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So Hai

Well-known member
so what are these "roots" shared amongst zionism and marxism or communism? i'm failing to find any.
As I said zionism originated with Moses Hess, the mentor and personal suppleant of Karl Marx. Hess founded the magazine Rheinische Zeitung where he employed Marx as an editor.

It was Moses Hess who originated the foundations of communism including the idea to abolish private property. Marx was merely commissioned to formalize the teachings of the communist rabbi.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
"In 1934 Ben-Gurion claimed, “We do not want to create a situation like that which exists in South Africa, where the whites are the owners and rulers, and the blacks are the workers. If we do not do all kinds of work, easy and hard, skilled and unskilled, if we become merely landlords, then this will not be our homeland"

Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?

So Hai

Well-known member
You hopefully understand that someone labeling themselves, for whatever reason, does not necessarily make them that (label), based on accepted definitions. No more than labeling in any form of political propaganda is inherently accurate or true.
Since marxists call themselves socialist when they are not, I do understand. He wasn’t even a scotsman to begin with, you know.

That speech is a month old at least. This one is a month and 30 years.



Well-known member

'Criminal' Attacks on Russia's Belgorod Intended to Distract From Kiev's Failure at Front, MoD Says​

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - On Saturday, the center of the Russian city of Belgorod was subjected to the Ukrainian armed forces strike, which resulted in the deaths of civilians, including children. Around 40 civilian sites were damaged due to the shelling, according to emergency services.
The number of people killed in the Ukrainian armed forces’ strike on the Russian city of Belgorod has risen to 24, including three children, Belgorod Region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

(In the process of updating)
Russia strikes decision centers in the’est of’Ukraine in response to the’ attack in Belgorod

The Russian army announced it had targeted military targets in Ukraine in retaliation for the Belgorod strike.

Russian forces eliminated with high-precision missile strikes:

- Representatives of the Intelligence Directorate and the Kiev armed forces, directly involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist attack against Belgorod. They were located in the former Kharkov Palace hotel complex;

- 200 Foreign mercenaries who should have participated in terrorist attacks on the territory bordering Russia in the same place;

- The’Ukraine Security Service (SBU) building and the temporary deployment point of the neo-Nazi Right Sector movement (Pravy sektor*) were affected. This attack eliminated representatives of the SBU leadership, foreign mercenaries and fighters of the Kraken nationalist movement who were involved in acts of sabotage on Russian territory;

- A branch of the national space control center near the village of Zalestsy, Khmelnytsky region, has been destroyed. It was used by Kiev forces for reconnaissance; - fuel depots in Kharkov and Zaporojié;

- Temporary deployment points for units of the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade, the 79th Airborne Troop Brigade and foreign mercenaries, numbering nearly 600 people, as well as parking spaces for military equipment and artillery systems in Selidovo, Kourakhovo and on the territory of the Korotchenko mine in the Donetsk People's Republic;

- Two HIMARS systems that the Kiev regime intended to use to attack Donetsk during New Years celebrations.

Russian armed forces only hit military targets and infrastructure directly linked to them, the Russian defense said.
*Alimistic organization banned in Russia
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Well-known member
Russia vs ZionNazi U.S., NATO ukro and co

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Well-known member

The Atlantic Axis openly declares war on Russia in Belgorod


Yesterday, in Belgorod, it was war, a declaration of war from the Atlantist Axis to Russia. The Atlantic-Ukrainian army launched missiles at the center of the city, targeted the Christmas tree, where children were grouped, targeted homes and shopping centers. This morning, 22 people were killed, including 3 children, and 110 wounded, including 17 children. Than civilians.

Only the civilian infrastructure. Russia has convened the UN Security Council, which has openly spat in his face. Because they are at war and they claim it. Not "until the last Ukrainian", as it is good to say, but until the last Russian, until the annihilation of Russia.

This December 30, while the inhabitants of Belgorod, as everywhere else, finish their shopping for the New Year, let the children have fun on the ice rink in the center of the city, the Atlantic-Ukrainian army bombed the city. No military targets. No military strategic advantage to be derived from it. An act of terror, one of those that accompany traditional wars. And as in all wars, the total safety of civilians is impossible. But war must be recognized as such, in order to be won and to allow peace.

The Christmas tree and the children have become a prime target for the Atlanticists:

As announced yesterday on ministry russian Defence : the :
"Today, the Kiev regime attempted a blind combined strike on the city of Belgorod with two Vilkha missiles, equipped with prohibited cluster munitions, as well as Czech-made Vampire MLRS rockets.

The air defense systems intercepted the Vilkha missiles and most of the Vampire MLRS missiles.

Several rockets and fragments of Vilkha missiles shot down hit the city of Belgorod."

