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Corpselover Fat

Active member
Let us listen to Girkin again: Prigozin is a criminal, war criminal, psychopath and wastes lives and other resources. Doesn't sound like he is all that impressed with how the attrition is going.




Active member
thank you! i'm sure you are aware that most major media sources show much higher numbers.

almost all show over 100,000.

i agree that the ukrainian figures on russian deaths are exaggerated.

but you can't really believe that only 15,000 russians have been killed to date.

not in the face of all the news coming from all sources. there may be some propaganda by some outlets, but, in general, the consensus is that more than 100,000 and probably closer to 150,000 russians have died in ukraine to date.
Well consensus is merely an agreed upon opinion and in this case you can’t even agree if it’s 100k or 150k. So what you are in fact saying is that there is no consensus at all. What you have is various imaginary numbers vs factual, confirmed deaths.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
On the subject of Girkin...

Girkin is not from Crimea. Girkin is not from Donetsk. Girkin is not from Ukraine.

Girkin is from Russia.

Girkin was FSB.

Girkin went to Crimea and started a militia.

Girkin appointed himself the supreme commander of DPR.

Later Girkin had to resign from being DPR mod, because of his involvement in downing the mh-17.


Well-known member
the people would go on strike, march in the streets and shut the place down.
France is largely union. they are fighting over there right now about raising retirement age to 64, while many here must wait until 67, and our "fearless leaders" (on a different plan, of course) are now hoping to kick it up to age 70 to keep from doing anything to fix the problem. SOMEBODY'S ox is about to be gored...🐂


Well-known member
Well consensus is merely an agreed upon opinion and in this case you can’t even agree if it’s 100k or 150k. So what you are in fact saying is that there is no consensus at all. What you have is various imaginary numbers vs factual, confirmed deaths.
the reason the estimates vary is that there are too many to count accurately. putler is downplaying the real numbers for political reasons. he does not want the russian people to know how colossal his mistake is.

the fields around bakhmut are littered with russian corpses. unrecovered and left to rot by their fellow soldiers.

the ukrainians are re-inforcing bakhmut with special forces type troops.

we may never know the true extent of all the casualties on both sides.

the russian army is not reporting wagner losses.

prigohzin himself said that the wagners lost 30,000 men in bakhmut alone. dead or wounded.

he is complaining publically about the lack of ammunition and supplies.

putler is stuck. he can't get out of this war without losing power. he can't quit and he can't win.

he will keep throwing russian bodies at this conflict until he is stopped at home by his own people.

bakhmut still stands today. almost 7.5 months of throwing bodies at the ukrainian positions.

as they say, the writing is on the wall for all to see.


Well-known member
Bakhmut may end up being one of those "won the battle/lost the war" scenarios. those are nasty surprises. you look up just as the other guy says "checkmate".

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Ukraine got bombed by hypersonic shovels again yesterday.Whats next forks, spoons....?

What ever the Russian state comes up with that they can use to terrorize Ukrainian civillians.

Edit: oh, and could you explain why they wasted the hypersonics for the attack? They are expensive. Why did they spend those missiles?
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Corpselover Fat

Active member
Oh poor mobiks on the frontlines without training or weapons. I'm sure they will be transferred to safer location immediately after Putin recieves the video appeal.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Notice the cross on the destroyed tanks. These nazis are reliving WW2, much to biden's pleasure. This has to bring back memories of the great war.



See the world through a puff of smoke
What ever the Russian state comes up with that they can use to terrorize Ukrainian civillians.

Edit: oh, and could you explain why they wasted the hypersonics for the attack? They are expensive. Why did they spend those missiles?
The US is still terrorizing Syria by not lifting the sanctions and stealing from the oil fields.Heard today from a guy who lived in Saigon for a time that people still get sick from the Agent Orange left behind after the withdraw in 1975.


Three Berries

Active member
Another color revolution in progress? Seems they would not go along with the NATO.

The former Soviet Republic of Georgia experienced a serious Color Revolution attempt Tuesday night after radical pro-Western rioters tried to storm parliament in response to its passing of a bill requiring all organizations with at least 20% foreign funding to register with the authorities. The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) artificially manufactured the false narrative in the run-up to events alleging that the law is based on Russia’s related system even though it’s explicitly inspired by the US’.

This well-intended attempt to protect Georgia’s fledgling and admittedly imperfect democracy from foreign meddling per its sovereign right was subsequently exploited as the pretext for organizing a violent regime change against Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili.