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from the future

F-35: America dishonored again?

by Olivier Renault

The most expensive weapon in the world "lost" a million pieces. More than a million parts of fifth-generation F-35 fighters worth at least $85 million have disappeared without a trace in at least the past five years, according to a new report from the Office of the responsibility of the United States government (GAO), reports Defense News.

Over a million F-35 parts lost by the United States Department of Defense and Lockheed. As reported by DefenseNews, U.S. auditors pointed out that because the government does not have its own parts tracking system, officials may not know how many spare parts are actually missing and how badly the shortage is estimated. Consequently, "the total quantity and cost of these (lost) spare parts could be significantly higherthan the figure of one million given by the prime contractor Lockheed Martin, indicated the document provided by Defense News.

This one also shows that the disagreements between the offices of the United States Department of Defense and the manufacturer of F-35 fighter-bombers on how to classify missing components and spare parts "hold back the government's efforts to create its own reliable parts tracking system».

In other words, under the costly F-35 program, the U.S. government has no way of knowing whether contractors are handling spares properly, according to GAO auditors who tracked "production lossessince 2018.

In a clarification to Defense News, Lockheed Martin said the number of spare parts listed as lost in the report covers the last two decades of the program.

The international F-35 program, which includes the United States and other nations such as the United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Canada, Israel, Japan and South Korea, features what the GAO called a unique spare parts management system. All program participants worldwide have access to a global pool of spare parts – from engines, tires, chassis and ancillary equipment to bolts and screws – that belong to the U.S. Department of Defense until the part is installed on a fighter plane.

Earlier, problems with the most advanced multirole fighter to date have been reported more than once and they are, mainly, technical in nature. So, Observatory Continental a learned that manufacturing company Lockheed Martin could ask the US government for $38 billion over the next few decades to meet growing demands for cooling radar and other fighter jet components.

These combat aircraft are considered the most expensive weapons in the world. The cost of an F-35 is estimated to be between $100 million and $125 million, depending on the modification.

Olivier Renault

source: Observatory Continental


from the future

How the United States Makes Money on Exports That Don't Exist

by Alexandre Lemoine

Despite the defects of their new planes, the United States signed military contracts supplying Europe with defective equipment.

The United States has given permission to Denmark and the Netherlands to supply F-16 fighters to Ukraine from their reserves after Ukrainian pilots have completed the appropriate training. "We welcome Washington's decision to pave the way for sending F-16 fighters to Ukraine'To declared Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra.

Danish Defense Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen did not express particular enthusiasm about Washington's decision, saying the possibility of supplying Danish F-16 fighters to Ukraine will be discussed with close allies.

And we can understand the Danes. Exactly a year ago, when the first F-35 fighters arrived in the country, they turned out to be faulty. "At least two of the six F-35 aircraft had manufacturing defects in the ejection seats… The error was due to a manufacturing defect from supplier Lockheed Martin'To announced Danish radio.

The Kingdom's Defense Minister Morten Bodskov said Denmark would keep its F-16 fighters in service for three years longer than planned, when they were originally due to be phased out of operation in 2024, while the new F -35 will be gradually put into service. According to the Minister, the reason for such a decision is that "the security policy situation in Europe has changed dramatically».

However, the desire of the Danish military to have in their arsenal somewhat outdated, but nevertheless not as problematic fighters as the vaunted F-35s, did not come true. The United States forced Denmark to give its F-16 fighters to Ukraine, and in order to have something to fly, they offered to restart the purchase of technically defective F-35s.

On the other hand, the United States failed to force the hand of the Belgians. On August 1, 2023, the Belgian Ministry of Defense officially refused to receive the first F-35A stealth fighters, ordered in 2018 to gradually replace the F-16s, as this aircraft continues to be produced in a technically defective version and requires numerous improvements for its key components and software.

Since the start of production of the F-35, these machines have suffered from a seemingly endless number of errors, written Business Insider. In 2021, we counted 857 technical flaws in the design of the F-35, some of which had a "critical impact on operationalityand put the pilot's life in danger. Lockheed Martin did not correct these defects and continued to manufacture defective fighters.

The F-35s don't just have problems with the software. In mid-December 2022, an F-35B short takeoff, vertical landing fighter for the United States Marine Corps crashed in Texas. The pilot barely had time to eject. According to the military, the cause of the accident was a "rare systemic phenomenonrelated to engine vibrations.

Leading American aircraft designers point out the vice of the very idea of making a universal aircraft for all occasions - for aviation, Marines and aircraft carriers. One of the main designers of the F-16 fighter, Pierre Sprey, qualified the F-35 of "turkeywhich in America symbolizes a mixture of stupidity and satiety.

