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Blue Rhino

Well-known member
You are projecting again, it was your government that stole it with help of their neo-nazi Svoboda poxy and Right Sector militias.
You mean after Putin flooded it with Russians and then pretended a "Russian majority" wanted to join back with Russia, right? I mean that's been the Soviet Union's and Putin's M.O.

That's the problem with extremist trash like Bedpan and the losers that support him. They get right pissed off to the point of irrationality when you play their stupid fucking games right back at them.

You know what would be funny? If Poland or Lithuania moved a whole bunch of people to Kaliningrad and then declared those people want to be part of Poland or Lithuania and that the land belonged to them. I wonder how ol' Bedpan and his turds like you would react?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Is sending billions in aid and weapons not a response?

We didn’t “respond” to the Soviet Union in Afghanistan either.

They sent aid because an ally requested and required it.

Should allies let enemies invade allies?

I suppose that I need a lesson here.

Were you attempting to suggest that the support that the US offered to the Mujahideen is the same as the support that they offered to Ukraine?

You waste time and words beating around bushes ...


Well-known member
streets of Moscow full of armored military vehicles, the Kremlin is roped off, 25000 fighters in a 50-mile-long convoy of Wagners on the way to Moscow. on a 4-lane highway with only light resistance.

Prigozhin has hacked his way onto Russian tv and is calling for Shoigu and Gerasimov to be executed.

Russian troops south of Kherson have a cholera outbreak going on.

bridges to Crimea being destroyed.

intercepted phone calls from Russians in the trenches saying they are running out of ammo, food, and water.

Prigozhin is saying that the invasion was based on lies.

yeah, baby!



Well-known member
Russia launched their SMO after no less 8 years of civil war caused by a US coup d’etat that installed a Nazi poxy regime in Ukraine, a poxy regime that broke ceasfire agreements prior to the invasion.

For some reason you always leave out the details. Might be because you have supported the US poxy regime from day one.



Well-known member


How Ukraine is losing​

by Indi.ca

La Russian-Ukrainian war is over. A for another war might go on – a NATO war, a guerrilla war, a nuclear war – but the “conventional” war of attrition between Russia and Ukraine is over. Russia has won and the Ukrainian government is only sacrificing men for the consumption of Western media. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, prepared for a long time, offends nothing other than human conscience.

You learn more by reading a hundred-year-old book than by reading the delirious and destructive news. We are at the end ofAll is quiet on the western frontby Erich Maria Remarque, who was, spoiler alert, calm only in death. We are at the point where the ruling elites know the war is over, but to save face thousands of young men must lose their limbs, their sanity and their lives. This is the saddest and most infuriating part of this book, and it's a tragedy to watch it unfold in real time. As Note wrote:

«Months pass. The summer of 1918 was the bloodiest and most terrible. The days stand like angels in blue and gold, incomprehensible, above the ring of annihilation. All the men here know that we are losing the war. We don't talk about it much, we back off, we will not be able to attack after this great offensive, we have no more men or ammunition.

However, the campaign continues, the dead follow one another…”

I do not know what Note meant by "blue and gold", but the fact that these are the Ukrainian colors is prescient. It is undeniable that Ukrainian soldiers are incredibly brave, but their corrupt rulers and callous outsiders throw them into a useless meat grinder. Suffice it to say they're on a counter-offensive to keep the arms bazaar going a bit longer. The authoritarian government of Ukraine (which banned opposition parties, among other oppressions) should have accepted the peace agreement proposed last spring (or honor it) and now he's going to have to accept something worse.

In the movie "All Quiet On The Western Front(which I didn't like), they introduce a parallel storyline in which the losing German elites are actually visible. A guy has to take a train to "negotiate" the humiliating Treaty of Versailles. He sips tea while our heroes die in the mud.

However, a hundred years later, as history repeats itself like a farce, no one is even talking about negotiating. On the contrary, people are always urged to “support” Ukraine, when in fact it is this cowardly “support” that condemns them to suicidal charges. The US and its British/European vassals blocked the peace deal last spring and offered arms deals instead. They poured gasoline instead of water and – as with every conflict in which they intervene – everyone would have been better off without their “help”.

Unlike in the First World War, where these people actually fought, in this case they are just taking advantage of the situation and making propaganda that only deceives their own people. Despite all the rhetoric about supporting NATO, Ukraine is still not allowed to join. Despite all the talk about arms deliveries, Ukraine does not receive any (official) bodies. Instead of being trained by people with useful experience, Ukrainian soldiers are given ill-adapted and mistranslated advice from people who have just lost to men in Toyota Hiluxes. The Ukrainian soldiers are alone, vastly overwhelmed, and given just enough rope to slowly hang themselves in public. As I have already written, with such friends, who needs enemies ?

Ukraine has taken to calling its counter-offensive "not a counter-offensive". Instead, she conducts a "reconnaissance in force." What does that mean ? If the Ukrainians wanted to see the lines dug by the Russians, they could use drones or open Telegram. Men don't need to die to know that. And forget about any element of surprise. Because Ukraine has already destroyed two complete armies, the latter is being crowd-funded in public. She must therefore have announced this counter-offensive for months, and the enemy was perfectly aware of it.

