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Three Berries

Active member
No it's more then just something that is said, you're living proof it's true, although like your previously inaccurate percentages you're pretty far off the mark here too, on how many of you brainwashed idiots are irredeemable.

Most of what I say has not been publicly revealed or is contrary to the MSM narrative. Your estimates are based on illogic......


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
That is like bending over backwards to see the propaganda from the American propaganda channels ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, etc.
I think all the petty culture wars on woke are preventing you from seeing the bigger picture...

"Without the Second World War it is unlikely that the BBC would have the reach and reputation that it enjoys today. At its height in 1944, the BBC was broadcasting in nearly 50 languages on over 40 short-wave transmitters for 130 programme hours daily. The success of the BBC as a wartime broadcaster, capable of chipping away at the morale of the enemy and mobilizing resistance to it, was dependent on the ebb and flow of the military situation. By 1945, the Corporation had come to enjoy immense authority and good will across the world, particularly in Europe. "
"The BBC World Service is now available on multiple platforms in 43 languages, the largest number since the Second World War, with a weekly audience of 319 million and a target audience of 500 million in 2022. With increased competition from state broadcasters and commercial organisations, the World Service remains a global brand that is demonstrably trusted with a reputation that has accrued since the Second World War. From the 1930s, more than 50 years before the concept was invented, the BBC has provided the UK with a key soft power resource. The Corporation is uniquely placed to address concerns about fake news and misinformation, and to offer itself as a global public service provider of news and information. This is implicit across its history, and provides the BBC and indeed the United Kingdom with a clear global mission. "


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Information straight from the Ministry of Truth, 1984 style.

The Corporation is uniquely placed to address concerns about fake news and misinformation, and to offer itself as a global public service provider of news and information. This is implicit across its history, and provides the BBC and indeed the United Kingdom with a clear global mission. "


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Talk about an ironic cultural reference lol...
I bet you've never even read 1984... but you probably should.
If you have read it then read it again ! it clearly didn't sink in.


...como el Son...
Great Leader Xiden doesn't know it anymore.He is really ripe for a nursing home.

Well, I don't understand your concern, Curandero. In fact, it is in line with the level of geography of other gringo presidents who used to say in Finland how beautiful that part of Russia was...

Others had serious hearing/cognitive problems, and either did not hear well or could not add 2+2, when the Spanish intelligence services tell him that Wahabist elements have been detected in courses for aviation pilots who surprisingly refuse to learn how to land and then embark to the USA...

Others had very serious hallucinations that made them see arsenals of weapons of mass destruction even in the corral of Uncle Tariq's donkeys...

And, well, I don't know if you are gringo or cousin, but if you are Mexican, what am I going to tell you about the complicated American geography south of the Rio Grande del Norte aka Bravo?


...como el Son...
Talk about an ironic cultural reference lol...
I bet you've never even read 1984... but you probably should.
If you have read it then read it again ! it clearly didn't sink in.

And not to mention the 2 previous ones of the trilogy: "Homage to Catalonia" and "Animal Farm".

​​​​​​It all starts from Orwell's experience as a militiaman on the Spanish Republican aka Loyalist aka People's Army, and the internal conflict and differences on how to follow the war against Franco, Hitler and Mussolini, and how to combine the "social revolution" with it, between the bloc led by the Communist Party of Spain (which said to get the help of Stalin's Soviet Union and park the "social revolution" during the war, is the only chance to win), and the bloc led by the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (with whom Orwell's sympathies were) and the anarchists (who wanted the "social revolution" to go on in spite of the war, and did not accept the Stalinist interference, which was growing more and more).


Well-known member

Jeez. Where to start with this.

Well, first off, masks aren't tyranny. Full stop.

Secondly, the Babylon Bee is a satire website.

Three Berries

Active member
Jeez. Where to start with this.

Well, first off, masks aren't tyranny. Full stop.

Secondly, the Babylon Bee is a satire website.

LOL yes forcing masking for no good reason or for a coordinated lie is tyranny.

An yes satire is better than the MSM truth! It's a Christian site too.....


Active member
LOL yes forcing masking for no good reason or for a coordinated lie is tyranny.

An yes satire is better than the MSM truth! It's a Christian site too.....

Red lights are tyranny. It’s totally outrageous.

