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Hahahaha so sad people believe this shit.

Israel literally pays people to spread misinformation online. Anyone who believes anything the state of Israel says is a gullible freak moron supporting evil and genocide.
The exact same thing can be said about the Guys waving the Green Flag as well.

Nobody's hands are clean there.


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The Untold History of Hamas by Palestine historian PhD Zachary Foster

Here’s the history u already know:
1. Hamas’s 1988 charter calls for Israel’s destruction
2. Hamas has committed dozens of terror attacks, killing many Israeli civilians
3. Hamas murdered thousand+ innocent Israeli civilians in past 8 days.

Here’s the history you don’t know;
In 1948, Ahmed Yassin, who founded Hamas, was uprooted & ethnically cleansed from his home at age 12.

In 1973, he founded an Islamic charity in Gaza focused on education, social services, preaching, youth sports, cultural activities & social services for the poor & orphans.

In the 1980s, Israel pursued a "divide & rule" policy. To weaken the PLO, it supported & funded the Islamic charity.

Yitzhak Segev (x-military governor in Gaza) & Avner Cohen (x-religious affairs official) have admitted Hamas was “a creature” or “a creation” of Israel.
Source: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/

Then, in 1987, an Israeli truck driver struck & killed 4 Palestinians near a checkpoint in Gaza. Palestinians revolted in a series of daily strikes, protests, riots, boycotts of Israeli rule, & infamously, stone-throwing children.

It was known as the First Intifada:
During the 1st yr of the uprising, Israel killed 142 Palestinians in Gaza, while not a single Israeli had been killed in Gaza.

Despite this grotesque violence, Hamas continued to pursue non-violent resistance through spring 1989.

Jean-Pierre Filiu, Gaza: A History (2014), 206.

During the course of the uprising:

Israel jailed 175K Palestinians; 30K Palestinian children needed medical care after being beaten, 10K had broken bones; 1/5th of the injured were under 5; 23K subject to “harsh interrogation”; Israel killed 1,200 Pals, Pals killed ~160 Israelis.

Meanwhile, Hamas put out peace feelers w/Israel. In 1988, a Hamas leader, Mahmoud al-Zahar, proposed a peaceful resolution.

He submitted his proposal to Yitzhak Rabin, the then Israeli minister of defense, in a meeting on June 1, 1988.

The proposed solution was as follows:

In 1988, Sheikh Yasin himself similarly expressed interest in negotiating w/ Israel.

Israel had to "acknowledge the Palestinian people’s right to self- determination & right of return to their land":
source: Ziad Abu-Amr, Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza, p.76

But Israel was never prepared to accept any Palestinian refugees even though it expelled them.
That's b/c non-Jews living in Israel are deemed an inherent danger to Israel.
This is b/c Israel wants to be a Jewish ethno-state. It wants to preserve Jewish domination & control.

For Israel, it was beyond the pale to allow non-Jewish refugees to return to their homes in Israel after '48.
If Israel were to let in the Palestinians it ethnically cleansed, how could it preserve a state in which Jews make all the decisions?
Israel chose ethnocracy over peace.

Alas, Israel's grotesque use of violence in the first intifada had a radicalizing effect on Hamas.

1.5years into the First Intifada, Hamas killed 2 Israeli soldiers (although still no civilians). Israel embraced disproportionality. It tried to eradicate Hamas in 1989. it failed.

On 8 October 1990, Israeli police violently suppressed a demonstration in Jerusalem, killing 22 people.

Hamas was enraged. On 14 December, 1990, Hamas committed an attack on civilians: 2 Hamas militants from Gaza stabbed 3 Israeli workmen to death in Jaffa.

Still, it not was until after Feb. 1994, when Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish settler, massacred 29 praying Muslims in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron in the West Bank during the month of Ramadan, that Hamas got radicalized & fully embraced attacks on civilians.

Thereafter, Hamas carried out dozens of attacks, including 12 suicide bombings.
By 2000, Hamas had killed 185 Israelis & left over 1,200 wounded.

