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Well-known member
does Russia even qualify anymore? buying weapons from Iran and North Korea, sucking up to China (and failing at it, lol!) "unstoppable" missiles being shot down, burning tanks in shattered ranks (stole that one), using attack helicopters to shoot expensive ass missiles at abandoned farm equipment...need i go on? this is not how a "superpower" acts...:ROFLMAO:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
does Russia even qualify anymore? buying weapons from Iran and North Korea, sucking up to China (and failing at it, lol!) "unstoppable" missiles being shot down, burning tanks in shattered ranks (stole that one), using attack helicopters to shoot expensive ass missiles at abandoned farm equipment...need i go on? this is not how a "superpower" acts...:ROFLMAO:


I misspoke.

Even during the Cold War Russia's military might was mostly smoke and mirrors.

I should have said "former superpower".

It's really sobering to see fellow countrymen support Russia.


Well-known member

I misspoke.

Even during the Cold War Russia's military might was mostly smoke and mirrors.

I should have said "former superpower".

It's really sobering to see fellow countrymen support Russia.
it's the dumbfuck Trumpers. he is with Russia so they are with Russia. how could their hero be wrong?

i still think Putler has some dirt on Trump. remember the Trump family "business" trips to Russia?

Don jr said, "we don't need Western banks anymore, we get all the money we want from Russia".

back during the cold war, the Russians were famous for setting up Western diplomats with whatever their sexual fantasy was and then recording them in the act. they also turned spies using this technique.

trump brags about his taste in women and has said he likes them young. the Russians probably have compromising films of him with very underage girls.


Well-known member
here is an article neatly summing up Russian goals in Ukraine.

they see Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia as one entity. Kyiv is considered the ancestral home of Russia.

the Russians argue that Ukraine is a part of Russia. examining the history of Kievan Rus, could it not be argued just as ardently that Russia is a part of Ukraine?

this article is written from a pro-Russian perspective and clearly shows that Russia is about empire-building, not denazification.

they expect the world to acknowledge Russia's rightful place as a world leader and basically just hand it to them.

being a world leader is an earned position. it is something you have to work for. after the Russians have demonstrated their true intentions in Ukraine, they now expect the rest of the world to embrace them with open arms and love them. You must love Russia or we'll kick your ass.

after showing their true nature in Ukraine, most decent folks all over the world will want nothing to do with the "Russian way"!



Well-known member
I'm beginning to suspect that there's a somewhat common human vulnerability to bullies.

It's sad to watch.

People kissing dictator ass is not what I thought I would be seeing in the 21st century.
is it really a surprise? people haven't changed all that much
still, we seem to be muddling our way to change
china gonna think real hard before she treks down this road
and russia going to have some changes
pain brings change, things get learned the hard way


Well-known member
they expect the world to acknowledge Russia's rightful place as a world leader and basically just hand it to them.
history doesn't get you shit. neither does having nuclear weapons. land mass? meh...they are going to have to learn (or be taught) that the days of empire are in the past... or they too will fracture and scatter like the former Soviet states did. nobody is afraid of the big bad Russian Pooh bear anymore. 🐻


Well-known member
how about China running the majority of its spy operations on the USA out of Cuba, wonder how many ICBM systems they have set up there
none. the Soviet Union tried that in the early 60s. you can't hide shit like that from satellites. they don't need land-base missiles there, unless their submarine fleet is as big a fucking joke as their tank corps and infantry.


Well-known member
none. the Soviet Union tried that in the early 60s. you can't hide shit like that from satellites. they don't need land-base missiles there, unless their submarine fleet is as big a fucking joke as their tank corps and infantry.
besides this, the US has people working for us everywhere. maybe the only place where we are short on human intelligence is North Korea.

the NSA building has 10,000 employees, all monitoring the world. none of them are covert operatives or spies.

they just sit in that building all day every day looking at all the electronic traffic, the satellite images.


Well-known member

Eight days after the launch of the Ukrainian offensive, the toll for kyiv is disastrous​

by Christelle Nil

Eight days after the launch of the first offensive attempts by the Ukrainian army against the Russian defensive lines in the Zaporizhia region and in the south of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the least that can be said is that the record both in terms of losses and progress is a disaster.

The Ukrainian offensive began on June 4, 2023, with an attempt to break through the front line in southern DPR. The Ukrainian army deployed several mechanized battalions and tanks for its offensive, which ended in bitter failure, and significant losses in terms of both men and equipment (several tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles were at best damaged at worst destroyed).

Despite this failure, on the morning of June 5, 20223, the Ukrainian army again launched an offensive in the direction of Ougledar, in the south of the DPR, and towards Velikaya Novossiolka, in the region of Zaporijia.



Maps provided by Military Maps

The June 5 attack near Ougledar was much more powerful than that of the day before, and enabled the Ukrainian army to penetrate the outskirts of Novodonetskoye, without succeeding in settling there. The soldiers of the Ukrainian army are massively bombarded there by Russian artillery, and a veritable system of shuttles of armored personnel carriers then goes back and forth to bring “fresh blood”. These vehicles fall themselves under the strikes of the Russian artillery or explode on mines, and are replaced as and when destroyed.

It was during this battle that the German Leopard tanks made their first appearance on the front line.

On the same day, the 23rd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AUF) attacked the Novopol-Novodarovka line with a battalion tactical group and two tank platoons. But the attack was repelled by Russian forces.

This same Ukrainian brigade also launched an offensive on the heights near Novossiolka, and with reinforcements of marine infantry units and battalion tactical groups began to advance 2 km west of Neskutchnoye.

On the second day of the Ukrainian offensive, faced with the manifest failure of the latter, kyiv then remained silent, acting as if the attack had not yet begun. The next day, June 6, 2022, Ukraine destroys Novaya Kakhovka dam, drowning several villages as well as part of the city of Kherson. At the same time it also destroyed the ammonia gas pipeline linking Togliatti to Odessa, which was part of the cereal agreement.

Meanwhile, the Russian air force heavily bombarded Novossiolka, where there is an important Ukrainian fortified zone, with nearly 15 FAB-500 hovering bombs of 500 kg. And the Ukrainian army had to withdraw from Novodonetskoye after heavy losses.

Kamikaze drones were also used by the Russian army to destroy Ukrainian army equipment in the Zaporizhia region.

On June 6, the Russian Minister of Defense announces that in three days, 71 Russian soldiers have died and 210 have been injured while repelling the Ukrainian offensive. On the Ukrainian side, the losses are monstrous. The Russian Ministry of Defense thus indicates that the Ukrainian army lost nearly 1900 soldiers (wounded and dead) during the same period, and more than 200 pieces of equipment including many tanks, including several Leopards.

At the same time, the Ukrainian army tries again to attack Novodonetskoye from several directions at the same time with about twenty armored vehicles provided by NATO, but without success. Russian reconnaissance units detect the movement of the FAU, a battle quickly ensues and ends in the failure of the Ukrainian advance.

On June 7, the Ukrainian army attempted to attack further west, in the Zaporizhia region, towards the village of Lobkovoye. A small group with two armored personnel carriers and two Hummers attempted to advance cautiously towards the Russian positions, but were discovered. A battle ensued and ended with the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops.

Map provided by Military Maps

The FAU then launched an exploratory battle between the Dnieper and Orekhov with a company and about ten tanks, to try to find a fault in the Russian defense. Without success. Two American armored vehicles exploded in a minefield, the Ukrainian troops then halted and began to retreat under the fire of Russian artillery, which then pounded their positions. The two damaged armored vehicles were left in the minefield.

And the attempts to attack Vremievka also ended in bitter failure thanks to the massive intervention of the Russian air force and artillery, and the actions of the Russian troops of the Vostok group. In one day, the Ukrainian army again lost several hundred soldiers and several dozen tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, plus three Krab self-propelled artillery systems and other pieces of armaments .

On June 8, 2023, Russian forces report that the Ukrainian army has again attempted an offensive in the Orekhov area of Zaporizhia region. In the middle of the night, after massive artillery strikes, 1500 men and 150 armored vehicles from the 47th mechanized brigade of the FAU launched a new offensive. But reconnaissance units detected the advance of Ukrainian troops, which were massively hit by Russian anti-tank missiles, artillery and aircraft. Russian electronic warfare systems also activate, jamming the signals of the Ukrainian troops, who find themselves totally disorganized.

After two hours of combat, the Ukrainian army had lost several dozen tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and nearly 350 soldiers. Faced with significant losses, some Ukrainian units then refused to apply the orders and go on the attack.

