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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Lazy and subjective thinking were the exact things that caused the Holocaust.

Put it this way - the American Revolution was one long series of terrorist actions. We, at times, met the British by their rules of engagement established by “civilized nations” but much of the rest of time we used asymmetrical tactics that they could not easily defend themselves against such as ambushes and attacking from cover. Why? Because it worked! Their leadership couldn’t cope with an army that fought dirty and they couldn’t conceive of losing. But more importantly, the balance of power was often such that we simply couldn’t go toe to toe with them so we had to improvise.

Terrorism is literally the only tactic they have to fight against the injustices committed against them. It was a provocation which was designed to goad Israel into overreacting and they played their role exactly as expected. Now the dirty laundry is out in the open and we get to decide if the appropriate response was to destroy nearly half of the housing units in Gaza and thousands of civilians in an to attempt to force all the Palestinians into Egypt.
Except the 'Americans' saved the killing of babies for the theft of land, somewhat like the Israelis(?)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Lazy and subjective thinking were the exact things that caused the Holocaust.

Put it this way - the American Revolution was one long series of terrorist actions. We, at times, met the British by their rules of engagement established by “civilized nations” but much of the rest of time we used asymmetrical tactics that they could not easily defend themselves against such as ambushes and attacking from cover. Why? Because it worked! Their leadership couldn’t cope with an army that fought dirty and they couldn’t conceive of losing. But more importantly, the balance of power was often such that we simply couldn’t go toe to toe with them so we had to improvise.

Terrorism is literally the only tactic they have to fight against the injustices committed against them. It was a provocation which was designed to goad Israel into overreacting and they played their role exactly as expected. Now the dirty laundry is out in the open and we get to decide if the appropriate response was to destroy nearly half of the housing units in Gaza and thousands of civilians in an to attempt to force all the Palestinians into Egypt.
Also the American revolution would not have succeeded without France's assistance.


from the future

Ukraine's sudden air losses likely due to new Russian missiles​


by Moon of Alabama

I'm not sure how valid this information is, but I'm sure it's relevant:

Military expert Vladislav Shurygin: The Pentagon has become acutely concerned about the suddenly increased effectiveness of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

In two weeks, the Russians staged a real massacre in the Ukrainian sky. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost at least 10 of… pic.twitter.com/v4yeNfDzoa
— Victor vicktop55 (@vicktop55) October 24, 2023

Military expert Vladislav Shurygin: The Pentagon is seriously concerned about the suddenly increased efficiency of the Russian aerospace forces.
In two weeks, the Russians organized a veritable massacre in the Ukrainian skies. The Ukrainian armed forces lost at least 10 of their aircraft (14 according to other sources).
Moreover, all of them were shot down far from the front line and outside the radius of Russian air defense systems, as well as outside the standard radius of Russian combat missiles. Pilots who were able to eject said that until the time their plane was hit, they did not receive information about the attack from the appropriate warning systems.
The Americans believe that the Russian Aerospace Forces have acquired new missiles capable of not only hitting targets at long distances, but also, after launch, independently tracking a target without illuminating it from the aircraft's radar , using a radio signature to guide it (the target).
Today, Americans carefully verify this information and consider it of paramount importance. Indeed, if confirmed, it means that the Russians have acquired a weapon that will neutralize all the announced advantages of their new main combat aircraft, the F-35.
Victor vicktop55 @vicktop55 – 16:58 UTC – Oct 24, 2023
Vladislav Shurygin is in fact a Russian “military expert” who has made several appearances on Russian talk shows.

The assertion that there is “a real massacre in the Ukrainian sky» is valid if the recent daily reports of the Russian Defense Ministry are close to reality. For my part, I think that is the case.

During the first three quarters of this year, the Ukrainian Air Force lost between one and three planes or helicopters per week.

Since mid-October, Russian daily reports have reported, according to my notes, the slaughter of:

  • 17 Ukrainian Mig-29 fighter jets
  • 2 Ukrainian SU-24 tactical bombers
  • 3 Ukrainian SU-25 close air support aircraft
  • 1 Ukrainian L-39 training fighter
  • 3 MI-8 transport helicopters
That’s a total of 26 air assets in just 9 days!

