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Well-known member
I find it hilarious that the same people for suppressing speech 3 years ago are being suppressed. Maybe now both sides will value freedom of speech, but I doubt it. People that were crying about being silenced now want to silence anything not pro Israel.

moose eater

Well-known member
I find it hilarious that the same people for suppressing speech 3 years ago are being suppressed. Maybe now both sides will value freedom of speech, but I doubt it. People that were crying about being silenced now want to silence anything not pro Israel.
With such a broad brush, it's left unclear as to which groups have teetered regarding free speech, and what sorts of speech is allegedly being ridiculed or defended/embraced.

A broad brush often makes for unequal comparisons and a sloppy paint job.

I assume you're aware that both sides of the Congressional aisle are overwhelmingly anti-Palestine, no?


from the future

More than 5,400 soldiers, 28 tanks, 10 aircraft: what’Ukraine lost in a week​

From 28 October to 3 November, Russian forces repelled 52 attacks, shot down 10 aircraft and intercepted 274 enemy drones, according to the weekly Russian defense report. Kiev lost 5,435 men.
This week, the Russian armed forces carried 15 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones on missile and ammunition depots, as well as on places of deployment of ukrainian military, nationalists and mercenaries, according to the weekly balance sheet published by the Russian defense ministry on November 3.
The strikes also targeted’ maintenance hangars of’ aircraft, aerial and maritime drone manufacturing workshops, as well as groups of foreign instructors.
In one week, fighter jets and air defense shot down 10 Ukrainian planes and a helicopter.
Four ATACMS missiles, three JDAM guided bombs, three HARM anti-radar missiles, 51 HIMARS rockets and 274 drones were intercepted.

Losses of Kiev on the different axes:

Kupiansk Axis: more than 755 military personnel, seven tanks, 8 armored vehicles, 17 vehicles, 16 pieces of’artillery, two multiple rocket launchers.

Axis of Krasny Liman: more than 920 soldiers, three tanks, 14 other armored vehicles, 19 vehicles, five pieces of’artillery.

Donetsk Axis: more than 1,340 military personnel, seven tanks, 22 other armoured vehicles, 22 vehicles, 19’artillery, four multiple rocket launchers.

South Donetsk Axis: more than 1,110 soldiers, seven tanks, 11 armored vehicles, 28 vehicles, 9 pieces of’artillery, a multiple rocket launcher.

Zaporozhian Axis: more than 760 soldiers, four tanks, 28 armored vehicles, 27 vehicles, 14 pieces of’artillery, a multiple rocket launcher.

Kherson Axis: about 550 military, 11’artillery, 40 vehicles, 35 different boats.
Special military operation, data as at 3 November 2023 - Sputnik Africa


from the future

3500 children killed in Gaza in three weeks is extermination​


by Faouzi Oki

Pentagon-sanctioned Israeli genocide is beyond imagination

Israel's Pentagon-supported genocide has left more than 3457 Palestinian children killed since October 7, 2023. This toll exceeds the number of children killed in all conflict zones in the world. This is a war crime unforgivable by humanity. South Africa has encouraged the international community to investigate Israel's violations of international law by killing Palestinian children. Insisting that Tel Aviv must be held accountable under international law, in the context of the ongoing war against the Gaza Strip since October 7. The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation said in a statement on Tuesday:

«More than 3457 Palestinian children have been killed since October 7, and the number exceeds those killed in all conflict zones around the world since 2019».

The press release emphasizes that “killing children is a war crime and those responsible for these deaths must be tried for terrorism", noting that Israel, as the occupying entity, has no right to defend itself by military means. In the current context those who encourage and financially support Israel's illegal use of force must be investigated for aiding and abetting violations of international law. The Palestinian death toll from Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip has risen to 8306 deaths, announced the Ministry of Health of the blockaded enclave. “The dead included 3457 children and 2136 women, while more than 21 people were injured" Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra said at a press conference in Gaza.

Note that 25 hospitals were put out of service and 25 ambulances were targeted by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. Save the Children estimates that these figures are likely to rise given that more than 1000 children are missing, many of them trapped under ruins and rubble following Israel's airstrikes on Gaza. The NGO reported that the number of children killed in Gaza over the past three weeks has exceeded the annual number of children killed in all the world's conflict zones. Since October 7, more than 3257 children have been killed. This includes at least 3195 in Gaza, almost a hundred in the occupied West Bank. Children represent more than 40% of the 7703 people killed in Gaza. Faced with these crimes against humanity, the blood of non-Western peoples has no value for the West.

France, Britain and Germany strengthen Jewish temples

In front of every Jewish school or synagogue everyone sees two French soldiers or police officers stationed carrying a G36 assault rifle. This new measure taken in Europe aims to strengthen security in Zionist temples. Indeed after the Hamas attack against Israel, Germany strengthened police protection of Jewish and Israeli institutions, while the streets of Berlin were the scene of rallies in support of the Palestinians, reports the media Fars quoting Channel News Asia.

«In Berlin, police protection was immediately reinforced", German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told the newspaper BILD. She added that German authorities were also closely monitoring potential Hamas supporters in the Islamic sphere. In France, the Minister of the Interior in Toulouse last October Gérald Darmanin, who came to meet the firefighters and the municipal police, announced the strengthening of security at places of Jewish worship after the Hamas attack on Israel; reinforced security also around Jewish schools. According to France 3, Gérald Darmanin spoke during his visit to Toulouse. The French Minister of the Interior announced the strengthening of security at Jewish places of worship and Jewish schools, particularly in Paris and its suburbs, it was reported.

Faouzi Oki


from the future
Alert: Satanic Ritual of Mass Human Sacrifice


by State of the Nation

First, some essential information to fully understand the unique Hebrew tradition of Bible prophecy and subsequent fulfillment.

“Sacred Scriptures are transformed into profane scriptures”

Revisionist Historians for World Peace

The mundane affairs of humanity are often controlled by enigmatic scriptural prophecies and obscure calendrical predictions. Most of these centuries-old prophecies and the predictions that support them were originally passed down through ancient oral traditions. When they arrived, they were then written on scrolls and tablets. In this way, they could be referred to at critical times to impress future generations with the awesome power and truthfulness of the prophets. Eventually, all important prophecies were recorded by scribes, just as the most important predictions were preserved by astrologers.