Russia therefore mobilized, set up means of production and dug three lines of defence. Ukraine can't even come close to the first one. She can't even use her armor for fear of using the armor, making the concept redundant. Russia has an overwhelming air superiority, it has entrenched its troops and its resilient economy is on a war footing. Meanwhile, Ukraine does not have adequate air cover, it has already lost a large number of men and its "supporters" in Europe shot themselves in the foot with sanctions.

The so-called "arsenal of democracy" is just a bunch of deindustrialized assholes who think propaganda is air cover. And poor Ukrainians are burning for their vanity and pride. As Note wrote in 1927,Factory owners in Germany got rich; – dysentery dissolves our intestines». He could just as well be talking about Rheinmetall which promises 14 Leopard tanks… in 2024. . Western propaganda passes off that ink on paper as something relevant, but that just means more blood in the mud.

This counter-offensive is worse than counter-productive, it is suicidal. In fact, the word "homicide" is more appropriate, since arms dealers and advertisers do not fight themselves. This is simply murder on the part of the Ukrainian government and all of its “supporters”. And if you continue to applaud and denounce anyone who points out the obvious as a Putin lackey, then my condemnation extends to you. You are not just delusional, you are actively destructive. As'said Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers whistleblower,any notion that Americans are the 'good guys' overseas 'has always been wrong'».

Political cynically reports that the evidence for Ellsberg's latest warning is "raresdespite the US having 750 obvious military bases and being involved in multiple hot wars, not to mention sieges, coups and economic coercion. As the article clarifies, the context around the quote:

Ellsberg argues that America still leads a "secret empirein the world, embodied by American dominance of NATO. He believes that Washington deliberately provoked Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine by pushing the seat of his power east, towards Russia's borders; that the mainstream media areaccomplicesby allowing the government to keep secrets it has no right to keep; and that any notion that Americans are still the "good" abroad "has always been wrong».

You can see the illusion embedded in the news, when someone states the obvious and readers are encouraged to buy into the idea that these military bases and wars are all well intentioned, despite decades of bitter evidence. that it is nothing. Pentagon Papers whistleblower thankfully died of old age and we still have this conversation. I go back 100 years and think of dear Paul, coming across his old German master and having to listen to his violent ignorance presented as accepted wisdom. It's still Note:

Then he begins to explain where, in France, the breakthrough must take place, and turns to me: “Now get a little ahead there with your eternal trench warfare, crush the "johnnies" and then there will be peace».

I reply that in our view a breakthrough may not be possible. The enemy may have too many reserves. Also, war can be very different from what people think.

He dismisses the idea haughtily and tells me I don't know. "The details, yes, he says, but it concerns the whole. And of that you are not able to judge. You only see your small sector and therefore cannot see the big picture. You do your duty, you risk your life, this deserves the highest honors – each of you should have the Iron Cross – but first you have to break through the enemy line in Flanders and then climb it from above».

«He blows his nose and wipes his beard. They must be completely rolled up, from top to bottom. And then to Paris».

«I would like to know how he imagines the thing, and pour me the third glass of beer».

It's like the cowards today saying that the war will end when Russia is driven out, Putin is deposed and Ukraine receives reparations. I mean, okay, how? How do you imagine it exactly? I can't pour myself enough beer for this to be understandable. It is as if the Germans of 1918, who were not fighting, were arguing over which part of France to annex. In another war, perhaps, but not in this one.

What's the point of these futile debates while men are dying in the mud? What's the point of all these headlines when men lose their minds for 100 meters of "advance"? War is simply the ability to bend your adversary to your will, and Ukraine simply no longer has the men, the means of production or the momentum to achieve its goals. She lost two armies and this third, Frankstein's monster army of mismatched NATO remnants, will simply crash to the ground with no air cover.

As I said, Ukraine could theoretically win another war, i.e. a war that NATO would openly enter into (which would be World War III), but the average western warrior does not want a do so. They simply want to continue debating without putting their money where their mouth is. They want to remain mobile eyes without mobilizing. Thus thousands of far braver men have bitten the dust. Many of them are just unlucky cannon fodder, picked up at gas stations and checkpoints and thrown to the front, before the tanks that the leaders care about more than anything.

If you continue to encourage this carnage, I hope you will choke on your words, but how many wars have bloodthirsty Westerners encouraged without consequence? It's not even the worst that your good intentions have produced in this century. How much blood do you already have on your hands? You seem to think red is white because it never went out.

What the average citizen of the White Empire does not understand is that its military-industrial complex, which bites humanity, will not be good this time. The beast has already bitten dozens of countries, all that remains is to bring it down. Yet even after the destruction of so many countries on the altar of your militarized good intentions, it continues to happen.

Western liberals are actually the worst because they still cling to the idea that "someone has to do something", ignoring the historical fact that every Western intervention makes the situation worse. All their media has to do is broadcast images of something bad somewhere, and these ghouls are sure to make the situation worse. Despite all your good intentions, all the world wants is for you shut your mouth and stay home. No one has named America and its NATO vassals the police of the world, nor the CCFA anyway.