It should be noted that the AUF 47th Mechanized Brigade, which suffered heavy losses near Orekhov, has been trained by NATO forces throughout Europe in recent months and has been equipped with Western weapons . The problem is that they were trained to fight with the help of troop coordination systems, which were jammed (GPS signal and communication) by Russian electronic warfare systems. Deprived of this high-tech crutch, the Ukrainian soldiers found themselves totally disorganized on the battlefield, unable to deal effectively with the fire from the Russian army.

On the same day, fighting continued in the southern part of the DPR. Despite the appalling losses the Ukrainian army has continued to send new waves of soldiers non-stop (in fact when the French media accuses Russia of doing this, it is accusatory inversion, because it is Ukraine who massively uses this tactic). But the Ukrainian soldiers realize the important losses in their rows, and more and more then refuse to follow the orders. For their part, the Russian troops continue to hold firm.

It was then that the first information about the destruction of Leopard tanks began to appear.

Information confirmed by drone video the next day:


And the Leopard tanks are not the only ones to show a pitiful performance on the ground, the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and the M1224 MaxxPro are also massively destroyed by Russian army fire.


On the morning of June 9, the Ukrainian army sent new troops to attempt a breakthrough in the Zaporizhia region. The AFU tried to create a powerful shock fist to encircle the Russian troops, and hold on to their forward positions. Intense fighting then ensued, with the support of Russian artillery and aviation to destroy Ukrainian equipment. All this time the front line remained stable and the Russian forces did not move from their positions.


On the night of June 9-10, 2023, there was again fighting near Orekhov after heavy strikes by Ukrainian artillery against Russian positions. But still no success for the FAU who again suffered heavy losses in men and equipment.

Russian troops struck south of Novoandreyevka, destroying several Ukrainian armored vehicles. Four others remained stuck in minefields in the Malaya Tokmashka region. Russian special forces units also destroyed a tank and a minesweeper in this area.

The Ukrainian army has also tried to organize electronic countermeasures to reduce the capabilities of Russian forces in terms of reconnaissance and communication. In vain. Ukrainian soldiers also faced major problems due to minefields laid by Russian forces. The latter use remote mining systems before and after combat in the fields crossed by the FAU, which causes the Ukrainian troops to roll over the mines on the way (when trying to advance towards the Russian positions) , but also on the way back when they try to flee or evacuate the wounded or the damaged material.

After six days of offensive, the Ukrainian army had already lost more than 10% of the M2 Bradleys delivered, as well as about 20% of the Leopard 2A6 tanks.


Despite this, the Ukrainian army again attempted a breakthrough on the evening of June 10, around 21:20 p.m. Fighting took place near Orekhovo, Lobkovoye, and Novodonetskoye. But Russian troops repelled these attacks with the help of aircraft, artillery and anti-tank missiles.


In Ougledar, Russian FPV drones also inflicted destructive strikes on FAU equipment located in urban areas.


On the other hand, near Vremievka, the Kaskad battalion (Russian armed forces) preferred to withdraw to high positions to avoid being surrounded by Ukrainian troops, which allowed the latter to take control of Blagodatnoye and Neskoutchnoye without fights. I would like to point out before some people react in a very emotional way, that these villages and the Russian positions therein are in the gray area. The first line of defense of the Russian army is further south, and has never been approached by the Ukrainian army. Moreover, Neskoutchnoye was retaken the next day by Russian forces, after massive shelling by Ukrainian troops who had tried to settle there.

La same situation takes place in Velikaya Novossiolka, north of Neskutchnoye, which changed hands several times in a single day. As soon as the Russian troops withdrew and the Ukrainian army entered the village, heavy artillery and multiple rocket launcher strikes, as well as airstrikes, were inflicted on the area. Ukrainian troops left the village, Russian troops returned. The Ukrainian army again attacked with mechanized units. The Russian troops withdrew and as soon as the units of the Ukrainian armed forces entered the locality, they were again shot at, and this was repeated several times. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 24 hours were about 350 soldiers and about 40 pieces of equipment.

Moreover even the Telegraph concluded that the Ukrainian offensive would have difficulty breaking through the Russian defense lines, which it has still not reached.

On June 11, the Ukrainian army again tried to approach the Russian positions located opposite Orekhov. But after receiving fire from heavy machine gun automatic grenade launchers, the Ukrainian soldiers retreated with casualties. Judging by radio intercepts the casualties were eight dead and 11 wounded.

On the other hand, further east, towards Vremievka and Ougledar, the bad weather temporarily benefited the Ukrainian army, by preventing Russian aircraft and drones from flying. Deprived of aerial reconnaissance and the ability to conduct air or helicopter strikes, the Russian military retreated, allowing Ukrainian troops to take control of the village of Makarovka.

