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peri alypias
Before a year everybody thought that is the situation, today it´s looking a little bit diffrent. :sneaky:



Well-known member
That's cute, but if you had any self awareness you'd never write a single line.
his tactics are identical to what Russia is doing in Ukraine. continue with the same attack mode regardless of how often you get slaughtered. Putin is getting so many of his own people killed that i now wonder if that is actually the point of it all...like a bear reaching up to claw the bark of a tree, body count is how wanna-be Tsars measure themselves. "see how great i am?"

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Long piece from Girkin again.

If I believe my eyes and ears (but I don't believe them, of course - I believe only Solovyov, Peskov and Konashenkov), then the presidential election campaign has started in the Russian Federation. Separately, I emphasize: not some kind of "presidential election", but the Presidential Election. Ours. Non-alternative, the only one. Without which there is no Russia. You-know-who."

This ritual, which has been leading its history since 1917 (before that we had Emperors, but they were not elected at all), was called differently in different eras, like the position of the Head of State, but, in fact, has not changed since The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks put up the leader chosen (as a result of a fierce squabble, initially turning into mass repressions) for general approval. Automatically guaranteed by the "indestructible alliance of communists and non-party people."
Then there were two options - from the post of General Secretary / President, its lucky owner was "carried out feet first" (Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, etc.), or he was "carried out" (more or less rudely) as a result of a conspiracy-decision of the top of the party- nomenklatura officials (Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, "locum tenens" Medvedev).
However, the "democratic period" of the existence of the state, born in 1917 (let me remind you - it is and only from him (and not from the Russian Empire) that the Russian Federation leads its continuity) gave us an example of much more exciting "elections" than before.

Since the coup of 1991, the legitimization of the Presidents has been carried out with the creation of a deep illusion of "the people's choice." That is, there is one non-alternative President, but several "clowns on trust" are offered "in addition" to him, for whom dissatisfied citizens who "want something strange" are graciously allowed to vote. If citizens "vote incorrectly" (this happened once, for example, in 1996), the CEC will definitely "correct them in the right direction" in order to ensure the correct result. However, under Vladimir Vladimirovich there were no such "failures" - the majority of the electorate voted absolutely voluntarily, but correctly. Although - within the framework of the "socialist competition" - "who better licks the ass of the Beloved Leader", numerous "postscripts" were the norm, and the notorious 146% is evidence of this.

Accordingly, "eternal candidates" were also selected, ready in advance to joyfully congratulate the Winner with no alternative and be satisfied with the rather high nomenclature status of the "on-duty opponent of the Winner" (as well as the "livers" corresponding to the status). In the era of the Great Rising from the Knees, there were (now already - there were, in connection with Zhirik's betrayal by uncoordinated death) three. The two remaining at the moment - Mironov and Zyuganov - are still ready to "fight", although they look a little ridiculous. But in the context of the continued successful implementation of the NWO plans (with an indispensable lead to the schedule) - we may have surprises. Hence some excitement and revival in our "stable political swamp" - on the one hand, and extremely uncomfortable anxiety in the structures, whose prosperity is entirely secured by the aforementioned "stability" - on the other.

So - if you still believe my eyes and ears (although I don’t believe them myself even once) - our beloved legendary APashechka is in a state of excitement (well, how will the "system crash" happen this time - next year?) - once again began to "wool" the regional election commissions on the subject of "loyalty-suitability" - that is, readiness to "make the right decisions and figures", even if they differ from reality "from the word at all." At the same time, feverish work is underway to find a "replacement" for Zhirik who committed an untimely betrayal, and the probability of "replacing" the rest of the old-proven Eternal Candidates with "new faces" is being discussed (very carefully and uncertainly). Which are already in full swing "climb out from under the racks" (like Prigogine, for example).

Three Berries

Active member
Sudan agreed to have a Russian naval base earlier this year. Now they have a color revolution.

Old Joe leaving 16k US citizens behind.....