The privatized propaganda of the White Empire is so pervasive that they now present the gain of 300 meters as an “advance”. At the cost of how much 2 meters underground forever? They continue to pretend that future arms deliveries have something to do with the present. More perverse still, they do not discuss the massive human losses suffered by Ukraine, except maybe to say that “Russia is doing worse”, which is a lie. The very nature of offensives means that they generally result in higher casualties for the attacker, but this is rifle fire without air cover. Ukrainians are getting massacre. None of this propaganda is "supporting" these poor souls, it's just cynical sausage making out of a meat grinder.

That's why I don't watch this shit at all. It seems like the fog of war takes decades to clear, so it's best to read a book or look out the window. I think at the end ofAll Quiet On The Western Front". At this point, we've become deeply invested in the characters, and that's when the book comes down hard on us. As he prepares to fight his penultimate battle – long after the war has been lost – Paul says:

For every German plane, there are at least five English and American planes. For one starving and miserable German soldier, there are five of the enemy, fresh and fit. For one German army loaf, there are fifty cans of beef there. We are not beaten, because as soldiers we are better and more experienced; we are simply crushed and pushed back by overwhelming superior forces.

Today, the situation of Ukrainians on the front line is worse. Most of their most skilled and experienced men died an army or two ago. These facts can be found buried in the Western media, but they also flood the area with bullshit so constant that it is obscured. I quote Western media throughout this article, not because they are good sources, but because they are bad, and yet they must recognize these facts.

Ukraine does not enter NATO (i.e. no reinforcements arrive), theUkraine is seriously short of ammunition, she does not have proper air cover, and all the promises of wunderwaffen are too little too late. What Western media don't do is ask or answer the obvious questions, which I'm going to do now. But you can do it yourself, and you should, for these are the thoughts that cross the minds of far braver men as they march toward their doom.

Why are Ukrainians dying at this point? What are their chances of winning? The truth is that there is no counter-offensive here. It's just an offensive against man and all the gods. After all these deaths, what comes to mind are the last men to die. For what ? Damn, why? I think of Kat in "All Quiet On The Western Frontand his last words to Paul:

«The storm whips us, in the confusion of gray and yellow, the hail of splinters brings out the childish cries of the wounded and, in the night, the broken life moans painfully in the silence.

Our hands are dirt, our bodies clay and our eyes pools of rain. We don't know if we are still alive.

Then the heat sinks heavily into our shell holes like a jellyfish, clammy and oppressive, and on one of those late summer days, as we were bringing in food, Kat falls. We are both alone. I dress his wound; his tibia appears to have been shattered. The bone is hit and Kat moans desperately: “Finally, finally, finally…”»

Finally – finally. So many souls lost in Ukraine find themselves in the same terrible situation. I read this in a book a long time ago and thought it would never happen again. Nobody could do that again. It's too stupid, too useless, too cruel. But here we are again. Trench warfare in the XNUMXst century, and television has only made people even more blind to horror. I have nothing but contempt for those who don't even want to talk about peace anymore, even if it's humiliating. They just don't understand. Sometimes you lose, and Ukraine lost that hideous reincarnation of the First World War. You can call for resurrecting World War III from the ashes, but this war is over. Let the Ukrainians go home and fuck these Western interferences. Who will be the last man to die, until all is quiet on the Eastern Front?

source: Indi.ca


Well-known member
oh, the agony of defeat!

Wagner has control over two oblasts now. Rostov and Voronezh. these two border Ukraine and will make supplying Russian troops in Ukraine even more difficult.

Wagners have shot down at least one helicopter.

supposedly there is sporadic gunfire being reported in Voronezh.

90% of Russia's army is in Ukraine leaving the rest of the country lightly defended.

Prigozhin has to be in contact with anti-Putler members of the army and the oligarchs who want Putler out. i can't see him doing this without some support in Russia.

this is another huge embarrassment for Putler. he looks like a desperate man losing control. that will be interpreted as weakness.

it's just too good!

meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Ukrainians are watching and looking for weak spots as the Russian will to fight erodes.


Well-known member

US military chained to China by rare earth minerals and psychotic Prigojine​

by Larry johnson

I would like to address three issues. First, the reliance of the US military-industrial complex on rare earth minerals supplied by China and what this means for the war in the Pacific. Second, the bipartisan US Senate proposal pushing the US toward a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Finally, the psychotic crisis of Evgueni Prigojine and his suicide attempt.


Le Financial Times published disastrous information earlier this week about the US defense industry's dependence on rare earth minerals supplied from china :

«Western manufacturers face the complex task of reducing the risks of doing business in China, but completely severing ties with the country is an insurmountable challenge according to Greg Hayes, CEO of Raytheon, one of the main American companies in the sector. aerospace and defence.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Hayes stressed that while risk reduction is possible, full decoupling is not an option for his company and others in the industry.

“We can reduce risk, but not decouple,” he said. “Think of the $500 billion in trade between China and the United States every year. More than 95% of rare earth materials or metals come from or are processed in China. There is no alternative.

He further explained that if Raytheon pulls out of China, it would take many years to rebuild the necessary capabilities, either domestically or in other friendly countries.».

