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from the future
By Francesca Villasmundo

Raz Segal is an assistant professor of Studies on the’Holocaust and Genocide at’ University of Stockton, New Jersey. An Israeli historian, he specializes in the’history of genocides. He is SPEAKING about the current situation in Gaza, the siege, the displacement of population and the ongoing bombing.

Israeli historian Raz Segal, a specialist in genocide, interviewed by American television expressed his opinion on the current’ siege, population displacement and ongoing bombing of the Gaza Strip.

In its deadly attack on Gaza, Israel has loudly proclaimed its intention to destroy Gaza​

« What we are currently witnessing in Gaza is a case of’genocide school » he claimed. He listed the evidence that supports his thesis :

« L’ attack on Gaza can also be understood in d’other terms : as a case of’ genocide taking place before our eyes.
« I say this as a scholar on genocide who spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians.
« In international law, the crime of genocide is defined by “l’intending to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such, or,” as noted in the United Nations Convention of December 1948 for the prevention and suppression of the crime of genocide. In its deadly attack on Gaza, Israel loudly proclaimed this intention.

Israeli air forces, by their own admission, dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas in the world​

« The Convention on Genocide lists 5 acts that fall under this definition. Israel is currently committing 3 of these in Gaza :
1. Murder of members of the group ;
2. Serious harm to the PHYSICAL or mental integrity of group members’s ;
3. Intentional submission of the group to conditions of’s which must lead to its total or partial physical destruction ;
« The Israeli air forces, by their own admission, dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza, Gaza, L’one of the most densely populated areas of the world — more bombs than the United States dropped on all of’Afghanistan in a year of war there.
« L’ genocidal attack of’Israel on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and without shame. Genocide perpetrators do not usually express their intentions so clearly, although’there are exceptions. »
“What we are currently witnessing in Gaza is a case of’school of genocide”
Raz Segal, Israeli historian and genocide specialist pic.twitter.com/uUTNmLjOc5
— Caisses de strike (@caissesdegreve) October 17, 2023


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Putin gives a «tape on the’ shoulder» in the United States regarding their aircraft carriers in the Middle East​

View attachment 18906709

by Hal Turner

Russian President Vladimir Putin today gave a discreet « shoulder tip » to the United States regarding the placement by America of two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea ; Russian hypersonic missiles Kinjal can easily reach them.


Having stated very clearly in advance that what’il S’ was about to reveal IS NOT A THREAT, Putin reminded the world that Russian aerospace forces, especially their MiG-31 aircraft, are on routine patrol in the neutral airspace of the Black Sea, are armed with Kinjal hypersonic missiles. These missiles, he said, have a «known» range of 1000 km and move to Mach 9 (11,000 KMH). Thus, they can reach American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean near the Palestinian and lebanese coasts.

Just a polite reminder of the reality before the United States launches, half armed, thinking it can attack .. maybe ...?Russian allies in the Middle East ? like’Iran ? lebanon ? or Syria as well ?

Suddenly, all the American speeches about «l’entered the war» between Israel and Hamas seem to be s’being calmed down.

source : The Cause of the People



from the future

Netanyahu Coalition Goes Full Provocation -- As the US Escalates in Syria​

By Alastair Crooke

Source Al Mayadeen

The security anxieties amongst "Israel’s" professional military caste are very real. There is tension in the north with Lebanon, rising tensions with the Palestinians, and Syria is edging towards major ruption.


"Israel’s" governing coalition, led by Netanyahu, is moving aggressively to establish political and security structures in the West Bank that will foreclose on the possibility of a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The strategic goal is to reshape the Israeli state, so as to assert Jewish primacy over all of "Israel" and over the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. This would mean attenuation, or even elimination, of Palestinian civil rights.

Finance Minister Smotrich has taken to referring to the two-state solution as a ‘fantasy’ -- one that must be crushed "willingly or by force (i.e. ‘with deeds’: through a massive increase in settlements)." Thus, to "make it clear to all, … [he underlines] the Arab dream of a state in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] - is no longer viable."

Co-minister Ben-Gvir has amplified, "My right, the right of my wife and my children to move around Judea and Samaria is more important than freedom of movement for the Arabs." This is the consolidation of apartheid in occupied Palestine.

To further make his point, Ben-Gvir provocatively invited ministers to oversee the demolition of houses in an impromptu Bedouin village in the Negev: "They should understand that we govern here - and that this country has a landlord." (There are 100,000 Bedouins in Negev – there, from the days before Turkish or British rule).

