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from the future

Fiasco of US ATACMS missiles delivered to’Ukraine revealed by a British media outlet​

Intercepted or decoyed, the American missiles ATACMS are powerless on the front in Ukraine, believes the magazine Spectator. In any case, deliveries of western’arms to Kiev will not be able to change the course of the conflict, the Russian’arme knowing how to adapt and destroy them.

American long-range missiles ATACMS have proved ineffective due to countermeasures taken by the Russian’arme, writes the British weekly Spectator.

«The majority of ATACMS missiles appear to have been intercepted, lured or missed their target», indicates the’article.

In addition, it is a limited number of missiles supplied so far, which apparently replace the old M39 version equipped with cluster bombs instead of warheads and reduced range, says the magazine. For his part, Forbes considered that these weapons delivered were generally out of date or with an expiry period of use.

Ultimately, increased Western aid and more missiles to Ukraine will not change the course of the conflict, ahead Spectator. Ukrainian armed forces failed in counter-offensive and hit hard, according to always Spectator :

«The Ukrainian’army did not accomplish its task, but the Russians built a formidable defensive line and proved more decisive and adaptable than expected».

For his part, Vladimir Putin has repeatedly raised the fiasco of these offensive actions of the’army of Kiev, just like the Russian minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu.

Spectator also notes that Russia has demonstrated its ability to adapt to all weapons supplied to Kiev, ranging from long-range missiles to naval drones.

Any military equipment, supplied by the’ Occident to’Ukraine, is considered by Moscow as a legitimate target, Russia has repeatedly said. This’ is what has been proven on the ground, the Russian Defence reporting daily the destruction of this or that Western weapon during the fighting.

«Erreur» from Washington

Deliveries of these operational and tactical ATACMS M39 d’ missiles with a reduced range of 165 kilometers had not been previously announced.

The Russian president called the delivery of these d’« missilesUS Error» that could not radically change the situation on the front line.

«Russia is able to repel the attacks of’ATACMS», he reported at’a press conference in Beijing following his participation in the Belt and Road forum.

source : Sputnik Africa


from the future

How fast is the Russian Avangard missile​

par Nwosu Chimauchem

In modern combat operations, speed (whether on land or in the air) is often the defining attribute between victory and defeat. The unmatched velocity of the’Avangard allows it to’ reach its targets with dizzying precision. This ability significantly reduces the reaction time of opponents and makes traditional defense measures much less effective.

The Avangard missile system demonstrates the rapid progress of air war technology in recent years. Developed by Russia, this avant-garde weapon system represents a significant leap forward in the field of contemporary ballistic missiles.

This missile is represented by its hypersonic sliding vehicle ( HGV ) revolutionary, which allows it to move at an unprecedented speed, far exceeding conventional ballistic missiles.

In addition, the Avangard heavyweight can carry several nuclear warheads, thus offering flexibility in its strategic application.

Its rapid deployment and unparalleled speed make it an invaluable asset in offensive and defensive military plans. The ability of the’Avangard to escape enemy defenses and carry payloads with extreme precision has reshaped the strategic landscape, urging nations around the world to re-evaluate their defense posture and invest heavily in countermeasures.

Sputnik addresses the understanding of the intricacies of the Avangard system and why it plays a crucial role in the face of the evolving threats to Russia's national security.

What’ is the Avangard missile ?

Formerly called Project 4202, L’Avangard is a traditional nuclear-capable, accelerated-slip vehicle that is transported into’space as an independent multiple-targeting (MIRV) reentry vehicle atop an intercontinental ballistic missile’ existing as L’UR-100N UTTH or RS-18A (UR-100/SS-19 Stiletto), R-36M2 or RS-28 Sarmat. After being released, it penetrates into the suborbital’space and slides up’aux confines of the’atmosphere at a meteoric speed.

Technical properties

It should be noted that the technical characteristics of the Avangard missile system have not been officially published, the, so that any relevant information can only be obtained through the use of public data.

The Avangard is often represented as a delta-shaped vehicle, wrapped in a bright plasma shield. Measuring approximately 5.4 meters, or nearly 18 feet, the Avangard is a large vehicle and weighs approximately 2000 kg.