Hayes' three key points:

The US defense industry CANNOT dissociate itself from China.
There is no medium-term alternative to rare earths or metals mined or processed in China.
It will take Raytheon and other members of the US defense industry MANY YEARS to create alternative capabilities.
This is another card that China can play, if it wishes, to punish the West and limit its ability to mount a military operation against China: suspend exports of rare earth metals to hardware manufacturers. American and European military. This will hinder, if not prevent, the continued production of fighter jets, cruise missiles and other weapon systems.

The ironic observations of entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand sum up the situation well:

«It's hilarious. The boss of Raytheon, a major US arms maker, says his company has "several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling is impossible."

We need China to fight China… In fact, this is good news, it makes war less likely».1

I hope he is right.

Next comes the mad, maniacal proposal by US Senators Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham.

«US Senators Lindsey Graham (Republican) and Blumenthal (Democrat) introduced a bipartisan resolution declaring that Russia's use of nuclear weapons or destruction of Ukraine's occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant constitutes an attack on NATO, which requires the application of Article 5 of NATO.

Senator Blumenthal: “This resolution is meant to send a signal to Vladimir Putin, and even more so to his military, that they will be destroyed. They will be destroyed if they use tactical nuclear weapons or blow up a nuclear power plant.”

“Article 5 exists for a reason. It not only protects against a particular soldier crossing the border, but also against damage to our NATO allies. But when damage to our NATO allies (Poland) entails our obligations, when it comes from hostile forces, as would be the case in the event of radiation spreading».

In summary, Graham and Blumenthal are proposing that the US Senate pass a resolution that would create a reason to invoke Article 5 and bring NATO full force into the war in Ukraine. This may just be a desperate propaganda ploy. This is not the first time that Graham and Blumenthal have teamed up to raise the temperature in the already boiling pot of US-Russian relations.

Last September, Senators Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham submitted a new proposal to Congress to include Russia in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, bypassing the State Department's position. This resolution was rejected by the Biden administration.

Graham and Blumenthal, bent on waging war on Russia, traveled to Kiev in January 2023, accompanied by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and asked Biden to provide Western main battle tanks and F-16 fighters to the Ukraine. I doubt that the subsequent decision by some NATO members – especially the UK, France and Germany – to send "modern tanks" to Ukraine was a consequence of Graham/Blumenthal's advocacy, but in view of the results of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, these tanks joined the ranks of cannon fodder and scrap metal.

The antics of Graham and Blumenthal remind us that US policy toward Russia and how to support Ukraine militarily are not partisan issues. Biden's policy enjoys bipartisan support, and there are no powerful, credible voices in the United States to counter the madness of wanting to provoke a broader war against Russia.

Last, and certainly not least, we have what appears to be a coup attempt by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the figurehead of the Wagner Group. It is essential to understand that Prigozhin has no military experience and is not Wagner's “commander”. Simplicius The Thinker provides a quick update on what's going on:

«Prigozhin appears to have initiated a coup attempt. Information is constantly developing and therefore nothing is final or confirmed. That's why I wanted to focus on the potential causes rather than the speculative and constantly changing noise of information. But just for those who are completely unaware of what is going on:

Prigozhin posted the following video claiming that the Russian Defense Ministry "bombarded" a Wagner rear area, killing many of the Wagners. The video, however, shows no deaths and only what looks like a small scene of leaves on fire. (…)

It is important to note that the incident appears, at first glance, to have occurred out of the blue. In reality, the situation has been evolving for some time. You will remember in particular that the Russian Ministry of Defense published a new decision a few weeks ago according to which all volunteers and PMCs must register under the yoke of the Russian Ministry of Defence. At first glance, the justification was to grant all volunteers the same “benefits” that the Russian military enjoys for their service».

I think Andrei Martyanov's assessment is the strongest:

«It can now be openly stated that Prigozhin is not only a criminal, but also, most likely, an asset of the Ukraine-NATO axis. There is plenty of evidence to support this, including “rumors” (actually, reliable information) that Prigozhin and some Wagner members are providing information on Russian military positions to the FAU. Per Wagner: I said it: it is a good assault group, but as a serious force it is nothing without the Russian armed forces. The misinformation in the media about them, as well as the grossly exaggerated stories about Bakhmout, have been designed primarily for the consumption of fanboys who masturbate over tactical details. My friends and I discussed it for months in the media, for example PolitWera and others. So it's over for Prigojine and, eventually, for Wagner».

I don't know if this is a desperate last-minute ploy by Prigozhin to try to prevent the Wagner Group from being fully placed under the command of the Russian Defense Ministry, if it is an elaborate psychological operation or if this man suffered a catastrophic psychotic crisis. We will know on Monday if Prigojine is a Russian version of Benedict Arnold or an actor like Richard Burton or Robert DeNiro. Come to think of it, Prigojine's behavior reminds me a bit of the role of Al Capone played by DeNiro:

Given that Prigozhin's eruption coincides with the disastrous lack of progress in the Ukrainian counteroffensive, I am inclined, like Andrei, to believe that Prigozhin might be supported by anti-Putin oligarchs and that he is trying to disrupt the successes of the Russian army on the battlefield. I think he will fail and he will not survive this scabrous attack on the Russian Defense Ministry.