If these figures are close to reality, this is a catastrophic loss rate for the Ukrainian Air Force.

One might wonder if this is possible. I think so. In October 2022, after a decades-long development phase, media reported that a Ukrainian aircraft was destroyed for the first time by a Russian R-37M long-range air-to-air missile:

The R-37 was developed from the R-33. To ensure compatibility with aircraft lacking the sophisticated radar of the MiG-31, the semi-active seeker was replaced with a variant of the Agat 9B-1388 active seeker. Likewise, the folding tail controls allow semi-compliant transport on aircraft smaller than the MiG-31.
The straps in the middle of the cabin increase the lift and therefore the range of action. According to Defense Today, the range depends on the flight profile, ranging from 80 nautical miles (150 km) for a direct shot to 215 nautical miles (398 km) for a cruising glide profile.
The R-37M designation has since been used for a modernized variant of the missile, also known as the RVV-BD (Raketa Vozduh-Vozduh Bolyshoy Dalnosty, or long-range air-to-air missile). The range of the R-37M exceeds 200 km and it is capable of reaching hypersonic speeds (~Mach 5). It will be carried by modernized MiG-31BM interceptors and Su-35S and Su-57 multirole fighters. It is unclear whether the long-range air-to-air missile intended for the Su-57, designated as the Izdeliye 810, is a derivative of the R-37M.
The missile can attack targets at altitudes between 15 and 25 meters. It is guided semi-actively or actively by the Agat 000B-9 system.
The R-37M would have a maximum range of 400 kilometers and a hypersonic speed of Mach 5-6. It can be fired from safe airspace, beyond the range of Ukrainian air defense, into the interior of Ukraine.

In February 2023, Ukraine claimed to have found the wreckage of an R-37M.

Modified Ukrainian aircraft were used to firing British Storm Shadow missiles (and the similar French SCALP-EG) on Russian targets. I haven't found any recent reports of their successful use.

Ukrainian air assets must fly close to the ground to survive.

The sudden increase in Ukrainian air losses portends the introduction, in large numbers, of a new R-37M variant with an updated targeting capability and/or even longer range.

The United States plans to introduce F-16 fighter jets equipped with “long-range” (120 kilometers) AIM-100D air-to-air missiles into Ukraine. These missiles are significantly inferior to the capabilities of the Russian air forces and can only contribute to losses.



from the future

US fleet of F-16 fighter jets arrives in Middle East​

by Aladdin Mustafaoglu

Patrick Ryder, Pentagon spokesperson: "We know that the groups that carried out these attacks (against American forces in Iraq and Syria) are supported by the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian regime."

The Pentagon announced the arrival of a fleet of F-16 fighter jets to the US Central Command (Centcom) mission area in the Middle East.

He said in a statement Wednesday that the fleet of F-16 aircraft arriving in the U.S. Central Command mission area will work with defense units the department previously sent to the region.to defend American forces in the region».

The Pentagon referred to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which began, according to it, on October 7, indicating that “Iranian-backed groups attacked US forces in Iraq and Syria».

The Pentagon spokesperson said during the daily press conference: “We know that the groups that carried out these attacks are supported by the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian regime».

Ryder stressed that the United States' goal since the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been to prevent its expansion regionally, warning countries that wish to exploit the current conflict environment to increase violence from "don't try this».

There was no immediate Iranian comment on what was reported by the US Department of Defense.

For the nineteenth day, the Israeli army continues to launch intense raids that have destroyed entire neighborhoods of Gaza, killing 5791 Palestinians, including 2360 children, 1292 women and 295 elderly people, and injuring 16 people, according to the Ministry of Health of the Gaza Strip.



from the future

I Was the Only U.S. Official Imprisoned Over the Torture Program — Because I Opposed It​

The only person associated with the CIA's global torture program who was prosecuted and imprisoned was the man who blew the whistle on it — John Kiriakou.