Then came the 2nd intifada. Top Israeli security echelons decided to “fan the flames” during the uprising’s first weeks. Amos Malka, Israel's military general, stated during the Intifada’s 1st month, when the uprising was still mostly nonviolent, Israel killed 14 Palestinian children.
These cases were barely reported in the Israeli media, which dealt almost exclusively w/ Jewish victims, of which there were as yet only a few. Israel’s excessive use of deadly force against demonstrators enraged Palestinians.

Then came Hamas's worst violence to date:

From September 28, 2000 thru February 8, 2005: Hamas & other militant groups carried out 138 suicide attacks & killed 1,038 Israelis
As always, Israel embraced it's guiding principle of disproportionality, killing 3,189 Palestinians over the same time period.

In 2006, Hamas won free and fair Palestinian legislative elections in the occupied Palestinian territories. By this time, there were many indications Hamas sought to moderate:
“We Hamas are for peace & want to put an end to bloodshed…peaceful means will do if the world is willing to engage in a constructive and fair process in which we & the Israelis are treated as equals” (Ismail Haniyeh, The Guardian 31 March 2006)

“We agree to a [Palestinian] state on pre-67 borders, w Jerusalem as its capital w genuine sovereignty w/out settlements but w/out recognizing Israel…. we have offered a truce if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders, a truce of 10yrs ” (Khaled Meshaal, April, 2008)

Then, in 2012, Hamas's #2 military commander Jabari had been conducting indirect talks with Israel via Hamas' deputy foreign minister, Ghazi Hamad, all with the approval of Israel’s then Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Jabari was expected to sign the peace treaty w/Israel. But Israel sought to squash the peace deal, preferring war to peace to strengthen its “deterrence capacity.”
Israel assassinated Jabari just hours after he received a draft of the peace deal. Israel signaled to Hamas: communications w/ it will be conducted through military force.


Well-known member
The Jews can’t get over their temple being torn down and a mosque placed on top. The Arabs are angered at the treatment of Arabs in Israel. It won’t end until one of them is gone.


from the future

Aces and Eights​



Russian MiG-31 interceptor carrying a Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

It now appears certain the United States is concentrating a huge naval force in the eastern Mediterranean, Red, and Arabian seas.

Several NATO nations are also sending warships to join this growing fleet.

Unknown numbers of US and NATO submarines are also certainly lurking in these regions.

There is already substantial US air power presence in the Persian Gulf region.

Israel is clearly working in concert with the US/NATO in whatever is brewing.

And make no mistake, something big IS brewing.

It is something I have written about for several years now, but consistently believed the Pentagon was not stupid enough to actually attempt.

As I view it, there can be only one primary target that would warrant such a large projection of military power as is underway: Iran and its allies in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

And, as I have repeatedly argued over the years, I am convinced making war against Iran is a recipe for unforeseen disaster.

Iran wields much more military capability than is generally understood and appreciated both by western military analysts and the western populace.

There is no doubt the US/NATO/Israel, in tandem, can inflict severe damage against Iranian targets. But I am convinced they cannot do so without also incurring severe damage themselves.

Let's also not forget there is a wildcard in this game: Russia and its strategically imperative bases in Syria.

As I see it, there are two realities at work here that will necessarily come into conflict:

1) The Pentagon is almost certain to regard the Russian bases in Syria as unacceptable threats to their objectives in the region. And therefore they will seek to neutralize them.
2) The Russians will fight to retain their Syrian bases.

Having now been compelled to abandon their designs to use the #MotherOfAllProxyArmies in Ukraine to weaken Russia, the Masters of Empire would no doubt love to "change the narrative" by defeating the Russians in Syria.

Therefore I am increasingly persuaded that any massive US attack against Iranian surrogate forces in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq will almost certainly include a simultaneous attack against the Russian air and naval bases in Syria.​

I believe Russian recognition of this likely move by the Americans is why Russian President Vladimir Putin — in China, no less — publicly announced 24/7 patrols of Kinzhal-armed Russian aircraft within range of the eastern half of the Mediterranean and much of the Red and Arabian seas.

The #EmpireAtAllCosts cult must have convinced themselves the Russians are bluffing, or that their capabilities are much weaker than claimed.

I am convinced both ideas are mistaken.

If the US itself is not merely bluffing, then this whole thing could get out of hand really fast.

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