Seriously. You don’t know tyranny.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Talk about an ironic cultural reference lol...
I bet you've never even read 1984... but you probably should.
If you have read it then read it again ! it clearly didn't sink in.

Don't you know, reading books is only for those weak minded elite intellects?


Active member
Huh. I must have missed that Q drop.

Drop E’s, not Q’s: It was back in 2013/2014 that the United States organized with ukranian Right Sector and conducted the coup d’etat know as Euromaidan, toppling the elected government as they did not want to go along with demands of Ukraine being a member of NATO and the EU. Pogroms against ethnic russians started immediately with the coup and escalated to the point that by summer 2014 Kiev was shelling residential areas in eastern Ukraine.

Fast forward 8 years of shelling and the then vice president, now president of the United States asks how we came to the point that Putin invaded Russia…


...como el Son...
Operational research applied to the Ukrainian War :
By Yago Rodriguez:

By performing a statistical analysis of Russian casualties documented through open source intelligence we can estimate the degree of Russian attrition, the actual course of operations and other relevant issues. The text occupies 25% of the article, the rest being the explanation of the methodology and the analysis of the statistics along 3 different annexes.

The author is aware of the difficulties and the existing fog of war in an analysis of these characteristics, nevertheless there are sufficient and verifiable data to undertake this work and point out some relevant findings.

Main ideas:
The Ukrainians are incapable of surrendering large Russian units, although they are very good at inflicting widespread attrition resulting from rapid tactics based on the coup de main and the ambush.
In spite of the logistical problems usually wielded in the press, the rhythm of the Russian operations -if we take into account the casualties- is constant during the last week.
Half of the Russian vehicle losses do not occur in combat, but due to driving errors, accidents, escapes or logistical shortcomings.
The percentage of prisoners (less than 3% at best) is very low, indicating that Russian troops are fleeing or abandoning materiel but not surrendering.
One third of the vehicle losses are logistic trucks, 224 out of 703 (32%) as of Saturday, March 5, indicating the vulnerability of the roads, the fluidity of the fronts, and the desupply of the units located at the spearhead.
Aviation casualties have not increased substantially so far.
The first Russian operational echelon has already been decimated or is about to be decimated, and a minimum of 3,050-3,222 casualties can be estimated.
Small arms combined with conventional (unguided) bazookas are accounting for most of the Russian material losses.
During the first days the number of light and medium forces was similar to that of heavy forces, although this trend is gradually reversing in favor of the latter. In other words, the Russians are introducing heavier and heavier forces, indicating a more aggressive offensive.
At the moment Russia has suffered a minimum of around 3,050-3,220 casualties between dead and wounded (see Annex 1 and Annex 2), the real number being probably higher.

Russia would have two operational echelons of about 54,000 men (see Annex 2) so we can estimate that if they suffer 5,400 casualties the first operational echelon will have been decimated and with 18,000 casualties it will have been destroyed as an operational echelon.

Despite the spectacular images most of the destroyed Russian forces are not even company size.
Kiev is incapable of inflicting tactical defeats on Russian units of a certain size [...] Could one speak of Russian tactical superiority but a lethal Ukrainian subtactical superiority?
Therefore, it is probable that at this moment the first Russian operational echelon has been decimated or is close to it, which forces the introduction - at least partial - of the second echelon, as well as the need for a certain operational rest. This does not prevent the casualties from being distributed with greater or lesser intensity in the different areas of operations.

In contrast, only 100 Russians (1) (2) have been taken prisoner so far, which represents a maximum of 3% of the total Russian casualties. The impact of the defection phenomenon remains to be known, but it seems clear that the Russians are not surrendering to the Ukrainians, although they may be fleeing from them.

The insecurity of the roads so far has been a constant, resulting in heavy casualties among the logistic convoys and perhaps the de-supplying of the Russian spearhead.
The low number of prisoners tells us that the Ukrainians have harassed the Russians all along the front, but have not managed to surrender any unit above company or platoon level, i.e. Kiev is unable to inflict tactical defeats on the Russian units - an important shortcoming that tells us about Russian tactical superiority - although the Ukrainians have proved to be very adept at inflicting harassment that causes a steady stream of significant casualties. Could one speak of Russian tactical superiority but Ukrainian subtactical superiority?