However, Prigozhin's fit of madness could be an unprecedented Maskirovka move. If Russian troops move in "response" to his call for a coup, it could be a ploy to mask the concentration of Russian forces for an unexpected offensive. We will see.

source: A Son of the New American Revolution


Well-known member
Oh boy oh boy, in what circus 🤡 world we live in.

Here I am enjoying the Midsummer vibe, planting new autos on balcony in all irie vibe and all, and make the mistake opening the pc, click on trusted news outlets an hey presto, some bald sausagevendor clown started a semi-civil war in Russia, the head rushist bunker grandpa clown escapes to St Petersburg and from there to Venezuela, China or who knows maybe N-Korea... :clover:

Laughing my ass off, only russians know how to russkie even the simplest things in total abandon. (note to self,never EVER drink VODKA like my life depended on it.. unless I want to russkie things that is..)


Hopefully things don´t escalate to the detriment of Russias neighbouring countries, world peace etc. and Zelenskiy et co kicks out the invaders from Crimea and all of Ukraine for good.

Russia shall never be part of the family of decent nations UNTIL they acknowledge, repent and repair all the evil shit they have done to themselves and others since 1917. Like Germany and Japan did after the WW2.


Edit: Still waiting for the Bear to awaken.. :jump:
Last edited:


Well-known member

US military chained to China by rare earth minerals and psychotic Prigojine​

by Larry johnson

I would like to address three issues. First, the reliance of the US military-industrial complex on rare earth minerals supplied by China and what this means for the war in the Pacific. Second, the bipartisan US Senate proposal pushing the US toward a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Finally, the psychotic crisis of Evgueni Prigojine and his suicide attempt.

View attachment 18857649

Le Financial Times published disastrous information earlier this week about the US defense industry's dependence on rare earth minerals supplied from china :

«Western manufacturers face the complex task of reducing the risks of doing business in China, but completely severing ties with the country is an insurmountable challenge according to Greg Hayes, CEO of Raytheon, one of the main American companies in the sector. aerospace and defence.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Hayes stressed that while risk reduction is possible, full decoupling is not an option for his company and others in the industry.

“We can reduce risk, but not decouple,” he said. “Think of the $500 billion in trade between China and the United States every year. More than 95% of rare earth materials or metals come from or are processed in China. There is no alternative.

He further explained that if Raytheon pulls out of China, it would take many years to rebuild the necessary capabilities, either domestically or in other friendly countries.».

Hayes' three key points:

The US defense industry CANNOT dissociate itself from China.
There is no medium-term alternative to rare earths or metals mined or processed in China.
It will take Raytheon and other members of the US defense industry MANY YEARS to create alternative capabilities.
This is another card that China can play, if it wishes, to punish the West and limit its ability to mount a military operation against China: suspend exports of rare earth metals to hardware manufacturers. American and European military. This will hinder, if not prevent, the continued production of fighter jets, cruise missiles and other weapon systems.

The ironic observations of entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand sum up the situation well:

«It's hilarious. The boss of Raytheon, a major US arms maker, says his company has "several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling is impossible."

We need China to fight China… In fact, this is good news, it makes war less likely».1

I hope he is right.

Next comes the mad, maniacal proposal by US Senators Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham.

«US Senators Lindsey Graham (Republican) and Blumenthal (Democrat) introduced a bipartisan resolution declaring that Russia's use of nuclear weapons or destruction of Ukraine's occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant constitutes an attack on NATO, which requires the application of Article 5 of NATO.

Senator Blumenthal: “This resolution is meant to send a signal to Vladimir Putin, and even more so to his military, that they will be destroyed. They will be destroyed if they use tactical nuclear weapons or blow up a nuclear power plant.”

“Article 5 exists for a reason. It not only protects against a particular soldier crossing the border, but also against damage to our NATO allies. But when damage to our NATO allies (Poland) entails our obligations, when it comes from hostile forces, as would be the case in the event of radiation spreading».

In summary, Graham and Blumenthal are proposing that the US Senate pass a resolution that would create a reason to invoke Article 5 and bring NATO full force into the war in Ukraine. This may just be a desperate propaganda ploy. This is not the first time that Graham and Blumenthal have teamed up to raise the temperature in the already boiling pot of US-Russian relations.

Last September, Senators Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham submitted a new proposal to Congress to include Russia in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, bypassing the State Department's position. This resolution was rejected by the Biden administration.

Graham and Blumenthal, bent on waging war on Russia, traveled to Kiev in January 2023, accompanied by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and asked Biden to provide Western main battle tanks and F-16 fighters to the Ukraine. I doubt that the subsequent decision by some NATO members – especially the UK, France and Germany – to send "modern tanks" to Ukraine was a consequence of Graham/Blumenthal's advocacy, but in view of the results of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, these tanks joined the ranks of cannon fodder and scrap metal.

The antics of Graham and Blumenthal remind us that US policy toward Russia and how to support Ukraine militarily are not partisan issues. Biden's policy enjoys bipartisan support, and there are no powerful, credible voices in the United States to counter the madness of wanting to provoke a broader war against Russia.