If the fragmentation missiles had not been intercepted, the damage would have been otherwise significant. The purpose was to make a maximum of civilian casualties on the eve of the holidays and of material damage. And the goal was pretty well achieved. Yesterday, the governor from Belgorod, Viacheslav Gladkov announced these figures :
"To our great regret, the death toll amounted to 21 people, including three children.110 people were injured to varying degrees of severity, including 17 children. 30 People are in a serious condition.63 victims are in a state of moderate severity.17 people undergo outpatient treatment.
To date, various damages have been identified in 30 apartment buildings, 344 apartments, 3 private properties, several economic sites and social facilities, including a school, a high school and a kindergarten. Owners of 51 damaged vehicles have been identified. Damage assessment work continues."

The second goal of this attack is to cross a new red line, which was also the case, unless quickly the Russian authorities do not question, and the political line, and the speech accompanying this war, which they refuse to name.
Russia immediately requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. This has given rise to a diplomatic farce of ever-increasing magnitude. Thus, the communed UN press condemns the attacks on cities in Russia, without specifying that they are the work of the Atlantic-Ukrainian army, and condemns Russia for the attacks of cities in Ukraine, without specifying that they are military targets.
As indicated by responsibles russians, it was important, as Russia tries to be accused without evidence of war crimes, to show the real war crimes. It was obviously a political and diplomatic victory ... very discreet. Especially since the Czech representative refused to participate and the French representative stated that it was normal for Russia to feel the effects of war in its flesh. In short, the Atlantists are satisfied with the result of their attack on Belgorod and they announce it loud and clear. It's a first-rate diplomatic slap.
In the media, there is absolutely no impact, as this publication illustrates belgian. After a title on the attack on Belgorod (without specifying, obviously, that it is led by the Atlantic-Ukrainian army), here is the first paragraph :
Ukraine continues to count its dead on Saturday after intense attacks carried out the day before by Russia on several of its cities, including the capital Kiev, killing about thirty people and injuring dozens of’ others, according to the authorities.
One can read here and there in Russia reactions, quite absurd. Russia will not respond in the same way by bombing civilian sites in Ukraine. Indeed, what interest ? None. On the other hand, it would be good if the political power, instead of locking itself in the cult of AI or the return of masks, really give the means to the army to fulfill its mission. In short, that there is a real change of priorities. And it's not by canceling three fireworks, that it will change anything.
Or even : and what can Russia do, bomb the West ? She would fall into the trap, which is set for her. No one asks him to go so far, but to deal with the liberation of Russian territory, to establish a strategy, therefore that do not depend on the actions and decisions of the Atlanticist Axis, mobilizing society economically and morally is essential.
Moreover, since everyone is a little easily overwhelmed by the fact that this war is also an information war, it would not be superfluous to take over the Russian political-media discourse. At a minimum, it is indecent to continue to spread this logorrhea, certainly intended for the outside, but so comfortable inside for a whole part of the elites, concerning these disastrous negotiations "failed" who would have supposedly brought one does not know very well what peace. A little more firmness and long-term strategic vision would calm the Atlanticist appetites, which currently find little resistance. To the maximum, to bring down certain symbolic heads, which embody this particularly tolerant discourse, would be a sign announcing'a real political takeover of the situation. Who knows, the holiday season is a time of miracles ...
On December 31 and in this context, I will not follow the general soft line and I will not wish you "peace" for next year, because it is not possible. I would like to wish you things in order, precisely to arrive at a true peace, even if it is less popular.
First of all, I wish us a political victory in Moscow, with the return of man to the center of the world we are building for the future, with the abandonment of all the globalist chimeras and the sidelining of their ardent defendants. Without this, there will not really be a possible military victory in Ukraine. So then I wish us a military victory in the Battle of Ukraine. This battle presupposes the real mobilization of the elites alongside the population and the population alongside the army. This mobilization is not only military, it must imperatively also be intellectual, economic and political.
This will then allow us to talk about peace. A lasting peace, because following a true victory. A peace, on which it will be possible to build a more just world - at least for a while.

Karine Bechet-Golovko



Active member
"In 1934 Ben-Gurion claimed, “We do not want to create a situation like that which exists in South Africa, where the whites are the owners and rulers, and the blacks are the workers. If we do not do all kinds of work, easy and hard, skilled and unskilled, if we become merely landlords, then this will not be our homeland"

Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?
He said lots of things didn't he including that Palestinians could have no political view or right, he believed that the Palestinians didn't have any collective rights whatsoever including self determination nor did he believe Palestinians had any sense of nationalism!
Def an idealist and not a realist, he was on record for stating that Jewish workers deserved more pay than Arabs as they were "more intelligent and diligent".
He appealed to the British on the basis that it would be more economic productivity so therefore the settlers were justified.
Another of his quotes that's interesting is "if I knew that it was possible to save all the children in Germany by transporting them to Britain, but only half by transporting to Palestine, I would choose the second".


