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...como el Son...
Don't you know, reading books is only for those weak minded elite intellects?

"Fuera del perro, probablemente no haya mejor amigo del ser humano que un buen libro; dentro del perro, probablemente esté demasiado oscuro como para leer.."

"Outside the dog, there is probably no better friend of the human being than a good book; inside the dog, it is probably too dark to read.."

Jorge Luis Borges or Augusto Monterroso (?)

"El que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho."
"Who reads much and walks much, sees much and knows much."
"La falsedad tiene alas y vuela, y la verdad la sigue arrastrándose, de modo que cuando las gentes se dan cuenta del engaño ya es demasiado tarde"

"Falsehood has wings and flies, and truth follows it crawling, so that when people realize the deception it is already too late."

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Drop E’s, not Q’s: It was back in 2013/2014 that the United States organized with ukranian Right Sector and conducted the coup d’etat know as Euromaidan, toppling the elected government as they did not want to go along with demands of Ukraine being a member of NATO and the EU. Pogroms against ethnic russians started immediately with the coup and escalated to the point that by summer 2014 Kiev was shelling residential areas in eastern Ukraine.

Fast forward 8 years of shelling and the then vice president, now president of the United States asks how we came to the point that Putin invaded Russia…



...como el Son...
It has been a while, probably before you were born, judging by the way you act. Required in my 8th or 9th grade middle school classes in CA. So was "Animal Farm".
You can be sure the CA school system is no longer making kids read those classics.

Why should we be reading Animal Farm by George Orwell:
In order not to repeat a history, it is necessary to understand and remember it:

(by G. Nayeli)

On August 17, 1945, George Orwell's fifth book was published in England. We are talking about Animal Farm, which narrates the problems that the animals of a farm go through to free themselves from the human yoke and live in freedom. The story begins when, with the strength of his last days, an old pig incites the other animals of the place to organize for their emancipation. Gradually, the animals become aware of the profit that humans derive from their exploitation and decide to change the situation. Soon, the pigs of the farm lead a new society. However, after some time, the renewed structure becomes as unjust and repressive as the previous one. To such a degree that, by the end of the novel, it is impossible to distinguish between pigs and men.
Many readers of the work have noted that the novel narrates in code the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union after the Revolution of 1917. This theory can be extended even further: Animal Farm hints at the path that every totalitarian regime follows.

A story beyond equivalence:
In Animal Farm, each group of animals represents a historical force active during the organization that followed the Russian Revolution: Old Major represents the ideas of Vladimir Lenin; Napoleon, those of Joseph Stalin; Snowball, those of Leon Trotsky; and Squealer acts as Soviet propaganda. So, anyone who knew the main protagonists of the Soviet regime would understand the references.

Not only the pigs fulfill symbolic functions in the novel, the other animals do as well: the dogs are an allegory for the armed forces of the secret police, the raven Moses is representative of the Orthodox church, Mollie the mare symbolizes the upper class and the horse Boxer is the proletarian labor force. For their part, the humans are divided in two: Mr. Jones (former owner of the farm) is a reference to Tsar Nicholas II, while the owners of the other farms, who gradually become Napoleon's partners through the diplomatic services of Mr. Whymper, represent the countries with which Stalinism maintained relations.
However, the novel does not establish simple relationships between the workings of the Soviet dictatorship and that of the animal farm. There are several substantial differences between men and animals that the text does not leave in the dark and that prevent a linear reading. Scholar Veronica Claire Letemendia explains that:

"Unlike men, most beasts are naturally limited by their short lifespan and the consequent brevity of their memory. Moreover, their distinct physical characteristics negate the versatility of humans. Their class structures are fixed by their immutable functions on the farm: a horse could never do the work of a hen."

In the world of humans this is not so: different people can do the same job if they are trained for it. Vocational education and technical training are forms of apprenticeship available to women and men. One of Orwell's most profound criticisms of the Soviet regime is precisely that: the social structure seemed natural and immobile when, in fact, it had been created over time. The division of labor between animals and men does not operate in the same way. This means that the division between dominant and oppressed classes is not natural and, therefore, can be transformed and disappear.
Animal Farm shows the birth of a repressive and unjust government. The process of its formation is easily understandable because it is presented in a simple way. For example, one of the mechanisms of a regime to exercise total control over the population is to erase or prohibit historical memory. In the novel one of the symptoms of the situation becoming increasingly obscure is the denial of various events of the past (such as Snowball's role during the revolt) and the alteration of agreements made at the beginning of the new organization (as time goes by, the initial seven commandments are accommodated to the behavior of the pigs).