US Embassy issues security alert in Sudan

Washington has advised its 16,000 citizens in the war-torn country to shelter in place because evacuation would be too dangerous

The American Embassy in Sudan has issued a security alert advising theapproximately 16,000 US citizensin the country to shelter in place because it’s not currently safe to undertake an evacuation effort amid fierce fighting between government forces and militants in Khartoum.

The violence is so fierce that the embassy itself remains under a shelter-in-place order and can’t provide consular services, according to an alert issued on Saturday. US officials cited ongoing fighting and gunfire in Khartoum and surrounding areas.

“There have also been reports of assaults, home invasions, and looting,” the embassy said. “US citizens are strongly advised to remain indoors, shelter in place until further notice, and avoid travel to the US Embassy.”

The airport in Khartoum is currently closed, and the embassy has distanced itself from any efforts to get people out of the country by traveling over the 500-mile land route to Port Sudan on the Red Sea. “It is not currently safe to undertake a US government-coordinated evacuation of private US citizens,” the notice said. “There is incomplete information about significant convoys departing Khartoum traveling toward Port Sudan. The embassy is unable to assist convoys. Traveling in any convoy is at your own risk.”

The US military has reportedly deployed additional troops to a base in Djibouti to prepare for a possible evacuation of American personnel in Sudan. A decision hasn’t yet been made on whether to close the embassy, which has about 70 US staffers.

Violence in the East African country has escalated in recent days as government troops battle with Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) amid adispute over the planned integrationof the paramilitary group into the military. A US Embassy convoy came under attack by militants on Monday. At least one American has been killed since the fighting started earlier this month. The conflict has left hundreds of people dead on both sides.

The Sudanese Armed Forces said earlier on Saturday that US, UK, French and Chinese diplomatic personnel would be evacuated by air with military aircraft provided by Khartoum. The Sudanese Army chief, General Fattah al-Burhan, agreed to facilitate the evacuation “in the coming hours,” according to the notice.

Saudi Arabia has already evacuated more than 150 people from Sudan by sea. More than 60 of the evacuees were from other countries, including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Canada.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak held a meeting of his government’s emergency response committee, including Defence Minister Ben Wallace, to discuss “a number of contingencies.” The British Foreign Officeadvised on Saturday that in the event of a ceasefire, “any decision to move must be taken at individual risk.”

The US handling of the Sudan situation is getting added scrutiny because of the government’s chaotic August 2021 evacuation from Afghanistan, which left hundreds of people dead and thousands of Americans stranded.

US House Foreign Affairs Committee ChairmanMichael McCaul sent a letterto Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Friday, “expressing grave concerns for the safety of all US citizens in Sudan and urging the State Department to not repeat the mistakes of the Afghanistan evacuation.”

(Another sternly worded letter!Sudan has been blowing up for two weeks, why didn’t the US warn them to get out much earlier?)


U.S. Forces Evacuate Americans From Khartoum Embassy

April 23, 2023

U.S. forces evacuated just under 100 American staff of the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan yesterday, U.S. government officials said.

President Joe Biden gave the order to evacuate the embassy from the embattled country. A small number of allied diplomats were also evacuated, State Department officials said in a telephonic news conference.

The Defense Department had deployed troops and capabilities to Djibouti just in case there was an order to evacuate the embassy in Khartoum, said Army Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Sims II, the Joint Staff's director of operations. "[Yesterday], the U.S. military evacuated those personnel in support of the State Department closing operations at the Embassy in Khartoum," Sims said. "[Yesterday] at 9 a.m. Eastern, a contingent of U.S. forces lifted off from Djibouti and landed in Ethiopia. The aircraft --- including three MH-47 Chinooks refueled in Ethiopia before flying approximately three hours to Khartoum.



Well-known member
Thanks, greyfader that is killer. I'm picking up some new tunes every day here. So my fav is "Good time Charley". I'm going to listen to this one now.😊😁