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Well-known member
“Be not a cancer on this earth," 😥


Cain then murdered Abel, whereupon God punished Cain by condemning him to a life of wandering. Cain then dwelt in the land of Nod (נוֹד, 'wandering'), where he built a city and fathered the line of descendants beginning with Enoch.

The dark triad traits have also been found to be fairly well-represented in upper-level management and CEOs.[61


Such a sad topic...
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from the future

Gideon Levy : “I do not remember’a single occupation where the’occupant presented himself as a victim.”​

G. Levy explained in 2018 why Israeli colonialism is extremely violent and doomed to failure


The first trick that conquering Zionism will use is the fact of being victimize to excess with this strategy of whining so characteristic. It recalls that this’ is the first time in the’history, it does not’a memory of such a situation on the whole planet of such a violent colonization that presents itself as a victim of the colonized (sic). Then, and this’ is extremely worrying, it points the strategy of dehumanizationof the adversary, in this case the Palestinians, who according to a good part of the Israeli population are not worth more than dogs. It is a very effective strategy to make it difficult to steal their land and kill it when the Palestinian population has lived there for millennia and it is an extremely literate population and civilized while the Ashkenazi Jews never set foot in the Holy Land.



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
A buddy said something rather poignant last night - "The greatest threat to Israel in the Middle East is Israeli Policy."

He's one of those guys who drops an occasional wisdom bomb on you and it blows your mind that it came out of his mouth.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The sticking point for me is the attack that began the current conflict...

Why ask for the situation?

From my standpoint I see Hamas asking for Israel to raze Gaza to the ground.

Israel would love to comply.

It's the equivalent of a waltz.

I feel for the Palestinians who wish for nothing but peace.

They have been forsaken and thrown under the bus by Hamas.

I feel for the Israeli kids who have to grow up with blood on their hands.

They have been forsaken and thrown under the bus by their own government.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The sticking point for me is the attack that began the current conflict...

Why ask for the situation?

From my standpoint I see Hamas asking for Israel to raze Gaza to the ground.

Israel would love to comply.

It's the equivalent of a waltz.

I feel for the Palestinians who wish for nothing but peace.

They have been forsaken and thrown under the bus by Hamas.

I feel for the Israeli kids who have to grow up with blood on their hands.

They have been forsaken and thrown under the bus by their own government.
Lazy and subjective thinking were the exact things that caused the Holocaust.

Put it this way - the American Revolution was one long series of terrorist actions. We, at times, met the British by their rules of engagement established by “civilized nations” but much of the rest of time we used asymmetrical tactics that they could not easily defend themselves against such as ambushes and attacking from cover. Why? Because it worked! Their leadership couldn’t cope with an army that fought dirty and they couldn’t conceive of losing. But more importantly, the balance of power was often such that we simply couldn’t go toe to toe with them so we had to improvise.

Terrorism is literally the only tactic they have to fight against the injustices committed against them. It was a provocation which was designed to goad Israel into overreacting and they played their role exactly as expected. Now the dirty laundry is out in the open and we get to decide if the appropriate response was to destroy nearly half of the housing units in Gaza and thousands of civilians in an to attempt to force all the Palestinians into Egypt.


Well-known member

Gideon Levy : “I do not remember’a single occupation where the’occupant presented himself as a victim.”​

G. Levy explained in 2018 why Israeli colonialism is extremely violent and doomed to failure

View attachment 18910154
The first trick that conquering Zionism will use is the fact of being victimize to excess with this strategy of whining so characteristic. It recalls that this’ is the first time in the’history, it does not’a memory of such a situation on the whole planet of such a violent colonization that presents itself as a victim of the colonized (sic). Then, and this’ is extremely worrying, it points the strategy of dehumanizationof the adversary, in this case the Palestinians, who according to a good part of the Israeli population are not worth more than dogs. It is a very effective strategy to make it difficult to steal their land and kill it when the Palestinian population has lived there for millennia and it is an extremely literate population and civilized while the Ashkenazi Jews never set foot in the Holy Land.



from the future

Mariupol: Back to Life (Documentary)​

by Christelle Nil

More than a year after the end of the fighting which allowed the liberation of Mariupol, we returned several times to film the progress of the reconstruction of the city, and the return of the inhabitants who had fled once the battle was over. . Like the phoenix, Mariupol rises from its ashes and ruins, showing what the cities of Donbass could look like in the near future.