According to media reports, the Avangard missile displays an impressive maximum speed, ranging from 20 to 27 Mach ( 24,696 at 33,340 kilometers per hour ) in dense layers of the atmosphere. This versatile system is designed to transport nuclear and conventional payloads. However, its potential explosion yield is estimated between 150 kilotons and two megatons ( trinitrotoluene – equivalent TNT ).

The successful test of the’Avangard marks a major step in materials science and thermal control. Russian authorities claim that the new weapon is protected by a unique composite material that has withstood temperatures between 1600 and 2000°C during an intercontinental hypersonic flight for several minutes.

In addition, the’Avangard integrates advanced guidance systems, ensuring precise navigation and target acquisition during high-speed flight.

The fuselage of the’Avangard is designed to reduce drag and maximize the’ aerodynamic efficiency. This design feature, combined with its maneuvering capabilities, allows the missile to alter its trajectory during flight, thus avoiding possible’ interception attempts. The result is a’arms system that challenges existing paradigms of missile defense and dramatically reduces the response window for potential targets.

Strategic military objectives of the Avangard missile

The unprecedented speed and maneuverability of the Avangard missile has profound implications for the landscape of strategic warfare, reshaping the dynamics of’offensive, defense and deterrence.

According to Russian sources, the Avangard Hypersonic boost-glide weapon is designed to eliminate missile defense installations and high-value targets such as heavily fortified sites such as missile silos or centers military command.

Implications of the extreme speed of’Avangard for war

Reduced reaction time: the extraordinary speed of the’Avangard greatly reduces the response window of potential targets. Opponents have much less time to detect, evaluate and formulate a counter strategy. This increases the’ element of surprise and decreases the’ effectiveness of conventional defense measures.

Improved accuracy : The ability of the’Avangard to maintain high speeds while making heading adjustments ensures exceptional accuracy in hitting targets. This level of precision is crucial in strategic warfare, especially when’il is targeting heavily fortified or time-sensitive targets.

Escape from defenses : when moving towards a target, the Avangard performs in-depth maneuvers, both lateral and vertical, making it invulnerable to missile defense and air defense systems. Unlike foreseeable ballistic trajectories, changes in the trajectory of the Avangard during flight make it exceptionally difficult to intercept. This calls into question the existing paradigms of missile defense and requires the development of more sophisticated and adaptable countermeasures.

Strategic flexibility : the high speed and maneuverability of the Avangard allow it to engage various targets, including moving warships or high-value, critical-time resources. This versatility improves its efficiency in a wide range of strategic scenarios.

History of Avangard combat service

From February 2015 to June 2016, the Avangard, a very advanced weapon, underwent flight tests. It was launched using ICBM UR-100UTTKh from Dombarovsky Air Force Base in Orenburg Oblast. The Avangard showed remarkable speed and precision in these tests by successfully reaching targets on the Kura missile test polygon in the Kamchatka Krai.

In October 2016, the successful flight test of a heavy R-36M2 ICBM was launched from Dombarovsky Air Force Base. It reached its target at the Kura missile test field, marking the first successful test of a glider vehicle.

On March 1, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed in his speech to the Federal Assembly in Moscow that the weapon had completed its test phase and was officially in mass production.

source : Algora

It can reach any point in the world in about 30 minutes. 27 times faster than the speed of sound ( video )


With a designated target to about 10’000 kilometers, its precision to l’impact is d’a margin of’lower error to 10 Meters..


from the future

British intelligence services chase Russian nuclear power plants​


The head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, presented a detailed report which he referred to facts that should make any holy-minded Russian resident jump. Western intelligence agencies have not only took full control of Ukrainian intelligence, but also, train Ukrainian terrorists and saboteurs, but have also tried and still trying to blow up power plants russian nuclear weapons, which would lead to contamination extent of the territory, a collapse and many victims.

These are the two most important questions in the speech the head of the FSB. The first concerns issues related to mercenaries foreigners in Ukraine and their training by the services of british intelligence. And the second is what Bortnikov called nuclear terrorism. We are talking about repeated attempts by british intelligence services sabotage several nuclear power plants in Russia. Is this the first time that do you hear about it ? We too...