But this weather advantage did not last. The next day, June 12, 2023, the Russian army was able to fly drones, planes and helicopters again. The Russian 127th Motorized Division launched a massive counter-offensive and was able to regain control of Makarovka, and approach Neskutchnoye. As of this writing, fighting is still ongoing in this area.

The balance sheet after eight days of offensive by the Ukrainian army is terrible for the latter. Large numbers of reservists were sent on frontal attacks just weeks after enlisting. Units trained by NATO countries, such as the 47th brigade of the AUF have literally disappeared from the reports, which seems to indicate that the unit suffered irreparable losses so heavy that the unit is no longer operational.

Judging by field information, both in Zaporizhia and in Velikaya Novossiolka, the FAU lost the most active part of their troops. Exact figures have yet to be established, however, judging by the amount of equipment destroyed, Ukrainian troops are believed to have lost approximately between 7000 to 7500 soldiers (killed and wounded) in eight days of "successive assaults of flesh cannon".

In Zaporizhia, for the past four days, almost all medical institutions in the city were filled with Ukrainian soldiers. In Hospital No. 5 alone, around 1500 wounded FAU soldiers were brought in.

The material losses of the Ukrainian army are commensurate. For 100 m gained, the Ukrainian army loses several tanks and armored vehicles or infantry combat each time. A significant percentage of Western weaponry supplied to Ukraine has already been destroyed. It is no coincidence that the Ukraine is once again clamoring for Germany to provide it with more Leopard tanks, three times as many! This new request clearly indicates that Kyiv has lost much of the equipment previously supplied. Equipment that turned out not to be the much vaunted "super weapon" of the Ukrainians.

I recall that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense had told the Russians to tremble in fear because soon the Ukrainian army would have Leopard tanks.

Coming. So on.
Be. Fearful. enemy. pic.twitter.com/cyEf7UkfQA
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) -

As a result, several of the latter, including two mine-clearing Leopards, burned on the plains of the Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions, as Russian MP Piotr Tolstoy had promised on the plateau of BFM TV.

If Germany and the other Western countries continue to supply their armament to Kiev for its offensive in this way, the Russian army will not only demilitarize the Ukrainian army, but also a large number of NATO countries at the same time.

Tonight the fighting continues, and for those who want to be kept up to date with what's going on in real time, I encourage you to follow me. on Telegram, where I publish more information, and especially video evidence, which I could not include in this article because the videos are too heavy and can only be viewed in the application.

Christelle Nil

source: Donbass Insider

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Don jr said, "we don't need Western banks anymore, we get all the money we want from Russia".

"Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.' I said, 'Really?' And he said, 'Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.'"

Lucky to have such keen golfers around.


Well-known member

The collapse of Kiev​

by Thierry Meyssan

The fate of arms has decided. The moment of truth has spoken. The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed miserably. NATO’s considerable armaments were useless. The battlefield is littered with corpses. All for nothing. The territories that joined the Russian Federation by referendum will remain Russian.
This "checkmate" not only marks the end of Ukraine as we have known it, but of Western domination that had staked its future on its lies.
The multipolar world may be born this summer at several international summits. A new way of thinking in which might no longer makes right.

In six days, from June 4 to 10, 2023, the Ukrainian army launched its counter-offensive and suffered a terrible defeat.
During the summer, Russian forces built two defense lines in the part of Novorossia they liberated and in the Donbass. They prevent the passage of all armored vehicles.
Ukrainian forces have chosen a dozen points of attack to retake "enemy-occupied" territory. Their armored vehicles were unable to get through the first line of Russian defenses and piled up in front of it, where they were destroyed one by one by Russian artillery and suicide drones.
At the same time, the Russian army targeted missiles at command centers and arsenals inside Ukrainian territory and destroyed them.
The Ukrainian air defense system was destroyed by hypersonic missiles as soon as it was installed. In its absence, the Ukrainians were unable to carry out the maneuvers planned by Nato.
Russia did not use any of its new weapons, apart from its NATO weapons jamming system and some of its hypersonic missiles.
The border is now a long graveyard of tanks and men. Airports are full of smoking Mig-29 and F-16 wrecks.
The staffs of the United States, the Atlantic Alliance and Ukraine are passing the buck for this historic disaster. Hundreds of thousands of human lives and 500 billion dollars have been wasted for nothing. Western weapons, which shook the world in the 90s, are now worthless compared to the Russian arsenal of today. Strength has changed sides.
Two conclusions can already be drawn:


While there is no longer a Ukrainian army capable of high-intensity warfare, there are still the forces of the "integral nationalists" (sometimes called "Banderists" or "Ukrainian-Nazis"). But they are only trained for low-intensity warfare. Its leaders went to fight in Chechnya in the late 90s on behalf of the CIA and NATO secret services, and sometimes in Syria in the 2020s. They are trained in targeted assassinations, sabotage and civilian massacres. Nothing more.
They succeeded
1. In sabotaging the Russian-German-French-Dutch Nord Stream gas pipeline, plunging Germany and then the European Union into recession on September 26, 2022.
2. In sabotaging the Kerch Strait bridge (known as the "Crimean Bridge"), on October 8, 2022.
3. In attacking the Kremlin with drones, May 3, 2023
4. In using drones to attack the Ivan Kurs, the intelligence vessel defending the Turkish Stream gas pipeline in the Black Sea, on May 26, 2023.
5. In sabotaging the Kakhovka dam to split Novorossia in two, on June 6, 2023.
6. In sabotaging the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline to destroy the Russian mineral fertilizer industry, on June 7, 2023.
Just as in the two World Wars and the Cold War, they proved their terrorist capabilities, but played no decisive role on the battlefield.
Now more than ever, we need to distinguish between Ukrainians who thought they were defending their people, and the "integral nationalists" [1], who don’t care about their compatriots and have been trying for a century to eradicate Russians and their culture.


Until now, Ukraine has been above all a power of communication. Kiev succeeded in making people believe that the 2014 coup d’état that overthrew a democratically elected president in favor of integral nationalists was a revolution. Likewise, it has managed to make people forget the way it crushed its citizens in the Donbass, refusing to give them access to public services, to pay civil servants’ salaries and pensions to the elderly and, ultimately, bombing its cities. Finally, it succeeded in convincing Westerners that Ukraine was a homogenous country with a single population living a common history.
As in most wars, there is also a "civil war" aspect [2]. Today, everyone can see that, contrary to what was claimed, Vladimir Putin’s analysis was not a reconstruction of history, but a factual truth. The people of Donbass are profoundly Russian. The people of Novorossia (including Crimea) are of Russian culture, albeit with a different history (they have never known serfdom). Ukraine has never existed as an independent state in history, apart from one decade, during the periods 1917-22 and 1941-45, and three other decades, since 1991.
During these three experiences, Kiev never stopped purging its people and massacring its citizens when the full nationalists were in power (1917-22 with Simon Petliura, 1941-45 with Stepan Bandera, and 2014-22 with Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky). In total, over the course of a century, the "integral nationalists" - as they call themselves - have murdered more than 3 million of their compatriots.
During the First World War, the people of Novorossia had already risen up around the anarchist Nestor Makhno; during the Second World War, the people of Donbass and Novorossia rose up as Soviets; while this time, they are fighting against the "integral nationalists" in Kiev with Russian forces.
The only way to stop these massacres is to separate the "integral nationalists" from the population of Russian culture they want to kill [3]. Since Nato staged a coup in 2014 and put them in power, there’s no other way but to note the country’s current division and leave them in power in Kiev. It is the Ukrainians, and they alone, who will have to overthrow them.
Current military operations have already done so. The part of the country liberated by the Russians voted in a referendum to join the Federation. However, last year’s Russian advance was halted by President Vladimir Putin as part of negotiations with Ukraine, conducted first in Belarus, then in Turkey. Odessa is still Ukrainian in law, even though it is culturally Russian. Transnistria is still Moldavian, even though it is culturally Russian.
The war is technically over. No offensive can alter the current borders. Admittedly, the fighting may drag on and a peace treaty is a long way off, but the die is cast. There is still a problem in Ukraine and Moldavia: Odessa and Transnistria are still not Russian. Above all, there remains a fundamental problem: in violation of their oral and written commitments, the members of the Atlantic Alliance have stockpiled US weapons on Russia’s borders, jeopardizing its security.