There is an old saying paraphrased as follows:

Religious authority always trumps financial/economic power, which in turn always trumps political influence; Political power and influence, in turn, always trump military force.

What is little known is that the major monotheistic traditions of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world each had their own respective agendas regarding their end-times prophecy. Over the millennia, the “carrot and stick prophecy” has become a very useful tool for keeping the congregation in check, as well as entire populations in check. As cities sprang up from the plains and dotted the coasts, immorality and wrongdoing increased. The ruling class increasingly looked to prophets and astrologers for divine intercession.

For these and other reasons, the prophetic agendas of some kingdoms have become more self-serving and manipulative over time. In some historical contexts, they have become downright exploitative and oppressive. The entire genre of secret societies developed in response to this type of abuse and misuse of prophetic influence, occult knowledge, and mystical power. Gradually, the resulting societal tension evolved into an ever-present polarity that has further materialized in the numerous and diverse conflicts of this current ERA OF CONFLICT.

The key point here is that some of the most tribal and controlling religious organizations, emerging from this ever-polarizing context, have used both prophecy and prediction in a dishonorable manner. In certain places and times, prophecies were actually spoken and/or written down so that they could then come true. In these cases, the “prophets” chosen by the ruling cabal, who had fabricated the prophecy, were also able to guarantee their manifestation…on a specific day and in a specific location. Likewise, many court astrologers are known to use their "powers" in similar ways. In this highly scripted way, kings and queens became gods and goddesses; priests and prophets became deities.

Because the Judaic tradition is the oldest of the three major Western religions, it has had the longest time for "opportunities" to arise in which "sacred scriptures are transformed into secular scriptures." Therein lies the crux of this essay. The predictive power embedded in the Jewish Scriptures and the Hebrew calendar is now unquestionable.

Again, what is presented here is the idea that the authors of the prophecy assured, through their future religious lineage, that the prophetic statements would come true...exactly as they are written. Because prophecies (and predictions) were literally designed and planned in advance, they could be properly carried out at the right time and place. In this way, prophets and authors became partners in a millennia-old conspiracy to imprison humanity either in a financial penitentiary, an economic plantation, or both.

However, as this totally fraudulent system of the Beast is no longer viable, all the cogs of the Zionist juggernaut are coming apart in real time. And the transparently organized crisis and unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza reflect this harsh reality. As following :


What is happening now in Gaza goes beyond the biblical...beyond the apocalypse​

by The Armchair Prophet

In reality, Palestinians are the victims of a long-planned and highly organized satanic human sacrifice by the Synagogue of Satan.

However, it is essential that each witness understands that this utterly horrific and ongoing sacrifice has two main perspectives.

First, that the Zionist State of Israel deliberately chose 7/10 to begin this heinous and satanic mass human sacrifice the very day after the conclusion of the Jewish fall holidays, October 6, 2023. Which makes the perpetrators Israeli Zionists the high priests leading this execrable and ignoble sacrifice. Which will inevitably prepare them for their greatest fall from power since the beginning of biblical history. It is already proven that Israel had very few friends in the global community of nations before October 7; and now they have even less. After all, what self-respecting country or people would ever want to associate themselves – in any way – with such a savage and bloodthirsty nation? Well, as was to be expected, ZOGs from the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are joining in this crime.

Second, Palestinians have unwittingly sacrificed themselves in order to enlighten the entire planetary civilization about the deeply evil and satanic nature of the Zionist State of Israel. The key word here is “unintentionally.” The now daily massacres of Palestinians at the hands of their Zionist oppressors are seen, heard and felt around the world. And this sacrifice will soon have serious and rapid repercussions for these incorrigible practitioners of mass ritual human sacrifice of satanic obedience. For this ancient ritual of human sacrifice dates back to the very first tribes of Israel; although they have kept this dirty little secret cleverly hidden throughout the modern era...until now.

Even though the Palestinians were chosen by destiny to play this extremely unfortunate role, someone had to do it. Because only then could the criminal state of Israel expose itself as blatantly as it has since October 7.

Now that the Apartheid nation-state of Israel has completely removed its mask and exposed the BEAST that it truly is, countries around the world are dismissing it as an extremely dangerous rogue entity, brazenly capable of committing any evil or iniquity!

Zionism and the Mark of the Beast: “666”​

That the flag of Israel, with its six-pointed star, is the MARK OF THE BEAST, should be obvious to everyone on planet Earth today who knows the demonic 666 meme.

Many revisionist historians and biblical scholars have gone so far as to identify the international Zionist movement as the true source of the "666" mark of the beast. Because the United States has been completely controlled by the Zionist neoconservatives, who are directly responsible for so much of the world's warmongering, anyone who aligns with them in spirit or practice wears the insignia of "666." How so ?

The Star of David has the number “6” written on it. Not only is it a 6-pointed star known as a hexagram, but it is formed by the 6 sides of two interpenetrating triangles. It also has 6 smaller triangles as well as 6 angles around its perimeter. In short, the Star of David, which defines the Israeli national flag, represents the geometric shape par excellence with the numerology “666”.

Unknown to most, the Star of David (although quite ancient dating back to the Vedic period of India) is in fact a fairly recent symbol adopted by Eastern European Jewish communities in the XNUMXth century with the rise of Zionism. It has become increasingly popular in recent decades after the birth of the Zionist movement and has gained ground across Europe.

The hexagram has since been incorporated into the flag of Israel and has become the most recognizable symbol of international Zionism. Due to Israel's highly combative and uncivilized behavior, its national flag has also become a symbol of its war criminality and apartheid regime, state terrorism and institutionalized violation of the law. It is certain that the future will not be kind to the modern State of Israel, given its barbaric and lawless behavior throughout the world.

source: State of the Nation


from the future

Medvedev ruthless with the European Union, this “aging prostitute”​

by Tyler

This text was written by MP and head of the Russian Security Council Dmitri Medvedev.

It was published in Russian on his Vkontakte account, taken up by Telegram accounts.


The European Union is today de facto incapable of acting independently not only on the international stage, but also on the European stage.

Virtually all EU countries stood to attention in front of the United States and Great Britain and obediently began to follow their instructions to support the Nazi regime in Kiev. And now there is no order at all. The EU has squandered its international authority as a mediator in any conflict. And Europe today, alas, plays the role of an aging prostitute, responding without flinching to all the whims of foreign clients.

