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from the future

The Israeli army hired foreign (Spanish) mercenaries for its brutal war on Gaza​


by Press TV

The Israeli army has hired foreign mercenaries, including a Spanish group of professional mercenaries, for use in its brutal war against the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Spanish newspaper El Mundo interviewed Pedro Diaz Flores, a notorious Spanish mercenary, who stated that “many"mercenary groups have joined the Israeli army which pays them"very well».

«I came for the economy, for the money. They pay very well, they offer good equipment and the work is calm. It's 3900 euros per week, excluding other complementary missions", he explained about his reasons for joining the Israeli forces.

Pedro Diaz Flores previously fought alongside neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine after Russia launched a special military operation in the Donbass region last year.

«We only provide security support to arms convoys or troops of the Israeli armed forces who are in the Gaza Strip. We do not directly fight Hamas and are not involved in assault operationsHe said.

He added : "We are in charge of checkpoint security and access control at the borders of Gaza and Jordan. There are many PMCs [private military companies] here and they share the work. Traditionally, they guarded the border terminals between Eliat and Aqaba", he added.

This came as speculation arose last month that mercenaries stationed in Ukraine had begun joining the Israeli military, as Western attention shifted from Ukraine to Israel.

«It is clear that the war in the Middle East is diverting attention from Ukraine», Declared Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday, November 4.

Israel launched the war on Gaza on October 7 after Hamas carried out its surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in retaliation for the Israeli regime's crimes against the Palestinians for decades.

Tel Aviv has blocked water, food and electricity supplies to Gaza, plunging the coastal strip into a humanitarian crisis.

According to the Gaza-based Health Ministry, at least 10 022 Palestinians were killed in the strikes, including 4104 children and 2641 women.

source: Press TV
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from the future

Zionist Bankers Funded the Nazis​


In 1935 the steamer "Tel Aviv" made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast. The Captain of the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A passenger described the spectacle as a "metaphysical absurdity."

Actually it made perfect sense.
Jewish bankers put the Nazis in power in order to force their lesser brethren to set up Israel as an instrument of their satanist NWO and tinderbox for WW3. See The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian civilization.

They used the holocaust to traumatize Jews into thinking they needed a national homeland when the Jewish bankers already controlled most countries. I blame the Rothschilds, not the Nazis, for the murder of my grandparents.


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from the future

Radical Islam Created by British Intelligence​


The Muslim Brotherhood is a Masonic movement that includes Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranian mullahs. It's a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.

"Appearances belie reality. In fact, the Muslim nations are the victims of terror from the West. With their near-complete control of the media, the powers that be have instilled an inverted image of the real world."

Makow - As in the Second World War, Freemasons control both sides of the coming world war. Agenda 2030 will be implemented one way or another. Humanity is victim of a grotesque trick. We cannot comprehend how completely society is satanically possessed, because we're contaminated ourselves. Demonically possessed by lust and greed, we're like lemmings, racing to our demise.



Well-known member
Apparently that's okay.

Lobbing rockets into random innocent people is fine as long as it's not Israel doing it.

I'm learning a lot about double standards and justifiable hatred this week.
In the past 5 years I’ve seen the same people be against a principal, then for it, then against it again.

What’s really sad is that many people now believe that their way at all costs, principals be damned is a perfectly acceptable way to conduct themselves.


Well-known member
Damn Bernie that's crazy. Who killed the UN workers? How bout the journalists? Hospitals? Universities? Non-Hamas occupied West Bank Palestinians? Hmmm



Active member
Are Hamas a democracy? Who should be held to a higher account Terrorists or the only democracy in the area according to them? It's all ok though the IDF have already said it's Hamas's fault as they and the UN are in cahoots and hide weapons in UN facilities


from the future

Why are Ukrainian prisoners of war joining the Russian army...


by Draco Bosnic

For centuries, the political West has tried to create a perpetual division between the Eastern Slavs. The various European invaders were well aware that Russia is too big a mouthful at full strength, and so dividing it was always the first goal. This was the case from the times of ancient Russia and medieval Kievan Rus' to today's USSR and Russian Federation. According to various Russian historians, Otto von Bismarck, the mastermind of Germany's unification in 1871 and its first chancellor, said:

«Russia's strength can only be weakened by Ukraine's secession. It is necessary not only to cut off Ukraine from Russia, but also to push them into confrontation, to pit two parts of the same people against each other and see how brothers kill each other.».

