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moose eater

Well-known member
I have a limb, lower spine and hip that are not functioning properly at this time, but I think it's time to hold Biden's feet to the fire, let him know that this is the perfect election for a third-party or other candidate, as both he and Trump are entirely unsuitable and unacceptable as leadership for this place in time, and let them know that their using our tax dollars for such continued violations of International Law is completely and entirely unacceptable..

As the speaker at Freedom Plaza pointed out, this is a language they understand...

And someone needs to put a bullet or 4 into Netanyahu's cranium.... And anyone else pushing his political position.

moose eater

Well-known member
Isn't that like a kickback since we send them so much money, they pay it back to congress via lobbying.
At this point in time, I'd say Israel controls or influences far more of the US Government than the US does theirs, and they get shielded by the United States' veto power on the Security Council at the UN any time the UN's Security Council tries to take Israel to task for their blatant and unprosecuted violations of international law.... in great part due to money, nukes, and religious dogma/bullshit.

Time to bitch-slap Mossad, Zionists, and IDF back into some state of sanity and sobriety. Bring them out of their apparent drunkenness of believing they're 'God's chosen.'


Active member
Czech republic
Defo nazi weapons via the Czechs who were under Stalin's thumb, they were good at production of weapons prior to this in the 1930s and under Nazi occupation ramped up production and they certainly would not of sent them unless Stalin said so. So yeah I still say Russia although technically Czech...
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Defo nazi weapons via the Czechs who were under Stalin's thumb, they were good at production of weapons prior to this in the 1930s and under Nazi occupation ramped up production and they certainly would not of sent them unless Stalin said so. So yeah I still say Russia although technically Czech...
after that France when USA refused [as I recall]


Active member
after that France when USA refused [as I recall]
Yes they did up until the 6 day war and then switched sides to smooth Algerian relations I think(after North Africa had enough of them), they also helped build a nuclear plant, All the while earlier the British were selling arms and training the Arabs.. only to go against them when agenda suited like the Suez canal.. it's mad just looking at two nations in France and Britain flip flopping to suit agenda or gain..

I'm also thinking that Frances actions led to the US and its current role?

On a sidetrack I think the Czechs produced a better gun than the AK-47 but Russia wouldn't let them sell it on mass or something this would be in later years after they had invaded and come to think of it they produced the 75 which is still a decent gun now.. Guess they good at producing guns..

moose eater

Well-known member
An Amnesty Int'l video establishing Apartheid for Palestinians as perpetrated by Israel. Very well done and easily understood.

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from the future

The gas chambers of Gaza

by Dmitry Orlov

The myth of American invincibility will then die.

Almost the entire world is horrified and outraged by what Israel is doing in Gaza. The Hamas terrorist attack is at least explainable, if not excusable: treat people like animals, locking them in a cage, and they will start behaving like animals. Gaza, let us not forget, is a concentration camp of a size that would make German Nazis cringe with jealousy.

Anyone who speaks out against Israel's atrocities against Palestinians is automatically accused of anti-Semitism. This is obviously absurd: Palestinians are “Semites” in the same way as Jews. I also make a difference between Jews and Israelis. A Jew is an ethnic designation, an Israeli is a nationality. I knew many Jews and quite a few Israelis. I found most Jews to be quite hearty and perfectly suited to peaceful coexistence, while I found many Israelis to be, to put it mildly, raging assholes: rude, pushy, loud , belligerent and vulgar. There is something about the fact that many Jews live in close proximity to each other that causes them to undergo a sort of phase transition: from locusts to locusts.

One last point on religion. Many people, and quite a few Jews, make the mistake of equating Jewishness with Judaism – the worship of Yahweh, or Jehovah, or Elohim or whatever. Some go further and declare that Jews who become Christians are traitors of some sort and automatically cease to be Jews. To begin with, such a position directly violates Article 28 of our Constitution:

ARTICLE 28: Freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are guaranteed to every person, including the right to profess, individually or collectively, any religion1 or to profess none, to choose freely, to have and to disseminate religious or other beliefs and to act in accordance with them.

Consistent with our Constitution, I support religious freedom for all, including Jews. Many Jews I know are Christians. The problem with Judaism is that it is 2000 years old: the Messiah has come, his name is Jesus, and while many Jews followed him, many others either slept through the whole event or were too obsessed with internal quarrels and persist today in an ancient heresy. But it doesn't matter, heresies are authorized; just don't mix ethnicity and religion. Jews can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, animist or atheist/agnostic – which in fact most Jews are, despite appearances and strictly pro-forma rituals.