Last, and certainly not least, we have what appears to be a coup attempt by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the figurehead of the Wagner Group. It is essential to understand that Prigozhin has no military experience and is not Wagner's “commander”. Simplicius The Thinker provides a quick update on what's going on:

«Prigozhin appears to have initiated a coup attempt. Information is constantly developing and therefore nothing is final or confirmed. That's why I wanted to focus on the potential causes rather than the speculative and constantly changing noise of information. But just for those who are completely unaware of what is going on:

Prigozhin posted the following video claiming that the Russian Defense Ministry "bombarded" a Wagner rear area, killing many of the Wagners. The video, however, shows no deaths and only what looks like a small scene of leaves on fire. (…)

It is important to note that the incident appears, at first glance, to have occurred out of the blue. In reality, the situation has been evolving for some time. You will remember in particular that the Russian Ministry of Defense published a new decision a few weeks ago according to which all volunteers and PMCs must register under the yoke of the Russian Ministry of Defence. At first glance, the justification was to grant all volunteers the same “benefits” that the Russian military enjoys for their service».

I think Andrei Martyanov's assessment is the strongest:

«It can now be openly stated that Prigozhin is not only a criminal, but also, most likely, an asset of the Ukraine-NATO axis. There is plenty of evidence to support this, including “rumors” (actually, reliable information) that Prigozhin and some Wagner members are providing information on Russian military positions to the FAU. Per Wagner: I said it: it is a good assault group, but as a serious force it is nothing without the Russian armed forces. The misinformation in the media about them, as well as the grossly exaggerated stories about Bakhmout, have been designed primarily for the consumption of fanboys who masturbate over tactical details. My friends and I discussed it for months in the media, for example PolitWera and others. So it's over for Prigojine and, eventually, for Wagner».

I don't know if this is a desperate last-minute ploy by Prigozhin to try to prevent the Wagner Group from being fully placed under the command of the Russian Defense Ministry, if it is an elaborate psychological operation or if this man suffered a catastrophic psychotic crisis. We will know on Monday if Prigojine is a Russian version of Benedict Arnold or an actor like Richard Burton or Robert DeNiro. Come to think of it, Prigojine's behavior reminds me a bit of the role of Al Capone played by DeNiro:

Given that Prigozhin's eruption coincides with the disastrous lack of progress in the Ukrainian counteroffensive, I am inclined, like Andrei, to believe that Prigozhin might be supported by anti-Putin oligarchs and that he is trying to disrupt the successes of the Russian army on the battlefield. I think he will fail and he will not survive this scabrous attack on the Russian Defense Ministry.

However, Prigozhin's fit of madness could be an unprecedented Maskirovka move. If Russian troops move in "response" to his call for a coup, it could be a ploy to mask the concentration of Russian forces for an unexpected offensive. We will see.

source: A Son of the New American Revolution

the West controls two-thirds of the world's wealth. China cannot survive without Western trade. China has only gotten this far because of Western trade. it is what financed China's economic growth and funded their military.

from a long-term perspective, china also wants a weakened Russia as it will make Russia more dependent on China.

wake up! turn on your critical thinking!


Well-known member

How NATO trainers knowingly sent Ukrainian troops to their deaths during the counteroffensive launched against Russia​

by Scott Ritter

Western computer-aided combat simulations should have predicted kyiv's considerable losses.

Ukraine sent one of its best brigades into battle earlier this month, as part of its long-awaited counter-offensive to retake areas controlled by Russian forces.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade led the charge near the town of Orekhov in the Zaporizhia region. It is equipped with NATO equipment and, above all, it uses the combined arms doctrine and tactics of the bloc led by the United States. Prior to the operation, this brigade spent months at a base in Germany learning the "western know-howin matters of combined warfare.

KORA, NATO's computer simulation system, designed to enable officers and non-commissioned officers to faithfully reproduce battlefield conditions and, in doing so, better develop ideal courses of action against a designated enemy - by in this case, Russia – helped them prepare for the battles to come.

If there was an example of how a Ukrainian NATO proxy force could fare against a Russian enemy, the 47th Brigade was the perfect case study. However, a few days after the start of its attack, the group was almost literally decimated: more than 10% of the hundred or so M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles manufactured in the United States were destroyed or abandoned on the field of battle, and hundreds of the brigade's 2000 men were killed or wounded. German-made Leopard 2 tanks and mine clearance vehicles joined the wrecked Bradleys in the fields west of Orekhov, having failed to break through the Russian first line of defense. The reasons for this defeat boil down to KORA's role in creating a false sense of trust among the officers and men of the 47th Brigade. Unfortunately, as the Ukrainians and their NATO masters have discovered, what works in a computer simulation does not automatically equate to success on the battlefield.

KORA is an advanced synthetic warfare simulation computer system developed by the German Army to support course-of-action analysis and scenario-based experiences for staff officers down to brigade level. It was incorporated into NATO war game computer simulations in support of live training conducted at the US Army's Grafenwoehr Training Center. Grafenwoehr hosted the 47th Brigade from January to May 2023. While capable of generating generic terrain maps for combat simulations against a fictional enemy, KORA can be customized using actual terrain models and commands from real battle to support the preparations of real combat scenarios.