Western sources affirm categorically that Bismarck never made these remarks and that they were wrongly attributed to him, or even that they were misinterpreted and/or taken out of context. However, whether Bismarck said it or not, this description fits perfectly with Western (geo)politics towards Russia and Ukraine. For example, the dominant propaganda machine and various Western institutions work tirelessly to convince everyone that Russia and Ukraine are supposedly “completely different.”

It is obvious that nothing could be further from the truth, for the simple reason that the two countries are inextricably linked, whatever the current situation. Furthermore, despite all the mind-numbing propaganda that Russia is trying to "destroy" Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, the way Moscow has carried out the special military operation (WHO) tells us a completely different story. After all, the latest escalation between Israel and Gaza showed the world how devastating wars can be and how much Russia has been “holding back.”

Given all this, many Ukrainians seem to have realized the tragic mistake they made in adhering to the idea that "all Russians are bad" and that the fight against them is the "only way to obtain freedom. Indeed, at the end of October, the first volunteer battalion composed entirely of former Ukrainian soldiers was formed after the prisoners of war decided to fight in the Russian army. This volunteer battalion, aptly named “Bogdan Khmelnitsky”, bears the name of one of the most important figures in Russian and Ukrainian history.

According to military sources, the volunteer battalion joined the “Cascade” tactical formation and included about 70 servicemen. The vast majority of them voluntarily laid down their arms and surrendered to the Russian military. Ukrainian volunteers even signed contracts with the Russian armed forces under the same conditions as any other Russian. In fact, members of the new “Bogdan Khmelnitsky” battalion confirmed that they joined the unit of their own free will and also received Russian citizenship. According to South Front, here's what some of them had to say:

«We have now entered the service of the military unit of the tactical operational combat formation “Cascade”, where we will continue our service. We will also take an oath at the end of our training. All our men will take the oath. We arrived at the training center about three weeks ago. The mood of all the guys is combative, we are all full of energy, everyone is hungry for knowledge, everyone is trying to show the best of themselves. Everyone is always ready to tell something, to explain. We try to assimilate all the knowledge that the instructors pass on to us. The instructors have extensive combat experience. Our guys are eager to train, and in turn, they try to prove to their “teachers” that they can do the same. We received weapons and uniforms as soon as we arrived here the next day. Each of us was given our own assault rifle and used it to the fullest. Then we trained on the training ground, where we adjusted our weapons. The instructors also worked with us and helped us a lot».

The logical question that arises is: why would captured Ukrainians join the fight on the Russian side, given that the Moskalivs are “bad”? The answer is quite simple. The surrendered Ukrainian POWs had more than enough time to see how the Russian people and army still view the Ukrainian people, despite everything that has happened in the last ten years. Furthermore, it is clear that the majority of Ukrainians do not support the neo-Nazi junta in kyiv. In fact, Zelensky owes his victory in the 2019 elections to the fact that he presented himself as a “peace candidate” and essentially minds to get to the top.

What's more, thousands of Ukrainians regularly refuse to follow the suicidal orders superiors whose sole purpose is to use them as cannon fodder. Many of these soldiers are from the eastern, southern and central regions of Ukraine, as well as the western parts of Donbass which are still under the control of Kiev regime forces. Many Ukrainians are now aware of the disastrous consequences of Western (neo)colonialism in Ukraine and the danger it represents for the survival of their people and their country. Many therefore consider the Russian army as the only way to free Ukraine from the clutches of the political West.

To illustrate how tragic it is to see Russians and Ukrainians fighting against each other, the battalion commander “Bogdan Khmelnitsky” indicated that it is common for Russian soldiers to find their Ukrainian relatives in captivity, which is also one of the reasons to join the Russian army. In addition, many Ukrainians forcibly conscripted are fully aware of what the neo-Nazi junta is doing to the Ukrainian people, particularly to minor children who are sold not only to become sex slaves, but also to serve as “organ donors» unintentional to wealthy clients around the world. Millions of Ukrainians are hostages to the regime that the political West established almost a decade ago and their only chance of freedom comes from the supposed “enemy” who happens to be their closest relative .

source: InfoBRICS

translation International Network
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from the future

The United States wants to get its hands on Russian sovereign assets​


by The ugly Duckling
On October 6, I published an article entitled “Ukraine: towards a low-noise Berezina?» in which I mentioned the bronca which gave rise to the impeachment of the President of the American Congress, Kevin McCarthy. The underlying reason for this revolt was based on the desire of the White House, and the Democrats, to pass yet another financial aid package for Ukraine, with the Republicans massively opposing it.

