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Active member
Wrong yet again.

I think I will start now though.

What passes for thinking is going to make me start drinking.

Great job processing my point and missing it entirely.

Onwards to ad hominem attacks!!

I'll catch up with you in a few drinks.
Hypocrisy again.....


I'm messin of course but feel the casualties thing is heavily swayed at around 9:1 and of the casualties on one side the 9000, 62% are women and children..

I don't know how you deal with getting Hamas but this isn't it.

I don't even drink these days but thinking I should start if this carries on ...
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Several of my favorite message boards related to my non cannabis professional work booted me for saying the vaccine doesn’t stop infection or transmission.
from my experience here it's not so much what you say,but how you say it. i don't particularly care what opinions people express,but if they are constantly assholes about it then action needs to be taken.i don't know about other sites but here the mods are volunteers and it's not like there's a mod rule book or any sort of guide to moderating


Well-known member
from my experience here it's not so much what you say,but how you say it. i don't particularly care what opinions people express,but if they are constantly assholes about it then action needs to be taken.i don't know about other sites but here the mods are volunteers and it's not like there's a mod rule book or any sort of guide to moderating
I’ve never had a problem with moderation here.

Covid showed the totalitarian urges from the left, and the current situation in Israel is showing the same energy from the right.

I feel like Americans in general have been giving into the totalitarian swarm mentality more and more as demonization of the opposition on a moral level became the norm.


Well-known member
I’ve never had a problem with moderation here.

Covid showed the totalitarian urges from the left, and the current situation in Israel is showing the same energy from the right.

I feel like Americans in general have been giving into the totalitarian swarm mentality more and more as demonization of the opposition on a moral level became the norm.
I agree with your take.

Covid was interesting sociologically and was an interesting time in terms of group thinks mentality all around.

I recall getting accosted from a stranger for wearing a mask in a Home Depot at one point. LOL. to me to each there own.

Vaccine mandates I did not agree with but I also acknowledge that many other vaccines are somewhat mandated.

I think for the most part liberals were concerned with overall public health and really believed the vaccines/masking were necessary to protect the vulnerable. Plus it was seen as a step to regaining some sense of relief and the ability to get back to normal. The science was flawed and yes the vaccines were fairly useless in terms of reducing transmission or infection, whether they protect you from severe illness is still not really known. and I also acknowledge the experimental nature of mRNA vaccines and their potential side effects.

On the other hand, many conservatives acteded like covid was a total hoax, the vaccines are intended to kill you or fill you with graphene and micro robots.

The fact that it all became so politically decisive was pretty bad, like most things, and I think there was a lot of room for middle ground.

When the pandemic first started I was very freaked out and really cautious. We saw a lot of crazy stuff in China, Italy, and NYC. I didn't really trust my health, especially my respiratory system, and I have carry a lot of responsibility for my wife and kids. So yes I was overly cautious which I think is understandable.

Being formerly somewhat of a radical leftist I found it really interesting that the folks on the right were becoming super untrustworthy of the government, and that they wanted to tear it down and occupy on J6. I also found it interesting that the liberal leaning that typically would not trust the government and big pharma of all factions, were screaming shit like trust the science.

What I think is really funny is the far left and right, despite hating one another for valid reasons, actually have a lot in common in terms of thinking and action.

Personally I somewhat reluctantly got my vaccines, so far they haven't killed us all. I didn't feel great about it. But I also did not subscribe that all these people who worked at Pfizer or whatever wanted to kill or depopulate the globe. Maybe I will be wrong, but if it's really that bad perhaps I would rather be dead anyways. I'm not planning to get anymore covid vaccines unless it is a better technology. My son actually just had covid and we all have had it 3 or 4 times. It has become more benign, though I still don't think it is good to catch it over and over but that's out of our control at this point.

I no longer want to tear the govt. down, but I wish things would change for the better. I don't support the govt. and I am not a proud American. I appreciate a lot about American culture and the people who live here but statistically I probably like 1 in 8 Americans. most people I think are ignorant assholes and I consider myself to be an ignorant asshole to some extent as well. But many people rely on the government for their structure and well being, not everyone is self driven or independent. The world is global, we cant tear it down as I don't think we could manage without the evil govt. I just wish we could gradually improve upon what we have, which the foundation was somewhat noble.

End rant.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Several of my favorite message boards related to my non cannabis professional work booted me for saying the vaccine doesn’t stop infection or transmission.

They probably didn't judge you on the facts.

They probably weighed your contribution by your attitude.

People could be annoying if they are repetitive with their claims without discussing them with their peers

moose eater

Well-known member
This is kind of interesting

Considering the source (USA Today tends to be more of a topical tabloid with a slight leaning toward the 'ra ra ree' team where the red white and blue is concerned), and the 'gentle approaching' of the concept of militaries that have historically employed the use of drugs for functional purposes where combat is involved, as well as use of terms like 'superhuman powers,' especially noting that the common knee-jerk reaction among the reading public in the west where discussion of chemicals is concerned, I'd list it as a moderate bit of propaganda, still mildly incorporating a twist of dehumanization toward the Hamas group responsible for the assault on 10/7.