According to Bortnikov, alongside the Ukrainian armed forces, members of 13 European PMC fight against Russia, as well as activists from nine other « paramilitary formations by proxy » and the terrorist organization « Islamic State », banned in Russia. Au total, around 800 mercenaries from 35 countries were identified, added the head of the FSB.

In addition, according to him, the Western intelligence services have set up camps training controlled by NATO leaders. Consequently, this is where activists are equipped with weapons, where saboteurs are trained, that terrorist attacks on Russian territory are planned and that operations are coordinated. According to Bortnikov career officers of the'NATO also participates in this.

However, the greatest concern is aroused by the statements of’Alexandre Bortnikov on direct attempts by intelligence services british to destroy a number of nuclear power plants in Russia.



Well-known member

Fiasco of US ATACMS missiles delivered to’Ukraine revealed by a British media outlet​

Intercepted or decoyed, the American missiles ATACMS are powerless on the front in Ukraine, believes the magazine Spectator. In any case, deliveries of western’arms to Kiev will not be able to change the course of the conflict, the Russian’arme knowing how to adapt and destroy them.

Video of the aftermath of the ATACMS strike on airfield near Luhansk released​





Active member
Do you mean in North and South America or...?
Well since it's not the 16th century I refer to Patrick Wolfe and the assertion that Zionism is Settler colonialism.
The father's of Zionism themselves promoted this and in fact Jabotinsky referred to it as a colonialism adventure. The counter is to just call mention of this anti sematic.
However I agree that this was applied to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand successfully.
I'd say the Spanish and to a lesser extent the Portuguese were there to exploit though they did do genocide in 2 ways.
Once we admit what Zionism actually is we might get somewhere.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Well since it's not the 16th century I refer to Patrick Wolfe and the assertion that Zionism is Settler colonialism.
The father's of Zionism themselves promoted this and in fact Jabotinsky referred to it as a colonialism adventure. The counter is to just call mention of this anti sematic.
However I agree that this was applied to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand successfully.
I'd say the Spanish and to a lesser extent the Portuguese were there to exploit though they did do genocide in 2 ways.
Once we admit what Zionism actually is we might get somewhere.
BUT, provided you live in North America and are not indigenous, how can you point fingers without giving your property to those you took it from?


Well-known member

Fiasco of US ATACMS missiles delivered to’Ukraine revealed by a British media outlet​

Intercepted or decoyed, the American missiles ATACMS are powerless on the front in Ukraine, believes the magazine Spectator. In any case, deliveries of western’arms to Kiev will not be able to change the course of the conflict, the Russian’arme knowing how to adapt and destroy them.
i know i said that i wasn't going to participate in this thread anymore and i will try not to in the future but Roms has his head so far up his own ass that he will never see daylight again!

here's a little news flash for you, buddy!

the very first ATACMS missiles delivered to Ukraine struck 2 Russian helicopter bases, one in Berdyansk and one in Luhansk.

they destroyed a total of 14 attack helicopters, 8 ka-52's, 6 mi-8's, and 2 sophisticated radar systems that failed to detect the incoming missiles. almost 250 million dollars worth of equipment destroyed.

those missiles are "powerless"! too funny! these missile systems are 27 years old so that means that old US equipment is better than new Russian gear.

there is a classic definition of insanity that maybe you should think about.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
i know i said that i wasn't going to participate in this thread anymore and i will try not to in the future but Roms has his head so far up his own ass that he will never see daylight again!

here's a little news flash for you, buddy!

the very first ATACMS missiles delivered to Ukraine struck 2 Russian helicopter bases, one in Berdyansk and one in Luhansk.

they destroyed a total of 14 attack helicopters, 8 ka-52's, 6 mi-8's, and 2 sophisticated radar systems that failed to detect the incoming missiles. almost 250 million dollars worth of equipment destroyed.

those missiles are "powerless"! too funny! these missile systems are 27 years old so that means that old US equipment is better than new Russian gear.

there is a classic definition of insanity that maybe you should think about.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

Although I agree with the statement, uncle Albert never said that;

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
These words are usually credited to the acclaimed genius Albert Einstein. What do you think?

Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Einstein wrote or spoke the statement above. It is listed within a section called “Misattributed to Einstein” in the comprehensive reference “The Ultimate Quotable Einstein” from Princeton University Press