Although Snowball was initially Napoleon's ally and together they collaborated in the battle against the humans, as the ideological differences between the two pigs grow, Napoleon manipulates the image of his former ally and reinforces the animal society's rejection of him. After being expelled from the farm, Snowball becomes a silent enemy and many evils are falsely attributed to him. Eventually, Napoleon comes to deny Snowball's involvement in the rebellion and accuses him of being an ally of the humans from the beginning.
The perversion of political power or the failure of the revolution.
Animal Farm has been read as a disenchanted vision of any proletarian revolution because, in the face of this, there are seemingly unappealable forces that pervert those who sought freedom from oppression in the first place. If the basic question is how to preserve the democratic character of a revolution, the answer lies in what differentiates animals from humans: education and self-awareness are ways to preserve a sense of justice and equality.
Of course, his critical distance from the Soviet regime meant that George Orwell faced some problems in publishing his book in 1945. On the one hand, the Soviets and their sympathizers would reject the text as defamatory; on the other hand, conservative groups would try to use it to discredit the socialist revolution. However, Orwell's intention was not to delegitimize socialism, but to show the perversion of the Soviet regime. In an essay, the writer explains that:

"What happens again and again is that a proletarian movement is quickly channeled and betrayed by clever people at the head, and then a new ruling class emerges. The one thing that never comes is equality. The mass of people never get a chance to use their innate decency to control affairs, which gives room for the cynical idea that men are only decent if they lack power."

In a foreword he wrote some time after the first edition of the text, the author claimed that his interest lay : "in showing the oppressive character of the Soviet organization and separating it from the libertarian socialist movement. The fable format would allow many people to understand the message of the work and would facilitate its translation into many languages, which would make the message very accessible."

The metamorphosis of the pig into a man:
The final image of the novel is very powerful: seated at the table, men and pigs argue over a card game and only in the dispute do they become indistinguishable to the animals watching from the window:
The astonished animals, passed their gaze from pig to man, and from man to pig; and, again, from pig to man; but it was already impossible to distinguish who was one and who was the other.
The degeneration of the liberating pigs into the actors of the farm's oppression is astonishing because it is the culmination of a process that we witness throughout the narrative. A few pages before the end, there is a discursive premonition of the terrible ending: on the wall that once served as a canvas for the agreements of the new society can be read an absurd statement in all its brutality:

"All the animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".

In the history of the Soviet regime, the egalitarian ideals of primitive socialism adopted a capitalist logic that finds room for competition and hierarchy even in the ideas most contrary to its spirit. The main property of equality is that it nullifies the possibility of abuses; however, with the necessary violence, even the most egalitarian society ends up being unjust.

And not to mention the 2 previous ones of the trilogy: "Homage to Catalonia" and "Animal Farm".

​​​​​​It all starts from Orwell's experience as a militiaman on the Spanish Republican aka Loyalist aka People's Army, and the internal conflict and differences on how to follow the war against Franco, Hitler and Mussolini, and how to combine the "social revolution" with it, between the bloc led by the Communist Party of Spain (which said to get the help of Stalin's Soviet Union and park the "social revolution" during the war, is the only chance to win), and the bloc led by the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (with whom Orwell's sympathies were) and the anarchists (who wanted the "social revolution" to go on in spite of the war, and did not accept the Stalinist interference, which was growing more and more).


...como el Son...
TvRain, aka Dozhd, one of the media forced to close down by the Kremlin's impositions, dismisses its news with the slogan of Spanish antifascism:
" ¡ No pasarán ! "

(According to various Spanish media):

The invasion of Ukraine further darkens the future for journalists in Russia. The fear of the Kremlin's approval of martial law tomorrow, Friday, and the extensive media censorship it would unleash has led the independent Russian channel Dozhd to cut its broadcasts this Thursday after eleven years, reports NEXTA. Moreover, the Russian media was blocked on TV and on the Internet by Putin's government at the beginning of the month under the pretext that they were giving false information on the war. Amid fears of persecution of the opposition press, Dozhd journalists "have fled Russia," they said in a statement. In an emotional message, general director Natalia Sindeeva bid farewell to viewers in what she said was "the most difficult decision of our lives." "We have decided to temporarily suspend the channel's broadcasting. I have to emphasize the word 'temporarily'. We have to regain our strength and breathe before deciding how to move forward". The journalist explained the motivation for the cut, allegedly stemming from the implementation of martial law: "Because once this law comes into force tomorrow, it will not be possible to do our work. Or we will have to talk about fantastic art exhibitions, fire castles, or who knows what else. That's why this has been the last newscast this season. We look forward to coming back [the rebroadcast is cut off]." The last image of the channel was of the team of journalists leaving the set in tears.


Three Berries

Active member


Well-known member
Posting ‘Xiden’, because Biden is supposedly snuggling up with China, and that’s bad.