Europe has castrated itself bloodily and without anesthesia by refusing energy cooperation with our country. It has been spoiled or frozen for a very long time. But now America, rubbing its hands, is supplying Europe with its LNG at triple the price. Hard times are here to stay for a long time.

European companies have suffered colossal irrecoverable losses by leaving our country. Their loss is measured in tens of billions of dollars (and with lost profits, in hundreds). But while they may be able to cover their financial losses at some point, they will hardly be able to cover their losses in image and reputation. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to return to Russia.

We are no longer even neighbors, but real enemies. The EU has lost Russia as a long-term strategic partner. We are not happy about it, but it is a fact. By deciding to become our country's worst enemy at the request of the United States, Europe has moved closer to final degeneration.

The great powers will sooner or later agree on how they will live in the foreseeable future in new conditions. Washington cannot distance itself from Russia, China and the South. And it doesn't make sense for us to start a real conflict with America.

But dear little old Europe will soon no longer be there. She was mercilessly limited in her rights by her big-headed overseas relative, in whom she trusted completely. First, he cynically stripped the well-off old lady of many sources of livelihood and sent her millions of poor relatives. Soon he will simply throw the senile old lady out into the cold street, mercilessly slamming the door of his own house behind her.

source: The Rebel Sheep


from the future

How the Land of Israel Was Invented, According to Shlomo Sand​

How the land of Israel was invented! “In the Israeli-Palestinian war, there is one aspect that should never be underestimated. Zionism has carried out a gigantic manipulation of Jewish history, memory and identities. It is this manipulation which allows the majority of Jews (both in Israel and in the rest of the world) to support a colonialist and militarist project which destroys Palestine a little more every day and generalizes apartheid.».

Pierre Stambul, in the text below, confirms and extends the theses of Shlomo Sand that I recently mentioned. Of course, everyone can share or not all of Shlomo Sand's theses reported by Pierre Stambul.

Michel Peyret


A murderous myth, “God gave this land to the Jewish people”

by Peter Istanbul

In a previous work (“The Invention of the Jewish People», Fayard, 2008), Shlomo Sand had reduced to little two fundamental myths of Zionism: exile and return. No, there was no mass exodus of Jews during the destruction of the Temple by Titus' troops in 70 AD. JC. Today's Jews are not descendants of the ancient Hebrews. They are mainly descended from converts. The Zionist idea that after centuries of exile, they would have returned to the land of their ancestors is a fiction.

This time, Shlomo Sand tackles another murderous myth. For members of the national-religious current, “God gave this land to the Jewish people» and in the name of these fundamentalist conceptions, the Palestinians are intruders. But “secular” Zionists share this same conception. They turned the Bible into a book of colonial conquest by asserting that Jews have always had an unwavering attachment to “the land of Israel,” which gives them exclusive property rights. It is this myth of the earth that he puts through the mill with a pleasant style and numerous historical and bibliographical references. In short, this is an absolutely essential book.

Personal stories

In "The Invention of the Jewish People», Shlomo Sand told some personal anecdotes. His old friendship with the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, banished from his own country and who could not even be buried in his village of origin (which no longer exists). The story also of his father-in-law, Catalan and survivor of the Spanish Civil War who ended up “landing” in Israel.

There, Shlomo gives us some touches of his origins. He was born in one of those camps for Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide for whom there was only one possible destination: Israel. The Palestinians paid for a European crime.

In 1967, Shlomo was a soldier in an army that bloodily conquered East Jerusalem. He describes the nationalist fever of the young people around him, this certainty of “return to the land of their ancestors". It also describes a gratuitous war crime: an old Palestinian tortured to death by this army which claims to be moral. His writing is then imbued with great emotion.

Shlomo Sand is professor of history at Tel Aviv University. Its university, located in the suburbs of the city, was built on one of the many villages (several hundred) wiped off the map with the expulsion of the Palestinian population in 1948. The inhabitants of this village did not fight and hoped until the end that they would not be expelled. The State of Israel practices total negationism on the true history of this land and in particular on the Palestinians. Shlomo evokes the action of the Israeli anti-colonialist association “Zochrot” which revives the memory of these villages wiped off the map.

Shlomo was active in the far-left anti-Zionist Matzpen movement in the 80s. He no longer defines himself as anti-Zionist. However, even more than the previous one, his book very effectively demolishes Zionist myths.

He favors two states living side by side in Palestine that would be states of all their citizens. However, he writes: “Apparently, the occupation, which has entered its fifth decade, is preparing territorially for the constitution of a binational state.».

He is against the right of return of Palestinian refugees. He explains by way of comparison that we will not bring back the millions of Germans from Eastern countries, descendants of those who were expelled in 1945. However, he clearly shows how the expulsion of Palestinians from their country in 1948 was criminal, as Israel made their expulsion definitive. His investigation into the village destroyed to build its university (and its inhabitants) is precise and uncompromising.

He hoped before 1967 that his country would be able to normalize and make a just peace. Bitterly he writes: “I did not know that I would live most of my existence in the shadow of an apartheid regime, while the “civilized” world, particularly because of its guilty conscience, would feel obliged to compromise with it, and even to give him support". The word “apartheid” is often used in the book to describe the current reality.

A land inhabited by many peoples and a religion from abroad

In "The Invention of the Jewish People», there is a difficult chapter for a non-specialist on the notion of “people”. This time, Shlomo examines the notions of homeland, borders, land law and blood law. Difficult chapter but whose conclusion is clear. The Zionists' claim to return to their “homeland” in the name of a rewritten history is not based on any of the different constructions of homelands that history has known.

What was the land that is now Israel/Palestine called in history? How important is Jerusalem?

The Bible speaks of Canaan and states that the Hebrews came from abroad. The two central characters, Abraham and Moses, would have come, one from Mesopotamia, the other from Egypt. These characters are legendary. The book of Joshua (which is a true apology for ethnic cleansing and genocide) evokes a land inhabited by many peoples who still remain there despite the massacres. In other words, the Jewish religion describes a people from outside with a terrible hatred for the natives.

In the Unveiled Bible, Israeli archaeologists estimated that the Bible was essentially written in the kingdom of Judea, shortly before the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (XNUMXth century BC). Shlomo Sand goes further. He believes the text was written by the literati who were allowed by the Persian emperor Cyrus to return to Jerusalem, or even later in the Hellenistic era. These scholars are surrounded by peasants who remain mainly pagan, which explains all the bad things that the Bible says about the natives.