It is undoubtedly in this mode that KORA operated during the training of the 47th Brigade, using digitized maps of the Orekhov region superimposed on Russian defensive positions occupied by units of the 42nd Rifle Division motorized, namely the 291st and 70th motorized rifle regiments. With the help of their NATO instructors, the officers of the Ukrainian 47th Brigade would likely have played out several real-life scenarios anticipating Russian performance, which would have allowed the Ukrainians to predict battlefield outcomes and determine the ideal axis of advance to break through the Russian defences.

Of all the military operations KORA can train for, breaking through a fortified line of defense is the most difficult. US Army doctrine uses the SOSRA (Suppress, Conceal, Secure, Reduce, and Assault) mnemonic system to teach the fundamentals of breaching assault. Each of these elements would have required a separate KORA sub-model, specifically designed to simulate the unique mission requirements associated with them. But the fact is that the basic principles of SOSRA could not be properly exercised by the Ukrainians for the simple reason that they did not have the necessary resources to perform the tasks.

Let's take the example of “deletion”. According to the US military, who are "suppression is a tactical task used to employ direct or indirect fire or electronic attack on enemy personnel, weapons or equipment in order to prevent or degrade enemy fire and observation of friendly forces". KORA should employ at least four sub-models in support of the main simulation to create an adequate suppression model, including air interdiction, air defense, electronic warfare, and artillery fire. However, Ukraine has no viable offensive air capability and, thanks to Russia's systematic enemy air defense suppression operations, Ukraine's forward operating areas, where units such as the 47th brigade would assemble and operate, were left virtually defenseless against Russian air power. Moscow's superiority in artillery and electronic warfare also negated the tactical advantages Ukraine intended to gain by using these resources. The purpose of suppression during breakthrough operations is to protect the forces tasked with reducing the obstacle and clearing it. "Suppression,” notes the U.S. military in its doctrinal statements, “is a mission critical task performed during a breakthrough operation”. Removal usually triggers the rest of the actions on the obstacle". In short, without proper removal, the entire attack will fail.

Logic dictates that any responsible use of the KORA simulation system would have predicted the failure of the 47th Brigade's attack. According to The Washington Post, the officers of the 47th brigade "planned their assaults and then let the [KORA] program show them the results – how their Russian enemies might react, where they might break through and where they would suffer casualties". The KORA simulation allowed Ukrainian officers to coordinate their actions “to test how they would work together on the battlefield". Since the structure of the Ukrainian forces was insufficient to accomplish the essential task of suppression, the Ukrainian forces had no chance of accomplishing the actual assault requirements of a breakthrough operation – the destruction of enemy forces from the other side of the obstacle barrier being broken through. However, the Ukrainians emerged from their KORA experience confident that they had crafted a winning plan capable of overcoming the Russian defenses in and around Orekhov.

When examining the structure of a KORA-based simulation, it becomes clear that the system is totally dependent on the various data that defines the simulation as a whole. Every aspect of the simulation is derived from parameters programmed by those responsible for overseeing the training. While one would hope that the training managers conducted the simulation with a modicum of professional integrity, unless the NATO trainers and their Ukrainian students were endowed with Lemming-like suicidal qualities, it required significant modification and alteration of critical data points to generate a result capable of motivating the Ukrainian forces to agree to the attack.

One might expect that the performance characteristics of the attacking force, although they may be exaggerated, replicate the reality of the actual capabilities of the forces involved to a relative extent – to believe otherwise would be to suggest that the Ukrainians were completely delusional, which their own description of a "learning curve" during training does not support. One of the critical factors used in KORA programming, however, is what KORA's designers call "behavior agentsused to establish rules "for the behavior of the respective units." This is where the NATO trainers most likely failed with their Ukrainian trainees.

Orekhov's axis of advance was designed to exploit a rift between the 291st and 70th Motorized Rifle Regiments of the Russian 42nd Motorized Rifle Division. The “behavioural agents” programmed by NATO trainers seemed to treat the Russians – especially those in the 70th Regiment – as poorly trained, poorly led, poorly equipped and poorly motivated troops. In short, NATO trainers compensated for Ukraine's inability to muster forces capable of performing the most basic suppression tasks by predicting the inevitable collapse of Russian soldiers' will to resist. The “behavioral agent” touted by NATO appears to be derived from the famous encounter between the Knights of the Round Table and the “Killer Rabbit” in the Monty Python movie “Holy Grail” – “Run! Run away !" Real-life Russian defenders, however, reacted in quite the opposite way. According to the Institute for the Study of War, Russians "responded to the Ukrainian attack with an unusual degree of consistency [sic]while executing "their formal defensive tactical doctrine" in repelling Ukrainian attacks southwest of Orekhov.