Supporting Putin, whose Russia has a friendship ‘without limits’ with China, because that’s good.



Well-known member
They are expecting the capital to be stormed soon. Tanks are coming through the outer towns. Of course, there are a limited number of roads a tank can use. Lets hope they have planted explosive appropriately, to drop buildings and open sewers. Planting explosive ahead of the fact has been seen in US warfare, though denied to date, we have the footage.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

He would have had little if any problem leaving behind all the thousands of Afghans that help US forces, essentially committing them to a death sentence at the hands of the Taliban for being traitors. If he would have done different he would have made sure the state department was fully staffed back when he was still in office so that they would have had the necessary man power to process all the thousands of requests for refugee status in the states. The fact that he left the state department so gutted was one of the big reasons why Biden had to delay things beyond the promised May 1st date and why even after 3 additional months there were still many Afghans that had to be left behind. As a result of not being able to take care of everyone that helped us out, the next time we find ourselves in a foreign land we'll have a much harder time finding people willing to help us. Another thing that proves Trump would have left those who helped us behind was the way he suddenly withdrew troops from the Turkish border of Syria leaving the Kurdish forces who were key in helping us to defeat the ISIS forces in Syria. Thereby leaving those Kurdish forces to be brutally attacked by the Turkish who had a long standing issue with the Kurds. The only thing holding the Turks back was our presence there and because we are allies with them thru NATO. Not long afterwards he did send troops back but not to help the Kurds but rather to take the Syrian Oil for ourselves.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Most of what I say has not been publicly revealed or is contrary to the MSM narrative. Your estimates are based on illogic......

Most of what you say hasn't been revealed because it's just made up nonsense. The numbers I mentioned however are based on polls, which I will admit isn't much better then made up nonsense because polls can easily be manipulated to get whatever results you want but at least with polls there are actual people were polled and records of that polling that can be pointed to so it is better then just someone merely stating their own biased, personal opinion.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

The problem you and others who keep pointing to this period in time is that you're not telling the full story. The reason this coup was supported by the US and European forces was because the government that was unseated was a Russian puppet government that Putin helped get elected. The coup wasn't the invention of the US or NATO as many pro Russian sources try to paint, rather it was initiated by Ukrainian citizens who were furious with President Yanukovych for refusing a deal with Europe to improve the economy in Ukraine in favor of a less beneficial deal from Russia even though in his promises made to get elected he vowed to improve relations with Europe, because of this and a number of other moves he made that favored Russia, the Ukrainians turned on Yanukovych and eventually drove him in to exile in Russia where he remains to this day. The only reason the US and NATO got involved (just with military equipment and financial aide) is because Yanukovych was being backed by the Kremlin and Putin. Of course Putin didn't like this because it seriously messed up the plans he was carefully laying for eventually taking over Ukraine which is why he and other Pro Russian sources now try to twist the story around to make it seem like the US and NATO is responsible for the invasion by Russia into Ukraine that is currently under way.

The truth of the matter is that the only reason Putin has anything to fear from NATO or the US is because he is unwilling to accept that the former Soviet territories that broke off from the USSR are now sovereign countries with every right to decide for themselves who they want to align with and what form of government they want to operate under. If Putin could learn to respect that he would have nothing to worry about from the US or NATO. Putin won't do that because if he did he would never be able to achieve his vision of restoring the USSR to what it was when Ukraine and several of the Eastern NATO counties were territories of the USSR. Apparently Putin and those who support his goals either forgot or never learned in the first place that NATO was created specifically to put Russia's imperialistic designs in check because of the way the USSR previously invaded and took over all those territories during WWII which they were only able to do because the rest of the world was too busy fighting Hitler's Germany to stop them and the USSR thought it had nothing to worry about from Hitler because of a non aggression pact they entered into with Hitler just before he invaded Poland, with the aide and support of the USSR. Had the USSR respected the sovereignty of those countries rather then take advantage of WWII to conquer them, NATO might not have ever been formed and thos countries wouldn't be members of NATO today feeling they need protection from Russia's future imperialistic designs. What is going on now in Ukraine dates much further back then 2014 and is solely the fault of Russia under the leadership of Putin.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Mah Iahdih Nan's opinion from Madrid for E.C.S:

Selective and exclusionary international law: US and EU demand from Russia what they keep silent before Morocco, occupying power of Western Sahara:

One of the most pleasurable human satisfactions is to put the dishonest neighbor before his own contradictions. The Ukrainian war, unfortunately, especially for the Ukrainian people who suffer the consequences of the invasion and the war. It has offered us, the forgotten, ignored, assaulted and harassed Saharawis for half a century, the satisfaction of putting those who sustain the Moroccan feudal regime before the mirror of its inconsistencies and paradoxes.