In the book of books, the promise of land to the chosen people is always conditional. Everything is conditioned by the degree of intensity of faith in God. When today's religious settlers claim that "God gave them this land», they deviate greatly from their founding text. The region of Israel/Palestine was called Canaan and the region of Jerusalem Judea. This region had a heterogeneous population and diverse languages were spoken. It was not until the time of the Maccabees (XNUMXnd century BC) that the religion spread to new regions (Samaria, Galilee, Negev) and then further into the Roman Empire. There is no reference to the “promised land.” The Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria lived at the time of Jesus Christ and it is unlikely that he made any pilgrimage to nearby Jerusalem.

Contrary to the myth taught today in Israeli schools (the exodus of several million Jews when Titus' troops destroyed the second temple), there were three major Jewish revolts in the first and second centuries AD which reflect a fundamental antagonism between polytheists and monotheists. But no mass exodus and even less such a number. After the last Jewish revolt (Bar Kokhba, 135 AD), the region took the name of Palestine and the population converted to Christianity then five centuries later to Islam. There is no record of the term "Eretz Israel" (the land of Israel) at the time.

The Jewish religion and the absence of attachment to the land

The first commandment of the Talmud “explicitly prohibits the Jewish faithful from organizing to emigrate to the holy home before the coming of the messiah". Only a dissidence from Judaism, the Karaites will preach immigration to Palestine. Despite (like the Jews) a large dispersion in the world, the Karaites were present in Jerusalem when the city was taken by the Crusaders and there is still a Karaite synagogue in Jerusalem.

The Jewish scholars who visited the region in the Middle Ages were mainly looking for their co-religionists. One also notes that there are many more Jews in Damascus than in Jerusalem.

At the basis of Zionism is aliyah, the “rise” to Israel. It’s a manipulation: aliyah was (in Kabbalah) “the mystical ascension of the person which is condensed in the formula: ascension of the soul". From the 30th to the 3500th century, chronicles recorded only XNUMX Jewish pilgrimages to Palestine while they listed XNUMX accounts of Christian pilgrimages. There is nothing surprising in this. The pilgrimage is a Christian and then Muslim tradition. Jewish prayernext year in Jerusalem» evokes an imminent redemption and not an emigration. “The holy city is for the religious Jew a memory that nourishes the voice and not an attractive geographical site».

What if Zionism was a Christian invention?

Today we know the Christian Zionist movements. These evangelical movements very powerfully aided the colonization of Palestine financially and politically. Incidentally, these Zionist Christians are attached to an “unreal Jew”, not to real Jews. For them, the Jews must drive Armageddon (= evil = the Arabs) from the holy land and then convert to the “true faith”, otherwise they will disappear because this current is millenarian (and anti-Semitic). These Zionist Christians identified the colonization of new territories (North America, South Africa, Australia) with the conquest of Canaan by Joshua.

Mohamed Taleb had already gone further in the idea that Zionism has Christian origins. Zionist Christians are the “dissidents” of Protestantism (evangelists, puritans).

Shlomo Sand also talks about Anglicans and he accumulates facts about English history. From the 1656th century with the Reformation, the Bible was translated. The ancient Hebrew world as described in the Bible becomes familiar. The “unreal Jew” becomes sympathetic. After several centuries of ban on residence, Cromwell (in XNUMX) authorized the return of Jews to England (economic factors also play a role. The Jews expelled from Spain and refugees in the Netherlands contributed to the prosperity of this competitor).

Many British public figures speak of the “return” of the Jews to Palestine (in the XNUMXth century, Shaftsbury, Palmerston and of course Disraeli, Prime Minister). The British are showing growing interest in Palestine, an essential part of the route to India.

Starting with the pogroms of 1881, millions of Jews from the Russian Empire left for the West. They will mainly go to the United States because Britain closes its doors. Prime Minister in 1905, Lord Balfour had a very restrictive law adopted in 1905 against immigration, mainly that of Jews. He will publicly make anti-Semitic remarks. The same will send Rothschild the famous Balfour declaration in 1917. There is no contradiction. For Balfour, Jews are “unassimilable” if they come to Europe but they become settlers serving the interests of the British empire if they settle in Palestine. For many reasons, including the attachment to a familiar reading of the Bible, the Balfour Declaration gained consensus among leading British politicians.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, we therefore had the meeting of three political phenomena which made the Zionist project feasible: a Christian sensitivity coming from the Protestant world articulated with a British colonial vision, virulent anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe and the appearance of a Jewish nationalism which invented everything: history, land, language.

Zionism and the Jewish religion

We know the virulent criticism against Zionism, coming from the socialist Jews who were hegemonic in the European Jewish world until the Second World War. The Bund, a workers' party advocating "cultural autonomy" for Jews without a specific territory, was fiercely anti-Zionist. And the socialist or communist workers' parties in which many Jews were active were also very critical.

Less well known is the radical opposition of religious Jews to Zionism. Yacov Rabkin's book “In the name of the Torah», Jewish opposition to Zionism provides many facts. We often have in mind the current attitude of Jewish religious people. Since 1967, they have become predominantly colonialist, nationalist and racist like Ovadia Yossef, founder of Shass, or the chief rabbi of the city of Safed who forbids renting to “Arabs”. It was not always this way and Shlomo Sand recalls that, for religious people, the “holy land” was never the homeland of the Jews. Reform Judaism was against Zionism because it feared (rightly) that it would delay the march toward equal rights. Orthodox Jews were even harsher. Let us quote some of their words: “receive the Torah in the desert, without a country, without land ownership","The Zionists only aspire to shake off the yoke of the Bible and the commandments to retain only the national one, this is what their Judaism will be».

In Zionism, the land replaces the Bible, and prostration before the future state takes the place of fervor towards God.

When Theodor Herzl tried to rally the rabbis to Zionism, the vast majority of them would protest and even organize resistance to Zionist ideas. Several of them published a brochure in 1900: “enlightening book, for honest people, against the Zionist system».

Zionism is not only in contradiction with fundamental rights (refusal of racism, colonialism, inequalities), it is also in contradiction with religion. He nationalized religious Jewish language and transformed the Bible into a book of colonial conquest.

Zionism and the Arabs

The question of the presence of Arabs in Palestine at the start of the Zionist movement was almost never raised. Like most colonizers, the Zionists did not see (or did not want to see) the indigenous people.