Again, to underline the point about ‘who governs,’ Smotrich has moved quickly to urge government agencies to prepare for an additional 500,000 settlers in the West Bank - which would bring the current estimated population of 700,000 settlers up to more than 1 million within the next decade.

Just to be clear, these are not disparate utterances by a couple of ‘hothead’ ministers. The comments reflect a concerted Coalition stance. These utterances clearly are intended to provoke -- and not just the Palestinians. They are provocative too towards that liberal Israeli constituency that has been protesting en masse against the Netanyahu government for months.

That it represents a concerted government position is fully evidenced by the Israeli cabinet holding its 21 May 2023 meeting in the tunnel excavated directly under the Al-Aqsa mosque, in an attempt to spotlight "Israel’s" claim to sovereignty over the site on which stands Islam’s Third Holiest Site.

What is going on? Why the gratuitous provocations? One answer is that the more the iconoclastic and radically Zionist the pronouncements, the more the Mizrahi-Settler-National Religious faction’s support grows.

Of course, the other side of the coin is greater fury amongst Israeli secular liberals. But the point is that the Coalition leaders (and the Leftist media concur) that “a military coup is underway in Israel. This is the unvarnished truth”.

"Israel" has been long-described as an ‘Army with a state’, and although that may be less true today, the mass demonstrations are indeed managed in a distinctly military fashion, and former Ashkenazi generals are prominent amongst its leadership.

But the IOF is much changed. Once, it was ‘run’ by the secular Kibbutzim class, but all that changed two decades and more ago. The Settlers have the field command, and the Mizrahi Israelis now are prominent amongst the ranks.

Simply put, this polarisation (provocation) strategy is also intended to undermine the threat of a military take-over of the State on ‘national security’ grounds. The ‘worry about Israel’s preparedness for war’ is a part of this strategy. The Smotrich--Ben-Gvir riposte, however, seems to be working: Already, there is reportedly a rise in support for the Jewish Power party among the IOF’s rank and file, with an estimated 20% of IOF soldiers voting for Ben-Gvir’s party.

In short, the polarisation is reaching into the IOF, and undercutting the potential for the army to opt to displace the Netanyahu government on some national-security pretext.

It is true, however, that the turmoil in "Israel" is making its supporters worry that "Israel" today may appear weaker and more vulnerable militarily. The security anxieties amongst some of "Israel’s" professional military caste, nonetheless, are very real. There is tension in the north with Lebanon, with a stand-off with Hezbollah that could ignite quickly into conflict. There are rising tensions with the Palestinians -- and Syria is edging towards major ruption.

To be clear, little of this has to do with Israeli weakness -- but rather, to American self-perception of its own weakness, as its Ukraine policy implodes. As Ukraine radiates Western failure, it appears that the US is seeking to compensate via Syria, through re-launching an uprising that would see President Assad ousted (the original objective) by a re-kindling of some of America’s former proxy Islamist movements, and by the continued (Israeli) air-force attrition of Iranian personnel and their allies in Syria.

The paradox of this US escalation (enacted in counterpoint to Russia’s successes in Ukraine) is that the US could easily light a fire in Syria that spreads to Lebanon and Iraq. The paradox of such an outcome is that it is precisely this (flames spreading across the region out of Syria) which might place "Israel" at existential risk.


from the future

"We're the United States of America, for God's sake. We're the most powerful nation in the history of the world. We can take care both of these [Ukraine and Israel] and still maintain our overall international defence", Biden said on 60 Minutes.

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:Welcome in 2023-24 miserable jester, the next freedom golden age hurts so much your senile head.


from the future

US plans ethnic cleansing of Gaza​

by Moon of Alabama

This is likely the US-Israeli plan for the Palestinian people of Gaza:

Amazing: President Biden is working on a plan with other countries that would allow civilians to safely leave Gaza and cross the border into Egypt. This is great news. President Biden is making sure that innocent people don't die due to the actions of Hamas. That's leadership.
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) October 11, 2023
Harry Sisson: Unbelievable: President Biden is working on a plan with other countries that would allow civilians to safely leave Gaza and cross the Egyptian border. That's excellent news. President Biden is ensuring that innocent people do not die because of Hamas' actions. ÇThat’s leadership.

No, that's not leadership. It's a ethnic cleansing, a war crime disguised as a humanitarian gesture. This is an ethnic cleansing of people whose land was stolen by Zionist settlers. These people will not be able to return to the homes and land they once owned. These people have been locked in an open-air prison, have no access to electricity, water and food and are currently under intense attack.