These days we have heard from the mouths of the most reputable political authorities in the world, many demands and demands for compliance with the forgotten, banished and marginalized international law. Hollow and false declarations that are not credible because of their opportunism and above all because International Law has been a phantom used to suit the interests of the most powerful countries. A Kleenex that they use and throw away when they have a cold. To hear all these leaders talk about compliance with international legality and justice makes one nauseous when everyone knows that what interests these individuals who run the world the least is the implementation of international law. They only care about deceiving their peoples and protecting their own narrow interests.

Let's look at some of the statements of some world leaders on the war in Ukraine:

American President Joe Biden stated: "This is a flagrant violation of international law, and it demands a firm response from the international community".

Spanish President Pedro Sanchez declared: "the flagrant violations of international law committed by Vladimir Putin will not go unpunished".

And finally French President Emmanuel Macron: he said in an appearance "This is a brutal violation of international law. We will respond without weakness, with coolness, determination and unity."

A priori all these statements could be in line with events. But curiously, and this is where these pronouncements falter. Precisely, the weak side of these three countries is their coherence when it comes to respecting the compliance with that vaunted international legality to which they now resort in a false, hypocritical and shameless way.

That is why neither the USA, nor France and not even Spain, have any credibility or moral authority to talk about international law and its implementation, since they are the first ones to have skipped it when it has been in their interest.

The most bleeding and flagrant example of this incoherence is the Saharawi case; a non-autonomous territory subject under international law to decolonization and self-determination of its inhabitants. The three countries provoked, promoted, encouraged, participated in, assisted and continue to support the illegal occupation of Western Sahara by the Moroccan regime.

The actions of these countries in the Saharawi case are the clearest example of the violation of international law.

The USA, France and many Western countries that participated in the invasions of Western Sahara (and of other countries). They should review and remember their illegal aggressions against these countries and act in coherence with international legality.


I'll grant you that many nations, especially the wealthiest and most powerful have behaved in ways in the past that make their positions in regards to Ukraine appear hypocritical. That however is poor justification for doing nothing when someone else violates international law. That's kind of like saying that if a person has committed a crime then they should just stand by and allow any crime he see's be committed by someone else without any interference even if he may have come to recognize the wrongness of his own crime.

It's worth noting that when the US ended up on the wrong side of the situation with Western Sahara and Morocco happened under the Trump administration. The only wrong I see the current Biden administration having made on that matter is that he has not moved quickly on deciding if he should reverse the decision of the Trump Administration. Prior to Trump the US has remained in agreement with most of the International community that Morocco had no claim on the Western Sahara. Unfortunately as is often the case with such things it is complicated by the positions of other important allies, in this case mainly Israel since Trump's position was the result of trying to get Israel and Morocco to normalize relations although there are interests of other nations involved as well such as that between the US and African Union.


Active member
Except it wasn't the democratically elected government it was a Putin Lapdog that Putin help to defraud the election and it was the Ukrainians not the US who ran him out of office, like I said just because you've been to Ukraine doesn't mean you know Ukraine.

And like I said, I know it better than you. You reason like all american imperialists do: ”this guy doesn’t want to do what we tell him, call him by some slur and depose him, then call it democracy”. The ukranians that you speak of was the Right Sector, not your ordinary ukranians. It is all well known that they coordinated with the United States and still do. Your argument rest on nothing but apologetics for the US fascist coup.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And like I said, I know it better than you. You reason like all american imperialists do: ”this guy doesn’t want to do what we tell him, call him by some slur and depose him, then call it democracy”. The ukranians that you speak of was the Right Sector, not your ordinary ukranians. It is all well known that they coordinated with the United States and still do. Your argument rest on nothing but apologetics for the US fascist coup.

It wasn't that he wouldn't do what the US wanted him to do it was because he wouldn't do what the Ukrainian people wanted him to do and it wasn't just the far right but rather it was Ukrainians from virtually every political group in Ukraine with the exception of the Russian backed separatists of course. Yet I bet even some of them didn't care for it when the goon's of the Russian backed Yanukovych government murdered hundreds of innocent protestors which sparked the violence you now call genocide from the far Right. My argument rests on loads of well documented historical fact.


Active member
And like I said, I know it better than you. You reason like all american imperialists do: ”this guy doesn’t want to do what we tell him, call him by some slur and depose him, then call it democracy”. The ukranians that you speak of was the Right Sector, not your ordinary ukranians. It is all well known that they coordinated with the United States and still do. Your argument rest on nothing but apologetics for the US fascist coup.
You don’t know shit. Repeating the same line of bullshit as your handlers.