However, while until 1922, the immigration of Jews to Palestine was authorized, this country remained 90% Arab at that time. And the Palestinians will make up 2/3 of the population when the 1948 war breaks out.

There were humanists among the Zionists who imagined peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians. Let us cite Ahad Haam or later Martin Buber. But they were quickly overwhelmed by supporters of the “transfer”, the expulsion of the Palestinians.

In his film “The earth speaks Arabic», the Franco-Palestinian filmmaker Maryse Gargour shows that all Zionist leaders were in favor of the “transfer” from 1930. They only differed on the method to achieve it.

Since 1930, most Zionist research into the past has attempted to locate and maintain the land of Israel at the center of "being Jewish." They came to an insane conclusion: “the Arabs seized the land of Israel in 634 and have remained there since then as foreign occupiers". Some propagandists even go so far as to compare it with the Arab presence in Spain which lasted more than 7 centuries. In fact, beyond all the texts of self-justification, Zionist colonization has known as only the limits of the balance of power. This is why the current Israeli government, which is fully supported by the West, seems to be able to get away with anything.

Shlomo Sand analyzes several myths which accompanied the Zionist conquest: that of work, that of the kibbutz which, beyond the egalitarian ideal, were above all instruments of conquest of the land reserved for Jews alone, and that of the Histadrut union , also reserved for Jews only. Kibbutzim were systematically installed in border areas to prevent the return of “infiltrators” (= Palestinian refugees). They are in decline today because we have moved to a new form of colonization.

Since 1967

The myth of the land guided Zionist policy. Since 1967, it has been its center.

Zionist colonization took place under the imaginary, dynamic and mobilizing aegis of the “redemption of the soil”.

Shlomo Sand is very harsh on the “Zionist left” which participated in all the conquests.

There was consensus for the concept of “Judaization of the land” which of course means the expulsion of the Palestinians. The most zealous nationalists came from the left: Moshe Dayan, Yigal Allon.

Shlomo Sand believes that the 1967 war was not premeditated by either side. I have doubts based on family testimony. A cousin of my father, a general in the Israeli Air Force, assured me in July 1967 that Israel had not been threatened, that the bombing projects had been ready for years and that colonization was going to take place. to start.

At the end of this war, the most eminent Israeli intellectuals signed the “manifesto for greater Israel», prelude to colonization. 20 years later and despite the Intifada, the principle of the “ethno-democratic” state has regained the upper hand. Zionism is an infernal machine that will not know how to stop itself.

To conclude

Logically, Israel today finds itself governed by a far-right coalition. The consensus that led to this comes in part from a completely rewritten history. As with his previous book, Shlomo Sand will surely be widely read in Israel. The Zionists will insult him. Eminent specialists will be sent to refute even undeniable facts. This book should help us dismantle murderous myths. The day when the “rupture of the home front” will be possible in Israel, this book, like the previous one, will help Israelis get rid of a falsified identity which contributes to destroying Palestinian society but which is also ultimately suicidal for Israelis. .

source: The big night


from the future

The ghost of freedom. A totalitarian West?​


by Roberto Pecchioli

Freedom is not in good health in the West, the self-proclaimed home of freedom. It risks transforming into a ghost, to the point of merging into a new form, no less insidious than the previous ones, of totalitarianism, where “harsh” methods (physical coercion, terror, elimination of dissidents, explicit prohibitions on thinking, speaking, associating, acting) are replaced by seduction, remote control, the progressive abolition of non-conforming ideas. It is the boiled frog method, the slow and steady shrinking of concrete freedoms, withdrawn one by one, always justified by noble motives: security, protection, defense of minorities, inclusion, hate speech, etc. We have not yet moved into pure totalitarianism, but the premises are there.

The title of this reflection contains two words (freedom and totalitarianism) whose meaning is not universally shared. The third category – the West – has long since lost all geographical connotation to become the name of the civilization articulated around political liberalism and economic liberalism, led by the United States, and composed of Western Europe, Israel and satellites of the former British Empire, with increasingly unruly offshoots in Central and South America. The West is a system of hegemony over humanity in the name of an illegitimate international oligarchy. He is the opposite of Europe, whose culture, roots and traditions he destroyed. Having achieved "imperial" power, he reversed Lord Acton's XNUMXth century prediction: power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Margaret Thatcher was a consistent exponent of this trend, for whom there is no alternative to the Western world model. The acronym TINA, there is no alternative, has become one of the mantras of an increasingly oppressive system in the name of the economic and financial freedom of a few giants. The denial of the possibility of alternatives is in itself a totalitarian concept.

The most significant definition of totalitarianism is that of Hannah Arendt. For the German Jewish thinker, contemporary totalitarianism is a political model distinct from historically known forms of authoritarian power such as despotism, tyranny and dictatorship. Where it seized power, it destroyed political traditions, crushed the previous social order, and pushed to the extreme the characteristics of mass society, such as the isolation and interchangeability of individuals.

Neo-totalitarianism not only demands political subordination, it also invades and controls the private and intimate sphere. Its objective is to replace the existing society with a radically different society, building over time another humanity. In this sense, there is no doubt that the globalist liberalism which triumphed after the defeat of communism and the discrediting of any other form of political, economic, social organization and values presents totalitarian features. Notably because of his alliance with the technological and scientific apparatus of which he is the engine and owner. The accusation made against state collectivism by Friedrich von Hayek, an ultra-liberal economist, turns against liberalism – which has emerged from itself to become globalism –: he who possesses all the means, determines all the ends. His own, of course. Another sign of totalitarianism.

With the same argumentative force, we can argue that a society based on "rights" cannot be totalitarian, that economic freedom has never been greater, and that the individual, in this corner of the world, has never been so great. is the West, has benefited from so many opportunities which have become “rights”. Both theses are valid. The author of these lines loves freedom and is wary of rights. Firstly because proclaiming rights without establishing corresponding duties breeds cynicism, social indifference, resentful individualism, withdrawal into a capricious “me”, tyrannical like a spoiled child. Then, the nature of the rights: social and community rights are erased, subjective rights are highlighted, in particular those linked to the instinctual and sexual sphere. Folded into radical individualism, pulverizing the community, the West also destroys society, the order which regulates principles, values, distinct but not incompatible interests.

