealed, the accusations begin. The latest Washington Post article is a good example of the shift in tone. The American newspaper tends to blame the Ukrainians, while the Ukrainians criticize their Western backers or criticize each other, depending on the circumstances. Europe has not yet joined the blame game, but when the time comes, it will no doubt criticize the Ukrainians' actions (in addition to Russia's "brutal war of aggression").

As American blogger The Z Man says, "Washington never seems to learn from its failures, which is why they now have the Ukraine disaster on their hands." There is no doubt that think tanks financed by the military-industrial complex are already feverishly analyzing the main errors of this war.

The first big mistake was engaging in a ground war with Russia. The Russians were not always successful in their special operations, but in general they waged an effective ground war, including in Ukraine. When the Russians view a ground war as an existential threat, it quickly becomes a great patriotic war and all of Russia mobilizes to defeat the enemy.

The Western Maidan coup in 2014 has already shown that the Crimean Peninsula and Donbass are not part of an insignificant border conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but are part of a hybrid war launched by the West to overthrow current Russia.

The West has launched a geopolitical war game against Russia in Ukraine and the Russians have risen to the challenge. The sanctions were clearly intended to harm the population of central Russia, allowing Russian leaders to present this conflict as a struggle to be fought by the current generation, comparable to the suffering of World War II.

The West did this because it assumed (wrongly) that Russia was too weak to fight a real war. They reached this conclusion not on the basis of observable facts, but on the basis of their own rhetoric. They repeated so many times that Russia was just a “gas station disguised as a state” that they ended up believing it themselves.

Instead of looking at what was really happening in Russia, the West told itself seductive stories about what would happen if Putin's Russia could be dismantled like the Soviet Union and if the West could "democratize" the country.

Ukraine's Western supporters made the Kiev regime believe that Russia would not be able to keep its army on the ground for long. Propagandists have constantly predicted the collapse of Russia. "Experts" selected for Western television programs claimed early on that not only would Russia lose, but the entire federation would collapse as a result of the Ukrainian conflict.

Ultimately, however, it was realized that the campaign to quash Russian resistance was not having the desired effect, so the West had to prepare Ukraine for a real attack. They recruited nearly 100,000 new soldiers, trained them in NATO tactics and supplied them with NATO weapons to drive the Russians out of Crimea and Donbas. This was the great spring counterattack, which the (fake) Finnish power media fully supported.

Not only did the Ukrainians lose the entire army assembled for the mission, but all the mobilizable reserves were put through the mincer. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians were killed and maimed to take over a small village. The losses are enormous, but the Western press remains silent, or repeats its Russophobic theses.

More than the enormity of the failure, it is the slowness with which Western military architects accepted the facts which is astonishing. While it was clear that the Russian defenses were too strong, the public was told that it was only a matter of time before the Ukrainian army marched to victory. Even after thousands of videos of Western tanks in flames appeared online, experts chanted that victory over Russia was imminent.

Following this disaster, Ukraine no longer has any offensive capabilities and is struggling to maintain its defensive position in key areas. The massive losses in men and equipment cannot be compensated. Ukraine no longer has soldiers to recruit and the West no longer has equipment to send to the kyiv regime.

This is why we see reports in Western media that are already starting to look for a scapegoat. None of the instigators of the conflict want to be responsible for Ukraine's collapse in 2024. Presidential elections are approaching in the United States and the European Union could also face difficulties with member states' money being poured into the hole Ukrainian black. NATO did not “do enough” to win Ukraine.

The theme of this two-year debacle is that the people making the decisions have replaced the very concrete reality with an imagined reality to their liking. Policymakers and their propagandists are good at creating complex and intellectually difficult scenarios that have no basis in truth.

Today, their version of reality clashes with one based on the raw truth and the situation on the ground, rather than a false narrative of a completely fictitious victory created for the purposes of information warfare of the West, as if it were a copy of a Hollywood action film.

As The Z Man puts it, “the Ukraine disaster is a microcosm of what ails the West.” For years, the same people have been running a system based on paranoid fantasies and images of the enemy. Those in charge have references that only matter in the artificial reality of a ruling class.

"The result is an echo chamber populated by entitled idiots who compete with each other to produce the most palatable narrative to describe what they imagine to be outside of all reality. They live in a simulation, but seek to impose their experience on the world around them.

The collective West will soon face defeat in Ukraine. The illusions of an illusory and deranged ruling class will be shattered and the ordinary citizen will foot the bill. The great illusions of Western Ukrainians will be shattered, and threats from social media will not change that. Reality is like gravity, which doesn't disappear even if you no longer believe in it.