Thierry Meyssan


Well-known member

The US is said to have deployed around 150 nuclear warheads in five European countries​

According to estimates by independent experts, the United States has deployed around 150 nuclear warheads on air bases in Europe without any official announcement, according to the policy and research coordinator of the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons ( ICAN ) Alicia Sanders-Zakre.
Alicia Sanders-Zakre, Policy and Research Coordinator for the International Campaign to Abolition Nuclear Weapons ( ICAN ) told journalists to the United Nations that the United States had secretly deployed around 150 new nuclear weapons in Europe in addition to the 150 already officially placed.
According to her, these warheads are found in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey and Italy.
The United States has deployed around 150 nuclear weapons to air bases in Europe without any official announcement, said Alicia Sanders-Zakre, Policy and Research Coordinator for the International Campaign to Abolition Nuclear Weapons ( ICAN ).… pic.twitter.com/esLcqWwPn0
— Brainless Partisans ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ 🪆 ( @BPartisans ) June 12, 2023

"Although there is no public confirmation or denial of the deployment of American nuclear weapons in Europe, we know that ( American nuclear weapons ) are deployed in five European countries: Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey. Independent experts estimate that around 150 warheads are deployed on American air bases in these countries, "she said at a press conference at the UN.
In this regard, Mrs Sanders-Zakre pointed to the hypocrisy of European countries which call on the world to be more transparent with regard to nuclear weapons.
"Therefore, the feigned questions and outrage of Washington and Brussels regarding the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus are completely unfounded."

Russia does what the USA does​

In March Vladimir Putin said that Moscow and Minsk had agreed to deploy nuclear weapons tactics in Belarus. He explained that the United Kingdom's statement on deliveries of depleted uranium munitions to Kiev had been used as a pretext for this measure. He said it did not violate international commitments, because Russia did not transmit its arsenal to the neighboring republic, but "did what the United States has been doing for decades".
ICAN is a non-governmental organization founded in 2007 to contribute to the fulfillment of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. She is the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.



Well-known member

Naval battle in the Black Sea, the Burnings are back​

It's funny that in war, nothing is completely new, and nothing is completely the same. At the naval battle of Navarino, on October 20, 1827, fireships were used, small boats loaded with explosives or flammable materials and sent to sail towards enemy ships to set them on fire.

In the Black Sea, it's the new game of the English against the Russians – the two were already present in Navarino, more or less the same sector, but at the time, they were allies, and today, the fireships have more mouth, they are small speedboats guided by the Global Hawk RQ-4B.

Below is a translation of an article on FAN which addresses all aspects of the problem, including the fraudulent use by the Ukrainians of the grain corridor, it is a problem to be taken seriously, because if the means are tactical, the objectives are strategic .


by Andrei Soyusselov

The attack of Ukrainian unmanned boats on the ship of the Black Sea Fleet ended in failure.

On Sunday, June 11, six Ukrainian surface suicide bombers attempted to attack the ship “Priazovye” of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Chernomorets managed to repel the enemy attack.

A new type of weapon of the Ukrainian Navy​

Literally, the message of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was as follows:

«Today, around 1:30 a.m. Moscow time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces unsuccessfully attempted to attack the Priazovye ship of the Black Sea Fleet, which performs the tasks of monitoring the situation and providing security along routes of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the southeastern part of the Black Sea. Repelling the attack, all boats were destroyed by fire from the standard armament of a Russian ship 300 kilometers southeast of Sevastopol. There were no casualties. The ship was not damaged».

The Russian military department noted that, as in previous Ukrainian surface drone attacks, the US Air Force RQ-4B “Global Hawk” strategic reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle carried out reconnaissance in the airspace of the central part of the Black Sea.

«The ship “Priazovye” of the Black Sea Fleet continues to fulfill its tasks“, underlined the Russian Ministry of Defense.

A little later, the Ministry of Defense supplemented its press release with a video showing that the Russian ship had successfully parried the attack.

In this episode, there are a number of subtleties that are not obvious to an outside observer.

having lost most of its personnel and units, the Ukrainian Navy was forced to switch to harassment operations using a new type of weapon: surface drones. The development of this new type of weapon by the Ukrainian Navy, as well as the conduct of operations, including the designation of targets to operators, is carried out with the direct participation of the Western allies of Kiev (it is not without reason that the Russian Ministry of Defense mentioned the presence of the American RQ-4B). The base of the Ukrainian Navy unit which implements these surface drones (73rd Naval Special Operations Center), is located in Odessa.

It is significant that for the transit of its unmanned boats from Odessa to the areas of attacks, the Ukrainian side used the so-called "grain corridor", which, within the framework of the Black Sea Grain Initiative , was considered a safe zone, that is to say a de facto demilitarized space.