The rights proposed always concern the subjective sphere and consider freedom as the absence of constraints (freedom 'from'), that is to say liberation. Of family, of authority, of natural affiliations, even of the most intimate identity. The model is the “trans”, a fluid, changing, provisional subject, detached from everything that exceeds his will, his pleasure, his preference, which have become incontestable. The right to no longer be something defined while making it a flag. Renounce all inheritance (except material; money and means become ends “there is no alternative”), consider happiness – the pursuit of which is a right – as the immediate satisfaction of impulses, desires , whims.

Consumption, permanent change of tastes, ideas, fashions, partners, profession, gender, “sexual orientation” and existentiality. Fragile weather vanes without sovereignty over themselves, pushed in the direction of the wind. Temporality as a life project. A logical absurdity which produces discomfort, tension, dissatisfaction to the point of schizophrenia and permanent dissatisfaction, the remedy for which is just as provisional: compulsive pleasure, the consumption of life – transformed into a commodity – to be restarted constantly. Good and evil, just and unjust? The concept of Calderón de la Barca applies, in the mouth of the fickle Sigismund: nada me parece justo, en siendo contra mi gusto. Nothing feels right to me if it's against my taste or preference.

Without realizing it, we have drawn the definition of addiction. The freedom of moderns is the result of addictions made just, to which it is not permitted to oppose ethical limits, legislative brakes, social reprobations, negative judgments. The outcome can only be equivalence, indifference to any common element in favor of selfish subjectivism. The resulting relativism becomes an absolute, with weak thinking prohibiting strong thinking. According to Benjamin Constant, the freedom of the ancients was a narrow political autonomy experienced in the right-duty of participation in the polis. That of the moderns is individual private freedom, including the right to social indifference. Result: dissolution of limits and links, replaced in fact by the imperium of the strongest, the one who blows on the weather vane, giving it the desired direction.

The freedom of moderns, which arises from the system of rights and the insincerity of individual choices (induced, heterodirected by a very powerful device) results in the absence of anchors, of shared principles. The paradox is that the only universal recognized is the prohibition of universals, the imposition of believing nothing because nothing is valid. Destructive nonsense.

By a singular association of ideas, we remember a passage from “The moon and the bonfires» by Cesare Pavese, an extreme ordeal for the writer, who committed suicide a few months after the publication of the novel. “A country is necessary, if only to escape. A country means not being alone, knowing that in the people, in the plants, in the earth, there is something that belongs to you, that even when you are not there, it is waiting for you". There is nothing left of us waiting for us, because we have severed all ties. Departure is often a journey with a planned return, where what we leave behind is a paragon, even in rejection.

The traveler needs compasses, objectives, an Ithaca – material and spiritual – to refer to, a community to which he feels part, a set of principles to adhere to, which can be rejected (“ the desire to leave") but which remain there, waiting, solid, stable, sometimes rough like Pavese's Langa. For the poet Antonio Machado, there are no footprints to follow, the path is our footprints. No hay camino, sino estelas en la mar: there is no path, only wakes in the sea. This – ennobled by the glittering beauty of verse – is the program of modern freedom. The wake remains for a moment, immediately erased by the waves.

Worse still, because of the easy omnipresence of the musical message that has influenced millions, is the abstract freedom of Imagine, the John Lennon song that is the manifesto of contemporary jubilant nihilism. “Imagine there is no heaven, If you try, it's easy. There is no hell below us, there is only heaven above us. Imagine that all people live only for today. Imagine there is no homeland. It's not difficult to do. There is no reason to kill or die. And no religion either».

Simple, evocative, life in pink. It is the soundtrack of the subtly totalitarian project of "rights", because if nothing is worth living or sacrificing, if we only exist for the moment, if we deprive meaning of any reality that exceeds, we cease to be men. It is the totalitarian mechanism of the ultimate West, with all its masks, the good feelings which hide the will to power of the oligarchies, the project of a gregarious, zootechnical humanity, controlled by technology, monitored 24 hours a day, where decisions are made by artificial devices belonging to an all-powerful dome, whose watchwords for the masses are the opposite of conduct.

The more we extol the value of solidarity, the more we live as strangers and indifferent and competing enemies. The more we cry for tolerance, the less we accept the other, the less we recognize the right to have ideas different from those which dominate today, in anticipation of the prescriptions of tomorrow. The more we preach freedom, the more we accept, the more we invoke surveillance, control, a life of free slaves in front of the window in millions of photocopies. We appreciate all forms of exhibitionism, which those in power call transparency to deny the right to the private, intimate, immaterial sphere.

What they call opportunities is the “virtuous” negation of concrete social rights. Enough job security, reasonable collective order, a public dimension, protected health care, education that is a culture, training in critical thinking, and not simple training in future tasks. If you don't succeed, it's your fault: you are a loser in the great dance of competition. You can console yourself with one of the thousands of addictions to which you are entitled: drugs, alcohol, sex, getting high, gambling, etc. No one can deny them to you, they are “rights”. Even suicide will soon be a right.

You don't have a decent salary although you work hard all day, but you can marry a person of your gender (master gender), buy the latest smartphone or the latest designer shirt on credit. You can go on an installment vacation and rent everything you want, from a suit to a Ferrari. Living on debt and rent, another anti-human totalitarianism. You can get high all night in the clubs and come back high. But on foot, because fifteen-minute towns are in preparation. No more car, make way for free mobility. They do it for the environment. God banished, humanity worships Gaia, the Earth personified: return of animism.

Metaphysics is excluded from knowledge and “humanist” knowledge is relegated to leisure, starting with history and philosophy, subjects which, as luck would have it, open the mind and allow personal judgment. The technological man doesn't care. The suppression of knowledge is a totalitarian operation, an ablation of personality for the benefit of slaves which atrophies entire areas of the brain.

Western civilization wants to be rational, scientific. “Civilization, progress, science, technology: words to which our contemporaries seem to attach a kind of mysterious power, independently of their meaning. Science, with a capital letter, like progress and civilization, law, justice and freedom, is one of those entities that it is better not to try to define and which risk losing all their prestige as soon as we starts looking at them a little too closely. All the conquests of which the modern world is so proud are reduced to big words behind which there is nothing, or very little: collective suggestion; illusion which, to be shared by so many individuals and to be maintained, cannot be spontaneous". (René Guénon) Exactly: soft totalitarianism.

source: Arianna Publishing


from the future

The secret presence of the US army in Yemen gives a new twist to the Houthi attack on Israel​


by Ken Klippenstein

If the war between Israel and Hamas spills over into Yemen, U.S. special operations troops stationed there could create geopolitical complications.