Listen to John Kiriakou expand further on these topics in last week’s episode of Scheer Intelligence



from the future
Inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony is the basis of the’Russian state», says Putin


On 25 October, the Russian president held a meeting with representatives of the religious denominations of Russia. The exchanges should focus on the international situation and the internal situation in the country. «We are a people, we have a single homeland, and we are all responsible for its prosperity and security», vladimir Putin said on October 25 in the Kremlin to representatives of religious denominations, in the context of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, «en Holy Land» on his own terms.

«Russia has known and knows what international terrorism is», stressed Putin, renewing its condolences «to the families of Israelis and citizens of other countries who suffered as a result of the attack of 7 October». Putin calls for inter-religious dialogue «We are witnessing attempts at’escal», he regretted, denouncing those playing «on the religious feelings of millions of people». According to the Russian president, the’Occident wants to «break the momentum of the multipolar world», seeking to arouse crises, «by islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Russophobia, in the Middle East and elsewhere». «They will do everything to stir up religious and national conflicts in our country» he warned, calling on his interlocutors to promote the harmony of the country. In response, Patriarch Kirill thanked Vladimir Putin for the efforts of Russia «in favor of peacekeeping», while the mufti Talgat hailed Moscow's «position balanced» in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, calling for the release of Israeli hostages and humanitarian corridors for Gaza. «In other countries, people can not even get together around’a same table», noted Rabbi Berl. «Our main request today’hui is a constant and uncompromising struggle against’extremism», he added. «When we pray for the salvation of hostages, when we mourn the victims, we understand that’il can not be negotiations or compromises with terrorists. Such an organization must be destroyed», he pleaded. Since October 7, Russia intends to follow a «balanced approach» to facilitate a resolution of the conflict, recalling the need for the establishment of a Palestinian State and calling for «an immediate ceasefire».


from the future
Assassinations and attacks in Russia: how the CIA transformed Ukrainian services


Funeral of Daria Douguina in Moscow, August 23, 2022

In a river survey, the Washington Post sheds light on the preponderant role of the Langley’ agency in the overhaul of Ukrainian services. A work of almost ten years, which gave the SBU and the GUR the means to conduct its clandestine operations up to’en Russia, including targeted assassinations.

«Our services are well aware of this for a long time», told the press on October 24 Dmitry Peskov, asked about an article published the day before in the Washington Post. «Our secret services have repeatedly spoken about the information we have that indicates close supervision of Ukrainian intelligence services by the American and even British secret services», the Kremlin spokesman said. In the paper in question, titrating on the «ghost war against Russia» led by Ukrainian «spies closely related to CIA», the American media reports how the Langley agency took over the Security Service of’Ukraine (SBU) as well as the Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) : «Since 2015, the CIA has spent tens of millions of dollars to turn Soviet-trained Ukrainian services into powerful allies against Moscow» Post. A role, of the United States in Ukraine, which is not limited to financing and supplies of’ equipment. Ukrainian military intelligence, «small CIA baby» The CIA would have carried out the’ training of SBU agents. «The training sites were located outside Kiev, where the handpicked recruits were being educated by CIA staff», the report said Post in his narrative «based on interviews with more than two dozen Ukrainian, American and western, current and former intelligence and security officials.

Perceived as «too big to be reformed», adds the newspaper, «the CIA worked with the SBU to create an entirely new direction» and «prosaically dubbed the "Fifth Direction"». A sixth would have been created, since, «to work with the British spy agency MI6», specifies the American media. According to the latter, the CIA's’ approach would have been «far more ambitious» regarding the GUR. The «GUR was our little baby. We gave them new equipment and training», relates to Post a former US intelligence official who worked in Ukraine. «As of 2015, the CIA s’is launched into such a vast transformation of the GUR qu’in a few years, "we had somehow rebuilt it from scratch"», a, report the media again. The CIA also reportedly «funded new GUR buildings», for fear that their « facilities would likely be compromised by Russian intelligence». Thanks to these new facilities, Ukrainians could have intercepted several hundred thousand Russian communications daily, said a former GUR official. «There was so much information that we could not manage them ourselves», he tells the Post, specifying that these data were then «transmitted to Washington» in order to’ be «examined by the analysts of the CIA and the NSA». The bomb that killed Duguina passed through Russia via a cat crate But the rise of Ukrainian services under the leadership of the United States is not limited to intelligence alone. The CIA's mentoring of recruits aimed in particular at «forming units "capable of’ operating behind the front lines and working as secret groups"», explains the Post, quoting a Ukrainian official. In addition to secure communication equipment and’ listening, the CIA notably provided the SBU with «separatist disguises and uniforms allowing agents to more easily slip into occupied cities». Ukrainian agents who have carried out in particular «missions of sabotage» as well as «capture».