I now present to you my translation of a recent article by Alexander Prokhanov, a much-loved Russian writer.

Dmitry Orlov


from the future

A modern-day Guernica

by Alexander Prokhanov


What is happening in Gaza is a prison rebellion and its bloody repression. There was the horrifying suppression by fascists of the Jewish rebellion in the Warsaw ghetto and the merciless suppression by Afghan Islamists of the rebellion of Soviet prisoners of war in a prison near the Pakistani border... and today, Israel, with bestial cruelty, suppresses the rebellion in Gaza.

In 1948, the Israeli state struck Palestinian lands like a meteorite, burning everything around it and leaving a giant crater. Since then, Israel has driven Palestinians from their homelands into refugee camps, while filling its prisons with Palestinian insurgents. Palestinians are martyrs, warriors, prophets of justice. The battle of the Palestinians against Israel is a battle of the oppressed against their torturers and executioners.

Zionists claim that in 1948, Israel returned to its historic homeland. The Bible tells how this “historical homeland” was created. The Jews led by Moses did not arrive in an empty place or in a desert: they arrived in lands inhabited by a prosperous people – the Canaanites – who had built cities and planted olive groves. And the Jews ruined the Canaanite cities, massacred them all, threw them into pits filled with quicklime.

They exterminated the Canaanites with the same cruelty with which they exterminate Gaza today. Gaza is a city of ghosts, a gas chamber where children and old people die in anguish. If you want to understand godlessness and cruelty, look at the ruins of Gaza, which ooze blood, where every stone cries the voice of a murdered child, where every vestige of a ruined wall is filled with the prayers of women and murdered old people.

Israel is America's child. Billions of dollars flow from America to Israel, feeding the Israeli army and defending America's desired order. By fighting against Israel, the Palestinians are fighting against America. The Russian army, fighting against the Ukrainians, is fighting against America. America is the enemy of Palestine and Russia. Hamas' attack on Israel – the sight of burning Merkava tanks and imprisoned Israeli generals – dispelled the myth of Israeli invincibility. [The myth of American invincibility will die next.]

I went to Gaza and saw for myself how this concentration camp operated. Gaza's land border is surrounded by a huge concrete wall. This wall is topped with barbed wire and equipped with machine gun towers, optical sensors and night vision sensors. Anyone who falls into the field of vision of this deadly equipment is killed by automatic machine gun fire. Day and night, the coastline is monitored by Israeli patrol boats who prohibit access to Palestinian fishing boats.

The Palestinians are fighting against this blockade as prisoners do everywhere: by digging tunnels under the concrete wall. Through these tunnels, Gaza receives food, clothing, plumbing valves, communications equipment and weapons for the rebellion.

In Gaza, I prayed in a XNUMXth century Christian temple, attended lectures at the Islamic University, met the Russian wives of Palestinian engineers, doctors and teachers who had studied in Soviet Union and whose children, who live in Gaza, today speak Russian.

Along with Palestinian women, I helped plant an olive grove near Gaza City. And now, among the olive trees, there is my tree, and Israeli rockets are flying over it, knocking down its leaves with the shock waves of the explosions. This is my tree; this tree is me. And I'm covered in shell fragments.

Before the eyes of the whole world, Gaza is being murdered, while humanity mutters humanitarian concerns and convenes the UN Security Council, while bombs and rockets reduce Gaza to ruins. The blood of Gaza is on us all.

Picasso had painted a great painting, «Guernica», about a city destroyed by fascist bombers. Gaza is a modern-day Guernica.

source: Club Orlov


from the future

Gaza, the rage to live free​

by Marina Da Silva


In theaters on November 8, “Yallah Gaza” (Forward Gaza!), by Roland Nurier, testifies to the hell of living under blockade and the determination of Palestinians to fight for their rights. Produced just before the devastating war that Israel is waging against Hamas and the civilian population, it becomes a valuable alert and mobilization document.