As the war between Israel and Hamas threatens to spill over into Yemen, the little-noticed presence of the US military on the ground in the war-torn country raises the specter of worsening US involvement in the conflict.

On Monday, Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels fired ballistic missiles and cruise missiles at Israel. According to Bruce Riedel, a former CIA analyst and regional expert, this is the first time ballistic missiles have been launched at Israel since Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein fired Scud missiles at Israel in 1991. The use of ballistic missiles represent a major escalation that threatens to spark a regional war, with U.S. troops stationed nearby.

«The best strategy to avoid being sucked into another war in the Middle East is to not have troops unnecessarily in the region».

«The best strategy to avoid being drawn into another war in the Middle East is to not send troops to the region unnecessarily and to repatriate those currently theresaid Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a Washington think tank that advocates for moderate foreign policy. “Their presence there does not make the United States…

Read more

source: The Intercept


from the future
WAR, FAMINE, FINANCIAL COLLAPSE… Every engineered crisis is a COVER STORY for a larger globalist crime or power grab



from the future

Paul Watzlawick and American quirks​

By Nicolas Bonnal

Watzlawick had written an exciting unconventional guide to the’use of’America. It was published in German, but not in English, and one quickly understands why so much this great reader of Gheorghiu, de Tocqueville or Dostoevsky was shocked by the monstrous characters of the American matrix that is finally engulfing us today’. The entire US civilization was programmed to lead/us to catastrophe : one feels point this aspect in books like « How to succeed in failing » or « Do your own misfortune » — all published at Seuil — that finally explain how the project western capote: by cult of perfectionism and the solution that creates the problem. It is clear from the rest that this failure is going to be ours and that’il will exterminate us — just as it torments the victims of this cult of solution.Whether’it is carbon, vaccine, digital security, everything is done to liquidate us in a bed of good intentions.

I love this passage on the father impossible in America ( we are not there a sound of a bitch for nothing ) :

« At the beginning of his treatise The American People, become a classic, the British’anthropologist Geoffrey Gorer analyzes the typically American phenomenon of father rejection, and’attributes it to necessity, which imposed practically on each of the thirty million’Europeans who emigrated to the United States between 1860 and 1930, to adapt as quickly as possible to the American economic situation. But, in striving to make his children (usually born in the United States) “real” Americans, he became, for the latter, an object of rejection and derision. Its traditions, its insufficient knowledge of the language and especially its values were a source of social embarrassment for the younger generation which was, in turn, victim of the reprobation of his children.This rejection of the father as a symbol of the past goes hand in hand with the overestimation of new values and therefore of youth. »
The cult of youth is’ that of the new commodity that hunts’other, said Debord. Here too :

« This rejection of the father as a symbol of the past goes hand in hand with the overestimation of new values and therefore of youth. The thirtieth anniversary is that fateful date that puts you off overnight, and better not talk about the fortieth. The same goes with the’engouement for all that is new, and derives its quality from this novelty, even if’it is an old fashioned out of the thrift store. »
The liquidation of the father is general : Lipovetsky had described the decline of the Muslim father in France as early as the 1980s in France (read the imposing’ Era of the Void) ; it was facilitated by the modes, the creation/manipulation of subculture and music intended for youth — and today’hui by technology that creates impassable barriers between technophiles and « little old » forty years. Smart-siphoned and Tik toasted are in their world.

But that's not all. Watzlawick recalls that it is not’ today’ that the’on sees a prodigious unculture and a prodigious American underinformation (and now in France and Europe). Americans are poor in information (come on, Tocqueville writes the same thing!) :

« Voluntarily, and d’spontaneously, Americans have reached a degree of’depletion of’information and a conformity of’opinions that would make governments of popular democracies faint with envy, and, concerned about’insuffler their line of thought to their recalcitrant subjects. I can only issue’en dilettante theoretical considerations on the way we got there, but you will realize, very quickly, that’il is really so. The freedom of’opinion and of the American press, so much boasted, exists, there is no doubt about it. »
We sold written the master this freedom for « the lens dish of conformity » (Macluhan also notices that’in America we have one hundred chains that spit all the same thing) :

« Nobody prescribes to the citizen what’il must think, believe or experience. But, either the Americans have sold this freedom for the lens dish of conformity, so beneficent, or they have never made use of it. In one case as in the’other, the result is the same : the slightest provincial daily from’Europe to the’west of the iron curtain gives you more’information about the world situation that’it is not possible to get in the United States. »
We see what is happening around the world: hunting for the virus, then hunting for Russian, then hunt for Palestinian — and « pro-Palestinian » (renamed « pro-Hamas » for short) who would find that eight thousand women and children killed that would make a lot — in the meantime the million deportees who will enchant the bourgeois bloc of Lordon.

Watzlawick explains how all this works, this information, how all this is transmitted, like a banal and disgusting fast food :

« In the United States, the newspaper you read does not matter, because their news, chewed and delivered in an aseptic packaging of metaphorical cellophane, is, all seem to come out of’a same and unique supermarket of’information. Even the style remains largely identical, and nasty languages claim that the training of’a journalist is limited to the’learning of three rules: 1.Tell them what you are going to tell them. 2.Tell them. 3.Tell them what you have just told them.(In French, because of the different senses of tell, tell, this gives :1.Announce to them (c’that is to say to the readers) what you will tell them. 2. Tell 'em. 3.Tell them what you just told them.) »
After we talk as on television with columnists and commentators (c’est Jean-Luc Godard who said that BHL was neither a writer nor a filmmaker, but an editorialist : in fact we are besieged by’atorialists-repetitors) :

« These products are then the OBJECT of’a subjective development in the elucubrations of chroniclers called columnists who, every day of the year, on the same page of the newspaper, humorously minimize certain events or comment on them in such a way as to make them edifying for any reader with an IQ. of 85. »
On the radio Watzlawick writes terrible lines (we think back to the beginning of Citizen Kane — or to cartoons of Tex Avery) :

« The countless American radio stations belong to the private sector and live on advertising programs. Their recreational functions no longer matter in the television age, and they serve only as background noise. Some of them appear to be fully automated and, if an incident with a disc or magnetic tape occurs, the device runs empty until someone realizes it. »
Like Macron's frown ( cf. my text on the « new people » ), the American from Watzlawick only wants to blend in with the crowd, live and think like everyone else ( Tocqueville or Francis Parker Yockey have written flamboyant lines on this subject, like Georges Duhamel ) :

« While’un European does not support’being taken for Mr. All-the-World, the major concern of’un American is not to deviate from the standards of the group. The difference leads to the’ expulsion of the group, the banning. Hence, probably, his reluctance to find himself alone in the restaurant, because it suggests that no one’ loves him. »
Watzlawick also presses on an important point : the’american has the right to happiness — c’est in its constitution and it’est a mistake of Jefferson says the master. This crazy and mandatory hunt for happiness will precipitate disasters.