In reality, the Ukrainians were never able to reach the Russian defenses around Orekhov, let alone break through them. The reasons for this failure are many, including unfamiliarity with the Western-type equipment used by the 47th Brigade, poor tactical planning and, above all, the Ukrainians' inability to suppress Russian artillery fire, the capabilities of electronic warfare and air power, which made it impossible to tactically break through Russian obstacle belts, especially very dense minefields. All of these failures were predictable, which means that to overcome them during the training phase, the NATO trainers had to deliberately "play" with the KORA system in order to achieve the desired result.

I can speak with some authority about the role computer simulations play in planning an assault on a fortified position. In October 1990, Marine Corps Headquarters commissioned me to perform a computer simulation using the newly acquired JANUS Tactical Construction and Conflict Simulation System to assist Marine operational planners deployed in Saudi Arabia in their mission to breach prepared Iraqi defensive positions on the Kuwait-Iraq border. The Marines had been ordered by Army General Norman Schwartzkopf to conduct a two-division frontal assault on the Iraqi defenses. The attack was part of a "fixation action" intended to prevent Baghdad from diverting its forces in response to the main attack, which was to be led by the US military, on Iraq's western flank.

The commander of Marine forces in the Persian Gulf, General Walt Boomer, had asked Major General Matthew Caulfield, director of the Marine Corps Warfighting Center, in Quantico, Va., to help him select the most advantageous sectors of Iraqi defenses. for marine breaching assault operations using a graphical user interface. In September 1990, I had been plucked out of amphibious warfare school to provide planning support to an ad hoc team assembled by General Al Gray, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, to design alternative options to the frontal assault advocated by General Schwartzkopf. The result of this effort – a corps-sized amphibious assault on the Al Faw Peninsula – was approved by General Gray, but ultimately rejected by General Schwarzkopf. This brought the Marines back to square one: where best to conduct what many saw as a suicidal assault on the dense Iraqi defensive fortifications.

As one of the main authors of the Al Faw proposal, my profile was quite high in the rarefied air of Quantico, especially for a rookie captain. Major General Caulfield instructed me to use the JANUS system to simulate various options that General Boomer's Marines might use to break through Iraqi defenses. I knew neither JANUS nor computer simulations. Luckily, I had a team of Marines who were knowledgeable about the subject and who were using JANUS to get the Command and Staff College students to work. Despite this, JANUS was still new to the Marines. The U.S. military had used JANUS since 1983, including to perform simulations in support of the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989. JANUS was also used to design General Schwartzkopf's planned attack on the western flank of the Iraqi defenses . However, Marines did not begin using JANUS until August 1990, and only for training purposes. My mission represented the first operational use of JANUS by the Marine Corps in a real world scenario.

After being briefed by my team on the various data to be programmed into JANUS to execute the requested scenarios, I began collecting detailed aerial photography from the CIA so that I could establish accurate terrain maps of the defenses the Marines would be tasked with. to cross. I also asked the NSA to provide me with a detailed order of battle of the units occupying the defenses, including reports on their combat history, performance, and leaders. I asked my Marines to collect similar data on the Marine units that were supposed to lead the assault. We then carefully programmed the JANUS computer and pressed the “Enter” key.

The result was a disaster: the Marines were wiped out before they even reached the Iraqi defences.

I sat down with my Marines and dissected the data. Two things became clear: we had over-scheduled Iraqi capabilities and under-scheduled Marine suppression actions. But I did not accept that we "play" with the system. I worked with my Marines to define the actions to be taken to reduce Iraqi capabilities, and to define the resources necessary for the Marines to suppress the Iraqis while accomplishing their assault breakthrough tasks. For more than a month, my team repeated the simulation several times, stopping each time to assess the lessons learned, before undertaking the tedious task of correctly programming the data into the JANUS system. Finally, at the beginning of November, we found a solution that worked. Major General Caulfield oversaw the latest "proof of concept" JANUS simulation. He then asked me to prepare a report which he then sent to General Boomer.

One of the things I'm most proud of in my military career is the fact that the assault breakthrough operations conducted by the Marines during Operation Desert Storm went almost exactly the way my team and I did. predicted in the JANUS simulation. After the war, General Caulfield acknowledged that my team and I had played a major role in designing the successful Marine attack and in the process saved hundreds of Marine lives. We have achieved this by adhering to the fundamental principles of professionalism and integrity, by refusing to cut corners for the sake of speed, and by being realistic about the amount of military combat power that would be required to be applied to the over time to achieve the desired result.

If only the NATO trainers, who knowingly sent the men of the Ukrainian 47th Mechanized Brigade and many other Ukrainian brigades to their deaths, adhered to such standards. Instead, they sent these troops in a futile attempt to break through defenses that were impossible to overcome, given the disparity between Ukrainian and Russian forces in terms of training and force composition. If they had been diligent, there would be far fewer Ukrainian widows and orphans mourning the loss of their husbands and fathers. This, more than anything else, is the main lesson to be drawn from the ballad of KORA and JANUS: neither NATO nor the United States cares about the lives of the Ukrainians they set out to train in the horrible art of war.

Apparently, Republican Senator Lyndsey Graham isn't the only one who wants to continue the Russian-Ukrainian conflict until kyiv runs out of cannon fodder. Given the results achieved at Orekhov earlier this month, "every last Ukrainian" also seems to be NATO's battle cry.

source: Russia Today

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