When after his brilliant documentary “The chariot and the olive tree, another story of Palestine» (2019), Roland Nurier wants to report on life under blockade in Gaza, he does not imagine that Yallah Gaza will be released during the deadliest war the Palestinian territory has ever known. “Return Gaza to the Stone Age» is, however, an Israeli obsession. As soon as the settlers and soldiers withdrew, under the leadership of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in 2005, they opened the way for the electoral victory of Hamas in 2006, to which successive Israeli governments responded relentlessly with sieges – land, sea and air – appalling. Added to the encirclements are the wars: 2008-2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, 2022… another way of continuing the occupation of Gaza by encircling and asphyxiating it.


Despite some deprogramming in the flammable context following the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, Yallah Gaza hits theaters on November 8. The documentary (1h41) opens with a historical contextualization which proves absolutely necessary as the Palestinians of Gaza have no name, no face, no history for the general public. Before becoming "an open-air prison" and today a cemetery country, this strip of land measuring 40 km by 12 km where some 2,2 million people live "crowded between the sand of the desert and the water of the Mediterranean" was "a crossroads of people and culture". The city of Gaza (which gave its name to the entire territory) was founded around 1500 BC. JC The Bible makes numerous references to it, notably in the famous story of passion and betrayal of Samson and Delilah. This anchoring in the land and history, the reminder of the major geopolitical events which shook the Middle East with the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the occupation of the Gaza Strip in 1967 shed light on the specificity of Palestinian resistance in this enclave.

The film also addresses questions of international law, notably through the figure of Amina, who was the first Gazan to file a complaint for "war crimes" with the International Criminal Court (ICC) after the assassination of her father, his brother and sister during the Israeli bombings of 2014 (a complaint that has still not been addressed…). Some images of Israeli picnics on the Gaza border during these bombings or during the “return marches” show the culmination of Israeli acquiescence to this large-scale repression. Popular and non-violent, these marches, initiated in March 2018, left nearly 30 people injured. The Israeli army responded with live ammunition and explosives which deliberately maimed their targets for life.1

The specific humanitarian issues that apply to the Palestinian enclave, via the institutions of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNWRA), are also questioned because they insidiously transform the struggle for rights policies of a sovereign state struggling to obtain humanitarian aid. Relief that will never be able to meet the basic needs of the population. Before the start of the October 7 war, 50% of Gazans were unemployed while 80% of them lived below the poverty line, dependent on international aid. Furthermore, Gaza workers remain a reservoir of underpaid labor for the Israelis who orchestrate entries and exits from the territory. Gaza lacks everything. Food, medicine and water. Due to pollution, 95% of Gaza's water is undrinkable and 97% of seawater is unfit for swimming.

Like most directors, Roland Nurier did not obtain authorization to return to Gaza. He therefore made his film in collaboration with the French-speaking Gazan cinematographer Iyad Alasttal (documentarian and creator of the series Gaza stories). The images and testimonies come to us both from inside Gaza and from the presence of Palestinians in exile, journalists, researchers, activists, anti-Zionist Jews, Israelis committed against colonization. Roland Nurier assumes, with his interlocutors, to put an end to the false symmetry of the conflict and claims the legitimacy of Palestinian resistance in all its forms. This gives on screen, the highlighting of a large sample of women and men from all backgrounds, who each have a clear and powerful voice, which unfortunately we cannot all quote: Abeer Hamad, artist Franco-Palestinian, Jean-Pierre Filiu, historian, Sylvain Cypel, journalist, Gassan Wishah, historian of Gaza, Eleonore Bronstein, co-founder of the De-Colonizer association, Ronnie Barkan, anti-Zionist Israeli dissident, Yonatan Shapira, former pilot of the Israeli Air Force, Bassem Naim, member of Hamas, Gilles Devers, lawyer appointed by Palestine to the ICC, Ahmed Abu Rutaima, initiator of the “return marches”, Maryam Abu Daqqa, head of the Front for Gaza Popular Movement for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), currently in France for a conference tour and whose Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has requested the expulsion…

Testimonies and analyzes that allow us to understand the complexity of the issues and to thwart the attempts of the Israeli state to make Gaza a “zoneof non-international law” and who say with one voice: “Rights are not given. They are acquired through struggle».

We are struck by the rage for life of the Palestinians of Gaza who form a society in the middle of the rubble. Young dancers from Dabké practice and communicate the power of this traditional dance which is transmitted like language, hair in the wind, in the middle of the ruins. Today, we cannot help but wonder if the protagonists of Yallah Gaza are still alive.

source: The Diplomatic World

  1. Olivier Pironet, “In Gaza, a people in cages», Le Monde Diplomatique, September 2019.
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