« Perhaps this requirement of the right to happiness is related to this rage of psychology and therapy of Americans: no one hides that’il has been in analysis for years, he said, on the contrary, it is part, in a way, of its social prestige. »
The hunt for happiness requires a perfect couple; a perfect couple requires discussions and settling accounts; and there Watzlawick quotes a French researcher very forgotten :

« This process is apparently not new, but rediscovered, because in 1938 already the French journalist Raoul de Roussy de Sales described, in his essay Love in America, this cult of the “devastating truth” :
« The spouses seem to lose countless hours of the day and night to’analysis of the faults that taint their bond. They are convinced that’it is necessary — according to the precepts of most modern psychologists and pedagogues — resolutely face the truth (..) Whatever the’attract of this theory, its implementation in practice turns out to be generally fraught with consequences, and this for several reasons. First, the truth is an explosive that’it is necessary to handle with care, especially in married life. It is not necessary to lie, but juggling hand grenades for the sole purpose of proving one's fearlessness does not mean much. Secondly, the theory advocating absolute sincerity starts from the principle that’a love that does not resist permanent assaults does not deserve, anyway, to be maintained. There is, in fact,people who take their love life for an eternal battle of Verdun. And, once the defense system is irreparably damaged, the’un or even both partners invoke a hopeless mood’ incompatibility. As a result of which one divorces and the’on chooses someone’ of’other, with whom the’on will again be of a sincerity without care, the time of’a season. »
We have the impression of a screwball comedy where the married / engaged / partners are only two actors who speak quickly while breaking our ears : we will see the classic Howard Hawks puzzles on this subject who celebrate couples of childless actor-amateurs.

All this is also linked to the taste of chicane which is so American ( see this passage from Robert Reich which explains that in a hometown you have to be two lawyers to make a fortune ) :

« Americans in general, and Californians in particular, are the most chicanery people on earth », found, as early as 1977, the legal counsel of the governor of California, in, who seems well placed to know. In California, there are 62,000 lawyers, to which’ adds 5,000 new recruits per year. Across the federal territory, the number of lawyers increased from 250,000 in 1960 to more than 622,000 in 1984 and it is estimated that’ils will be over one million by 1995. How can one resist, in front of such an offer, to wear any’ before the courts ? »
The declaration of’independence was a strange date: the end of’humanity and its replacement by’anormality.


from the future

The HAaretz investigation exposes all Israeli lies of October 7​

Israel lied about it while committing genocide

By Aguellid

The first victim of war is the truth. While we are living through extremely dangerous times that can lead to a bloody and devastating 3rd world war, war propaganda is unleashed on the Israeli side. Yet this’ is an almost impossible mission because they want to make the aggressor colonist pass for a victim, which is unacceptable in the eyes of the vast majority of earthlings. As a result, they tried to make believe that on October 7th Hamas soldiers massacred women and children by throwing them into the ovens, rape and slaughter for free everything that moves !
Already, already, everyone agrees today’ to state that Benjamin Netanyahu knew perfectly well that something huge’ was in the process of being organized in Gaza since’il was warned by the Egyptian intelligence services. Yair Lapid recently held a press conference in which he discusses this extremely serious accusation. So we have a lawless Machiavellian Israeli leader who let a massacre happen in order to save his political career and his messianic delirium.
We also know today’ after numerous investigations in the kibbutzim that’a large part of the civilians killed him were by the response of the Israeli armed forces which was extremely violent. The Hamas fighters did not at all have the necessary strike force to knock down reinforced concrete walls; the latter were the ones who were bombed by Merkava tanks and helicopter gunships.
Worse still, the Israeli newspaper Haaretzhas published a list of nearly 900 killed on October 7, does not appear on this list any child, no baby, no infant ! How is this possible ? Yet this’ is the most important argument used today by Zionists to demonize Hamas as much as possible, making them look like bloodthirsty monsters. Another contradiction, not least, it is enough to see the state of health of the Israeli hostages who have been released or who are still currently in Gaza to understand that’s take good care of’s, that’s are well treated, fed and cared for. It made absolutely no sense to massacre civilians on October 7 and then take them hostage and treat them well for whole weeks while’s they are bombed daily and who will not be able to kill them no way ! It doesn't stick.

Haaretz's’ investigation exposes all the Israeli lies of October 7 (as I’ had predicted). The confirmed death toll is 900, and not “nearly 2,000”.50% were Israeli soldiers. Most of the dead show signs of death during the Tank bombing. There is no evidence that Hamas burned Israelis, but the burns were caused by Israeli bombing. No decapitated babies. The bodies of Hamas fighters were defiled, while Israeli soldiers were respectfully taken to the morgues. The number of people killed by Hamas is less than 100, most of them armed settlers. Israel has lied about ALL by committing a grotesque genocide ! Share the TRUTH !

Haaretz investigation EXPOSES all the ISRAELI LIES from October 7th (just like I predicted).
Confirmed number dead is 900, not “nearly 2,000.”
50% were Israeli soldiers.
Most deaths have signs of being dead during Tank shelling.
No evidence Hamas burnt any…
— Jackson Hinkle (@jacksonhinklle) October 28, 2023


Well-known member
With such a broad brush, it's left unclear as to which groups have teetered regarding free speech, and what sorts of speech is allegedly being ridiculed or defended/embraced.

A broad brush often makes for unequal comparisons and a sloppy paint job.

I assume you're aware that both sides of the Congressional aisle are overwhelmingly anti-Palestine, no?
I’m aware that saying the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection or prevention got me kicked off numerous sites and platforms. Now the people for the policy that kicked me off are upset they’re being portrayed as anti semetic, and being censored for wanting kids to not get blown up in Gaza.

I’m also aware that I’m not a partisan. I’m anti establishment, anti concentrated power.

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