Total number of vehicles lost by the Russians: There is no data for March 1 and 4.
Against the low number of POWs, its vehicle analogue - the capture of materiel - accounts for an average of 33% of Russian materiel losses, plus 23% of abandoned vehicles, yielding a terrible average rate of 56% vehicle casualties resulting from phenomena not involving direct contact with the enemy.

The question arises as to which weapons panoply is yielding better results, ATGMs, MANPADs or light weapons together to traditional RPGs. So far the latter combo seems to have been responsible for the majority of Russian casualties.
That is, more than half of the Russian vehicles are lost due to non-combat related events.... Mechanical failures, lack of consumables, personnel fleeing, driving accidents or the like.

The average as of March 5 stands at 23% for abandoned vehicles and 33% for captured ones
On February 27, the fourth day of the war armored cars, MRAPs and APC-type armor and the like accounted for 18% of Russian casualties compared to 24% for ICVs and tanks.

This indicates that in the first phase of the war an important use was made of medium and light forces, that is motorized infantry and light infantry equipped with armored cars.

The T-90 tank, the best Russian armored car characterized by its 'red eyes' Shtora-1 is a good thermometer to know when Russia's best heavy units come into action / Via Hargi23.
A week later, on Saturday, March 5, the lighter categories accounted for 20% of casualties versus 30% for ICVs and combined tanks (15% respectively), thus we note a growing introduction of heavy units. In fact, we note the recent introduction of T-90 and BMP-3 armor, indicating that the best Russian units are entering the fray.

Finally, the number of casualties among Russian trucks stands out, which although it has been gradually decreasing (on February 28 it represented 37%) reflects the vulnerability of the roads, the vulnerability of logistics in general and last mile logistics in particular, and the Russian difficulty to establish a coherent front.




Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Talk about an ironic cultural reference lol...
I bet you've never even read 1984... but you probably should.
If you have read it then read it again ! it clearly didn't sink in.

It has been a while, probably before you were born, judging by the way you act. Required in my 8th or 9th grade middle school classes in CA. So was "Animal Farm".
You can be sure the CA school system is no longer making kids read those classics.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Putin wanted to get rid of the illegit regime run by the little stripper. He did not want to have a wrecked Ukraine on his border. That is why he came in light. The west if forcing is hand, which may get heavier. The poles are fools for being the west's playground, and they too will suffer I bet.


Active member
Drop E’s, not Q’s: It was back in 2013/2014 that the United States organized with ukranian Right Sector and conducted the coup d’etat know as Euromaidan, toppling the elected government as they did not want to go along with demands of Ukraine being a member of NATO and the EU. Pogroms against ethnic russians started immediately with the coup and escalated to the point that by summer 2014 Kiev was shelling residential areas in eastern Ukraine.

Fast forward 8 years of shelling and the then vice president, now president of the United States asks how we came to the point that Putin invaded Russia…



Well-known member
LOL yes forcing masking for no good reason or for a coordinated lie is tyranny.

An yes satire is better than the MSM truth! It's a Christian site too.....

Lol. No. That's why the lies were made up to discredit everything pertaining to Covid. The same playbook as the "stolen election". It seems even Trump is vaxxed and wore masks and took precautions whenever he wasn't being filmed. Since they discredited it in the eyes of the gullible(i.e you), naturally you'd think making you wear masks was an overreach.

Also, Babylon Bee is most certainly not Christian, not that would help anything here. Copypasta from their About Us page....

Your Trusted Source for Christian News Satire

What is The Babylon Bee?

The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News.

If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God.

Unlike other satire sites, everything we post is 100% verified by Snopes.com.


Well-known member
Drop E’s, not Q’s: It was back in 2013/2014 that the United States organized with ukranian Right Sector and conducted the coup d’etat know as Euromaidan, toppling the elected government as they did not want to go along with demands of Ukraine being a member of NATO and the EU. Pogroms against ethnic russians started immediately with the coup and escalated to the point that by summer 2014 Kiev was shelling residential areas in eastern Ukraine.

Fast forward 8 years of shelling and the then vice president, now president of the United States asks how we came to the point that Putin invaded Russia…

That's a hell of a story that I'm sure is backed up with the appropriate evidence. Something from a glorified blog or random social media account perhaps?