On October 7, Hamas launched an all-out attack around Gaza, and all eyes then turned to Israel. The whining machine was in full swing, and it was quickly proposed to send billions in aid to the settler state... Yes, but now, decidedly incorrigible, the Democrats, through the voice of President Biden, have threatened to put their veto this project if the budget did not also provide budgetary aid of $65 billion to Ukraine. Here we are today, with the Republicans remaining firmly in their position.

For lack of money, the failed Ukrainian state could quickly collapse like a house of cards, especially since from a military point of view, it is indeed akin to a Berezina.

Desperate, the Washington hawks decided to resort to an expedient: take control of Russia's sovereign assets. Initially, the President of the FED indicated that this would be a disastrous error, because it would contribute to the distrust of States towards the largest securities settlement/delivery system, Euroclear.1.

These funds currently amount to 300 billion dollars to which must be added the 3 billion dollars in interest that these funds have generated since they were frozen under sanctions decided by the European Union by order of the suzerain (US ). Yes, Euroclear is a public limited company under Belgian law, headquartered in Brussels.

Probably following pressure, Janet Yellen affirmed at the end of September that she now supported taxation on the revenues of Russian sovereign funds for the “reconstruction of Ukraine”:

Yellen and Hunt support exceptional tax on frozen Russian assets

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and British Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt on Thursday expressed support for the European Union's plan to impose a windfall tax on profits generated by freezing Russian sovereign assets to help finance reconstruction of Ukraine.

A Treasury spokesperson said Ms Yellen had called the European plan a “reasonable” proposal (source: to Reuters).

When the Yanks arbitrarily decide to rob you, it is necessarily a “reasonable” proposition. In fact, theft and hoarding of resources have been part of their DNA since they arrived in the new world.

We move up a gear

In one law Project tabled in the United States Senate, it is now no longer a question of sticking to “taxing” the revenues of sovereign funds, but of taking control of all assets, including interest.

The bill, titled “Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity (REPO) for Ukrainians Act”:

  1. Gives the President the authority to confiscate Russian sovereign assets frozen in the United States and transfer them to assist in Ukraine's reconstruction efforts.
  2. Prohibits the release of funds to sanctioned Russian entities until Russia withdraws from Ukraine and agrees to provide compensation for the damage caused by its unprovoked war.
  3. Directs the President to work with allies and partners to establish an international compensation mechanism to transfer confiscated or frozen Russian sovereign assets to assist Ukraine.
  4. Provides the Department of State's Office of Sanctions Coordination with additional resources to work with partners and allies abroad toward the goal of confiscating additional Russian sovereign assets in other countries.
  5. Ensures that Putin – not American taxpayers – foots the bill for the damage caused by Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.
Point 3 is particularly important: in fact, almost all of the funds are on deposit with Euroclear, i.e. outside any American jurisdiction, it aims to force the EU to similarly apply these spoliation measures. For the greater good of Ukrainians, of course!

In practice, the funds will go back to the US military-industrial complex in the form of purchases of weapons of all kinds, in order to prolong as long as possible a conflict that has been lost since day one. This will also fuel the corruption of the Kievan elites, and the small arms will have to be content to resell the weapons received to the highest bidder. Business as usual.

We bet that this risks further torpedoing the credibility of the International community (USA plus its muff dogs), including in the sacrosanct field of international trade.

Through its spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin announced that the seizure of Russian sovereign assets would have significant consequences in terms of cost:

Speaking to journalists, Peskov called such a move “illegal” and “against all possible rules". He added that this “would result in significant legal costs for those who make and implement such decisions" (source : RT).

In September, Vladimir Putin declared on this subject:

«The fact that they froze our foreign exchange reserves – well, we've already earned twice as much. It's not about the $300 billion, it's about the erosion of trust in those who behave this way».

We understand, the International community is on the verge of shooting himself in the foot with a 357 magnum.

Original article published on The ugly Duckling

  1. Euroclear is an international depository and settlement/delivery company for bonds, shares and investment funds, created in 1968 in Brussels. It is one of two international central securities depositories (ICSD), the other being Clearstream (formerly Cedel International), based in Luxembourg. In France, it receives settlement/delivery instructions from the LCH.Clearnet clearing house. Source : wiki