As for the "stealth" of the F-35, it cannot be assured only if the plane carries all its bombs and missiles inside the fuselage. If the missiles are on external mounts, the fighter becomes visible even to older radars. Even with a minimal combat load, the F-35 is actually not stealthy for Russian and Chinese radars, written The Daily Beast.

In addition, the F-35 cannot be operated in conditions of strong enemy air defense. The only time this happened, an Israeli F-35 was shot down by a Soviet S-200 air defense system in service with the Syrian air defense, reported The Drive, adding that Israel will no longer use the F-35 in missions in Syria.

The Pentagon's desire to export as many technically defective F-35s as possible is partly explained by Lockheed Martin's financial problems, as several billion dollars are missing to produce 2700 fighters. The Pentagon solved this problem by offering this monster of the American defense industry a number of lucrative contracts.

It was decided to make US NATO allies the main sponsors of Lockheed Martin. Thus, Germany had to buy 35 F-35s for $10,5 billion at the expense of its own defense industry, despite 875 uncorrected faults on the F-35.

The main mistake of the American designers in the F-35 project is the too weak fuselage, which cannot fly at supersonic speed for a long time due to the risk of disintegration. Lockheed Martin failed to correct this defect and simply recommended reducing the duration of supersonic flight to a minimum, that is, radically changing the tactics of operating the F-35 and abandoning their main advantage: the interception of aerial targets at supersonic speed.

Eventually, a solution was found by transferring the production of more than 400 F-35 fuselage components to the German Rheinmetall group, which has already started construction of a factory for this purpose.

To date, the United States does not have fifth-generation fighters suitable for high-intensity combat actions. The most expensive fifth-generation American fighter, the F-22 Raptor, will begin to be phased out of service from 2023 due to problems with operational characteristics.

source: Observatory Continental


from the future

The US military suffers its first loss in the Eastern Mediterranean


by Reporter

An American military plane crashed over the Mediterranean Sea. This is what the Daily Mail. The information has already been confirmed by the European Command of the American Armed Forces. It is emphasized that the plane was carrying out a training flight.

The US military deliberately does not give the name of the modification of the crashed aircraft, and does not give information about the fate of its crew. The cause of the accident is also not specified. The European command of the American armed forces simply emphasizes that all the circumstances of the accident are being clarified.

Meanwhile, there are many doubts that the military aircraft was carrying out a training flight over the region where active hostilities are taking place. The Eastern Mediterranean is currently home to the US Army's aircraft carrier strike group. It is clear that the plane was not sent there for training. And the fact that the Americans are hiding the characteristics of the downed plane provides grist for the mill of followers of conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile, there are no clear indications that a US warplane may have been shot down. Such a Club Strike, if it were the case, would be very difficult to conceal in a bag. But it turns out that the United States sent planes to the Israeli coast, the serviceability of which raises questions?

It should be noted that representatives of Middle Eastern paramilitary groups have repeatedly threatened the US military in the region and expressed their intention to attack American and Israeli warships.

source: Reporter


from the future

Soukhoï Su-75 Checkmate

First deliveries of the new Russian fighter "Checkmate" in 2026

According to the TASS agency, “A pre-production batch of Su-75 light tactical aircraft is to be produced in 2026”. The pre-production batch is an initial batch produced to confirm that the new design is ready for a full-scale production launch. United Aircraft Corporation CEO Yuri Slyusar recently said in an interview with TASS that the company plans to produce four Checkmate prototypes. The Checkmate lightweight tactical fighter developed by Sukhoi (part of Rostec United Aircraft Corporation) was first shown to the public at the MAKS-2021 airshow. It made its international debut at the 2021 Dubai Airshow in the United Arab Emirates. Checkmate combines the latest technical solutions, open architecture and unique artificial intelligence technology. It is a stealth aircraft with an internal compartment for air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons. Its payload exceeds seven tons. The aircraft can destroy six targets simultaneously. It will be capable of flying at Mach 1,8 and will have a combat radius of 3000 km (1864 miles).
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moose eater

Well-known member
It's all about profit. Everyone has their hand out wanting some of the money. That's never going to change.
I recall 14 subcontractors doing laundry in a chain in the Green Zone for laundry in Iraq to the extent that by the time the 14th sub was actually doing the laundry, it was over $2,000 per load. No bullshit.
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from the future

The construction of several promising Checkmate fighters at once began in Komsomolsk-on-Amur​


The plant (KnAAZ) began to assemble several promising fifth-generation Checkmate fighters at once. This was stated by UAC leader Yuri Slyusar.

Slyusar, as part of the Dubai Airshow 2021 launched today in the United Arab Emirates, said that several copies of the Checkmate fighter are being assembled at the same time at KnAAZ. At the same time, he did not give any details, limiting himself to saying that serial production will begin in 2026.