Initially, the Ukrainian Navy used fairly large surface drones. according to American analyst HI Sutton (HI Sutton), the performance characteristics of these kamikaze drones were: length 5,5 meters, payload 200 kg, top speed up to 43 knots, cruising range 430 miles. At least ten such devices were used by the Ukrainian side on October 21-29, 2022 during attacks by Black Sea Fleet ships in Sevastopol. Their only result was to inflict minor damage to the Project 266M marine minesweeper “Ivan Golubets”.

The target is the Russian reconnaissance ships​

It was probably the analysis of the initial failures that led the Ukrainians and their foreign supporters to the idea that the Ukrainian navy needed smaller boats – with a smaller range, but less noticeable. Three of these unmanned boats, who were about a third shorter than the boats used by the Ukrainian Navy in the operations of October 21 and 29, 2022, took part in the third Ukrainian raid on Sevastopol on March 22, 2023, but did not achieve their objectives. Following this new failure, the Ukrainian Navy gave up the idea of attacking ships of the Black Sea Fleet at anchor, out of reach in the well-defended bay of Sevastopol, and moved to attacks against ships On the high seas.

The ideal targets for such attacks, from the point of view of the Ukrainians and their foreign advisers, seemed to be the units of our 519th autonomous reconnaissance ship division, relatively poorly armed, but, due to their characteristics, of great value for the Black Sea Fleet, and most importantly, often operating at a great distance from Sevastopol. For attacks on Russian "scouts", it was decided to use the same reduced kamikaze drones that participated in the attack on Sevastopol on March 22, 2023.

The first of the flags of the Black Sea Fleet, the most modern, was the medium reconnaissance ship of project 18280 “Ivan Khurs”, armed with four 14,5 mm machine guns “Sting”.

«Today, at 5 a.m., the Ukrainian Armed Forces unsuccessfully attempted to attack the Black Sea Fleet ship Ivan Khurs, which performs tasks to ensure the safety of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the area. exclusive economy of the Republic of Turkey, with three unmanned speedboats. All enemy boats were destroyed by fire from the ship's standard armament 30 kilometers northeast of the Bosphorus Strait. The Black Sea Fleet ship “Ivan Khurs” continues to fulfill its tasks,” the Russian Defense Ministry said on May 140.».

The clash was partly recorded in a video published by the Ministry of Defence.

Judging by the recording, the sailors reacted with composure. As soon as the Khursa radar detected the threat, the ship made a turn, offering only a reduced exposure surface, its 16 meters in width, instead of presenting its length, 95 meters. It was much more difficult to precisely direct the drones there. In addition, the attackers now had to catch up with our “scout”. This slowed the approach of the drones to the target, while giving the crews of the “Hursa” machine guns more time to adjust. And they hit the mark.

As we know, a new attack followed, on June 11, when the medium reconnaissance ship of project 864 Priazovye was attacked by six unmanned Ukrainian boats. Unlike the Khurs, the Priazovye is equipped with more serious weapons – two AK-30M machine guns installed side by side in the bow of the ship, the picture of the battle on June 11 was significantly different from that which took place on May 25.

If like the Khurs, Priazovye had sought to evade the Ukrainian drones, they would have put them in the blind spot of its own 30mm guns. Therefore, having detected the drones, the craft simply stood aboard them and, taking advantage of the rate of fire (1000 rounds per minute), as well as the range (maximum firing range over 8 km ) from his AK-306M, methodically fired the drones at a safe distance for himself. The clash lasted from 1:30 a.m. to about 4:30 a.m. This is easily calculated from the sunrise time.

Don't rest on your laurels​

One way or another, the successive attacks ended in failure, but that is no reason to be complacent. If the Khurs was attacked by three drones, the Priazovye was by six. The Ukrainian Navy clearly hopes that by increasing the number of boats involved in the attacks, it will sooner or later be able to succeed.

What can the Black Sea Fleet do to thwart the enemy? The simplest solution is to provide escort ships. It would also be good to think about re-equipping these reconnaissance ships with small-caliber rapid-fire complexes, equipped not only with eye sight, but also with radar and thermal imaging circuitry.

I would like to emphasize once again: we must not rest on our laurels. Underestimating the enemy is a step towards defeat. Attacks by unmanned Ukrainian boats will continue. The Black Sea Fleet must be ready to repel them.

source: RIAFAN.ru


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