These clandestine missions, again, have not been limited to the territories that Kiev claims. Le Washington Post thus comes back to the drone attacks carried out by the GUR against Moscow, including the Kremlin, or even more «ambitious projects» of the SBU like the two attacks carried out against the Crimean bridge in October 2022 and July 2023. The first attack was carried out by a truck trapped, killing three people, whose driver portrayed in the’article as an involuntary «complice». The second attack was conducted « using naval drones developed as part of’a top-secret operation involving the CIA and’other Western intelligence services» relates the Post. This Ukrainian attack had killed a couple of’automobilists, who were crossing the bridge, and wounded their little girl. To these collateral victims S’ add those of targeted assassinations. Among those mentioned in the’article of Post : Stanislav Rzhitsky, a former submarine commander, shot dead during his jogging in Krasnodar, Vladlen Tatarsky, a famous blogger killed in a bomb attack in a cafe in St. Petersburg or the journalist Daria Douguina, also killed by a bomb placed under her car, in August 2022. The bomb that killed the 29-year-old reportedly crossed the Russian border into a secret compartment in a cat crate. Assassinations of civilians: when the creature of the CIA escapes him ? A « operation orchestrated by the SBU », they confirm. Citing their multiple sources, the authors state that ’ « no major operation of the SBU or the GUR would take place without the authorization – tacit or other – of Zelensky ». On the side of the SBU, it is specified at Washington Post, targets are considered «quite legal». Ukraine «is doing everything to ensure that a fair punishment "catch" all traitors, war criminals and collaborators», allegedly launched to senior CIA officials the director of the Ukrainian agency, Vasyl Malyuk, during’ a trip to the United States. «CIA officials have expressed objections after some operations, officials said, but the agency has not withdrawn its support», add the authors of the’article, the report said, specifying that «both parties sought to maintain a prudent distance between the CIA and the deadly operations carried out by its partners in Kiev». The United States, which claims not to be a party to the conflict in Ukraine, between January 2022 and July 2023, provided no less than 42 billion dollars of military assistance’ in Kiev, according to the German think tank Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IFW). An amount that could still rise significantly, with the request for budget extension transmitted to Congress by Joe Biden on October 19 and which would include 30 billion for the’arming of’Ukraine.


from the future

For the 77th anniversary of the Nuremberg trials, Lavrov rekindles the fight against historical falsification​


by RT France

At the forum “Without statute of limitations”, dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Nuremberg trials, Sergei Lavrov recalled the fate reserved for Ukraine by Nazi Germany and drew parallels with the current geopolitical situation in Kiev.

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs addressed in a video the participants of the forum “Without limitation period” which opened this October 24 in Kaliningrad, on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the verdict of the Nuremberg tribunal.

Sergei Lavrov stressed that “the fight against the falsification of the conclusions of the Second World War and against the dissemination of a misanthropic ideology" was "still a priority of Russian diplomacy».

Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, the war on the battlefield has been coupled with a war of memories aimed at rehabilitating certain parts of the history of the Second World War. Recently, the ovation in Parliament of a Nazi veteran sparked controversy between Ottawa and Moscow. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation finally announced on October 20 that it had indicted Yaroslav Hunka in absentia for “genocide” of civilians on Ukrainian territory during the Second World War.


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