Thus, Slyusar confirmed the information that appeared earlier about the assembly of prototypes of a promising fighter in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Only before it was about one sample, not several.

The presentation of the promising new fifth-generation Russian single-engine fighter Checkmate took place in July at the MAKS-2021 air show. The aircraft was developed taking into account deliveries to the Russian Aerospace Forces and foreign customers. The declared characteristics: speed – up to 2M, flight range – up to 3 km, payload weight – 7,4 kg. A radar with AFAR, a circular optical and electronic reconnaissance system, an integrated electronic jamming system, an optical sighting system and a wide-range communication system were installed.

As previously reported in the UAC, the fighter will make its first flight in 2023, prototypes will appear in 2024-2025, a first batch in 2026, and serial deliveries of the new fighter will begin in 2026-2027.

source: https://fr.topwar.ru


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Everybody's a tough guy online. I remember before the internet if you were going to talk shit it had to be in person. There are no repercussions when talking anonymously to people you don't know and may live thousands of miles away from.

These days though ass beatings are a thing of the past. Now people don't even fight. They just pull out a gun and start shooting. So it's probably best if you're going to talk shit to do it online even if you're tough enough to avoid an actual ass beating.
or an armed old hippy


from the future
by 2026 they will be pounded into oblivion with their fake little puny putin. ha

2026 commercial lol, so already effective and operates in Russian air force since at least 4 years.

Putin's underwear not fresh on your face sorry


from the future

The collapse of Israel and the United States​

by Thierry Meyssan

For the first time, the world is witnessing a crime against humanity live on television. The United States and Israel, who have long since joined forces, will both be held responsible for the mass massacres in Gaza. Everywhere except Europe, Washington’s allies are withdrawing their ambassadors from Tel Aviv. Tomorrow, they will do the same in Washington. Everything is happening as it did when the USSR broke up, and it will end the same way: the American Empire’s very existence is threatened. The process that has just begun cannot be stopped.


The United States and Israel are perceived as a single entity. They will have to answer for their crimes together.

While our eyes are riveted on the massacres of civilians in Israel and Gaza, we fail to perceive the internal divisions in Israel and the USA, or the considerable change this drama is provoking in the world. For the first time in history, civilians are being massacred live on television.
Everywhere - except in Europe - Jews and Arabs unite to cry out their grief and call for peace.
People everywhere realize that this genocide would not be possible if the United States did not supply bombs to the Israeli army in real time.
States everywhere are recalling their ambassadors to Tel Aviv and wondering whether they should recall those they sent to Washington.
It goes without saying that the United States only reluctantly agreed to this spectacle, but they didn’t just allow it, they made it possible with subsidies and weapons. They are afraid of losing their Power after their defeat in Syria, their defeat in Ukraine and perhaps soon their defeat in Palestine. Indeed, if the Empire’s armies are no longer frightening, who will continue to transact in dollars instead of their own currency? And in that eventuality, how will Washington make others pay for what it spends, how will the U.S. maintain its standard of living?
But what happens at the end of this story? That the Middle East revolts, or that Israel crushes Hamas at the cost of thousands of lives?
We’ll remember that President Joe Biden first warned Israel to abandon its plan to move the Palestinian people to Egypt or, failing that, to eradicate them from the face of the earth, and Tel Aviv didn’t obey him.
The "Jewish supremacists" are behaving today as they did in 1948.
When the United Nations voted to create two federated states in Palestine, one Hebrew and one Arab, the armed forces self-proclaimed the Hebrew state before its borders had been fixed. The "Jewish supremacists" immediately expelled millions of Palestinians from their homes (the "Nakhba") and assassinated the UN special representative who had come to create a Palestinian state. The seven Arab armies (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and North Yemen) that tried to oppose them were quickly swept aside.
Today, they are no more obedient to their protectors and massacre again, without realizing that this time the world is watching and no one will come to their rescue. At a time when the Shiites accept the principle of a Hebrew state, their madness is jeopardizing the very existence of that state.
We remember how the Soviet Union collapsed. The state was unable to protect its own population during a catastrophic accident. 4,000 Soviets died at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986), saving their fellow citizens. The survivors wondered why, 69 years after the October Revolution, they continued to accept an authoritarian regime. Mikhail Gorbachev, First Secretary of the CPSU, wrote that it was only when he saw this disaster that he realized his regime was under threat.
Then came the December riots in Kazakhstan, independence demonstrations in the Baltic states and Armenia. Gorbachev amended the Constitution to remove the Party’s old guard. But his reforms were not enough to stop the fire spreading to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldavia, Ukraine and Belarus. The uprising of the East German Young Communists against the Brezhnev doctrine led to the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989). The crumbling of power in Moscow led to the cessation of aid to allies, including Cuba (1990). Finally came the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the break-up of the Union (1991). In just over 5 years, an Empire that everyone thought would last forever has collapsed in on itself.
This inevitable process has just begun for the "American Empire". The question is not how far Benjamin Netanyahu’s "revisionist Zionists" will go, but how far the US imperialists will support them. At what point will Washington decide it has more to lose by allowing Palestinian civilians to be massacred than by correcting Israel’s leaders?
The same problem faces him in Ukraine. The military counter-offensive by Volodymyr Zelensky’s government has failed. Russia is no longer seeking to destroy Ukrainian weapons, which are immediately replaced by weapons donated by Washington, but to kill those who wield them. The Russian armies are behaving like a gigantic crushing machine, slowly and inexorably killing all Ukrainian soldiers who approach the Russian defense lines. Kiev can no longer mobilize fighters, and its soldiers refuse to obey orders that condemn them to certain death. Its officers have no choice but to shoot the pacifists.
Many US, Ukrainian and Israeli leaders are already talking about replacing the Ukrainian "integral nationalist" coalition with the "Jewish supremacist" coalition, but the wartime period does not lend itself to this. But it will have to be done.
President Joe Biden has to replace his Ukrainian puppet and his barbaric Israeli allies, just as First Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev had to replace his insensitive representative in Khazakhstan, paving the way for widespread challenges to corrupt leaders. Once Zelensky and Netanyahu have been dismissed, everyone will know that it is possible to get the head of a Washington representative, and everyone will know that they must flee before they are sacrificed.
This process is not only inevitable, it’s inexorable. President Joe Biden can only do what he can to slow it down, to make it last, not to stop it.
The peoples and leaders of the West must now take the initiative to get out of this predicament, without waiting to be abandoned, as Cuba did at the cost of the privations of its "special period". This is a matter of urgency: the last to react will have to foot the bill for everyone else. Many states from the "rest of the world" are already fleeing. They are queuing up to join the BRICS or the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Even more than Russia, which had to break away from the Baltic States, the United States must prepare for domestic uprisings. When the US is no longer able to impose the dollar on international trade, and its standard of living collapses, the poorer regions will refuse to obey, while the richer ones will become independent, starting with the republics of Texas and California (the only ones legally able to do so, according to the Treaties) [1]. The break-up of the USA is likely to result in civil war.
The disappearance of the USA will lead to the disappearance of NATO and the European Union. Germany, France and the U.K. will find themselves faced with their old rivalries, having failed to respond when the time was right.
Within a few years, Israel and the "American Empire" will disappear. Those who fight against the direction of history will provoke wars and unnecessary deaths in their numbers.

