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Active member
It was at the Country Market. Maybe Dollar General now. I think they run the country. Not that many Walmarts. Too much theft. Dollar General don’t put with it.


Well-known member
Shocker. Most if not all americans are racist including yourself, russophobe and nazi sympathizer. America has supported the genocidal policies of Nazi Ukraine against russian speaking ukranians for nearly a decade, constantly whitewashing their crimes while sending more and more of your lethal aid.

The good news is that your empire is falling apart as we speak.



Well-known member
let's not confuse this with the facts! or alternative facts!

hey, buzz! did you know sgt joe friday's badge number was 714?
I can see it in my mind's eye, but I would not have been able to give the correct question for Final Jeopardy. I knew Harry Morgan was one of his partners, Bill Gannon. Then Harry got called back to go to Korea as a Colonel. I did not know of his daughter's death.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
delta. there is zero point debating you . you are insincere , you are biased , programmed , you waffle on about your past, you have a fragile ego , and just parrot narratives. You are a warmonger . You are not worth my time. i want peace for the ukranian people and world peace.

have a great day . peace
That showed you.


Well-known member
i guess i've been "shown" real good!

what kind of world does someone live in where "telling them off' or "giving them a piece of my mind" induces some type of weird satisfaction?

it's the drama prone mindset, i don't understand cannabis users who look for drama. with alkies it's the norm.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Be infantry on an open field attacking trenches. Be infantry on an open field attacking trenches under mortar fire. Be wounded infantry on an open field attacking trenches under mortar fire. Be dead infantry.


The fuck is wrong with their commanders?

^^ The POW were sent to do the same attack as in the video in the quote. I wonder how many groups got turned in to mince meat...


Well-known member
day before yesterday the Ukrainians in bakhmut repelled 54 separate attacks and yesterday 46. all infantry attacks but accompanied by artillery.

they set up a large street as a killing zone with heavy machine guns and mortars.

the wagners are so heavily decimated they are bringing in regular army troops to protect their flanks.

progozhin has announced that russia should stop the war because "all their objectives have been met".

satellite photos show 7 completely new cemeteries in russia with over a thousand graves each. all marked with wagner flags.

13 slovakian mig-29's were delivered to ukraine yeasterday. ukraine is advertising for f-16 pilots from anywhere.

lots of blackhawk helicopters flying around suddenly, and humvee's with anti-tank weapons mounted or heavy machine guns, rapid fire mortars, etc. are already seeing some use.

the ukrainians are intensely going after targets such as command centers, sam sites, radars, munition storage, equipment and troop concentrations. ramping up activity for something.

i think the shit is about to hit the fan!

Corpselover Fat

Active member
the ukrainians are intensely going after targets such as command centers, sam sites, radars, munition storage, equipment and troop concentrations. ramping up activity for something.

i think the shit is about to hit the fan!

Certainly. I'm no expert, but I expect them to start off with massive spotter and one way drone operations behind the first lines of defense.