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Well-known member
mistake 4 - Hitler declares war on usa
it was quite iffy that the usa was going to declare war on Hitler
the usa was quite isolationist at that time



from the future

The’Biden administration gave Hamas 75 million dollars while knowing that’a terrorist attack was imminent​


The’administration of Democratic president Joe Biden paid Hamas 75 million dollars at the beginning of the month of’october, just days before the group launched an assault on Israel and after learning that’a terrorist attack was imminent.

’aide was granted in all discretion, bypassing the’obstruction of Republicans.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has approved the release of 75 million dollars for the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Blinken diverted’argent to Hamas just hours before the funds were redistributed elsewhere.

L’operation has been passed over in silenceearly in’October, days before Hamas launched its terrorist attacks on Israel, massacring, raping and abducting hundreds of innocent civilians.

However, funding was approvedafter the American government learned that Hamas was probably planning a terrorist attack on Israel.

Blinken's decision came after months of pressure from Democratic lawmakers and dozens of civil society groups.

They warned that blocking’aide would create a humanitarian disaster for more than a million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

’aide had been blocked by Republican senators who were opposed to the release of funds.

Senator Jim Risch and representative Michael McCaul, the leading Republicans on the foreign affairs commissions of the Senate and the House of Representatives, prevent since the end of July the’ State department from providing funds to the UN’agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).

After taking office, Biden reversed the president Donald Trump's efforts to cut fundingthe’agence of the United Nations and Hamas.

L’UNRWA thanked Blinken for the funds that will support its distribution of food until’Nr 2024.

« Thank you [to Blinken] for providing 75 million dollars of’ food aid to Palestinian refugees in Gaza ! », said l’UNRWA.

« This generous support from the American people will allow’UNRWA to continue this essential aspect of its humanitarian and human development work until the end of the first quarter of 2024. »

In the meantime, more details have emergedthat the’administration Biden has also sent 33.7 million dollars of the American Rescue Plan.

This money was intended to help the Americans fight against Covid during the pandemic.

This money was sent to a Palestinian humanitarian organization that has already been accused of’ offering refuge to Gaza terrorists.

The group has been referred to as « branch of Hamas ».

The American rescue plan, a bill of’aide to the fight against COVID-19 adopted by Congress with the unanimous support of Democrats in the Senate and quasi-unanimity in the House of Representatives, allocated 33.7 million dollars to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) through the’ programme for assistance to migration and migration to refugees in the’ State Department, according to USASpending.gov data, within the framework of the 500 million dollars included in the bill for the financing of’aide aux migrations et aux refugees by the State Department.

In 2014, the New Republic newspaper described’UNRWAlike « a branch of Hamas ».

A Watch reported earlier this yearthat the’UNRWA schools were complicit in’teaching children of hatred of the Jewish people and glorification of terrorism.

UN Watch reported that’USRWA acknowledged that teachers had mistakenly produced and distributed « » incentive material, including, but promised in 2021 to no longer circulate this type of material.

L’UNRWA recognized in 2014, and condemned, the Hamas missiles that were found in the’une of its schools in Gaza twice in a week.

« L’UNRWA strongly and unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of the’inviolability of its premises under international law », said the group at the’ at the time.

« The facilities of’UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, have been used repeatedly by Palestinian Hamas terrorists for military purposes, as places of assembly, ’arms and hiding places », said to Fox News Professor Anne Bayefsky, director of the’Institut Touro on human rights and the’Holocaust.

« They have also been used as shields, providing coverage to nearby military facilities. The officials of’UNRWA have had all sorts of inappropriate relations with Hamas itself. Whenever these – facts of war crimes – are revealed, the’ONU proceeds to a « quick » investigation, sometimes accompanied by an expression of meaningless regret, to, and continues its » path, added Bayefsky, who is also president of Human Rights Voices.

« The consequences of their past behavior are that’it is impossible and unwise to take their word for it, or to assume that’elles are a neutral party, or, instead of serving as a catalyst for Palestinian terrorism, today’. »


from the future

An ultra-Orthodox Jew supports Palestine and condemns Zionism​

This is kind of video that will never be shown in the mainstream media totally corrupt and subject to Zionism. Yet there are many such statements of ultra-Orthodox Jews who strongly condemn the creation of the’ State of’Israel by the Zionist movement. For them it’ is a blasphemy against the authentic Jewish religion because since the destruction of the temple, they do not’ have the right to have a nation before the arrival of the Messiah. They are therefore pro-Palestinians, their statements are unambiguously with a courage that deserves respect. This is why’it must never generalize, we must never put everyone in the same basket as the Zionists do by massacring all the civilians of Gaza !



from the future
Hundreds of Jews clashed with Israeli police who came to remove Palestinian flags hung by Jews in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem. The Jews threw stones at the Israeli police to prevent them from removing the flags.

Mutiny and disobedience among Israeli soldiers are becoming more and more frequent as here or a member of the Golani brigade films live the sacking of’a military base by soldiers israelis insult the Netanyahu government (SkyNews)


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Shite comment that.

Well thank you for the criticism.

Yours is a charming example of what mine could have been.... you're obviously a writer.

A rich and in depth look at the human condition. It smacks of Tolstoy. Joyce is rolling in his grave that he didn't write it first.

I sincerely apologize for the shabby development and tragic abruptness.

Thank you ever so much for taking time from your day to bless me with your consideration.

I can see that you are eloquent and very well spoken.



Well-known member
From the footage im seeing its just civilians getting it. A shame. Israels a well tuned military and they're being really sloppy



Active member
Well thank you for the criticism.

Yours is a charming example of what mine could have been.... you're obviously a writer.

A rich and in depth look at the human condition. It smacks of Tolstoy. Joyce is rolling in his grave that he didn't write it first.

I sincerely apologize for the shabby development and tragic abruptness.

Thank you ever so much for taking time from your day to bless me with your consideration.

I can see that you are eloquent and very well spoken.


Regardless of your pompous reply the fact remains that I think it was a shite comment, regardless of the atrocities that happened in Israel via Hamas to then justify the use of chemicals on people not just terrorists is disgusting and reveals far more about you than it does me.
You now judge me by my writing! how telling, hardly a Wordsworth yourself.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Come on ridicule clown troll posters of ICmag, come and make a fool of yourself.


Some feel foolish simply engaging you.

You believe the craziest bullshit imaginable and it's ridiculous to grant you enough credence to pretend that you have processing abilities.

If you were under the impression that the goal was to make a fool of yourself then that explains your reptilian overlords and grey aliens and terraformers.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Regardless of your pompous reply the fact remains that I think it was a shite comment, regardless of the atrocities that happened in Israel via Hamas to then justify the use of chemicals on people not just terrorists is disgusting and reveals far more about you than it does me.
You now judge me by my writing! how telling, hardly a Wordsworth yourself.

I never detracted from your obviously overdue accolades.

You're welcome to your opinion.

I was staggered by your brevity, but now find that I prefer it to the alternative.


Active member
I never detracted from your obviously overdue accolades.

You're welcome to your opinion.

I was staggered by your brevity, but now find that I prefer it to the alternative.

Accolades haha received in full so certainly not overdue. Well I like to be concise, certainly more so than the IDF it would seem.