Thierry Meyssan


from the future

Israel and the Kennedy brothers' double murder​

By jipp

In 1968, Robert Kennedy was assassinated when’il had just won the California primaries, which made him the favorite in the presidential race.

Once in the White House, he would have measure to reopen the’ investigation into the death of his brother five years earlier, the, and’on knows, by many testimonies, that’il had the’ intention. Neither the’ assassination of John nor that of Robert are elucidated; in each case, the official thesis is full of contradictions that are today’hui well documented. Because these two cases are generally treated independently, no N’ has been resolved in a manner definitive. It’is by connecting them in a global vision, holding account of the geopolitical context and the profound role of Lyndon Johnson, the, the most credible scenario emerges.

On November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated Dallas. On the occasion of the 56 years of its disappearance, ERTV offers an exciting and extremely subversive documentary of’a duration of 1 hour and 17 minutes realized from the works and with the participation of Laurent Guyenot.



from the future

The amount of arms agreements signed in 2023 between Russia and African countries revealed​


© iStock.com / Kertlis

In 2023, Russia signed arms contracts with African countries for $ 4.5 billion, according to Rosoboronexport. Moscow is continuing consultations for new projects. The Russia-Africa summit made it possible to "designate the points of growth" in relations with the African continent in the sector.
Russia's cooperation with African countries on the arms market continues to develop, said Rosoboronexport, a state-owned company responsible for the exports of the military-industrial complex.

"In 2023, contracts worth more than 4.5 billion dollars have been signed and we plan to conclude new agreements by the end of the year", alexandre Mikheev on the sidelines of the Dubai Airshow.
This year, the exports to the african countries more than 30% of the total volume of deliveries made, he said.

According to him, Moscow is currently pursuing cooperation on existing contracts and consulting on new projects. The Russia-Africa summit, which took place in July, "designated the growth points of the’ interaction" with the African continent.
Overall, Rosoboronexport's order portfolio is stable and remains at a level of around 50 billion dollars, Mikheev said. Middle Eastern countries account for 40 to 50% of the total volume.

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