The US Air Force has used both 'go pills' and 'no/don't go pills' for their pilots; Navy too. Flying an inordinate number of missions, Dexedrine and similar drugs have been used. At a moment of cancellation of a mission, and needing to maximize sleep, the 'no go pills' (downers or sedatives) have been used, too..

The Air Guard pilots that strafed Canadian APC's with A-10 Warthogs in Afghanistan after violating protocol for determining the presence of friendlies, had been wired on military-provided amphetamines for a good while, and this was presented at their trials (The JAG's response to that bit of evidence was... both entertaining and hypocritical).

The Nazis were said to use amphetamines for extended combat applications as well.

"Better living through chemistry..."

The use of the term 'highly addictive' is bandied about loosely these days, no longer distinguishing between those things/drugs that are physically addictive (opiates) and for which withdrawal is sometimes dangerous, such as benzodiazepines (valium, xanax, ativan, etc.) and alcohol, versus those things or drugs that are merely psychologically addictive due to their dopamine effect, such as cocaine, methamphetamine, Dexedrine, etc. Or for some, chocolate or strawberry milkshakes.

Over all, I read it as somewhat of a propaganda piece.

They might well have ended it with Elmer Fudd saying, "BE AFWAID!! BE VE-WEE AFWAID!!" :)
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Well-known member
They probably didn't judge you on the facts.

They probably weighed your contribution by your attitude.

People could be annoying if they are repetitive with their claims without discussing them with their peers
No, anything outside the official narrative at the time was grounds for being kicked. We were told our misinformation was killing people.


from the future

Nuclear deterrence: New failure of the American intercontinental missile​


by RT France

A Minuteman III missile exploded in flight due to an “anomaly” in early November. This is the third failure in five years of the American intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

The test of the American Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), fired towards the Marshall Islands from the Vandenberg base, in California, did not go as planned. In a statement released on November 1, the Air Force Global Strike Command announced that it had “safely ended» tested by detonating it in mid-flight, “due to an anomaly».

On the side of the US Air Force, we are procrastinating, especially since a South Korean delegation was invited to attend this test. “The commandment learn lessons of each test launch“, declared a spokesperson. “Collection of launch data helps identify and correct any issues with the weapon system to ensure the continued reliability and accuracy of the Minuteman III", she added concerning this missile presented by the American army as "the product of almost 60 years of improvement keep on going».

A missile which the Americans fire frequently. “This type of testing has been done over 300 times and has nothing to do with current world events», Declared the American Air Force at the beginning of September, during a successful test. Put into service in the 70s, the American army would have 400 products of these nuclear-capable devices produced by Boeing and distributed in silos on US Air Force bases in Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota.

Several recent failures, despite half a century of attempts​

In May 2021, the procedure for launching a Minuteman III had been interrupted due to a technical problem. At the end of July 2018, another missile had must have been destroyed in flight due to an “anomaly”. Same scenario in July 2011, where a machine had been destroyed in flight, on the heels of another failure five weeks earlier.

As for the successor to the Minuteman III, the Sentinel, which must take over in the 2030s for the trifle of 96 billion (for their development and acquisition alone), seems to have gotten off to a bad start. During its first test, in July 2022, the missile exploded even before to take flight.

If the Minuteman is currently the only ground-launched missile in the United States nuclear arsenal, it also includes the Trident sea-to-ground missiles, deployed aboard nuclear-class ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). Ohio, as well as B-61 gravity bombs transportable by B-2 and B-52 strategic bombers.

source: RT France



from the future

CTBT: Russia revokes its ratification​


by Oleg Nesterenko

After the suspension by the Russian Federation of its participation in the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms Start-II/SNV-III, on February 23, 2023, which was only a logical and perfectly predictable continuation in view of the new character of Russian-Western relations established since the beginning of 2022: faced with the threat declared and partially implemented by the collective American-centric West vis-à-vis Russia, the latter has proceeded to legal removal of restrictions on the development of its strategic weapons – today, this is a new significant step that has been taken by Moscow as part of strengthening its national security.

Following the absolute majority vote of the State Duma (lower house of the Federal Assembly/Parliament of the Russian Federation) in favor of the revocation of the Russian ratification of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), on October 18, and following the unanimous vote by the Federation Council (upper house) to the same effect, on October 25, – there is no doubt in the signing of the law by President Vladimir Putin who will follow and bring into force said revocation of ratification.

Previously, Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that the bill was signed by 438 out of 450 deputies, emphasizing that consolidation of such magnitude is quite rare and is only a response to the crude attitude of the United States towards its responsibilities in maintaining global security.

For his part, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for International Affairs Sergey Kislyak said: “The article on the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of the Federal Law of the Year 2000 has been repealed. Other provisions of the law relating to the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the participation of the Russian Federation in it remain unchanged.". The senator stressed that the CTBT is an important instrument in the field of arms control and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. “This is how our country has considered this treaty for all these years, requesting the accession of all States to it. The revocation of ratification does not prevent the pursuit of a constructive approach. Russia remains a signatory state with all the rights and responsibilities that entails».