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
He said lots of things didn't he including that Palestinians could have no political view or right, he believed that the Palestinians didn't have any collective rights whatsoever including self determination nor did he believe Palestinians had any sense of nationalism!
Def an idealist and not a realist, he was on record for stating that Jewish workers deserved more pay than Arabs as they were "more intelligent and diligent".
He appealed to the British on the basis that it would be more economic productivity so therefore the settlers were justified.
Another of his quotes that's interesting is "if I knew that it was possible to save all the children in Germany by transporting them to Britain, but only half by transporting to Palestine, I would choose the second".
If you actually read the article (PDF) you will see that it supports one of your stated points (maybe you could have caught on from the title). It is not from X, so possibly too complex. I just picked that quote out to support one of my stated views and to present the paradox. The article is not about him. It is about the history of socialist initiative in Palestine as related to Jews locating there pre and post 48.


Active member
If you actually read the article (PDF) you will see that it supports one of your stated points (maybe you could have caught on from the title). It is not from X, so possibly too complex. I just picked that quote out to support one of my stated views and to present the paradox. The article is not about him. It is about the history of socialist initiative in Palestine as related to Jews locating there pre and post 48
Cheeky twat how's that for complex? What stated view of yours does it support? And I'd have to open it to read the title! Come on that takes effort!!!
I presumed the pdf was to do with the kibbutz and Jewish labour in favour of Arab?(I skimmed it) and I also presume that my memory is correct and that Ben Gurion was referring to the kibbutz with that statement? Ie we have our own people and don't use/ exploit Arabs..


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Cheeky twat how's that for complex? What stated view of yours does it support? And I'd have to open it to read the title! Come on that takes effort!!!
I presumed the pdf was to do with the kibbutz and Jewish labour in favour of Arab?(I skimmed it) and I also presume that my memory is correct and that Ben Gurion was referring to the kibbutz with that statement? Ie we have our own people and don't use/ exploit Arabs..
The title was in my post - eh what? - simple twat.


Well-known member
The title was in my post - eh what? - simple twat.
keep it civil bean and on topic

meanwhile, the us are still in syria illegally , the proxy warplan goes up in smoke , and the zionists are still committing genocide.

the media chooses to ignore war crimes committed daily

75 years of terrorism

distractions, smearing , and propaganda is rife


Well-known member

FAU neonazi terrorist bombing of Donetsk on New Year's Eve


by Christelle Nil
Shortly after midnight on New Year's Eve, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) bombarded purely civilian areas in central Donetsk with rockets supplied to Ukraine by NATO, killing four civilians and injuring 14 . This deliberate bombing of purely civilian areas on a festive evening cannot be described as anything other than a terrorist attack.

The year 2024 has just begun and barely a few minutes ago, the sky over the capital of the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) began to rumble. The FAU have just fired 15 rockets into the center of Donetsk which is in the middle of New Year's celebrations.

The Russian anti-aircraft defense is audible and tries to shoot down the rockets without success. The latter are too numerous, and the 122 mm rockets supplied by Slovakia to Ukraine are too small to be shot down by the DCA. As a result, FAU rockets fell on the center of Donetsk, hitting Lenin Square and adjacent streets.

There are absolutely no military targets in this area filled exclusively with shops, restaurants, hotels and offices. One of the rockets fell literally at the feet of the statue of Lenin in the central square of Donetsk, where every year there is usually a large fir tree in front of which residents gather to celebrate the New Year. Fortunately this year, the authorities of the DPR canceled the installation of the tree for security reasons, thus preventing a bloodbath.

Watch the video report on Odysee:

In central Donetsk, I found several rockets still embedded in the ground, clearly showing a trajectory coming from the northwest, where the FAU are located. The rockets are also easily identifiable as Slovak-made rockets, usable in Czech multiple rocket launchers “Vampire”, weapons supplied to Ukraine by these NATO countries. These rockets contain numerous small shrapnel designed to do maximum damage to enemy infantry.

So contrary to what some French journalists try to make their listeners and readers believe, no it was not the Russian army which bombed Donetsk but the FAU with weapons supplied by NATO countries!

The same Ukrainian army that bombed Belgorod on December 30, 2023, as families were doing their final shopping and hanging out in front of the enormous Christmas tree set up in the city center. Bombing which left 25 dead, including 5 children, and more than a hundred injured.

Unfortunately, the bombardment of the center of Donetsk by the FAU also caused civilian casualties: four dead and 14 injured. The fact that Ukrainian soldiers deliberately targeted a purely civilian area at the time of the New Year with weapons designed to cause maximum deaths and injuries clearly shows that this is a terrorist attack carried out by the Ukraine against the inhabitants of Donetsk. And this terrorist attack was sponsored and made possible by the aid of NATO countries to Ukraine!

Christelle Nil