Egypt, the only country they could be transferred to, is already bankrupt. It cannot even provide for its own population. Two million new inhabitants of Gaza, all poor and some of whom are becoming radicalized, would undoubtedly unbalance the Egyptian state.

Implementation of such a plan would ensure the intervention of the axis of resistance, Hezbollah and various other Sunni and Shiite groups in the Middle East. They would attack Israel to prevent such action.

The United States believes it can deter resistance by threatening to intervene with its own forces. This is why the USS Herald Ford, their newest aircraft carrier, was moved to the Eastern Mediterranean. Rumor has it that a second aircraft carrier will also be deployed. But the resistance will not be discouraged. The last time the United States tried to intervene in Lebanon, it ended up with 241 dead Marines and had to withdraw in shame. At the time, Hezbollah had only a handful of men. Today, Hezbollah has thousands of highly trained men. And then there is also Iran and Russia:

agitpapa @agitpapa – 12:24 UTC – Oct 11, 2023

«As I said in my analysis today of NATO's intervention on Israel's northern front, it is inconceivable that Russia would remain silent in the face of such brazen NATO overreach. This mandateless NATO panic move will accelerate Russia's pivot from pro-Israeli to pro-Arab, which began with the deaths of Russian airmen caused by an IAF assault on Syria and which was locked down by Netanyahu's support for the Nazi regime in Kiev.

The Russian military has long considered Israel an enemy state and Putin is now giving in to them, recognizing the failure of another of his strategies, namely the political use of the Russian Jewish community in Israel through his “friend” Avigdor Lieberman. Since Russian Jews in Israel are virulently anti-Arab, Putin has tried not to antagonize them.

But today, with Bibi bringing in all the power of NATO in the Eastern Mediterranean to threaten not only Lebanon but also Russian bases in Syria, there is no longer any question of "Mr. Nice One." With Patrushin and Shoigu holding the reins of state and a clear and present threat from NATO on Syria's doorstep, a strong and unexpected Russian intervention in the multifrontal Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war is to be expected.

source: Moon of Alabama



from the future

Russia’s neutrality ballet on Israel-Palestine​



Active member
More war crimes, wtf did the Greek orthodox church do? why isn't the crossing open? What did the last bakery there do? it's genocide plain and simple isn't it!! Meanwhile Biden wants them to have more weapons to flatten the place.... disgrace.

US veto and Israel hitting the crossing makes it plain to see, what actual right do Israel have over the crossing? bullying tw*ts.
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Active member
Well -

The BBC has been told that as talks continue to secure the release of many of the estimated 203 hostages held in Gaza, Hamas has offered to release some in exchange for an immediate ceasefire. Israel has so far not agreed to this, we are told.

What exactly are Israel's intentions? I'm afraid the world is now seeing what exactly Israel is all about.
I mean the rhetoric now is if anyone stands with Gaza or for the plight of Palestine you are a terrorist supporter, how about fuck off.



Well-known member


UK Poll:

nice to see sentiments are changing on this issue.

also should show you how fake the republicans are. they'll yell about sending money and arms to Ukraine but meanwhile they wanna send aid to Israel, invade Mexico, start WW3 with China......
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Well-known member
the ukraine/russia war does not present any internal moral conflicts for me. russia invaded and ukraine is fighting for its right to be an independent country.

but, i've always had problems with the way israel became a country. and the fact that the palestinians do not have a homeland.

i do not want to see israel killing innocent palestinians either.

but, what hamas has done is inexcusable. they attacked a music festival and machine-gunned 260 unarmed young people who were just celebrating life.

and then they went from village to village, door to door, and murdered everyone they saw. including small children.

i don't know for sure about the beheading but i've seen photos of toddlers with multiple bullet holes in them.

i find this war very disturbing.

hamas has gotten what it wanted, which was to draw worldwide attention to the palestinian's plight.

they also knowingly precipitated a major humanitarian crisis, as they knew, before they attacked, what the israeli response would be.

now israel will enter gaza on the ground and fight it out with hamas, who is using the civilian population as shields.

there's going to be a lot of blood.

so, i am signing off the "war" thread, for my own peace of mind. i don't pray but i will be thinking about all the people in the world who are suffering from needless violence.


Active member
Oh well UK channel 4 casting some doubts on Israel's version of events and looks like the intercepted phone call was bollocks too.

Oh yes democracy -