The Russian Federation, along with the United States of America, signed the Treaty on September 24, 1996, expecting, like the rest of humanity, that the CTBT would become a major international legal instrument prohibiting all types of nuclear tests and would put an end, forever, to the danger of nuclear apocalypse that hovered over the world during the Cold War.

However, an international state agreement is only considered valid and comes into force upon ratification by the signatory countries, otherwise it has no more legal value than a simple “letter of intentions” which does not. 'has none. Moscow ratifies its commitment on June 30, 2000; Washington never did it. Thus, the classic policy of double standards of the United States and chronic irresponsibility in the face of international security issues has destroyed the very meaning of the existence of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Twenty-seven years later, it has still not entered into force and with the retaliation in the form of the current withdrawal of ratification by Russia, the first nuclear power – the Treaty can be considered dead and buried.

Such arrogant attitude of the American state is based, above all, on the belief of being a superior nation chosen by God to rule the world forever – the laws are written for the inferior nations. Belief, which is as deep as ignorance not only of the unenviable history of all past empires, but also of one's own history. The ignorance which makes it forget the humility which can recall the historical reality: the only capacities and aptitudes possessed by the United States of America were, only 200 years ago, to have cotton grown by slaves and to perpetrate the large-scale massacres of the continent's indigenous populations, in order to steal their lands and resources.

Despite the propaganda carried out by the “Atlanticist” power via the Western mainstream media accusing Russia of breaking the architecture of global nuclear security, the reality is very different from their narrative: the Russian initiative is only a measured response and logical to the long-standing American warlike strategy regarding nuclear weapons.

The non-ratification of the CTBT by the United States, signed in 1996, is by no means the only American initiative, in order to keep the world in the tension of the permanent danger of a nuclear war. Washington is already the author of the withdrawal, in June 2002, of the ABM treaty on the limitation of defense systems against ballistic missiles; the withdrawal, in May 2018, from the Vienna agreement on Iranian nuclear power; the withdrawal, in August 2019, of the INF Treaty on intermediate-range nuclear missiles, as well as the withdrawal, in May 2020, of the “Open Skies” Treaty on the verification of military movements and arms limitation.

It is not since the start of the war in Ukraine, but for more than 20 years that the United States of America has been pursuing a policy of disengagement from international obligations previously undertaken: the unilateral withdrawal of all key international agreements on nuclear arms control, apart from that on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, signed in 1968, and that of Start-II.

Noting this, the Russian Federation is taking measures with regard to its nuclear deterrent force which is rightly considered as a sufficient element to ensure its mission: to deter adversaries. to engage their armed forces in a direct confrontation with Russia, which, according to current Russian military doctrine, would lead directly to retaliatory nuclear strikes on enemy strategic targets.

Among countries with nuclear weapons, the United States of America leads those that have never ratified their commitment to the CTBT. Several other countries with nuclear weapons have not ratified the Treaty, or even never signed it: Israel, North Korea, China, Pakistan and India. But it is to the United States that the message of Russia's new attitude towards nuclear tests is addressed. The United States, increasingly aggressive on the international scene in view of the imminent collapse of its global political-military domination which is due to the inevitable progressive annihilation committed to American monetary domination and the petrodollar system established in 1979.

As part of the United States' struggle for survival as a dominant power, the intensification of its hostilities vis-à-vis the rest of the world and the creation of new centers of armed conflict will only intensify in the proportional degree of the diminution of their supremacy.

Thus, Moscow's declarations stipulating that new nuclear weapons tests will only take place on the Russian side if Western hostilities towards Russia increase, including possible nuclear tests by the Americans, cannot be considered otherwise than by the formal notice before the start of testing of new revolutionary nuclear weapons in the possession of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

A new geostrategic balance, now inevitable, is being established. The balance which will no longer be based on agreements, treaties and partnerships between Russia and the collective West, but on military parity adjusted in tight flow between the parties.


from the future

Putin said Russia successfully completed tests of new nuclear-powered strategic missile​


by Julia Talmazan

President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia had successfully completed tests of a new nuclear-powered strategic missile and could revoke its ratification of a nuclear test ban treaty, raising fears that Moscow could resume its nuclear tests for the first time in decades.

The Russian leader's resumption of nuclear talks on Thursday came amid escalating rhetoric among Kremlin hawks, with a prominent propagandist coming under fire this week for saying Russia should detonate a nuclear weapon over Siberia to send a message to the West.

In his hour-long speech at a forum in the southern city of Sochi, Putin said Moscow had almost completed work on “modern types of strategic weapons», which he announced for the first time in 2018.

«The latest successful test of the Burevestnik, a global-range cruise missile with a nuclear propulsion system, has been carried outsaid Putin.

The question now, according to Putin, is to resolve certain procedures “purely administrative and bureaucratic» in order to move into mass production of these weapons and put them into combat service. “We will soon", he added.

source: Bruno Bertez


Well-known member
That's humans for you...

Only if you want to act like an animal.
thats easy to say when you sit in a comparable ivory tower compared to what the palestinians are facing on a day to day basis.

if i bulldoze your house and tell you you don't live there any more, throw your sister into an oven, put a bullet directly into your pops cranium youre not gonna respond? if you do you're a terrorist.

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