A year ago, I released my first documentary film entitled “Mariupol – Martyrdom and rebirth» which retraced the fights for the liberation of the city and the very beginnings of reconstruction.

After two months of fierce fighting, the city was in a very bad state. Some buildings, including many apartment buildings and stores, were completely destroyed, and many more were damaged. As a result, many residents evacuated the city once the battle was over, and Mariupol was an almost deserted city.

Although a number of locals had returned during our last visit in September 2022, nothing had prepared me for the shock I received when I returned to Mariupol in May 2023 during the literary festival “Stars above the Donbass". There was repair work on streets and buildings everywhere, traffic jams in the city's main arteries, and especially these new neighborhoods that were springing up like mushrooms. The contrast with the image I had of Mariupol a year earlier (an almost ghost town) was such that I could not realize that it was the same town in which I had driven without seeing any cars or pedestrians a year and a half earlier.

So I decided to return to Mariupol during the summer to see how the reconstruction of the city and the return of its inhabitants was going. And the least I can say is that the shock was more than positive. Many homes that were only damaged have already been repaired and fitted with new windows. Several new neighborhoods have emerged from the ground, offering comfortable and modern housing to residents who lost their homes during the fighting. Schools and nursery schools are also repaired and brought up to standard, so that children, ever more numerous returning to Mariupol, can study in good conditions.

Of course not everyone has been relocated yet, there are still many ruined buildings that need to be destroyed before they can rebuild. And above all the question that often comes up is that of employment. Azovstal, like many other major employers in the city, is at a standstill (and this particular factory will not be restarted due to the enormous pollution it generated). But this too is improving little by little, for example thanks to the opening of new stores, which offer jobs in addition to providing the necessary products to the city's residents. The port of Mariupol is also being revived little by little, and should once again provide jobs for residents.

In any case, all the Mariupol residents we interviewed were positively surprised by the speed at which the city is being rebuilt and love the new architectural style that is being instilled there. Mariupol residents want to put the horrors of the 2022 fighting behind them, and are resolutely looking toward the future of their city with hope.


from the future

Russia, Europe's largest economy… thanks to sanctions​

by General Dominique Delawarde

Today, a year and a half after the start of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, and after the March 2022 martial declarations of the French president (video of 21 seconds): “Russia is in default of payments»; and the comic Bruno Lemaire (video of 23 seconds) «We will cause the collapse of the Russian economy».

What is the situation and what are the prospects for France, Germany and Russia?

In a report published on October 17, the French Observatory of Economic Conditions (OFCE) consider a “reversal of the unemployment curve», on the rise. The trend should be confirmed for the end of 2023 and intensify in 2024.1

According to CRÉDOC, Centre (French) de Rsearch forÉstudy and theOobservation of Cliving conditions, 16% of French people did not have enough to eat in November 2022. A figure which jumped 33% in four months, underlines the organism. Behind the good unemployment figures, precariousness is exploding in France.2

According to the latest quarterly forecasts from the IMF, from October 10, 2023, the recession in the German economy will be stronger than expected in 2023. Conversely, Russian growth will be more sustained than what had been announced in the international institution's previous projections.3

The income of Russian oil exports, targeted by Western sanctions, jumped in September to reach “their highest level since July 2022», indicated this October 12, 2023 the International Energy Agency (IEA). The average price of a barrel for export is “well above the capped price» by Westerners. OPEC+, whose member states have deserted the Western camp en masse, intends to support oil prices on the markets, by reducing production and bringing the law of supply and demand into play.4

Thanks to the war, Russia therefore became the leading economic power in Europe in terms of GDP/PPP. After catching up with Germany at the end of 2022, it is now taking off5. It is therefore time to call our “economic warlords” Macron and Lemaire to account. Why did they think they had to tell us nonsense? Where has the collapse of the Russian economy gone? And the purchasing power of the French?

General Dominique Delawarde


from the future

What really happened on 7th October?​

Evidence is now emerging that up to half the Israelis killed were combatants; that Israeli forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false ‘Hamas atrocities’ stories to justify its devastating air assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.


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